Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on.
Yes, by asking him questions they knew he would lie about. And they were right. He did. They knew the foreign agent would lie about his back door dealings to give the russians back their spyhouses.

Now you are lying, the Documents shows they went out of their way to trap him, what I posted was part of PHASE ONE, which showed he was let go without charge, it was Strzock who re opened it the same day, which was right there in my link you didn't read.

♦ January 4, 2017 – The FBI Washington Field Office informs the intelligence community via an Electronic Communication, they are closing the 2016 Flynn investigation.

♦ January 4, 2017 – FBI Agent Peter Strzok says don’t close it.

Phase Two, chronicles the various discussions on how to take out General Flynn.....

How many times do I have to point that YOU don't read the FBI documents?

That you are a lazy ass reader, with a preconceived conclusion that isn't supported at all.
Obviously, they didn't have to go too far out of their way. Just a few simple questions, and the lying foreign agent did the predictable thing and lied.

Why do you suppose the foreign agent lied to the FBI??

LOL, you keep ignoring the released FBI documents.......
Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on.
Yes, by asking him questions they knew he would lie about. And they were right. He did. They knew the foreign agent would lie about his back door dealings to give the russians back their spyhouses.

Now you are lying, the Documents shows they went out of their way to trap him, what I posted was part of PHASE ONE, which showed he was let go without charge, it was Strzock who re opened it the same day, which was right there in my link you didn't read.

♦ January 4, 2017 – The FBI Washington Field Office informs the intelligence community via an Electronic Communication, they are closing the 2016 Flynn investigation.

♦ January 4, 2017 – FBI Agent Peter Strzok says don’t close it.

Phase Two, chronicles the various discussions on how to take out General Flynn.....

How many times do I have to point that YOU don't read the FBI documents?

That you are a lazy ass reader, with a preconceived conclusion that isn't supported at all.
Obviously, they didn't have to go too far out of their way. Just a few simple questions, and the lying foreign agent did the predictable thing and lied.

Why do you suppose the foreign agent lied to the FBI??

LOL, you keep ignoring the released FBI documents.......
Don't worry big guy. I can read. So can everyone else.

So why do you suppose the foreign agent lied to the FBI? Why do you suppose the president lied to pence about it?
The Obama administration initiated an illegitimate investigation into Trump and his team based on no legal, proper, legitimate justification for doing so.
It is well known that Trump is a pathological liar which is a mental illness. Trump is also a sexist fat pig who is unfit to be our President.

Trump should go back to one of his failing golf courses and lie about his scores because there, no one cares.

My advice to trump is to resign before you are dragged through a pig farm poop pit.

Last but not least, trump does have small hands that go well with his other parts which his last three wives will attest to..

Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
People feel strongly that Flynn should have never been interviewed in the first place.

Keep in mind, it was a wholly voluntary interview. The FBI asked him if they could ask him questions, he said yes.
The FBI was Investigating Russian interference in the election and Flynn was lying about communicating with the Russians, right? Why would an interview be inappropriate?

Flynn wasn’t breaking any laws, at least not anything that anyone was going to prosecute.
The investigation was into criminal interference in an election by a foreign country. Flynn was part of the campaign. Flynn was lying about having conversations with the Russians. How can any rational person think that wouldn’t warrant an interview. When Flynn lies to the FBI during the interview he broke the law. This isn’t complicated. What’s your gripe?
Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on.
Yes, by asking him questions they knew he would lie about. And they were right. He did. They knew the foreign agent would lie about his back door dealings to give the russians back their spyhouses.

Now you are lying, the Documents shows they went out of their way to trap him, what I posted was part of PHASE ONE, which showed he was let go without charge, it was Strzock who re opened it the same day, which was right there in my link you didn't read.

♦ January 4, 2017 – The FBI Washington Field Office informs the intelligence community via an Electronic Communication, they are closing the 2016 Flynn investigation.

♦ January 4, 2017 – FBI Agent Peter Strzok says don’t close it.

Phase Two, chronicles the various discussions on how to take out General Flynn.....

How many times do I have to point that YOU don't read the FBI documents?

That you are a lazy ass reader, with a preconceived conclusion that isn't supported at all.
Obviously, they didn't have to go too far out of their way. Just a few simple questions, and the lying foreign agent did the predictable thing and lied.

Why do you suppose the foreign agent lied to the FBI??

LOL, you keep ignoring the released FBI documents.......
Don't worry big guy. I can read. So can everyone else.

So why do you suppose the foreign agent lied to the FBI? Why do you suppose the president lied to pence about it?

The FBI documents doesn't support your claim, that is WHY I know you haven't read them.

Must you go on and on with your baloney, when you have not once in any detail tried to counter any of my quoted sections, which doesn't agree with you every time.

It was CLOSED, then re opened by the jerk Strozk, who along with others go out of their way COLLECTIVELY to ENTRAP him, using the Generals SON as a pressure point. It's all in the released FBI documents, the ones you don't read, hence why you are ignorant and stupid.

The FBI admits they screwed him over in those documents, you would know IF you even stop being a lazy ass to READ THEM!
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
People feel strongly that Flynn should have never been interviewed in the first place.

Keep in mind, it was a wholly voluntary interview. The FBI asked him if they could ask him questions, he said yes.
The FBI was Investigating Russian interference in the election and Flynn was lying about communicating with the Russians, right? Why would an interview be inappropriate?

When was Flynn lying about his telephone conversation with the Russian ambassdor?? Nobody but the Intel agencies had heard that call.. NO ONE was discussing it. And BECAUSE he did that BECAUSE he was the incoming Nat Sec Advisor -- IT WAS PERFECTLY LEGAL... NO REASON to lie...

That phone call -- part of the HIGHEST CLASSIFIED data in the US -- was leaked to the public by an Obama official who's name I don't recall about a week before the inauguration.. ANOTHER scoundrel that won't be prosecuted... Should be vegetating in Levenworth by now by all rights..

Before the ambush at the WH interview with Peter Strzok on Jan 24th, the known TDS agent at the center of the FBI RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA probe --- The FBI Intel group had concluded there was NOTHING in the Kislyak call to worry about.. THIS published in the TDS rag the WashPo ---- IRONICALLY ONE DAY before the ambush FBI ambush at the WH...,

By Ellen Nakashima and
Greg MillerJanuary 23, 2017
The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said

Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened to, Flynn himself is not the active target of an investigation, U.S. officials said. The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that U.S. counterintelligence agents had investigated the communications between Flynn and Kislyak.

Although Flynn has written critically about Russia, he also was paid to deliver a speech at a 2015 Moscow gala for RT, the Kremlin-sponsored international television station, at which he was seated next to Putin.

The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listen to calls all the time that do not pertain to any open investigation, current and former law enforcement officials said. Often, said one former official, “they’re just monitoring the other [foreign official] side of the call.”

Both Flynn, a former head of the Pentagon’s intelligence agency, and Kislyak, a seasoned diplomat, are probably aware that Kislyak’s phone calls and texts are being monitored, current and former officials said. That would make it highly unlikely, the individuals said, that the men would allow their calls to be conduits of illegal coordination.


The FBI Intel operation on Flynn was ready to WRAP UP a week before Stzok and his co-conspirators conceived the ambush and entrapment operation.. Strzok is ON RECORD asking the Intel group to "hold it open".. Presumably LONG ENOUGH to get a Special Counsel appointed and operating..

And that's HOW this entrapment began...
Where do you get your news from?! You need another source that deals in reality. You ask what evidence shows Flynn lied?! Well if your not going to trust the FBI how about the FACT that Trump fired Flynn for lying. Simple as that
The FBI documents doesn't support your claim
Well that's a lie. The documents (and all the other evidence) actually 100% affirm the claim that the foreign agent lied and the FBI knew he would lie.
Now I know you are admitting you didn't read the FREAKING FBI documents!

Here is a couple excerpts from it:

Maria Bartiromo Interviews Sidney Powell on Latest Flynn Discoveries…

You seem to be IGNORANT on purpose.
Exactly as i said. They knew the foreign agent would lie. And he did. You are a fine assistant, thank you for doing my light work.
I challenge you to be able to exactly recall, to the finest detail, a conversation you had weeks ago.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

I would obviously have ZERO problems recalling something so sensitive in nature and I would OBVIOUSLY not be pleading guilty to lying to FBI (on multiple counts no less) if I simply forgot something.

The only reason it is not obvious to you is that like most politico nutters, you have a nasty habit of shutting down your common sense facilities if they lead to inconvenient conclusions.

Nobody asked Flynn for the finest detail. he either discussed with Russians sanctions or he didn't.

The discussion of which was not a crime.

Don't know how strong the Logan Act case would be, but there was a damn good reason Flynn was lying to FBI. People don't just take risks of going to jail for no reason.

He tried to obstruct the investigation and got caught by the balls - that's on him.

Don't know how strong the Logan Act case would be

Obviously not very strong at all.
They already had the transcript of his "violation".
They didn't need to question him at all, charge him.

People don't just take risks of going to jail for no reason.

There was a risk of him going to jail for that conversation?
Makes you wonder why they told him he didn't need a lawyer.

Not obvious at all. The is pretty straight forward and there are no exceptions for transition teams. Flynn may very well have been worried that it may be illegal.

But even presuming Flynn's discussions about sanctions were not illegal on their own, they are still relevant to Russian interference investigation and warrant an interview. Flynn's lying about this was illegal and charges against him were appropriate.
The is pretty straight forward and there are no exceptions for transition teams.

If it's a straight forward violation, no need to question him. Charge him.

Put yourself into the prosecutor's shoes.

You have the guy on clean cut perjury he is willing to plead guilty on and co-operate, why the fuck would you bring an extremely rare Logan Act case to court?

Common buddy, use that noggin of yours.

Put yourself into the prosecutor's shoes.

Good idea. What crime am I investigating?

You are investigating Russian interference into 2016 election, a possible Logan Act violation and the fact that a top national security advisor to the President has just opened himself up to blackmail by the Russians.

WASHINGTON — Less than a week into the Trump administration, Sally Q. Yates, the acting attorney general, hurried to the White House with an urgent concern. The president’s national security adviser, she said, had lied to the vice president about his Russian contacts and was vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow.

You are investigating Russian interference into 2016 election,

Any indication of that in Flynn's phone call?

a possible Logan Act violation


and the fact that a top national security advisor to the President has just opened himself up to blackmail by the Russians.

For passing along Trump policy?

No dummy, for lying about it to VP who then lied about it to the world, while the Russians knew damn well it was lie they could blackmail Flynn on.

FBI had all the grounds they ever needed to be looking into this and interviewing Flynn.
A point that everybody knows yet the Trumpsters just gloss right over it like it never happened.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
People feel strongly that Flynn should have never been interviewed in the first place.

Keep in mind, it was a wholly voluntary interview. The FBI asked him if they could ask him questions, he said yes.
The FBI was Investigating Russian interference in the election and Flynn was lying about communicating with the Russians, right? Why would an interview be inappropriate?

Flynn wasn’t breaking any laws, at least not anything that anyone was going to prosecute.
The investigation was into criminal interference in an election by a foreign country. Flynn was part of the campaign. Flynn was lying about having conversations with the Russians. How can any rational person think that wouldn’t warrant an interview. When Flynn lies to the FBI during the interview he broke the law. This isn’t complicated. What’s your gripe?

The investigation was into criminal interference in an election by a foreign country. Flynn was part of the campaign. Flynn was lying about having conversations with the Russians.

Ummmm...…..Flynn's conversations were after Trump won.

How can any rational person think that wouldn’t warrant an interview.

How can any rational person ignore the calendar?

When Flynn lies to the FBI during the interview he broke the law.

Wrong, he was part of the transition team taking over the government. That actually means something.
Right, it means he is a private citizen.

No, it doesn't you imbecile.
It does. It literally does. He has no official government position. No government authority. He’s not elected. He’s not appointed. He has no more duties or privileges than any other private citizen.

It's the procedure ALL ELECTED transition teams have used.. Their slotted APPOINTEES at the cabinet level HAVE PRIVILEGES to set up diplomatic contacts... And become familiar with the foreign counterparts and DISCUSS the means of establishing FORMAL channels once they are in charge...

NOTHING ILLEGAL about Flynn talking to high foreigners as part of the OFFICIAL ELECTED transition team... That's your error above when you call them NOT ELECTED... They WON the election.. They get SIXTY DAYS of privilege to get rolling... Go learn something..
Oh Please.
True ALL elected transition team have privilege to set up diplomatic contacts.

You are forgetting something. These diplomatic contacts and transitions are officially set up in a predetermined location and time and recorded + other members of that position . You DO NOT just make a phone call and talk about US sanctions to anybody.
That is exactly what Flynn did in December 2016 he talked to Kislyak about US sanctions.

Why did you ignored that?
Why is that acceptable?

Entrapment? The FBI never sent Flynn to go talk to any Russians.
Entrapment? Is that mean his lawyers of a general are so weak that they can not defend an entrapments? Flynn plead guilty December 1, 2017.

Flynn was a reject by the Obama administration. He proved that to himself, by having a dinner with Putin December 2015.. If you knew a US military personnel retired or active. Ask if having dinner with Putin is acceptable. I have the answer is a TRAITOR. Then hired by Trump..
These trump cultists lose their fragile little minds whenever anyone trump fires just says anything remotely critical of Trump. They get labeled traitors, and deep state coup artists, and the cultists insist they should be stripped of their accomplishments and even imprisoned.

But hey, get fired by Obama and turn into a foreign agent that sells out his country? Hey, that's a-ok. Because brown man bad. Orange man good.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
People feel strongly that Flynn should have never been interviewed in the first place.

Keep in mind, it was a wholly voluntary interview. The FBI asked him if they could ask him questions, he said yes.
The FBI was Investigating Russian interference in the election and Flynn was lying about communicating with the Russians, right? Why would an interview be inappropriate?

Flynn wasn’t breaking any laws, at least not anything that anyone was going to prosecute.
The investigation was into criminal interference in an election by a foreign country. Flynn was part of the campaign. Flynn was lying about having conversations with the Russians. How can any rational person think that wouldn’t warrant an interview. When Flynn lies to the FBI during the interview he broke the law. This isn’t complicated. What’s your gripe?
how can any rational person call a few people stopping by to talk while going around official process and notification any other admin would have been given, ok?

they can't. keep on being irrational.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.
I notice that leftists are completely ignoring my post 806, gee I wonder why......

It is clear that leftists don't want to admit the FBI was being criminal in their conduct with General Flynn.
But no actual defense of the felon, Flynn.


It is obvious you have no idea what the documents says about it. There were THREE separate waves of attack on him, how would you respond when it becomes obvious they are trying to fuck you into something?
Not sure why you think your pathetic whining about me is relevant, but it is still a fact that the disgraced foreign agent lied to the FBI.

Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on. That is why you are easily snookered, you run on ignorance the whole way.

In my link it is well shown that he originally passed the question/answer interview, was not caught doing anything wrong. It was OTHER Obama appointed jerks, who reopened it for the singular objective, is to get rid of him.

"♦ December 29, 2016 – Reacting to the sanctions, Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak calls incoming National Security Director Michael Flynn. The intelligence community is monitoring the call. (Mueller Report)

♦ December 31, 2016 – Kislyak Call #2 (Mueller Report)

♦ January 4, 2017 – The FBI Washington Field Office informs the intelligence community via an Electronic Communication, they are closing the 2016 Flynn investigation."

Too bad you will NEVER learn how to end your ignorance gene.

Did you read and understand your post? Or you just stared at it.
Read again see if it fits what/who you are trying to call ignorance. If you don’t know let me know.
I notice that leftists are completely ignoring my post 806, gee I wonder why......

It is clear that leftists don't want to admit the FBI was being criminal in their conduct with General Flynn.
But no actual defense of the felon, Flynn.


It is obvious you have no idea what the documents says about it. There were THREE separate waves of attack on him, how would you respond when it becomes obvious they are trying to fuck you into something?
Not sure why you think your pathetic whining about me is relevant, but it is still a fact that the disgraced foreign agent lied to the FBI.

Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on. That is why you are easily snookered, you run on ignorance the whole way.

In my link it is well shown that he originally passed the question/answer interview, was not caught doing anything wrong. It was OTHER Obama appointed jerks, who reopened it for the singular objective, is to get rid of him.

"♦ December 29, 2016 – Reacting to the sanctions, Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak calls incoming National Security Director Michael Flynn. The intelligence community is monitoring the call. (Mueller Report)

♦ December 31, 2016 – Kislyak Call #2 (Mueller Report)

♦ January 4, 2017 – The FBI Washington Field Office informs the intelligence community via an Electronic Communication, they are closing the 2016 Flynn investigation."

Too bad you will NEVER learn how to end your ignorance gene.

Did you read and understand your post? Or you just stared at it.
Read again see if it fits what/who you are trying to call ignorance. If you don’t know let me know.

I notice you have complete lack of evidence to use in a counterpoint, do you have one beyond making some noises?
I showed earlier that several people were talking about trapping him over something, get him to lie and so on, you missed all that part.... :abgg2q.jpg:
American Thinker

Flynn Entrapment was McCabe's Revenge

By Daniel John Sobieski
May 1, 2020


Key to the ambush interview of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn that set him up for prosecution and persecution on made-up charges by James Comey’s FBI was the advice given to Flynn by Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe -- relax, you won’t need a lawyer. Flynn had to be caught off guard and without legal counsel for the entrapment plan to work:

"Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who arranged the bureau's interview with then-national security adviser Michael Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017 -- the interview that ultimately led to Flynn's guilty plea on one count of making false statements -- suggested Flynn not have a lawyer present at the session, according to newly-filed court documents. In addition, FBI officials, along with the two agents who interviewed Flynn, decided specifically not to warn him that there would be penalties for making false statements because the agents wanted to ensure that Flynn was "relaxed" during the session.

The new information, drawn from McCabe's account of events plus the FBI agents' writeup of the interview -- the so-called 302 report -- is contained in a sentencing memo filed Tuesday by Flynn's defense team.

Citing McCabe's account, the sentencing memo says that shortly after noon on Jan. 24 -- the fourth day of the new Trump administration -- McCabe called Flynn on a secure phone in Flynn's West Wing office. The two men discussed business briefly and then McCabe said that he "felt that we needed to have two of our agents sit down" with Flynn to discuss Flynn's talks with Russian officials during the presidential transition.

McCabe, by his own account, urged Flynn to talk to the agents alone, without a lawyer present. "I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [Flynn] and the agents only," McCabe wrote"



Going to ignore what McCabe did to General Flynn?
American Thinker

Flynn Entrapment was McCabe's Revenge

By Daniel John Sobieski
May 1, 2020


Key to the ambush interview of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn that set him up for prosecution and persecution on made-up charges by James Comey’s FBI was the advice given to Flynn by Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe -- relax, you won’t need a lawyer. Flynn had to be caught off guard and without legal counsel for the entrapment plan to work:

"Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who arranged the bureau's interview with then-national security adviser Michael Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017 -- the interview that ultimately led to Flynn's guilty plea on one count of making false statements -- suggested Flynn not have a lawyer present at the session, according to newly-filed court documents. In addition, FBI officials, along with the two agents who interviewed Flynn, decided specifically not to warn him that there would be penalties for making false statements because the agents wanted to ensure that Flynn was "relaxed" during the session.

The new information, drawn from McCabe's account of events plus the FBI agents' writeup of the interview -- the so-called 302 report -- is contained in a sentencing memo filed Tuesday by Flynn's defense team.

Citing McCabe's account, the sentencing memo says that shortly after noon on Jan. 24 -- the fourth day of the new Trump administration -- McCabe called Flynn on a secure phone in Flynn's West Wing office. The two men discussed business briefly and then McCabe said that he "felt that we needed to have two of our agents sit down" with Flynn to discuss Flynn's talks with Russian officials during the presidential transition.

McCabe, by his own account, urged Flynn to talk to the agents alone, without a lawyer present. "I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [Flynn] and the agents only," McCabe wrote"



Going to ignore what McCabe did to General Flynn?
Looks like taking candy from a baby, to me. Lying foreign agents will lie. Just give them the chance.

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