Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

You can claim Clinton committed crimes till the cows come home. It’s all bullshit until the charges show up.
Ahh...the source of your BS has been identified - it is your IGNORANCE:

Crimes and Charges for committing those crimes are 2 completely different things.

Former FBI Director testified before Congress that Hillary committed crimes. He publicly declared to the nation that Hillary Clinton committed crimes...right before he spewed his ridiculous BS justification for HIS not allowing her to be indicted: She was too stupid to know she was committing crimes.
-- It is understandable that snowflakes are too stupid to know 'Ignorance' is NOT a legitimate defense for committing crimes, but Comey knew better. Still, he knew the 'sheep' / snowflakes would but the BS and use it to defend her.

Former CIA Director Brennan was caught lying to Congress and illegally spying on the US Senate / on US Senators. He was not charged for his crime. Does that mean he did not commit a crime? To keep from being indicted and going to prison he appeared before Congress and confessed to illegally spying on US Senators. Still, no charges were filed because he confessed to his crime before Congress and swore never to do it again. Does that mean Brennan committed no crime? OF COURSE NOT!

There is factual, legitimate, undeniable evidence Hillary broke laws. There is also factual, legitimate, undeniable evidence that Barak Obama and his criminal administration protected her form indictment, being charged, and from conviction.

You are just too stupid to know the difference between a crime and any effort being made to actually charge the criminal.

Crimes and charges are indeed two different things.

Anyone can make bullshit claims about someone having committed a crime. That would be you. Charges require actual evidence. Since the evidence doesn’t exist, there are no charges.
and that would be the dems with trumps phone call
thomas (previous (R) scotus nominee that got the same treatment
anyone who ever came close to touching a female

so again - you let your side do whatever and cry like a bitch when it's done back yet have the ballsack to cry "i'm showing their hypocrisy!" when 95% of the time that's what's coming at you - their illustrating your hypocrisy.

fucked up circle of stupid.
Michael Flynn should not have been prosecuted.. Obama is behind it too . FBI discussed interviewing Michael Flynn 'to get him to lie' and 'get him fired,' handwritten notes show a 33 yr old veteran had less rights then a criminal.

Flynn is only 33 years old?

The problem was, Flynn did lie about his connections to foreign powers. He plead guilty not only because he was so guilty, but so was his kid.

Also, he was kind of an Islamophobic asshole who probably hurt our efforts with all the crazy talk.
Prove that he lied......I'll not hold my breath....
There’s a recording of him talking to the Russian ambassador discussing the things that he said he didn’t discuss.
Do you remember every word you utter to someone you barely know in the span of a 30 second conversation that took place a year ago?....be honest with yourself...

The conversation Flynn had with the ambassador was not 30 seconds. The interview with the FBI about the conversation was a month after it took place.

Flynn had numerous conversations about what to say regarding sanctions before and after the phone call.

Yeah, I’d remember that sanctions came up if that were me. So would anyone else who doesn’t have brain damage.
Flynn was in the Trump administration...it was his job to talk to leaders around the world...he is only human....with a human memory...what did he say that was so wrong?....forget that he may have gotten it wrong...what did Flynn do that was illegal?....a decorated war hero being taken down by an outgoing president and unelected scum in the FBI and CIA should make every American sick to their stomachs.....what is your problem?....
Indeed! Guess what, before talking to the Russian ambassador, Flynn talked with Kushner and other people in the transition team about what to say. He got orders from them and related the message that Trump wanted about sanctions.

Trump knew that Flynn talked about sanctions.

Flynn knew. Trump knew. Pence knew. They all were telling the same lie to protect Trump.

That’s the real tragedy. But you want me to believe Flynn couldn’t remember this a few weeks later? That’s idiotic. If Flynn is that stupid, he should have been removed from his position anyway.

Thing is, Flynn is definitely not stupid. He’s just a loyal Trump servant lying on his behalf.
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
What exactly do you think a perjury trap is?
Is what the fbi did legal and ethical?

And I'm going to follow up with this as a larger part of getting to Trump, so buckle up if you choose to defend this.
I see nothing illegal about what the FBI did. I don’t know about “ethical”. Not up to date on FBI ethics.

Flynn wasn’t set up. It wasn’t a perjury trap. The FBI never tricked him. Flynn lied on his own accord. He lied to perpetuate the lie that Trump had been telling about their lack of connection and communication with the Russian government.


and I believe we are done again cause I'm simply not talking to someone excusing illegal activity they benefit from emotionally.

How did they get him to lie?
What was illegal about what the FBI did?

you will defend your bullshit and then turn around and attack trump for shit he didn't even say.

this is why you got trump. here's to you getting him again.

You’re getting too emotional about this.

Let me know when you’re ready to discuss facts rather than resorting to your bunker mentality.

As of right now, you don’t appear ready to discuss this rationally.
idiots piss me off.

and you're not discussing facts, you're ignoring them. you're saying "well flynn lied" yet i'm to believe the side that set out to GET HIM to lie.

sorry - not going to play that game.

How did they “get him” to lie?

Stop lashing out and start discussing facts.
They asked him a question they already knew the answer, it was a trap.. im
Sure it wasn’t the only trap they had.

How does that trap him? Flynn knew that question was the subject of the interview before they even got there. He could have easily answered it truthfully but decided not to.

How does asking him a question “get him“ to lie about it?

All Flynn had to do was...NOT LIE!

I'm sure that concept must blow the alleged minds of Trumptards.

You see, Flynn had been lying already, and the FBI knew it. Flynn lied to Pence.

The FBI knew Flynn lied to Pence because they had been monitoring the Russians' communications.

Knowing Flynn had already lied, they just had to interview him under conditions where repeating that lie would snag him.

Easy peasy!

Don't act like Flynn is innocent, Trumptards! He's a fucking traitor.

They keep saying that Flynn was somehow forced to lie, or was cajoled into lying. When ask how that is, all I get are personal insults, which tells me they don’t really know, they’re just repeating what they want to believe.

I used to think more poorly of Flynn before the WaPo article came out about Afghanistan last year. However, something about Obama broke Flynn’s brain and he turned into zombie Trump supporter.

Whats sad is that Flynn fell on his sword to try and protect Trump. Trump and Pence has to have known that Flynn talked sanctions with the Russian ambassador. Flynn had to deny it and Trump had to act like he had no idea to perpetuate the lie that such contact never happened.

To this day, even though the truth is out there, they still can’t admit it. Because Trump never admits any wrongdoing even when confronted with clear evidence to the contrary.
why did the FBI go in looking for a lie and to make him do that?

Why do FBI get guilty people to lie?

Because that's how you convict DUH.
Oh okay...well when they set you up one day let us know how it feels.....if they can do it to General Flynn they can destroy you before you knew what hit you.....I thought Libs were against this kind of law enforcement...libs used to hate FISA courts....wake up and shed the TDS....
Trump knew that Flynn talked about sanctions.
There is nothing wrong with that.....elections have consequences...Trump was against the Russian sanctions and now with China acting up befriending Russia would have been a good thing to do...but see?...you libs don't think that far ahead.....
Meh - There was nothing illegal in that process even ASSuming the documents are real. A snare to get people to lie is standard practice in law enforcement. Nobody knows who created them OR if they were ever shared.

Bottom line is this: Crooked Mike plead GUILTY. Put a bow on it. :)
Must get tiring being so wrong all the time.
I would kill myself.


Thank you, Dr. Loveless.

Trump knew that Flynn talked about sanctions.
There is nothing wrong with that.....elections have consequences...Trump was against the Russian sanctions and now with China acting up befriending Russia would have been a good thing to do...but see?...you libs don't think that far ahead.....

Fine. If that’s what happened, then that’s what happened. I’m not questioning the wisdom of the move.

But why the hell was Trump lying about it? Why was everyone around him lying about it?
He’s just a loyal Trump servant lying on his behalf.
He was going to be at the top of Trump's administration...loyalty in that position is required....elections have consequences.....live with it....
He’s just a loyal Trump servant lying on his behalf.
He was going to be at the top of Trump's administration...loyalty in that position is required....elections have consequences.....live with it....

Fair enough. If that’s the decision he’s made; then he should deal with the consequences of his actions instead of trying to weasel out of them.
, he was prosecuted by Mueller’s team
Which was part of the DOJ and Mueller was appointed by and answered to the acting AG.

So, the babyman's DOJ, exactly as was said.
Who was the acting doj? Rosenstein that gave him
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments.
The FBI notes also show that the author of the document had misgivings about the FBI’s conduct in interviewing Flynn.

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit” but “I thought about it last night and I believe we should rethink this,” the FBI official wrote. “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

One of Obama's long list of legacies, no doubt.
I'll be looking for this on CNN.

Flynn was prosecuted by the Blob's DOJ.
No, he was prosecuted by Mueller’s team
Who were working for the DOJ.
Honey, Sessions had recused himself from the investigation. Guess you have a short memory.
Wowsa, leftards still don't comprehend reality. We are not debating facts at this point. Everyone knew the FBI setup Flynn years ago. A crime so blatantly obvious it should have shut down the FBI until an independent agency can ascertain what happened. Yet right now, leftard idiots insist on defending the most dangerous corruption of government in the history of the USA, pre-lockdown...

Leftards say, "He was a friend of the orange blob who disliked Muslim terrorists and therefore bad."

You can't force someone to lie.
It was a perjury trap
What exactly do you think a perjury trap is?
Is what the fbi did legal and ethical?

And I'm going to follow up with this as a larger part of getting to Trump, so buckle up if you choose to defend this.
I see nothing illegal about what the FBI did. I don’t know about “ethical”. Not up to date on FBI ethics.

Flynn wasn’t set up. It wasn’t a perjury trap. The FBI never tricked him. Flynn lied on his own accord. He lied to perpetuate the lie that Trump had been telling about their lack of connection and communication with the Russian government.


and I believe we are done again cause I'm simply not talking to someone excusing illegal activity they benefit from emotionally.

How did they get him to lie?
What was illegal about what the FBI did?

you will defend your bullshit and then turn around and attack trump for shit he didn't even say.

this is why you got trump. here's to you getting him again.

You’re getting too emotional about this.

Let me know when you’re ready to discuss facts rather than resorting to your bunker mentality.

As of right now, you don’t appear ready to discuss this rationally.
idiots piss me off.

and you're not discussing facts, you're ignoring them. you're saying "well flynn lied" yet i'm to believe the side that set out to GET HIM to lie.

sorry - not going to play that game.

How did they “get him” to lie?

Stop lashing out and start discussing facts.
They asked him a question they already knew the answer, it was a trap.. im
Sure it wasn’t the only trap they had.

How does that trap him? Flynn knew that question was the subject of the interview before they even got there. He could have easily answered it truthfully but decided not to.

How does asking him a question “get him“ to lie about it?
why does comey sent agents outside of protocol to question flynn?
did they say why they were there? you say yes, comey says flynn didn't know.

you're POINTS count on you being correct with info that you're already wrong about and refuse to address.

hence, why people shut down true "discussion" and just tell you what a prick you're being. but man, right on queue you're now playing the victim. you run right through the playbook don't you?

ignore facts.
present what you want to be facts
ignore counter
ignore facts that refute your "facts"
keep pushing the bullshit
refute more facts
cry like a bitch when people are tired of it and play the victim.


Here’s your chance. Shoe me where Comey said that Flynn didn’t know why agents weren’t coming to talk with him. If you supposedly have facts, you should be able to back this up.

he says he sent them outside of protocol and process. so is this now an official visit? lets just send a couple of guys over.

and from the rest of the news report, none of the things he was supposed to be told, was he told. so at what point did the FBI treat this as an investigation? at what point did they tell flynn of his rights to legal council? i'm not seeing it are you?

comey said he's not have done this to obama or bush admins - so in 2018 Comey said he was wrong. are you going to tell him he's lying about that too?

2 videos again that cover this in 2018 that he was wrong and not following procedure or observing Flynns rights when he sent over the men.

and now - finally:
"I wouldn't have done or gotten away with" to obama or bush. so he's treating people differently and he admits it. no approvals, not the right people there, its early, lets go. nobody else was there.

NOW - at 1:15 this video on zerohedge he is asked "what did flynn think they were there for" and comey says "he didn't know"

there is your proof. comey said he treated trump and flynn differently, would not have treated others in a similiar manner, allowed the FBI to go to interview someone without protecting the rights of who they were interviewing and to top it off

AT ONE MINUTE AND FIFTEEN SECONDS OF THIS VIDEO he says flynn didn't know why they were there.

please let me know what form of produce you're going to fuck yourself with now.

what will be funny is for someone that hears "and the doctor is going to be testing this" to be GO DRINK CLOROX will make of all this when he has a direct quote again that doesn't suit his agenda.

Ah, so much bullshit. I get tired of seeing these same old false statements time and time again.
Just waiting for you to prove they are false!

Comey was an investigator who made a recommendation on charges.
Investigators don't make recommendations on charges. They present the results of the investigation over to the prosecution, who decide and recommend any charges warranted. At least try to pretend you know something of the law.

He made that recommendation with a group of people including prosecutors from the DoJ.
No, he said on national TV that NO PROSECUTOR IN THIS COUNTRY WOULD TAKE THE CASE BASED ON THE EVIDENCE! Then a flood of prosecutors past and present, hearing that, all said that they would if they were in their position to do so!

The recommendation was unanimous. They had all necessary authority to do what they did.
Is that the legal standard? Because you can? It was the AG Loretta Lynch's job to rule on that. Did you ever hear her opinion? Did she assign that authority over to Comey? Or was she too busy on the tarmac inside the husband of the person she was investigating's jet plane busy talking to him in secret?

Now, when someone isn’t being charged, the DoJ and FBI don’t go in front of a microphone and media and make a big splash and provide derogatory information on a person. They also don’t immediately update everyone when an investigation is reopened.
They sure do when it is a matter of national inquiry and interest, as obviously, THEY DID, and Comey was no Trump sycophant. Gee, we are right back to where we started repeating the same stuff.

The FBI and DoJ do not comment about ongoing investigations.
They didn't. They just said there WAS an investigation. Ongoing. You wanted them to lie that there was no investigation?

That’s the way Trump was treated. Clinton did not get the same consideration.
YOU'RE CRACKED! Nancy, Adam and Jerry must have publicly charged Trump with GUILT, GUILTY OF THE CHARGES in front of the media, before the impeachment even began!!!

In fact, it is so against protocol, that’s exactly why Comey was fired.Did you forget that last bit?
Comey was fired for leaking government information illegally to the press. I see that talking to you is like getting a lobotomy. You get all of your talking points from CNN then repeat them elsewhere.
Trump knew that Flynn talked about sanctions.
There is nothing wrong with that.....elections have consequences...Trump was against the Russian sanctions and now with China acting up befriending Russia would have been a good thing to do...but see?...you libs don't think that far ahead.....

Fine. If that’s what happened, then that’s what happened. I’m not questioning the wisdom of the move.

But why the hell was Trump lying about it? Why was everyone around him lying about it?
Maybe because for it to come out at that time would have screwed it all up....administrations must have room to maneuver behind the scenes....besides think back...the media and the dems were all over them while they were trying to get up to speed....it was a new administration....
Trump knew that Flynn talked about sanctions.
There is nothing wrong with that.....elections have consequences...Trump was against the Russian sanctions and now with China acting up befriending Russia would have been a good thing to do...but see?...you libs don't think that far ahead.....

Fine. If that’s what happened, then that’s what happened. I’m not questioning the wisdom of the move.

But why the hell was Trump lying about it? Why was everyone around him lying about it?
We know why.
Meh - There was nothing illegal in that process even ASSuming the documents are real. A snare to get people to lie is standard practice in law enforcement. Nobody knows who created them OR if they were ever shared.

Bottom line is this: Crooked Mike plead GUILTY. Put a bow on it. :)
Must get tiring being so wrong all the time.
I would kill myself.

You have to be all butthurt that your masters were busted, Dr. sad to be you
Meh - There was nothing illegal in that process even ASSuming the documents are real. A snare to get people to lie is standard practice in law enforcement. Nobody knows who created them OR if they were ever shared.

Bottom line is this: Crooked Mike plead GUILTY. Put a bow on it. :)
Must get tiring being so wrong all the time.
I would kill myself.

You have to be all butthurt that your masters were busted, Dr. sad to be you
and i get downvoted for providing what was requested. :)

dr fucknugget is more like it.
Trump knew that Flynn talked about sanctions.
There is nothing wrong with that.....elections have consequences...Trump was against the Russian sanctions and now with China acting up befriending Russia would have been a good thing to do...but see?...you libs don't think that far ahead.....

Fine. If that’s what happened, then that’s what happened. I’m not questioning the wisdom of the move.

But why the hell was Trump lying about it? Why was everyone around him lying about it?
We know why.

Yep we sure do. Over 140 meetings with Russian spies, EVERY one of which was initially LIED about.
Meh - There was nothing illegal in that process even ASSuming the documents are real. A snare to get people to lie is standard practice in law enforcement. Nobody knows who created them OR if they were ever shared.

Bottom line is this: Crooked Mike plead GUILTY. Put a bow on it. :)
Must get tiring being so wrong all the time.
I would kill myself.

You have to be all butthurt that your masters were busted, Dr. sad to be you

We'll see what the judge says Meister. Nothing changes the fact that Crooked Mikey lied, AND he plead GUILTY.

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