Looks like the republican victory will be very short lived

Classic trump supporter/bootlicker.

These idiots can barely understand and speak English --- I was expecting the tard's sign to read Amerikan instead of English --- and the people he is directing his illiterate rant towards are mostly bilingual, or at least trying their best to be.

What pathetic scum.

"Pathetic scum".
Keep it up, it's exactly why you've had your ass handed to you.:beer:
Republicans have excelled at Minority Rule

I would not write them off yet

Pretty much have to when you seek to run a nation like a sharecropping operation.

You mean like the democrats..rigtht? Instead of picking cotton, blacks vote every two years and are ignored by democrats.........but like clock work, the guys running the democrat voting districts show up to get their payment from the black and hispanic comnmunities .....

Oh yea....I forgot

This is the part where Trump shows blacks what they have to lose

Yes...the shackles of the democrat party, which keeps them poor, uneducated, angry, desperate and hopeless...as their children turn to gangs and drugs and have no hope for much better as democrats continue to exploit them and keep them mired in tragedy......

Yea...tell them brother

Now we get to see how much Trump will improve black communities

I will be keeping track

All of that talk on both sides is jibberish, no one cares about america's sacrifice zones and they will spread. Appalachia is another sacrifice zone. Colonial wealth extraction, same as it ever was.
Classic trump supporter/bootlicker.

These idiots can barely understand and speak English --- I was expecting the tard's sign to read Amerikan instead of English --- and the people he is directing his illiterate rant towards are mostly bilingual, or at least trying their best to be.

What pathetic scum.

"Pathetic scum".
Keep it up, it's exactly why you've had your ass handed to you.:beer:

Oh hell, all of ya do that.
Classic trump supporter/bootlicker.

These idiots can barely understand and speak English --- I was expecting the tard's sign to read Amerikan instead of English --- and the people he is directing his illiterate rant towards are mostly bilingual, or at least trying their best to be.

What pathetic scum.

"Pathetic scum".
Keep it up, it's exactly why you've had your ass handed to you.:beer:
LOL. I didn't have my ass handed to me. The outcome of this election will have at the most a minimal if any impact at all on my life.
Republicans have excelled at Minority Rule

I would not write them off yet

Pretty much have to when you seek to run a nation like a sharecropping operation.

You mean like the democrats..rigtht? Instead of picking cotton, blacks vote every two years and are ignored by democrats.........but like clock work, the guys running the democrat voting districts show up to get their payment from the black and hispanic comnmunities .....

I'm not part of your partisanshit shoog, we're all sharecroppers now, dems/reps just pass us all off to the corporate state.
Classic trump supporter/bootlicker.

These idiots can barely understand and speak English --- I was expecting the tard's sign to read Amerikan instead of English --- and the people he is directing his illiterate rant towards are mostly bilingual, or at least trying their best to be.

What pathetic scum.

"Pathetic scum".
Keep it up, it's exactly why you've had your ass handed to you.:beer:
LOL. I didn't have my ass handed to me. The outcome of this election will have at the most a minimal if any impact at all on my life.

Politically speaking, Dims had their asses handed to them.
Liberal porn. I'll bet you assholes jerkoff while reading stuff like that.

Well hell. They have to have something to hope about.

Next mid terms the Dems have around twenty five seats or more to defend. Wonder how many will become Rep??

Yup. They got to blather about something, anything that sounds like a hope. LOL
With their base croaking off and and herr drumpfs polices it should speed up the process

time magazine: Nov. 29, 2016

More White People Are Dying Than Are Being Born in 17 States
Americans are now dying than being born in a third of U.S. states, according to a study released Tuesday, which shows white deaths outpacing births in a record 17 states stretching from California to Maine.

The study, by the University of New Hampshire, found natural decreases in the white population across 17 states in 2014, including Florida, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, which together comprise 38% of the U.S. population. That’s a big shift from 2004 when only four states had more white deaths than births. The declines, exacerbated by the Great Recession, are largely driven by an aging white population, fewer women of childbearing age, and lower fertility rates overall, according to researchers.

“The white population isn’t replacing itself,” says Ken Johnson, a University of New Hampshire demographer and co-author of the study. “That accelerates the growing diversity of the American population.”

From 1999 to 2014, the number of white births fell 8.4% to 2.1 million overall in the U.S., declines accelerated by the 2008-09 recession that caused many women to delay having children due to economic concerns. The number of deaths in that same period rose 5.8% to more than 2 million. Previous studies have shown that more white Americans, particularly middle-aged men, are dying from opioid abuse, suicide and problems associated with obesity in recent years.

More White People Are Dying Than Are Being Born in 17 States
Yeah, but you missed the part that more blacks and Latinos voted for Trump than did for Romney, and they will overwhelmingly vote for him once he turns this country around.
election was not about white or non-white, that is democratic thinking. This was about america


this is the popular vote

Trump drew in all groups, regardless of minority identity

This was economics, security, strength and pride as a nation, not special groups

This was about all states not just east and west coast

We are the UNITED states, not just NY and CA

Till you see all americans, not just in color or groups, you won't "get it"

You see "minority" rights, most see american rights, all americans as a totality as the priority.

all these thousands of small group fighting each other for attentions, and the tax payer dollar as if it some right of their's alone, instead of all americans working together for america did not work. Working and earning their way through life is what most want, not handouts and social services.

No it's not white or all the others against each other, it is americans standing arm in arm as one people, one nation
So how many think the left will figure out why they lost this election before 2020? Hint it was not because of sexism, racism, or FOX News.
Republicans have excelled at Minority Rule

I would not write them off yet

Pretty much have to when you seek to run a nation like a sharecropping operation.

You mean like the democrats..rigtht? Instead of picking cotton, blacks vote every two years and are ignored by democrats.........but like clock work, the guys running the democrat voting districts show up to get their payment from the black and hispanic comnmunities .....

Oh yea....I forgot

This is the part where Trump shows blacks what they have to lose

If manufacturing shows a significant INCREASE, to the massive and disproportionate benefit of blacks,

what will your response be?
election was not about white or non-white, that is democratic thinking. This was about america


this is the popular vote

Trump drew in all groups, regardless of minority identity

This was economics, security, strength and pride as a nation, not special groups

This was about all states not just east and west coast

We are the UNITED states, not just NY and CA

Till you see all americans, not just in color or groups, you won't "get it"

You see "minority" rights, most see american rights, all americans as a totality as the priority.

all these thousands of small group fighting each other for attentions, and the tax payer dollar as if it some right of their's alone, instead of all americans working together for america did not work. Working and earning their way through life is what most want, not handouts and social services.

No it's not white or all the others against each other, it is americans standing arm in arm as one people, one nation

See...if the democrats don't have racism, they have nothing....their ideas are stupid......so the only way they can win is to throw out the race card.......
election was not about white or non-white, that is democratic thinking. This was about america


this is the popular vote

Trump drew in all groups, regardless of minority identity

This was economics, security, strength and pride as a nation, not special groups

This was about all states not just east and west coast

We are the UNITED states, not just NY and CA

Till you see all americans, not just in color or groups, you won't "get it"

You see "minority" rights, most see american rights, all americans as a totality as the priority.

all these thousands of small group fighting each other for attentions, and the tax payer dollar as if it some right of their's alone, instead of all americans working together for america did not work. Working and earning their way through life is what most want, not handouts and social services.

No it's not white or all the others against each other, it is americans standing arm in arm as one people, one nation

See...if the democrats don't have racism, they have nothing....their ideas are stupid......so the only way they can win is to throw out the race card.......

I will never forget 9/11, all the people covered in ash, no color, no minority identity, just the same, one people caring for people

I seen far too much of factions for decades killing each other over the smallest differences. More than 250,000 killed, a country destroyed, foreign occupation and a political stalemate. For one moment the country came together to push the occuation out, but the deep distrust and wounds might last most of the century below the surface.

Minoritys, factions, differences do not unite a country. Fighting between groups keeps the masses oppressed. Distrust and individual groups struggling to get ahead, seperately, breeds hate and violence.

When Americans see only americans in the melting pot working together as americans, everyone benefits.

For some of us, it is torture to see nothing but factions against factions and the coiuntry literally burning with rage but achieving nothing.

There is a big difference in free speech for the benefit of american and wasted senseless protest and riots that just destroy the city, country and unity as a nation.

I've seen countries around the world break out in bloody civil war for seemingly a word, a skin shade, a particular sect of religion, for family originating in the wrong side of town............. and the whole country and all the people suffer.

I've seem peace agreements fall apart over a square inch of land. Over a single person on the wrong side of a street. Over a ceasefire not starting on an exact second. Over a single count of a candy bar or piece of food not on a truck.

This is where america should keep speading towards??????


We went through a roller coaster of an election and now we need a peaceful trasnition and to work together for all american.

We need to give of our time and knowledge to help others not just have money stolen for people that seemingly want to harm america not work for what they get or for the betterment of all others, rather than select groups.

We all should have the opportunity to work and pass on values to our children. The country was born on hard work and dedication, not handouts or special rights for just a few.

The country like justice should be blind and equal to all, not ruled by mobs.

We need to be proud to be "americans" and work to keep it safe for all americans. We need to protect our country from invasion and destructive ideologies from outside, while protecting our own regardless of individual ideas.
Your right are not greater than mine, they are the "same" as americans.

We are not, and should not be just democrates or republicans, but a blend of both, or all party ideas, just not always about every splinter of blank of that party. We have a right to opions, but not to harm others over the way they freely voted. We are a representative government not a full democracy, since they never last long, or an anarchy.

We need each other, stop pulling us apart and stuff us in pigeon holes and then locking us in them.
Republicans have excelled at Minority Rule

I would not write them off yet

Pretty much have to when you seek to run a nation like a sharecropping operation.

You mean like the democrats..rigtht? Instead of picking cotton, blacks vote every two years and are ignored by democrats.........but like clock work, the guys running the democrat voting districts show up to get their payment from the black and hispanic comnmunities .....

Oh yea....I forgot

This is the part where Trump shows blacks what they have to lose
With their base croaking off and and herr drumpfs polices it should speed up the process

time magazine: Nov. 29, 2016

More White People Are Dying Than Are Being Born in 17 States
Americans are now dying than being born in a third of U.S. states, according to a study released Tuesday, which shows white deaths outpacing births in a record 17 states stretching from California to Maine.

The study, by the University of New Hampshire, found natural decreases in the white population across 17 states in 2014, including Florida, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, which together comprise 38% of the U.S. population. That’s a big shift from 2004 when only four states had more white deaths than births. The declines, exacerbated by the Great Recession, are largely driven by an aging white population, fewer women of childbearing age, and lower fertility rates overall, according to researchers.

“The white population isn’t replacing itself,” says Ken Johnson, a University of New Hampshire demographer and co-author of the study. “That accelerates the growing diversity of the American population.”

From 1999 to 2014, the number of white births fell 8.4% to 2.1 million overall in the U.S., declines accelerated by the 2008-09 recession that caused many women to delay having children due to economic concerns. The number of deaths in that same period rose 5.8% to more than 2 million. Previous studies have shown that more white Americans, particularly middle-aged men, are dying from opioid abuse, suicide and problems associated with obesity in recent years.

More White People Are Dying Than Are Being Born in 17 States

You've been parroting this shit for years already, and still lost.

Keep it up though, people like you are exactly why whites are running away from the Democrat Party. Soon your party will solely be for BLM terrorists, La Raza racists, and Satanic pedophiles like your John Podesta.
You forgot IslamoNazis and their supporters, like Ellison.
Republicans have excelled at Minority Rule

I would not write them off yet

Pretty much have to when you seek to run a nation like a sharecropping operation.

You mean like the democrats..rigtht? Instead of picking cotton, blacks vote every two years and are ignored by democrats.........but like clock work, the guys running the democrat voting districts show up to get their payment from the black and hispanic comnmunities .....

Oh yea....I forgot

This is the part where Trump shows blacks what they have to lose

They can't lose what they've already lost...or can they?
Hard to tell these days if the antiWhite racism is coming from butthurting progs or butthurting neocons.
With their base croaking off and and herr drumpfs polices it should speed up the process

time magazine: Nov. 29, 2016

More White People Are Dying Than Are Being Born in 17 States
Americans are now dying than being born in a third of U.S. states, according to a study released Tuesday, which shows white deaths outpacing births in a record 17 states stretching from California to Maine.

The study, by the University of New Hampshire, found natural decreases in the white population across 17 states in 2014, including Florida, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, which together comprise 38% of the U.S. population. That’s a big shift from 2004 when only four states had more white deaths than births. The declines, exacerbated by the Great Recession, are largely driven by an aging white population, fewer women of childbearing age, and lower fertility rates overall, according to researchers.

“The white population isn’t replacing itself,” says Ken Johnson, a University of New Hampshire demographer and co-author of the study. “That accelerates the growing diversity of the American population.”

From 1999 to 2014, the number of white births fell 8.4% to 2.1 million overall in the U.S., declines accelerated by the 2008-09 recession that caused many women to delay having children due to economic concerns. The number of deaths in that same period rose 5.8% to more than 2 million. Previous studies have shown that more white Americans, particularly middle-aged men, are dying from opioid abuse, suicide and problems associated with obesity in recent years.

More White People Are Dying Than Are Being Born in 17 States

The fallacy in your racist argument is you assume minorities, specifically blacks, will always vote for Liberals.

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