Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.

And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
I notice that leftists are completely ignoring my post 806, gee I wonder why......

It is clear that leftists don't want to admit the FBI was being criminal in their conduct with General Flynn.
But no actual defense of the felon, Flynn.


It is obvious you have no idea what the documents says about it. There were THREE separate waves of attack on him, how would you respond when it becomes obvious they are trying to fuck you into something?
Not sure why you think your pathetic whining about me is relevant, but it is still a fact that the disgraced foreign agent lied to the FBI.

Like I said, you NEVER read the released FBI documents, they were trying hard to entrap him over something he didn't break the law on. That is why you are easily snookered, you run on ignorance the whole way.

In my link it is well shown that he originally passed the question/answer interview, was not caught doing anything wrong. It was OTHER Obama appointed jerks, who reopened it for the singular objective, is to get rid of him.

"♦ December 29, 2016 – Reacting to the sanctions, Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak calls incoming National Security Director Michael Flynn. The intelligence community is monitoring the call. (Mueller Report)

♦ December 31, 2016 – Kislyak Call #2 (Mueller Report)

♦ January 4, 2017 – The FBI Washington Field Office informs the intelligence community via an Electronic Communication, they are closing the 2016 Flynn investigation."

Too bad you will NEVER learn how to end your ignorance gene.

Did you read and understand your post? Or you just stared at it.
Read again see if it fits what/who you are trying to call ignorance. If you don’t know let me know.

I notice you have complete lack of evidence to use in a counterpoint, do you have one beyond making some noises?
I showed earlier that several people were talking about trapping him over something, get him to lie and so on, you missed all that part.... :abgg2q.jpg:
No my dear.
Your post and links and dates showed that Flynn is an idiot.
#1. We the Americans spies and monitor foreign diplomats + their agencies. They do the same to us in their countries. Even the Israelis spied on us.
#2. if Flynn doesn’t know (#1) he is stupid.

#3. Yes there are time when a transition team need to be establish. That kind of transitions requires predetermined locations + time + recorded + with other members of that position. You DO NOT just willy nilly make a phone call and tell the Russian about the US sanctions that is coming to warn the Russians. Your link tells us the stupid activities of dumb Flynn.
is that mean like Bolton former National Security Advisor or Obrien can just call the Russians and warned them?

O’Brien does not even qualified or no intelligence experience to be NSA.

#4. Entrapments? Did the democrats,FBI
or Obama that sent Flynn to talk to Kislyak then lied?

#5. Since when a US general eating dinner with the Putin is acceptable? That is scary.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR
Oops, you forgot your link.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.
Hard vs heavy. You misspoke.

So prepare for 117 pages of the toddinator pointing it out.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.

You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb

Hard water would probably make it more difficult for them to make nuclear weapons, sweetie.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR
Here is the Wikipedia of hard water. Let me know if you need interpretation. It also shows how many we have and the locations.

A pressurized heavy-water reactor(PHWR) is a nuclear reactor that uses heavy water (deuterium oxide D2O) as its coolant and neutron moderator. PHWRs frequently use natural uraniumas fuel, sometimes very low enriched uranium. The heavy water coolant is kept under pressure to avoid boiling, allowing it to reach higher temperature (mostly) without forming steam bubbles, exactly as for pressurized water reactor. While heavy water is very expensive to isolate from ordinary water (often referred to as light waterin contrast to heavy water),
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.
Hard vs heavy. You misspoke.

So prepare for 117 pages of the toddinator pointing it out.
In nuclear discussion and physicists that is the same. You do not get to pick and choose to fit your agenda.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.
Hard vs heavy. You misspoke.

So prepare for 117 pages of the toddinator pointing it out.
In nuclear discussion and physicists that is the same. You do not get to pick and choose to fit your agenda.

No. Hard water is not the same as heavy water.
Physicists don't use the terms interchangeably.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.

You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb

Hard water would probably make it more difficult for them to make nuclear weapons, sweetie.
If I didn’t mentioned hard water. You don’t even know about hard water needed in making nuclear weapons.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.

You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb

Hard water would probably make it more difficult for them to make nuclear weapons, sweetie.
If I didn’t mentioned hard water. You don’t even know about hard water needed in making nuclear weapons.

Keep telling yourself that. And it's heavy water, moron.
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.
Hard vs heavy. You misspoke.

So prepare for 117 pages of the toddinator pointing it out.
In nuclear discussion and physicists that is the same. You do not get to pick and choose to fit your agenda.

No. Hard water is not the same as heavy water.
Physicists don't use the terms interchangeably.
You are just a Trump supporter. What do you know?
And when this latest attack falls, flat like the rest
Latest attack...by whom? Flynn's lawyers? Wha? I literally just said it would fall flat. You complain about so much crap that you don't even remember what you are complaining about. You're not making sense.
oh like RUSSIA

any other attack on trump that has fallen flat and backfired.

y'all just and wait to be told what to be mad about today. fucking pathetic.

You're gonna follow Dear Leader straight the fuck off a cliff.
Enjoy the ride man - Enjoy the ride!!

Letting dangerous prisoners out of prisons ? Check.

Allowing babies to be aborted at late stage pregnancy ? Check.

Being authoritarian when ever get power ? Check.

Creating dependency in society beyond imagination ? Check.

Destroying an economy for millions in regards to myths and feel good assumptions ? Check.

Ignoring #metoo when it is inconvenient or detrimental to party officials ? Check.

Allowing traitor's to go free or get taxpayer funded services for elective procedures without taxpayer consent ? Check.

Promoting open borders ? Check.

Supporting illegals over American's ? Check.

Forcing taxpayers to be involved in leftist government controlled policies, it's thinking, it's cultures, and/or it's procedures as is promoted or forced by a leftist controlled government ? Check.

Destroying the economy in certain sectors by rules and regulation in an attempt to force a square peg into a round hole ? Check.

Feeling sorry for heinous criminals, otherwise that they might squirm a little when being administered the lethal drug upon execution for their heinous crimes, therefore taking not into consideration what they did to the innocent for whom they abused and terrorized prior to their deaths ? Check.

Supporting sanctuary areas/cities, and not reporting illegals to ICE, and therefore endangering American's who might be abused by an individual living off the grid for reasons of their cheap labor sought after.

On and on it goes..... Now who is following who off the cliff ??

WE'RE the party of authoritarianism when YOU elected a rat bastard who greatly prefers murderous dictators to the leaders of countries that used to be our allies? Comical!

The rest of your screed has no basis in fact either - And for the record, I'm not a Democrat, but rather one who knows the dire necessity of removing an amoral, self-absorbed, empathy and science free short-fingered vulgarian.

He "prefers" them you say? Hmm, lets look at your hero's, shall we? obummer gave the terrorist regime of Iran the bomb. They would never have had the ability if it weren't for bush, clinton, and of course obummer and his helpful idiot, john kerry. They talked tough, oh yes they talked real tough, and gave Iran everything they wanted. That is a fact.

trump comes in and talks to Iran like they are assholes (because they are0 and cancels the worst deal in world history, and kills one of their terrorist generals. In Korea, the fat little fool has been developing his rockets and nukes for decades. Once again, clinto, bush, and obummer talked tough, but the fat little bastard got everything he wanted. Trump, on the other hand, talks sweet as silk to the fat little bastard, AND GIVES HIM NOTHING!

You, are an idiot.


Under Trump did Kim Jung Un gave up his toys and stop updating his toys? Or stop firing blanks missiles towards Japan? Answer is NO.

Under Trump. Did he able stop the Iranian from making nuclear weapons? Answer is NO.

So What did Trump accomplish? NOTHING. The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons. Thanks to Trump.


The sad part of these, the mullahs are now building their nuclear weapons.

The sad part of these, the mullahs never stopped building their nuclear weapons.
Your evidence that they never stopped building their nuclear weapons is WHERE?

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now. Don't you think?

Before you talk about any topics like this nuclear programs. You NEED to understand the process. Iran has already lots of nuclear grade plutonium to make a nuclear weapons. Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak. That was completed late last year. Thanks to Trump.

if they didn’t stopped that was five years ago when Obama the true leader of USA stepped in they could have the weapons by now.

They could.

Except the facilities that makes hard water facilities in located Arak.

Hard water? DURR

Yes my dear. You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb.

Heavy water looks like water, but is about 10 percent heavier. Plain water (H2O) has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. In heavy water there is deuterium instead of hydrogen, and while regular hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus, the deutrium has both one proton and one neutron. Thus, it becomes heavier.

You may want to check the relationship of a hard water in making nuclear weapons. It is a very important process and special facilities in making a nuclear bomb

Hard water would probably make it more difficult for them to make nuclear weapons, sweetie.
If I didn’t mentioned hard water. You don’t even know about hard water needed in making nuclear weapons.

Keep telling yourself that. And it's heavy water, moron.
Moron? You don’t even know about the process is, you don’t even know the only hard water facility location in Iran, you don’t even know what you are talking about, you don’t even know where and how many nuclear facilities we have. Meaning you don’t know anything. =Trump supporter.

BTW I asked you to prove that the mullahs never stopped building the nuclear program. One member even ask you for a link. WHERE is dat?

So next time when you quote me. You make sure you know what you are talking about. I KNOW what I’m talking about.

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