Looks Like the Trump Admin is Bringing Dark Secrets to The Light

Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him
MisRemembering in a perjury trap is not lying. You were taught that today when Flynn was exonerated.
Saying “misremembering in a perjury trap” is one of the most comical and pitiful excuses I’ve heard in a while. Is that a joke?
Yeah, like Clinton just misremembered having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap? I mean it had nothing to do with whitewater, right?

Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap?

It had nothing to do with Congress.
Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater? When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach. So yes congress was involved. But since Starr conducted the interview I guess he would be to one you think was out of line... Right?

Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater?

I agree, the fact that Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones had nothing to do with the
financial frauds of Whitewater being investigated

When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach.

Yup. His lies under oath, with his lawyers in the room, during his testimony for the Paula Jones lawsuit, led to his impeachment.
Agreed... so outrage at the witch hunt?

What witch hunt?
The Clinton witch hunt
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.

In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back.

What criminal activities described in the dossier were corroborated?
Refer to Coyote s post a few pages back. She laid out all the major points of the dossier and described which were corroborated and which were not. You all didn’t respond to her and now you’re playing dumb and asking for a repeat?! Why in the hell would I waste my time when you pull that crap?!. Do better

I don't remember her list including any crimes.
We arent talking about crimes we are talking about the “uncorroborated phony dossier” line thats a lie.
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him
MisRemembering in a perjury trap is not lying. You were taught that today when Flynn was exonerated.
Saying “misremembering in a perjury trap” is one of the most comical and pitiful excuses I’ve heard in a while. Is that a joke?
Yeah, like Clinton just misremembered having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap? I mean it had nothing to do with whitewater, right?

Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap?

It had nothing to do with Congress.
Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater? When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach. So yes congress was involved. But since Starr conducted the interview I guess he would be to one you think was out of line... Right?

Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater?

I agree, the fact that Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones had nothing to do with the
financial frauds of Whitewater being investigated

When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach.

Yup. His lies under oath, with his lawyers in the room, during his testimony for the Paula Jones lawsuit, led to his impeachment.
Agreed... so outrage at the witch hunt?

What witch hunt?
The Clinton witch hunt

He lied under oath in a lawsuit concerning Paula Jones.
For a crime he committed while governor.
I guess he should have settled, instead of dragging $20s through a trailer park, eh?

If you don't like the Independent Counsel Statute, we shouldn't renew it...….
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.

In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back.

What criminal activities described in the dossier were corroborated?
Refer to Coyote s post a few pages back. She laid out all the major points of the dossier and described which were corroborated and which were not. You all didn’t respond to her and now you’re playing dumb and asking for a repeat?! Why in the hell would I waste my time when you pull that crap?!. Do better

I don't remember her list including any crimes.
We arent talking about crimes we are talking about the “uncorroborated phony dossier” line thats a lie.

We arent talking about crimes

No crimes in the dossier? Cool!
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him
MisRemembering in a perjury trap is not lying. You were taught that today when Flynn was exonerated.
Saying “misremembering in a perjury trap” is one of the most comical and pitiful excuses I’ve heard in a while. Is that a joke?
Yeah, like Clinton just misremembered having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap? I mean it had nothing to do with whitewater, right?

Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap?

It had nothing to do with Congress.
Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater? When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach. So yes congress was involved. But since Starr conducted the interview I guess he would be to one you think was out of line... Right?

Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater?

I agree, the fact that Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones had nothing to do with the
financial frauds of Whitewater being investigated

When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach.

Yup. His lies under oath, with his lawyers in the room, during his testimony for the Paula Jones lawsuit, led to his impeachment.
Agreed... so outrage at the witch hunt?

What witch hunt?
The Clinton witch hunt

He lied under oath in a lawsuit concerning Paula Jones.
For a crime he committed while governor.
I guess he should have settled, instead of dragging $20s through a trailer park, eh?

If you don't like the Independent Counsel Statute, we shouldn't renew it...….
As I said. You condemn the witch hunt, right?
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.

In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back.

What criminal activities described in the dossier were corroborated?
Refer to Coyote s post a few pages back. She laid out all the major points of the dossier and described which were corroborated and which were not. You all didn’t respond to her and now you’re playing dumb and asking for a repeat?! Why in the hell would I waste my time when you pull that crap?!. Do better

I don't remember her list including any crimes.
We arent talking about crimes we are talking about the “uncorroborated phony dossier” line thats a lie.

We arent talking about crimes

No crimes in the dossier? Cool!
Just intel. Some corroborate and some not. Need more that a piece of opporesearch to prove a crime
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him
MisRemembering in a perjury trap is not lying. You were taught that today when Flynn was exonerated.
Saying “misremembering in a perjury trap” is one of the most comical and pitiful excuses I’ve heard in a while. Is that a joke?
Yeah, like Clinton just misremembered having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap? I mean it had nothing to do with whitewater, right?

Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap?

It had nothing to do with Congress.
Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater? When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach. So yes congress was involved. But since Starr conducted the interview I guess he would be to one you think was out of line... Right?

Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater?

I agree, the fact that Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones had nothing to do with the
financial frauds of Whitewater being investigated

When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach.

Yup. His lies under oath, with his lawyers in the room, during his testimony for the Paula Jones lawsuit, led to his impeachment.
Agreed... so outrage at the witch hunt?

What witch hunt?
The Clinton witch hunt

He lied under oath in a lawsuit concerning Paula Jones.
For a crime he committed while governor.
I guess he should have settled, instead of dragging $20s through a trailer park, eh?

If you don't like the Independent Counsel Statute, we shouldn't renew it...….
As I said. You condemn the witch hunt, right?

Hasn't Hillary already been through enough?
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.

In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back.

What criminal activities described in the dossier were corroborated?
Refer to Coyote s post a few pages back. She laid out all the major points of the dossier and described which were corroborated and which were not. You all didn’t respond to her and now you’re playing dumb and asking for a repeat?! Why in the hell would I waste my time when you pull that crap?!. Do better

I don't remember her list including any crimes.
We arent talking about crimes we are talking about the “uncorroborated phony dossier” line thats a lie.

We arent talking about crimes

No crimes in the dossier? Cool!
Just intel. Some corroborate and some not. Need more that a piece of opporesearch to prove a crime

Yup, lots of fake intel, bought by the DNC and the Hillary campaign.
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him
MisRemembering in a perjury trap is not lying. You were taught that today when Flynn was exonerated.
Saying “misremembering in a perjury trap” is one of the most comical and pitiful excuses I’ve heard in a while. Is that a joke?
Yeah, like Clinton just misremembered having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap? I mean it had nothing to do with whitewater, right?

Totally... didn’t congress coerce poor Billy into that perjury trap?

It had nothing to do with Congress.
Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater? When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach. So yes congress was involved. But since Starr conducted the interview I guess he would be to one you think was out of line... Right?

Starr was assigned to investigate whitewater. What did sex have to do with whitewater?

I agree, the fact that Bill Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones had nothing to do with the
financial frauds of Whitewater being investigated

When Starr handed that interview over to CONGRESS they used it to impeach.

Yup. His lies under oath, with his lawyers in the room, during his testimony for the Paula Jones lawsuit, led to his impeachment.
Agreed... so outrage at the witch hunt?

What witch hunt?
The Clinton witch hunt

He lied under oath in a lawsuit concerning Paula Jones.
For a crime he committed while governor.
I guess he should have settled, instead of dragging $20s through a trailer park, eh?

If you don't like the Independent Counsel Statute, we shouldn't renew it...….
As I said. You condemn the witch hunt, right?

Hasn't Hillary already been through enough?
I think so
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.

In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back.

What criminal activities described in the dossier were corroborated?
Refer to Coyote s post a few pages back. She laid out all the major points of the dossier and described which were corroborated and which were not. You all didn’t respond to her and now you’re playing dumb and asking for a repeat?! Why in the hell would I waste my time when you pull that crap?!. Do better

I don't remember her list including any crimes.
We arent talking about crimes we are talking about the “uncorroborated phony dossier” line thats a lie.

We arent talking about crimes

No crimes in the dossier? Cool!
Just intel. Some corroborate and some not. Need more that a piece of opporesearch to prove a crime

Yup, lots of fake intel, bought by the DNC and the Hillary campaign.
Yes and also real intel... Bought by the Dems and the Republicans. Did you forget who got the ball rolling?
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.
Bullshit, Mueller found no crime and the corroboration was all hearsay that told a fantasy story by 2nd hand (hearsay). None of it was verified. Just a bunch of Russian propaganda that Hillary, Obama and the DNC tried to use to unseat Trump.
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.
Bullshit, Mueller found no crime and the corroboration was all hearsay that told a fantasy story by 2nd hand (hearsay). None of it was verified. Just a bunch of Russian propaganda that Hillary, Obama and the DNC tried to use to unseat Trump.
The dossier wasn’t all about crimes dumbass. It was political dirt... some of which outlined relationships with Russians which Mueller investigated and corroborated Coyote laid it all out and none of you refuted it.
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.
Bullshit, Mueller found no crime and the corroboration was all hearsay that told a fantasy story by 2nd hand (hearsay). None of it was verified. Just a bunch of Russian propaganda that Hillary, Obama and the DNC tried to use to unseat Trump.
The dossier wasn’t all about crimes dumbass. It was political dirt... some of which outlined relationships with Russians which Mueller investigated and corroborated Coyote laid it all out and none of you refuted it.
The dossier didn't outline any crimes and was a document of fiction. Yet, here you are beating your dead horse of an argument once more. Why not just admit you hate Trump and be done with it? You don't give a shit about the law or justice at all by what you have posted here.
Once again, what's done in the dark is coming to the light.
The FBI is being exposed as a corrupt entity of the government at the highest level.

Handwritten notes from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that had been inappropriately withheld from Flynn’s defense team for years show that a key goal of the agents investigating Flynn was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”
In the handwritten FBI notes, the note-taker, whose identity was not made clear in the document production, wrote that an alternate goal is to “get [Flynn] to admit breaking the Logan Act,” a reference to a 1799 law restricting communications between private citizens and foreign governments.
The FBI notes also show that the author of the document had misgivings about the FBI’s conduct in interviewing Flynn.

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit,” the FBI author wrote. “I thought [about] it last night, [and] I believe we should rethink this.”

“We regularly show subjects evidence, with the goal of getting them to admit wrongdoing,” the notes said. “I don’t see how getting someone to admit their wrongdoing is going easy on him.”

“I agreed yesterday that we shouldn’t show Flynn [REDACTED] if he didn’t admit” but “I thought about it last night and I believe we should rethink this,” the FBI official wrote. “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

One of Obama's long list of legacies, no doubt.
I'll be looking for this on CNN.
Wray has proven to be as useless as tits on a bull.....If I were Trump I would ask for his resignation tomorrow and put Giuliani in there....clean the agency from the top down....
Make James Traficant director of the CIA and Jim Hostettler head of FBI
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.
Bullshit, Mueller found no crime and the corroboration was all hearsay that told a fantasy story by 2nd hand (hearsay). None of it was verified. Just a bunch of Russian propaganda that Hillary, Obama and the DNC tried to use to unseat Trump.
The dossier wasn’t all about crimes dumbass. It was political dirt... some of which outlined relationships with Russians which Mueller investigated and corroborated Coyote laid it all out and none of you refuted it.
The dossier didn't outline any crimes and was a document of fiction. Yet, here you are beating your dead horse of an argument once more. Why not just admit you hate Trump and be done with it? You don't give a shit about the law or justice at all by what you have posted here.
I never said it outlined crimes and I also explained that mueller verified parts of it while other parts were not verified. Did Trump get a Golden Shower in Moscow? Who cares?! That story was national enquirer BS... opporesearch. But parts were true and followed up on by the FBI.
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.
Bullshit, Mueller found no crime and the corroboration was all hearsay that told a fantasy story by 2nd hand (hearsay). None of it was verified. Just a bunch of Russian propaganda that Hillary, Obama and the DNC tried to use to unseat Trump.
The dossier wasn’t all about crimes dumbass. It was political dirt... some of which outlined relationships with Russians which Mueller investigated and corroborated Coyote laid it all out and none of you refuted it.
The dossier didn't outline any crimes and was a document of fiction. Yet, here you are beating your dead horse of an argument once more. Why not just admit you hate Trump and be done with it? You don't give a shit about the law or justice at all by what you have posted here.
I never said it outlined crimes and I also explained that mueller verified parts of it while other parts were not verified. Did Trump get a Golden Shower in Moscow? Who cares?! That story was national enquirer BS... opporesearch. But parts were true and followed up on by the FBI.
It should have never have been used to get a FISA warrant then. That was criminal. A verified document does not mean "parts" were verified. Grasping at any straw to remove Trump was apparently paramount to the slime running the FBI at the time.
Last edited:
Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
When several FBI Agents testify/ state they do not believe Flynn was lying, and the only one to say he did was/is the FBI's #1 Counter-Intel Expert (such a high level FBI leadership position being involved in an interview usually done by Field Agents, another 'breach of standard protocol / from the norm the IG pointed out) who has been proven to have lied numerous times, helped the NSA and CIA Directors author the ICA and ICR - which they said they knew nothing about (a LIE)and considering all of the other criminal evidence against the FBI...according to the retired FBI Investigative expert in the article posted, this was a planned illegal set-up that required the FBI to bypass protocol so as not to alert the WY or WH legal Counsel to ensure Flynn was isolated and without legal Counsel. This was a set-up. Comey even admitted it (read the article).

"Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying."

That doesn't mean he WAS lying, either...and every one of the FBI Agents involved....except co-conspiring Strzok stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

That’s right, it doesn’t.

The evidence that already exists and that continues to come out speaks for itself:

The Obama administration initiated an illegitimate investigation into Trump and his team based on no legal, proper, legitimate justification for doing so.

Moron, Trump's DOJ IG report has already concluded this statement to be full of shit.

In a highly anticipated report released Monday, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz determined that the FBI had adequate cause in July 2016 to justify opening an investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia and did not find hard evidence of political bias in that decision, undermining allegations by President Trump and his allies that the bureau acted improperly in launching the probe.

What is it with you and total disregard for well-known facts?
That was before all of this information / internal docs (as recent as yesterday) began being unsealed...

Nothing in these 2017 documents deals with why 2016 investigation was initiated.

As usual, you grossly misunderstand what you mouth off about.
Spin it however you like. Mounting evidence shows the case against Flynn is looking very bogus indeed.

Let's see you say that after Flynn gets convicted.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
When several FBI Agents testify/ state they do not believe Flynn was lying, and the only one to say he did was/is the FBI's #1 Counter-Intel Expert (such a high level FBI leadership position being involved in an interview usually done by Field Agents, another 'breach of standard protocol / from the norm the IG pointed out) who has been proven to have lied numerous times, helped the NSA and CIA Directors author the ICA and ICR - which they said they knew nothing about (a LIE)and considering all of the other criminal evidence against the FBI...according to the retired FBI Investigative expert in the article posted, this was a planned illegal set-up that required the FBI to bypass protocol so as not to alert the WY or WH legal Counsel to ensure Flynn was isolated and without legal Counsel. This was a set-up. Comey even admitted it (read the article).

"Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying."

That doesn't mean he WAS lying, either...and every one of the FBI Agents involved....except co-conspiring Strzok stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

That’s right, it doesn’t.

The evidence that already exists and that continues to come out speaks for itself:

The Obama administration initiated an illegitimate investigation into Trump and his team based on no legal, proper, legitimate justification for doing so.

Moron, Trump's DOJ IG report has already concluded this statement to be full of shit.

In a highly anticipated report released Monday, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz determined that the FBI had adequate cause in July 2016 to justify opening an investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia and did not find hard evidence of political bias in that decision, undermining allegations by President Trump and his allies that the bureau acted improperly in launching the probe.

What is it with you and total disregard for well-known facts?
That was before all of this information / internal docs (as recent as yesterday) began being unsealed...

Nothing in these 2017 documents deals with why 2016 investigation was initiated.

As usual, you grossly misunderstand what you mouth off about.
Spin it however you like. Mounting evidence shows the case against Flynn is looking very bogus indeed.

Let's see you say that after Flynn gets convicted.

I will be waiting for you to accept you were wrong.

Me too, but god damn it, I keep being right.
The FBI was going to close the case on Flynn in January of 2017. They concluded that there was nothing wrong with what he did.
That's a well crafted distortion of the truth. In the part of the investigation ("Crossfire Razor") you referred to the FBI was looking in to whether Flynn had acted as a Russian agent during the campaign. They concluded he had not.
That investigation was not part of the FBI's pursuit of Flynn on charges relating to his conversations with Kislyak. The conversations he lied to the FBI about and later confessed to. A crime for which he plead guilty.

However, none of these facts matter to occupants of Trumpworld. Where half-baked conspiracy theories, outright lies, and false accusations by the Liar-in-Chief are the currency of the land.
So have any of you leftists admitted you were dead wrong yet?! Pwahahahahaha!
-Not tired of winning yet.

Don’t get pissy because my point went over your head. Lawyers have one job... To represent their client. They aren't arbiters of truth
What a thoughtful and brilliant point! I'll bet no one ever thought of that before. No wonder it "went over
my head". :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Actually I think my original point was about Sidney Powell, former DOJ prosecutor who saw from the inside how rotten the system was and who now battles the corrupt DOJ creeps in Washington DC.

And how Flynn fired his shitty lawyers Covington Burling (who told Flynn just to plead guilty to everything and hope for mercy from the system....which was the worst advice ever) and brought on board someone who fought the DOJ for a living and that made all the difference.

And that's when you mentioned Johnny Cochran, which was and is a non sequitur because the OJ and Flynn cases were nothing alike and my point went so far over your head you need to call NORAD to help you
find it. You are a real dumb fuck!
Last edited:
Wow, Barr just dropped the case. Talk about the dirty dirty swamp. How embarrassing for our government

Yeah, when shown overwhelming evidence of FBI criminal conduct the DOJ only has one option, and that is to drop all charges.

That's what the RULE OF LAW, demands.
No, when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested... when trying to cover for a liar the charges get dropped... isn’t that what y’all said about Comey and Clinton?

when shown evidence of criminal conduct people should get arrested...

Exactly. If there was any evidence of criminal conduct in the phone call, he should have been arrested.
He wasn’t arrested for the phone call. He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it. How do you still not understand this. We’ve been over it a dozen times now. Seriously... you’re just trolling at this point, am I right?

He wasn’t arrested for the phone call.

Exactly. Because nothing in the call was a crime.

He was questioned about it and arrested for lying about it.

Yes. He was arrested for, supposedly, non-material lies in a phony investigation.

How do you still not understand this.

I understand it perfectly.
If the FBI questions you about a non-criminal phone call, they can charge you if you lie.
Even if the lies are not material and there isn't a legitimate legal reason to even question you.
There was legitimate reason to question Flynn... they were investigating Russian interference in an election. Flynn was part of the trump campaign. Flynn had been in communication with the Russians. It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was legitimate reason to question Flynn...

What reason?

they were investigating Russian interference in an election.

Cool. The phone call was after the election.

Flynn was part of the trump campaign.

Then their questions should have been about stuff before the election.

Flynn had been in communication with the Russians.

Then question him about pre-election contacts. No crime in the post-election call.

It doesn’t get any more material than that

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it and got fired because of it. Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning. Are you playing stupid or do you really not get it?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn’s phone call with Russia except for he lied about it

Exactly. A lie that was not material.

Just because it happened after the election doesn’t make Flynn’s relationship with Russia and communications, known and unknown, not a relevant line of questioning.

Any lie about the known communication, the one that didn't involve the election or any wrongdoing, isn't material. And there was no wrongdoing uncovered about any other calls.
Oh you poor soul... no you don’t lie to cops about anything. You never know where details lead in the course of an investigation... facts need to be uncovered. You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie. As soon as Flynn started lying he deserved to get pressed. I would have been irresponsible to not go that route. If Flynn didn’t want to disclose something or If he didn’t remember he could have responded I’m several other ways. But lying was not ok. Stop making excuses for him

You don’t set a precedent that if you don’t think a question is related to a crime that’s under investigation it’s ok to lie.

What crime was under investigation?
Foreign interference in an election. You’re officially a dumbass

Foreign interference in an election

No evidence in the call of foreign interference in an election.
So why do you feel that phone call was material?
I never said there was evidence in the call. Cops do interview people involved with players of crimes they are investigating. That shouldn’t be news to you
The Steele dossier is now debunked therefore there was no basis to investigate Trump for collusion and there was no crime. But then, you just go on believing in the fantasy bullshit the liars in the Obama administration fed you. It's looking like evidence is surfacing that Obama wanted Flynn gone because of a personal vendetta where he fired Flynn. His FBI henchmen were more than glad to help out. After all, as the FBI correspondence proves, they were out to get anyone even associated with Trump. If they hadn't taken Flynn out then Flynn would have been privy to the conspiracy to remove Trump so, he had to go.
The Steele dossier is not all of a sudden debunked. You just made that up. In fact much of it was corroborated by Muellers Investigation as Coyote very thoughtfully laid out a few pages back. Much of it was uncorroborated as well, as it was a mixed bag of intel. You seem to be ignoring all that.

Maldonado, if you recall. It wasn’t Obama that took Flynn out. Trump fired him. It wasn’t Obama’s DOJ that arrested him, it was Trumps under the leadership of Rosenstein and Wray both of whom Trump appointed. What’s happening now is all political and it’s rather transparent and pathetic.
Bullshit, Mueller found no crime and the corroboration was all hearsay that told a fantasy story by 2nd hand (hearsay). None of it was verified. Just a bunch of Russian propaganda that Hillary, Obama and the DNC tried to use to unseat Trump.
The dossier wasn’t all about crimes dumbass. It was political dirt... some of which outlined relationships with Russians which Mueller investigated and corroborated Coyote laid it all out and none of you refuted it.
The dossier didn't outline any crimes and was a document of fiction. Yet, here you are beating your dead horse of an argument once more. Why not just admit you hate Trump and be done with it? You don't give a shit about the law or justice at all by what you have posted here.
I never said it outlined crimes and I also explained that mueller verified parts of it while other parts were not verified. Did Trump get a Golden Shower in Moscow? Who cares?! That story was national enquirer BS... opporesearch. But parts were true and followed up on by the FBI.
It should have never have been used to get a FISA warrant then. That was criminal. A verified document does not mean "parts" were verified. Grasping at any straw to remove Trump was apparently paramount to the slime running the FBI at the time.
Perhaps it was misused, that’s for a judge or somebody who knows what Intel was used, how it was used and how it was verified. You sir don’t have all the intel so you don’t know. You’re playing politics and making ASSumptions.Fact remains that elements of the dossier were verified. Only elements were used in court. I didn’t see a warrant request to collect a urine sample to verified Trumps golden shower. Did you?
Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
When several FBI Agents testify/ state they do not believe Flynn was lying, and the only one to say he did was/is the FBI's #1 Counter-Intel Expert (such a high level FBI leadership position being involved in an interview usually done by Field Agents, another 'breach of standard protocol / from the norm the IG pointed out) who has been proven to have lied numerous times, helped the NSA and CIA Directors author the ICA and ICR - which they said they knew nothing about (a LIE)and considering all of the other criminal evidence against the FBI...according to the retired FBI Investigative expert in the article posted, this was a planned illegal set-up that required the FBI to bypass protocol so as not to alert the WY or WH legal Counsel to ensure Flynn was isolated and without legal Counsel. This was a set-up. Comey even admitted it (read the article).

"Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying."

That doesn't mean he WAS lying, either...and every one of the FBI Agents involved....except co-conspiring Strzok stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

That’s right, it doesn’t.

The evidence that already exists and that continues to come out speaks for itself:

The Obama administration initiated an illegitimate investigation into Trump and his team based on no legal, proper, legitimate justification for doing so.

Moron, Trump's DOJ IG report has already concluded this statement to be full of shit.

In a highly anticipated report released Monday, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz determined that the FBI had adequate cause in July 2016 to justify opening an investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia and did not find hard evidence of political bias in that decision, undermining allegations by President Trump and his allies that the bureau acted improperly in launching the probe.

What is it with you and total disregard for well-known facts?
That was before all of this information / internal docs (as recent as yesterday) began being unsealed...

Nothing in these 2017 documents deals with why 2016 investigation was initiated.

As usual, you grossly misunderstand what you mouth off about.
Spin it however you like. Mounting evidence shows the case against Flynn is looking very bogus indeed.

Let's see you say that after Flynn gets convicted.
Can somebody explain what’s controversial here? Flynn got fired by Trump for lying about contacts with Russians. The FBI caught him lying to them which is a crime. Nobody forced him to lie. Flynn confessed to the crime.

Why is this an issue?
Yes seriously, Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying.
When several FBI Agents testify/ state they do not believe Flynn was lying, and the only one to say he did was/is the FBI's #1 Counter-Intel Expert (such a high level FBI leadership position being involved in an interview usually done by Field Agents, another 'breach of standard protocol / from the norm the IG pointed out) who has been proven to have lied numerous times, helped the NSA and CIA Directors author the ICA and ICR - which they said they knew nothing about (a LIE)and considering all of the other criminal evidence against the FBI...according to the retired FBI Investigative expert in the article posted, this was a planned illegal set-up that required the FBI to bypass protocol so as not to alert the WY or WH legal Counsel to ensure Flynn was isolated and without legal Counsel. This was a set-up. Comey even admitted it (read the article).

"Flynn didn't give off the body language, hence the statement about not detecting him lying during the interview. But that doesn't mean that he wasn't actually lying."

That doesn't mean he WAS lying, either...and every one of the FBI Agents involved....except co-conspiring Strzok stated they did not believe Flynn lied.

That’s right, it doesn’t.

The evidence that already exists and that continues to come out speaks for itself:

The Obama administration initiated an illegitimate investigation into Trump and his team based on no legal, proper, legitimate justification for doing so.

Moron, Trump's DOJ IG report has already concluded this statement to be full of shit.

In a highly anticipated report released Monday, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz determined that the FBI had adequate cause in July 2016 to justify opening an investigation into links between the Trump campaign and Russia and did not find hard evidence of political bias in that decision, undermining allegations by President Trump and his allies that the bureau acted improperly in launching the probe.

What is it with you and total disregard for well-known facts?
That was before all of this information / internal docs (as recent as yesterday) began being unsealed...

Nothing in these 2017 documents deals with why 2016 investigation was initiated.

As usual, you grossly misunderstand what you mouth off about.
Spin it however you like. Mounting evidence shows the case against Flynn is looking very bogus indeed.

Let's see you say that after Flynn gets convicted.

I will be waiting for you to accept you were wrong.

Me too, but god damn it, I keep being right.
The FBI was going to close the case on Flynn in January of 2017. They concluded that there was nothing wrong with what he did.
That's a well crafted distortion of the truth. In the part of the investigation ("Crossfire Razor") you referred to the FBI was looking in to whether Flynn had acted as a Russian agent during the campaign. They concluded he had not.
That investigation was not part of the FBI's pursuit of Flynn on charges relating to his conversations with Kislyak. The conversations he lied to the FBI about and later confessed to. A crime for which he plead guilty.

However, none of these facts matter to occupants of Trumpworld. Where half-baked conspiracy theories, outright lies, and false accusations by the Liar-in-Chief are the currency of the land.
So have any of you leftists admitted you were dead wrong yet?! Pwahahahahaha!
-Not tired of winning yet.

dead wrong about what?

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