Looks like record voter turnout

We just found 800 million votes for Biden ...

View attachment 410717

Yup. That's what I'm worried about. Every State has a different way of counting those mailed in ballots. I'm wondering if boxes will be found in dumpsters, closets and in the back of cars. As I said the mail in ballots will be a giant clusterfuck.

In the case of a court challenge, the votes will have to be re-counted by hand and matched against voter roles, with both parties overseeing. I don't see The President giving up easy.
We just found 800 million votes for Biden ...

View attachment 410717

Yup. That's what I'm worried about. Every State has a different way of counting those mailed in ballots. I'm wondering if boxes will be found in dumpsters, closets and in the back of cars. As I said the mail in ballots will be a giant clusterfuck.

In the case of a court challenge, the votes will have to be re-counted by hand and matched against voter roles, with both parties overseeing. I don't see The President giving up easy.

Neither do I. He's already said he's taking it to the SC. Every State has different rules for counting those ballots and as I said. It will be one giant clusterfuck and I can see the lawyers now.
We just found 800 million votes for Biden ...

View attachment 410717

Yup. That's what I'm worried about. Every State has a different way of counting those mailed in ballots. I'm wondering if boxes will be found in dumpsters, closets and in the back of cars. As I said the mail in ballots will be a giant clusterfuck.

In the case of a court challenge, the votes will have to be re-counted by hand and matched against voter roles, with both parties overseeing. I don't see The President giving up easy.

Neither do I. He's already said he's taking it to the SC. Every State has different rules for counting those ballots and as I said. It will be one giant clusterfuck and I can see the lawyers now.

In Florida 2000 election, they counted every Florida vote by hand.
We just found 800 million votes for Biden ...

View attachment 410717

Yup. That's what I'm worried about. Every State has a different way of counting those mailed in ballots. I'm wondering if boxes will be found in dumpsters, closets and in the back of cars. As I said the mail in ballots will be a giant clusterfuck.

In the case of a court challenge, the votes will have to be re-counted by hand and matched against voter roles, with both parties overseeing. I don't see The President giving up easy.

Neither do I. He's already said he's taking it to the SC. Every State has different rules for counting those ballots and as I said. It will be one giant clusterfuck and I can see the lawyers now.

In Florida 2000 election, they counted every Florida vote by hand.

That they did and it took months. The SC finally made Bush the winner. I think the SC will be involve here as well. Mail in ballots. What a giant clusterfuck.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate
Regardless of who wins it is a great thing. For too many years Americans have been lethargic about exercising their right to vote which is embarrassing. We should encourage this sort of turn out or better with every election.

It is probably also why the election is too close to call even gthe morning after. When they poll likely voters but massively underestimate how many are likely to vote it throws off all of the polls.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote

Americans should want to vote without encouragement.

If you need to be encouraged to vote, you don't understand nor do you respect the privilege you have to vote.

Its like paying a teenager money to get an A in history class. How does that pan out when you stop paying them for an A?
The point is....You don’t want to discourage people from voting.

Limited polling places, limited hours, limited voting booths all discourage people from voting. All are encouraged by Republicans
Actually, your point was....and I quote ..."Americans should be encouraged to vote"

You want to discuss discouraging those that want to vote? That's another issue.

Want to know what discourages me to vote? NOTHING.

I vote because I want to vote and there is nothing that can get in my way.

However....I guess I can be lazy and blame "the man" for discouraging me from voting...

But wat good will that do me?
Do you spend seven hours in line to vote?
Some Americans do
I have spent 7 hours at an airport to see my granddaughter. It is worth it. And I don't complain. Because, well, it is worth it.
Would you have preferred to spend five minutes instead of seven hours?
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate
Regardless of who wins it is a great thing. For too many years Americans have been lethargic about exercising their right to vote which is embarrassing. We should encourage this sort of turn out or better with every election.

It is probably also why the election is too close to call even gthe morning after. When they poll likely voters but massively underestimate how many are likely to vote it throws off all of the polls.

High voter turnout is a good sign of a strong democracy
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate
I don't know if you should be counting all those fake dem ballots as "voters"..........
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate
Regardless of who wins it is a great thing. For too many years Americans have been lethargic about exercising their right to vote which is embarrassing. We should encourage this sort of turn out or better with every election.

It is probably also why the election is too close to call even gthe morning after. When they poll likely voters but massively underestimate how many are likely to vote it throws off all of the polls.

High voter turnout is a good sign of a strong democracy

No, it's not.

Especially not when it is because we made voting as easy as possible so that every lazy or ignorant bum could be heard.
Outstanding. We need people paying attention.

We desperately need a more intelligent voter as well--people that pay attention in odd numbered years as well.

Trump nearly doubled his black vote. Does that information mean anything to you two paying attention people, or will you jus ignore it as it does not fit your world view?
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate
Regardless of who wins it is a great thing. For too many years Americans have been lethargic about exercising their right to vote which is embarrassing. We should encourage this sort of turn out or better with every election.

It is probably also why the election is too close to call even gthe morning after. When they poll likely voters but massively underestimate how many are likely to vote it throws off all of the polls.

High voter turnout is a good sign of a strong democracy

No, it's not.

Especially not when it is because we made voting as easy as possible so that every lazy or ignorant bum could be heard.

Voting should never be an ordeal
That makes it undemocratic
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate
Regardless of who wins it is a great thing. For too many years Americans have been lethargic about exercising their right to vote which is embarrassing. We should encourage this sort of turn out or better with every election.

It is probably also why the election is too close to call even gthe morning after. When they poll likely voters but massively underestimate how many are likely to vote it throws off all of the polls.

High voter turnout is a good sign of a strong democracy

No, it's not.

Especially not when it is because we made voting as easy as possible so that every lazy or ignorant bum could be heard.

Voting should never be an ordeal
That makes it undemocratic

He was exhibit A.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate
Regardless of who wins it is a great thing. For too many years Americans have been lethargic about exercising their right to vote which is embarrassing. We should encourage this sort of turn out or better with every election.

It is probably also why the election is too close to call even gthe morning after. When they poll likely voters but massively underestimate how many are likely to vote it throws off all of the polls.

High voter turnout is a good sign of a strong democracy

No, it's not.

Especially not when it is because we made voting as easy as possible so that every lazy or ignorant bum could be heard.

Voting should never be an ordeal
That makes it undemocratic

Having to go to the polls, is not an "ordeal".

Christ man, people died for you to have that right and you can't get off your lazy ass? Or bother to google where to vote?

Unless you are really handicapped, working out of state or some similar hardship, you should be able to get to the polls on election day.

Absentee ballots should not be a significant problem like you people made it this year.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote

Americans should want to vote without encouragement.

If you need to be encouraged to vote, you don't understand nor do you respect the privilege you have to vote.

Its like paying a teenager money to get an A in history class. How does that pan out when you stop paying them for an A?
The point is....You don’t want to discourage people from voting.

Limited polling places, limited hours, limited voting booths all discourage people from voting. All are encouraged by Republicans
Actually, your point was....and I quote ..."Americans should be encouraged to vote"

You want to discuss discouraging those that want to vote? That's another issue.

Want to know what discourages me to vote? NOTHING.

I vote because I want to vote and there is nothing that can get in my way.

However....I guess I can be lazy and blame "the man" for discouraging me from voting...

But wat good will that do me?
Do you spend seven hours in line to vote?
Some Americans do
I have spent 7 hours at an airport to see my granddaughter. It is worth it. And I don't complain. Because, well, it is worth it.
Would you have preferred to spend five minutes instead of seven hours?
Sure. Of course. But if it is important to me, I will gladly spend 7 hours.
Something I desire is worth sacrifice. Truth is, nothing I want is easy to obtain, but I do what I need to do to obtain it.
Not sure what your point is. Are you saying we need to make it easier to vote so people dont need to compromise their fun time in order to vote?
Is that how it works?
Would you prefer people that are willing to go the extra yard to choose our decision makers as opposed to people that will only do so if it is easy?
How do you think that will pan out?
Outstanding. We need people paying attention.

We desperately need a more intelligent voter as well--people that pay attention in odd numbered years as well.

Trump nearly doubled his black vote. Does that information mean anything to you two paying attention people, or will you jus ignore it as it does not fit your world view?
Nothing changes the fact that I disagree with Trump on the issues or that I think that he lacks the intellect and the temperament for the position.

It doesn't surprise me that someone like you would only care about certain other Americans if they can help you advance your ugly ideology.
Outstanding. We need people paying attention.

We desperately need a more intelligent voter as well--people that pay attention in odd numbered years as well.

Trump nearly doubled his black vote. Does that information mean anything to you two paying attention people, or will you jus ignore it as it does not fit your world view?
Trumpy republicans are for the working class regardless of skin color-------while the dems are true socialists---they represent the bottom moochers and the billionaires paying off the politicians both seeking to take the income from the working class.
Outstanding. We need people paying attention.

We desperately need a more intelligent voter as well--people that pay attention in odd numbered years as well.

Trump nearly doubled his black vote. Does that information mean anything to you two paying attention people, or will you jus ignore it as it does not fit your world view?
Nothing changes the fact that I disagree with Trump on the issues or that I think that he lacks the intellect and the temperament for the position.

It doesn't surprise me that someone like you would only care about certain other Americans if they can help you advance your ugly ideology.

Trump, despites supposedly being wacist, doubled his black support.

That seems like an interesting development, one worthy of comment.

But you don't care. Because you are not paying attention to anything that does not fit your rigidly held world view.

That was my point. Which you demonstrated.

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