Looks like record voter turnout

Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate
Record turnout for Trump you sad sack of maggot dung

We shall see who it is for

In either case, I welcome record turn out
Dont you?
No need to see, it is clear that the majority of Biden voters already voted as they are too scared to leave their homes.

So today all belongs to Trump
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate
Record turnout for Trump you sad sack of maggot dung

We shall see who it is for

In either case, I welcome record turn out
Dont you?
No need to see, it is clear that the majority of Biden voters already voted as they are too scared to leave their homes.

So today all belongs to Trump

Tonight will belong to Biden
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote
And encouraged to avoid tyranny. What the Progs are going to do id speed that process up.
This is a lie.

What we have now is tyranny of the minority – we should all hope that changes today.

Only if you are a moronic twat. It's not a tyranny of the minority, it is a protection of the minority which was the intent of the Founders.

Were you not a pseudo intellectual twerp you would understand that.
A minority dictating policy is tyranny

No, it's not. The minority can't dictate policy in this country, we are not a dictatorship yet. Though the Dems are sure trying to turn us into one.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote
And encouraged to avoid tyranny. What the Progs are going to do id speed that process up.
This is a lie.

What we have now is tyranny of the minority – we should all hope that changes today.

Only if you are a moronic twat. It's not a tyranny of the minority, it is a protection of the minority which was the intent of the Founders.

Were you not a pseudo intellectual twerp you would understand that.
A minority dictating policy is tyranny

No, it's not. The minority can't dictate policy in this country, we are not a dictatorship yet. Though the Dems are sure trying to turn us into one.
Republicans are a minority and they dictate policy
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote
And encouraged to avoid tyranny. What the Progs are going to do id speed that process up.
This is a lie.

What we have now is tyranny of the minority – we should all hope that changes today.

Only if you are a moronic twat. It's not a tyranny of the minority, it is a protection of the minority which was the intent of the Founders.

Were you not a pseudo intellectual twerp you would understand that.
A minority dictating policy is tyranny

No, it's not. The minority can't dictate policy in this country, we are not a dictatorship yet. Though the Dems are sure trying to turn us into one.
Republicans are a minority and they dictate policy

How? Be specific.
Going to the polls on election day, is not an ordeal. Your desire to get every bum and lump to the polls, shows that you know your strength is your appeal to lazy and the ignorant.

You miss the point of Democracy.
Every bum has as much right to vote for who represents him as any CEO of a major corporation.

Each has his own agenda

Sure, every bum has the right. And if they are too lazy or stupid to exercise that right, that is probably for the best.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote
And encouraged to avoid tyranny. What the Progs are going to do id speed that process up.
This is a lie.

What we have now is tyranny of the minority – we should all hope that changes today.

Only if you are a moronic twat. It's not a tyranny of the minority, it is a protection of the minority which was the intent of the Founders.

Were you not a pseudo intellectual twerp you would understand that.
A minority dictating policy is tyranny

No, it's not. The minority can't dictate policy in this country, we are not a dictatorship yet. Though the Dems are sure trying to turn us into one.
Republicans are a minority and they dictate policy

No, we don't. YOu are either a liar or a moron.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote

Americans should want to vote without encouragement.

If you need to be encouraged to vote, you don't understand nor do you respect the privilege you have to vote.

Its like paying a teenager money to get an A in history class. How does that pan out when you stop paying them for an A?
The point is....You don’t want to discourage people from voting.

Limited polling places, limited hours, limited voting booths all discourage people from voting. All are encouraged by Republicans
Actually, your point was....and I quote ..."Americans should be encouraged to vote"

You want to discuss discouraging those that want to vote? That's another issue.

Want to know what discourages me to vote? NOTHING.

I vote because I want to vote and there is nothing that can get in my way.

However....I guess I can be lazy and blame "the man" for discouraging me from voting...

But wat good will that do me?
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote
And encouraged to avoid tyranny. What the Progs are going to do id speed that process up.
This is a lie.

What we have now is tyranny of the minority – we should all hope that changes today.

Only if you are a moronic twat. It's not a tyranny of the minority, it is a protection of the minority which was the intent of the Founders.

Were you not a pseudo intellectual twerp you would understand that.
A minority dictating policy is tyranny

No, it's not. The minority can't dictate policy in this country, we are not a dictatorship yet. Though the Dems are sure trying to turn us into one.
Republicans are a minority and they dictate policy

How? Be specific.

Trump is a minority President
Democrats receive vastly more votes in the Senate, yet are the minority
The SCOTUS is 6-3 Conservative, even though there are more Democrats
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote

Americans should want to vote without encouragement.

If you need to be encouraged to vote, you don't understand nor do you respect the privilege you have to vote.

Its like paying a teenager money to get an A in history class. How does that pan out when you stop paying them for an A?
The point is....You don’t want to discourage people from voting.

Limited polling places, limited hours, limited voting booths all discourage people from voting. All are encouraged by Republicans
Actually, your point was....and I quote ..."Americans should be encouraged to vote"

You want to discuss discouraging those that want to vote? That's another issue.

Want to know what discourages me to vote? NOTHING.

I vote because I want to vote and there is nothing that can get in my way.

However....I guess I can be lazy and blame "the man" for discouraging me from voting...

But wat good will that do me?
Do you spend seven hours in line to vote?
Some Americans do
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote
And encouraged to avoid tyranny. What the Progs are going to do id speed that process up.
This is a lie.

What we have now is tyranny of the minority – we should all hope that changes today.

Only if you are a moronic twat. It's not a tyranny of the minority, it is a protection of the minority which was the intent of the Founders.

Were you not a pseudo intellectual twerp you would understand that.
A minority dictating policy is tyranny

No, it's not. The minority can't dictate policy in this country, we are not a dictatorship yet. Though the Dems are sure trying to turn us into one.
Republicans are a minority and they dictate policy

How? Be specific.

Trump is a minority President
Democrats receive vastly more votes in the Senate, yet are the minority
The SCOTUS is 6-3 Conservative, even though there are more Democrats

Democrats votes are concentrated in two States. It's not our fault that you people choose to live in a ghetto. The Founders set up a very simple, though elegant system. That is the reason why this country accomplished so much in so little time. The government wasn't allowed to interfere with the people as much as possible.

You could learn from them. And, you still haven't answered the question. How can a minority dictate policy. Be specific.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote

Americans should want to vote without encouragement.

If you need to be encouraged to vote, you don't understand nor do you respect the privilege you have to vote.

Its like paying a teenager money to get an A in history class. How does that pan out when you stop paying them for an A?
The point is....You don’t want to discourage people from voting.

Limited polling places, limited hours, limited voting booths all discourage people from voting. All are encouraged by Republicans
Actually, your point was....and I quote ..."Americans should be encouraged to vote"

You want to discuss discouraging those that want to vote? That's another issue.

Want to know what discourages me to vote? NOTHING.

I vote because I want to vote and there is nothing that can get in my way.

However....I guess I can be lazy and blame "the man" for discouraging me from voting...

But wat good will that do me?
Do you spend seven hours in line to vote?
Some Americans do

Sure. And some are in and out in 40 seconds. Everything has a cost. if you live in a huge city you have lots of choices of where to eat, go to the movies, buy clothes, cars, and electronics, but the cost is traffic, and long waits to vote. It's all about choices. I choose to live in a small population area. I only have a couple of great restaurants in my area, but I also only had to wait 10 minutes to vote.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote
And encouraged to avoid tyranny. What the Progs are going to do id speed that process up.
This is a lie.

What we have now is tyranny of the minority – we should all hope that changes today.

Only if you are a moronic twat. It's not a tyranny of the minority, it is a protection of the minority which was the intent of the Founders.

Were you not a pseudo intellectual twerp you would understand that.
A minority dictating policy is tyranny

No, it's not. The minority can't dictate policy in this country, we are not a dictatorship yet. Though the Dems are sure trying to turn us into one.
Republicans are a minority and they dictate policy

How? Be specific.

Trump is a minority President
Democrats receive vastly more votes in the Senate, yet are the minority
The SCOTUS is 6-3 Conservative, even though there are more Democrats
The Founding Fathers are smiling in their graves at your post.......We ARE A REPUBLIC.

Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

I have a preference on who I wish people would vote for but I am so excited so many people have voted.

Let's take a minute and remember those who fought and died for our right to vote for who we want without an AK47 pointed at our heads while we cast our ballots.

Free and fair elections are NOT free.

Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote

Americans should want to vote without encouragement.

If you need to be encouraged to vote, you don't understand nor do you respect the privilege you have to vote.

Its like paying a teenager money to get an A in history class. How does that pan out when you stop paying them for an A?
The point is....You don’t want to discourage people from voting.

Limited polling places, limited hours, limited voting booths all discourage people from voting. All are encouraged by Republicans
Actually, your point was....and I quote ..."Americans should be encouraged to vote"

You want to discuss discouraging those that want to vote? That's another issue.

Want to know what discourages me to vote? NOTHING.

I vote because I want to vote and there is nothing that can get in my way.

However....I guess I can be lazy and blame "the man" for discouraging me from voting...

But wat good will that do me?
Do you spend seven hours in line to vote?
Some Americans do
I have spent 7 hours at an airport to see my granddaughter. It is worth it. And I don't complain. Because, well, it is worth it.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 130 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Or you made it so easy that the laziest and most ignorant and stupid voters imaginable, managed to put an x on a ballot some dem filled out for them.
As it should be

Americans should be encouraged to vote

Americans should want to vote without encouragement.

If you need to be encouraged to vote, you don't understand nor do you respect the privilege you have to vote.

Its like paying a teenager money to get an A in history class. How does that pan out when you stop paying them for an A?
The point is....You don’t want to discourage people from voting.

Limited polling places, limited hours, limited voting booths all discourage people from voting. All are encouraged by Republicans
Actually, your point was....and I quote ..."Americans should be encouraged to vote"

You want to discuss discouraging those that want to vote? That's another issue.

Want to know what discourages me to vote? NOTHING.

I vote because I want to vote and there is nothing that can get in my way.

However....I guess I can be lazy and blame "the man" for discouraging me from voting...

But wat good will that do me?
Do you spend seven hours in line to vote?
Some Americans do

Sure. And some are in and out in 40 seconds. Everything has a cost. if you live in a huge city you have lots of choices of where to eat, go to the movies, buy clothes, cars, and electronics, but the cost is traffic, and long waits to vote. It's all about choices. I choose to live in a small population area. I only have a couple of great restaurants in my area, but I also only had to wait 10 minutes to vote.

I live in a city. I was there are 7:05 am and out in under 5 minutes.
Over 100 million cast ballots before the election

A little under 138 million voted in 2016

Looks like an enthusiastic electorate

Yup. I heard it was 67%. About two thirds of citizens came out to vote. Good. Everyone should vote.
We just found 800 million votes for Biden ...

View attachment 410717

Yup. That's what I'm worried about. Every State has a different way of counting those mailed in ballots. I'm wondering if boxes will be found in dumpsters, closets and in the back of cars. As I said the mail in ballots will be a giant clusterfuck.

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