Looks like Tea Party was right about Obamacare. America owes them an apology

On top of that O-care is clearly unconstitutional. Nowhere is congress authorized to create a health care system. The SCOTUS took their usual bribes from the health care industry and OK'd it.
Obama needs to fix the site and make sure his system works.

The success of this bill will make or break the democrats.
First, define what success actually means to Obama and the liberals with regard to Obamacare. If quality health care at affordable prices was the goal, it is a miserable failure. If seizing an insane amount of power over the people was the real goal (and I think it was), it was a great success for the socialists.

People who loved their current plans, such as those who had Blue Cross/ Blue Shield are not happy. There are too many reports to count of people telling how they've been screwed. One family was paying about $425.00 a month for BC/BS and since that plan is not accepted by the tyrants, they were forced to go to the exchange and found they had only one choice, which was a plan for $1300.00 a month with a huge deductible. Now they have to figure out where to cut their budget and that isn't easy. Of course, the liberals in Washington are unable to comprehend this whole concept of staying within a planned budget, so I don't expect any sympathy from them for those who will be hurting because of Obamacare.

Liberals don't like to talk about whether Obamacare is a tax or not. Of course, Obama needs to have it both ways to attempt to legitimize it. To congress, especially the House who is supposed to pass all tax raising bills, Obama says it's not a tax. To all the people he lied to about not raising taxes for anyone making under $250,000, it's not a tax. Only to SCOTUS is it a tax.

Can't have it both ways, so pick one.

Not a tax = Unconstitutional, according to SCOTUS.

Tax= Unconstitutional because the bill did not originate in or pass the House. It was a shell bill and merely an underhanded and dirty move by Obama and his cronies to shove it through.

For this piece of shit to be upheld, Obama has to have different people believing different things.

As for the shitty website that cost over $600 million dollars. If they can't get something as simple as a website right, they have no business trying to run even more difficult things. They just aren't smart enough.
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It is incredible the opposition to a program that will eventually help America's working classes. Simply incredible the can't do or won't do attitude of the privileged in America.

'Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare'

'UPDATE I re-reported a Fox News segment on Obamacare -- it was appallingly easy to see how it misleads the audience'

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare - Salon.com

Meanwhile check out the poverty rates in the states most likely to fight care for their own citizens.


States with a Majority of Low Income Students in Public Schools: 2011

State Rate (Percent)
Mississippi 71
New Mexico 68
Louisiana 66
Oklahoma 61
Arkansas 60
Georgia 57
Kentucky 57
Florida 56
Tennessee 55
South Carolina 55
Alabama 55
California 54
West Virginia 51
Oregon 51
Nevada 51
North Carolina 50
Texas 50

America has become the land of the haves and the have nots.
Obama also made this promise:

“I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-tvBxCeGtf4]You Lied To Me - YouTube[/ame]
Of course,
there is this lie

There are 400,000 jobs just right around the corner..
It will be any day now, once the website works properly

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QJKGWEkkE7E]Pelosi: Obamacare Will Supply 400,000 Jobs Almost Immediately! - YouTube[/ame]
must be more of that 'smart power'

Just like the website

"We have to be able to use it to see how wonderful it is,,,,,"
Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 365 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. | Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 365 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

) Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval

In June 2011, U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) said that Obama had violated the Constitution when he launched military operations in Libya without Congressional approval.

2) Gave a no-bid contract to Halliburton – just like Bush did

In May 2010, it was reported that the Obama administration had selected KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011, just hours after the Justice Department had said it would pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of using kickbacks to get foreign contracts.

3) Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any

While running for President, Obama had promised that, unlike Bush, he would not have any lobbyists working in his administration. However, by February 2010, he had more than 40 lobbyists working in his administration.

4) Has close ties to Wall St., but pretends to support Occupy Wall St.

Although Obama claims to support the Occupy Wall St. movement, the truth is that he has raised more money from Wall St. than any other candidate during the last 20 years. In early 2012, Obama held a fundraiser where Wall St. investment bankers and hedge fund managers each paid $35,800 to attend. In October 2011, Obama hired Broderick Johnson, a longtime Wall Street lobbyist, to be his new senior campaign adviser. Johnson had worked as a lobbyist for JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Fannie Mae, Comcast, Microsoft, and the oil industry.

5) Broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay

Obama broke his promise to close Guantanamo Bay.

6) Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout just like Bush

While Senator, Obama voted for the $700 billion TARP bank bailout bill. The bailout rewarded irresponsible and illegal behavior. It redirected resources from more productive uses to less productive uses. It punished the hard working taxpayers who had played by the rules and obeyed the law. It created horrible incentives, and sent the wrong message. The bailout was evil because it rewarded the bad people and punished the good people. No society that does this can expect to remain free or prosperous. Instead of bailing out these corrupt corporations, we should have let them cease to exist, like we did with Enron.

8) Nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws

Obama nominated Timothy Geithner, a repeat tax cheater, to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws.

Prior to his nomination, Geithner had:

1) Illegally failed to pay more than $34,000 in social security and medicare taxes

2) Illegally declared the cost of his children’s summer camp as a form of day care.

3) Illegally failed to pay the early withdrawal penalty when he took money out of his retirement plan

4) Illegally declared non-eligible items as a charitable deduction

5) Illegally declared something which was ineligible as a small business deduction

6) Illegally declared utility expenses which had actually been for his personal use

9) Gave tax dollars to AIG executives, then pretended to be outraged about it

Obama signed a stimulus bill that spent money on bonuses for AIG executives. Prior to signing this bill, Obama had said, “when I’m president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.” However, after reading “line by line” and signing the stimulus bill that protected the AIG bonuses, Obama pretended to be shocked and outraged at the bonuses, and said, “Under these circumstances, it’s hard to understand how derivative traders at A.I.G. warranted any bonuses at all, much less $165 million in extra pay… How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?” and also said that he would “pursue every single legal avenue to block these bonuses.”

10) Expanded Bush’s unconstitutional government faith based programs

Obama expanded the federal government’s faith based programs which had been started by President George W. Bush.

11) Supported Bush’s unconstitutional Patriot Act

In May 2011, Obama signed a renewal of the Patriot Act.

12) Increased the national debt more in one term than Bush did in two

The national debt increased more during Obama’s first three years and two months than it did during all eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency.

13) Agrees with Bush’s support of unconstitutional, indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without filing any charges

In December 2011, ACLU executive director Anthony D. Romero criticized Obama for signing a bill that gave the U.S. government the power to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens without any charges being filed or any trial taking place.
Last edited:
It is incredible the opposition to a program that will eventually help America's working classes. Simply incredible the can't do or won't do attitude of the privileged in America.

'Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare'

'UPDATE I re-reported a Fox News segment on Obamacare -- it was appallingly easy to see how it misleads the audience'

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare - Salon.com

Meanwhile check out the poverty rates in the states most likely to fight care for their own citizens.


States with a Majority of Low Income Students in Public Schools: 2011

State Rate (Percent)
Mississippi 71
New Mexico 68
Louisiana 66
Oklahoma 61
Arkansas 60
Georgia 57
Kentucky 57
Florida 56
Tennessee 55
South Carolina 55
Alabama 55
California 54
West Virginia 51
Oregon 51
Nevada 51
North Carolina 50
Texas 50

America has become the land of the haves and the have nots.

Now that's rich, an obama bot talking about what the privileged can't or won't do lmfao
Its more like America has become the land of the freeloader and the producer.

The pruducers are fast becoming the minority.

All hail Obamas signature legislation. It sucks.
Its more like America has become the land of the freeloader and the producer.

The pruducers are fast becoming the minority.

All hail Obamas signature legislation. It sucks.

Indeed- Not surprising considering the fact Odumbo won re-election after convincing a small majority that it's more patriotic to ride in the wagon than pull it. However, physics will not allow the continued oh slow forward pace of the economy which some equate to the speed of a herd of turtles.

We got what irresponsible voters elected, now swallow the medicine

Obama needs to fix the site and make sure his system works.

The success of this bill will make or break the democrats.

I doubt that. A a neutral public reaction will be a big success for the Democrats.
There isn't an American who isn't benefiting from the law right now and what it forces insurance companies to do (stuff they didn't do before). As I've stated several times, my assistant has a special needs child who can stay on the insurance much longer. If Obamacare wasn't law, she'd be paying the needed healthcare out of her pocket; instead, she pays the insurance we have here at work that she has budgeted for during the years she's worked here. In other words, she's able to keep money in her pocket that would have been gone otherwise.

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