Looks like Tea Party was right about Obamacare. America owes them an apology

The Tea Party shut down the govt in an attempt to get obozocare dropped and now even obozo admits his signature legislation is an internet nightmare. It's not gonna get fixed in time and Ted Cruz was 100% right in trying to stop it.

Tea Party is absolutely right about a lot of things and that is the reason it is being slammed not only from the rabid left ( it is expectable) and LSM, but also from RINOs and establishment, which much more prefer talks about doing something and going old way "business as usual" instead of really changing anything
Several hundred thousand Americans that don't have employer provided health insurance are SOL. Many of the policies they have are being cancelled because of the Obamacare requirements for one size fits all insurance.

They are eleigible to buy new policies through the exchanges, no? And when they do, they will incur the benefits that others incur; no lifetime maximums, PEC's are accepted, kids stay on until they're 26, emphasis on preventative care vs. the more costly acute care, etc...

BTW, your avatar of that bitch makes me want to piss on my computer monitor---but I won't :badgrin:

Hey, I like the avatar. It shows what makeup will do to help someone be attractive enough to give BJs! :eusa_angel:
It is incredible the opposition to a program that will eventually help America's working classes. Simply incredible the can't do or won't do attitude of the privileged in America.

'Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare'

'UPDATE I re-reported a Fox News segment on Obamacare -- it was appallingly easy to see how it misleads the audience'

Inside the Fox News lie machine: I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare - Salon.com

Meanwhile check out the poverty rates in the states most likely to fight care for their own citizens.


States with a Majority of Low Income Students in Public Schools: 2011

State Rate (Percent)
Mississippi 71
New Mexico 68
Louisiana 66
Oklahoma 61
Arkansas 60
Georgia 57
Kentucky 57
Florida 56
Tennessee 55
South Carolina 55
Alabama 55
California 54
West Virginia 51
Oregon 51
Nevada 51
North Carolina 50
Texas 50

America has become the land of the haves and the have nots.

Unfortunately, obamacare will drive even more into welfare.

Top 4 Obamacare Complaints - Yahoo Finance
Yeah, who would have thunk that driving up demand and throwing tons of money at something would drive up the cost?


there are 2 good things in the ACA, companies must take people with pre-existing conditions, and no lifetime maximums. .

HAHAHAHA. Now all the deadbeats like you will just wait till they have a health problem and then buy insurance.
history will show the TPM as the great stain of the early 20th century, equal to segregation and a step below slavery.
Obama outsourced the setting up of the computer site to canada.

So he started off by giving American jobs to canadians.
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there are 2 good things in the ACA, companies must take people with pre-existing conditions, and no lifetime maximums. .

HAHAHAHA. Now all the deadbeats like you will just wait till they have a health problem and then buy insurance.

Not me. I have insurance, and medicare. I am paying for my healthcare. But the young people in the country will be better off to pay the penalty, or as you suggest, wait until they get sick and then buy a policy.

Obamacare changes nothing, the poor still get it free and those of us who pay are paying for everyone else.

the only difference is that now we also have to pay for a huge govt beaurocracy.
history will show the TPM as the great stain of the early 20th century, equal to segregation and a step below slavery.

History will show that the tea party movement was the first step towards returning the country to the constitution and freedom.
Obama outsourced the setting up of the computer site to canada.

So he started off by giving American jobs to canadians.

funny how not a single liberal will even address that. I guess the truth just hurts them too much.
"Since Obamacare is the president's legacy legislation, I was shocked to learn that the software used to sign up participants was outsourced to Canada. *The federal Buy American Act requires the U.S. government to use domestic products and services. *Are there not any American companies who can build reliable software?

U.S. software is the envy of the world. *Canadian software is not. *Apple, Xerox, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and many other American companies write excellent software and could have written software for the President's signature healthcare law. *The software for the Blackberry was written in Canada. *Would you rather have an iPhone with its U.S. software or a Blackberry with its Canadian software? Even Korean-based Samsung uses Google's Android software for its cellphones.* Consumers prefer iPhone and Android software operating systems, and the Blackberry has been relegated to the dustbin of history."

OpEdNews - Article: Outsourcing Obamacare
1. People who need to obtain insurance primarily to comply with the mandate have until Februrary 15th to do so.

That's about 4 months away.

2. About half the states are running the exchanges themselves; people in those states are not even affected by problems with the national site.
1. People who need to obtain insurance primarily to comply with the mandate have until Februrary 15th to do so.

That's about 4 months away.

2. About half the states are running the exchanges themselves; people in those states are not even affected by problems with the national site.

"if you like your policy you can keep it"
"if you like your doctor you and keep him"
"ACA will save a family $2500/year"
"ACA will reduce the deficit"

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Obama needs to fix the site and make sure his system works.

The success of this bill will make or break the democrats.

You actually believe that? If Obamacare fails Obama will blame the GOP and the stupid American voting public will buy it hook, line and sinker.
Obama outsourced the setting up of the computer site to canada.

So he started off by giving American jobs to canadians.

It reminds me of when Obama bought the two expensive buses in Canada to the tune of a couple of million each.
No Good News is Good News

Confronted With Example Of Obamacare Success, GOP Rep Freaks Out | ThinkProgress

Though the federal HealthCare.gov appears to face serious technical problems, state-run marketplaces like Kentucky appear adapt at quickly fixing problems and are successfully enrolling people. In Kentucky, 10,766 applications for health coverage were initiated on the first day and “6,909 completed and 2,989 families were enrolled.” Nearly 150,000 New Yorkers have signed up for Obamacare and 35,528 enrollments were completed in three weeks in Washington state.

“Take a deep breath,” Beshear told CNN. “The only thing that really isn’t working right now on the federal level is the website. I’ll guarantee you that whether it’s a week from now, a month from now, two months from now, they’ll get it up and they’ll get it working. People will be signing up.”

Confronted With Example Of Obamacare Success, GOP Rep Freaks Out

By Igor Volsky on October 22, 2013 at 11:06 am

Confronted With Example Of Obamacare Success, GOP Rep Freaks Out | ThinkProgress
Several hundred thousand Americans that don't have employer provided health insurance are SOL. Many of the policies they have are being cancelled because of the Obamacare requirements for one size fits all insurance.

They are eleigible to buy new policies through the exchanges, no? And when they do, they will incur the benefits that others incur; no lifetime maximums, PEC's are accepted, kids stay on until they're 26, emphasis on preventative care vs. the more costly acute care, etc...

there are 2 good things in the ACA, companies must take people with pre-existing conditions, and no lifetime maximums. The rest of it is crap. Congress could have implemented those 2 things with a one paragraph bill.

Why the hell should a 26 year old adult still be on his/her parent's insurance??? thats fricken stupid.

Some people go to college and need to be on insurance a bit longer. Some, like my assistant, have special needs kids who benefit greatly by the extended insurance stay.

Either way, it doesn't cost you a penny so you're "fricken stupid" for letting it bother you.
Several hundred thousand Americans that don't have employer provided health insurance are SOL. Many of the policies they have are being cancelled because of the Obamacare requirements for one size fits all insurance.

They are eleigible to buy new policies through the exchanges, no? And when they do, they will incur the benefits that others incur; no lifetime maximums, PEC's are accepted, kids stay on until they're 26, emphasis on preventative care vs. the more costly acute care, etc...

BTW, your avatar of that bitch makes me want to piss on my computer monitor---but I won't :badgrin:

Why should your monitor be any different than the rest of the basement?

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