Looks Like Trump Is A Winner

Trump is a winner indeed. To be specific a winner who wins.
Yup, and I suppose Fauci was lying when he said the virus was "a very low threat to the USA?" No? I see, just Trump is a liar when he paraphrases what the federal government's say, the very so called experts all you folks demanded Trump listen to.

Yanno, you guys keep pointing to what Fauci said at the beginning of this virus pandemic. When Fauci said that, we didn't know that much about the virus, and so he was trying to reassure the people at the beginning.

Yes, I know this. I have made the exact same point in defense of them.

However, when Trump repeated what the experts were telling him in early January, two months later Trump's opponents using 20/20 hindsight, used his words against him, to claim Trump was downplaying the virus.

As time went on, more about the virus was learned, which is why Fauci started to modify what he had said. And, eventually, it ended up hurting him because he was trying to tell what the virus actually did as we learned about it, and when it no longer fit Trump's narrative, he was thrown under the bus, and now all you Trumpettes are parroting what Trump is saying about Fauci and think that he should be fired.
Fauci and Birx's problem is that they suffer from hubris. They were well aware that they knew almost nothing about this virus. And yet they boldly and confidently went before the cameras acting as if they knew what the hell they were talking about. And our news media held up these people as if they were all knowing and God-like.
The "mis-information" winner, that is.
It's amazing, he beats social media and the MSM.

And now a new poll from the Knight Foundation reveals that 47 percent of Americans have identified the Trump administration as “the main source” of COVID-19 misinformation, while an additional seven percent identified the White House as the second-largest source of bad pandemic information."

A Rawstory report?...you libtards really need to stop digging on the net...you are finding nothing but trash....find a news agency and dump the comic book sites will ya?....

Well, if you don't like Rawstory, how about some other links?

The Atlantic............................

The Guardian...................................



New York Times....................................

And interestingly enough, it wasn't that hard. I just typed in "Trump virus misinformation and got all those links. Just because you don't want to believe something doesn't mean it didn't happen.
All proven liars and fake news....
The "mis-information" winner, that is.
It's amazing, he beats social media and the MSM.

And now a new poll from the Knight Foundation reveals that 47 percent of Americans have identified the Trump administration as “the main source” of COVID-19 misinformation, while an additional seven percent identified the White House as the second-largest source of bad pandemic information."

A Rawstory report?...you libtards really need to stop digging on the net...you are finding nothing but trash....find a news agency and dump the comic book sites will ya?....

Well, if you don't like Rawstory, how about some other links?

The Atlantic............................

The Guardian...................................



New York Times....................................

And interestingly enough, it wasn't that hard. I just typed in "Trump virus misinformation and got all those links. Just because you don't want to believe something doesn't mean it didn't happen.
All leftist propaganda TP sites. :abgg2q.jpg:

Again, just because you guys want to ignore what Trump is doing because it doesn't fit with your narrative of how he's doing, doesn't mean it didn't happen. And, not only was it reported, but there is also video of him saying all these things. Trump apparently doesn't realize that as president, everything he says in public is recorded. And, sometimes, what he says in private is leaked. Sorry, but he needs to realize that he can't keep lying and misinforming the public.
Yup, and I suppose Fauci was lying when he said the virus was "a very low threat to the USA?" No? I see, just Trump is a liar when he paraphrases what the federal government's say, the very so called experts all you folks demanded Trump listen to.
15 to 0. Ever hear that?
Nope, you're being to damn vague and obscure
Was it not Trump who said that "all the doctors told me I know so much about this stuff?"

Yup, and I suppose Fauci was lying when he said the virus was "a very low threat to the USA?" No? I see, just Trump is a liar when he paraphrases what the federal government's say, the very so called experts all you folks demanded Trump listen to.

Yanno, you guys keep pointing to what Fauci said at the beginning of this virus pandemic. When Fauci said that, we didn't know that much about the virus, and so he was trying to reassure the people at the beginning.

Yes, I know this. I have made the exact same point in defense of them.

However, when Trump repeated what the experts were telling him in early January, two months later Trump's opponents using 20/20 hindsight, used his words against him, to claim Trump was downplaying the virus.

As time went on, more about the virus was learned, which is why Fauci started to modify what he had said. And, eventually, it ended up hurting him because he was trying to tell what the virus actually did as we learned about it, and when it no longer fit Trump's narrative, he was thrown under the bus, and now all you Trumpettes are parroting what Trump is saying about Fauci and think that he should be fired.
Fauci and Birx's problem is that they suffer from hubris. They were well aware that they knew almost nothing about this virus. And yet they boldly and confidently went before the cameras acting as if they knew what the hell they were talking about. And our news media held up these people as if they were all knowing and God-like.

You're right, they were reassuring before we knew much about this virus, but, as more information came out, and doctors around the world were researching and investigating, that is when they started to tell what they knew, but because it countered what Trump had already been spewing, that is why Trump is throwing him under the bus.

I also find it interesting that after the 2 staffers at the WH tested positive, the only people we hear about going into self quarantine are the people who are supposed to be the experts on the virus. I wonder if Trump told them to self quarantine to shut them up?
A Rawstory report?...you libtards really need to stop digging on the net...you are finding nothing but trash....find a news agency and dump the comic book sites will ya?....
List the acceptable sites to your fragile rightwing sensibilities.
I've lost faith and respect for 90% of news today.....do you blame me?....hell it looks as if the media was in on the framing of General Flynn...a bunch of liberal arts graduates working to destroy a decorated general.....it makes me sick....so when a story breaks whether its a pro Trump story or a hate Trump story I wait a few weeks for the real truth to be discovered...and Marc that has served me well the last 3 years...remember I was the one that said Flynn will walk...and libs found thousands of links to show me I was wrong....whoops!....they were the wrong ones....
The "mis-information" winner, that is.
It's amazing, he beats social media and the MSM.

And now a new poll from the Knight Foundation reveals that 47 percent of Americans have identified the Trump administration as “the main source” of COVID-19 misinformation, while an additional seven percent identified the White House as the second-largest source of bad pandemic information."

A Rawstory report?...you libtards really need to stop digging on the net...you are finding nothing but trash....find a news agency and dump the comic book sites will ya?....

Well, if you don't like Rawstory, how about some other links?

The Atlantic............................

The Guardian...................................



New York Times....................................

And interestingly enough, it wasn't that hard. I just typed in "Trump virus misinformation and got all those links. Just because you don't want to believe something doesn't mean it didn't happen.
All proven liars and fake news....

They don't even make it a challenge.
The "mis-information" winner, that is.
It's amazing, he beats social media and the MSM.

And now a new poll from the Knight Foundation reveals that 47 percent of Americans have identified the Trump administration as “the main source” of COVID-19 misinformation, while an additional seven percent identified the White House as the second-largest source of bad pandemic information."

A Rawstory report?...you libtards really need to stop digging on the net...you are finding nothing but trash....find a news agency and dump the comic book sites will ya?....

Well, if you don't like Rawstory, how about some other links?

The Atlantic............................

The Guardian...................................



New York Times....................................

And interestingly enough, it wasn't that hard. I just typed in "Trump virus misinformation and got all those links. Just because you don't want to believe something doesn't mean it didn't happen.
All proven liars and fake news....
The "mis-information" winner, that is.
It's amazing, he beats social media and the MSM.

And now a new poll from the Knight Foundation reveals that 47 percent of Americans have identified the Trump administration as “the main source” of COVID-19 misinformation, while an additional seven percent identified the White House as the second-largest source of bad pandemic information."

A Rawstory report?...you libtards really need to stop digging on the net...you are finding nothing but trash....find a news agency and dump the comic book sites will ya?....

Well, if you don't like Rawstory, how about some other links?

The Atlantic............................

The Guardian...................................



New York Times....................................

And interestingly enough, it wasn't that hard. I just typed in "Trump virus misinformation and got all those links. Just because you don't want to believe something doesn't mean it didn't happen.
All leftist propaganda TP sites. :abgg2q.jpg:

Again, just because you guys want to ignore what Trump is doing because it doesn't fit with your narrative of how he's doing, doesn't mean it didn't happen. And, not only was it reported, but there is also video of him saying all these things. Trump apparently doesn't realize that as president, everything he says in public is recorded. And, sometimes, what he says in private is leaked. Sorry, but he needs to realize that he can't keep lying and misinforming the public.
Yup, and I suppose Fauci was lying when he said the virus was "a very low threat to the USA?" No? I see, just Trump is a liar when he paraphrases what the federal government's say, the very so called experts all you folks demanded Trump listen to.
15 to 0. Ever hear that?
Nope, you're being to damn vague and obscure
15 to zero. Trump's words. Do a search and become informed.
Yup, and I suppose Fauci was lying when he said the virus was "a very low threat to the USA?" No? I see, just Trump is a liar when he paraphrases what the federal government's say, the very so called experts all you folks demanded Trump listen to.

Yanno, you guys keep pointing to what Fauci said at the beginning of this virus pandemic. When Fauci said that, we didn't know that much about the virus, and so he was trying to reassure the people at the beginning.

Yes, I know this. I have made the exact same point in defense of them.

However, when Trump repeated what the experts were telling him in early January, two months later Trump's opponents using 20/20 hindsight, used his words against him, to claim Trump was downplaying the virus.

As time went on, more about the virus was learned, which is why Fauci started to modify what he had said. And, eventually, it ended up hurting him because he was trying to tell what the virus actually did as we learned about it, and when it no longer fit Trump's narrative, he was thrown under the bus, and now all you Trumpettes are parroting what Trump is saying about Fauci and think that he should be fired.
Fauci and Birx's problem is that they suffer from hubris. They were well aware that they knew almost nothing about this virus. And yet they boldly and confidently went before the cameras acting as if they knew what the hell they were talking about. And our news media held up these people as if they were all knowing and God-like.

You're right, they were reassuring before we knew much about this virus, but, as more information came out, and doctors around the world were researching and investigating, that is when they started to tell what they knew, but because it countered what Trump had already been spewing, that is why Trump is throwing him under the bus.

I also find it interesting that after the 2 staffers at the WH tested positive, the only people we hear about going into self quarantine are the people who are supposed to be the experts on the virus. I wonder if Trump told them to self quarantine to shut them up?
Trump received his talking points from Fauci. And yes, Fauci regularly countered his own talking points a few weeks later. Trump did not throw Fauci under the bus, Fauci's own words regularly threw himself under the bus.
Last edited:
15 to zero. Trump's words. Do a search and become informed.

My favorite one was when he said that it was going to "go away, like a miracle".
Wow, that is grbbing at straws. What Trump said was an optimistic opinion about what he thinks will happen to the virus one day in the future. But I suppose that to you, it qualifies as a lie. Once we discover a vaccine, and enough people have the antigen, then hopefully it will go away.
15 to zero. Trump's words. Do a search and become informed.

My favorite one was when he said that it was going to "go away, like a miracle".
Wow, that is grbbing at straws. What Trump said was an optimistic opinion about what he thinks will happen to the virus one day in the future. But I suppose that to you, it qualifies as a lie. Once we discover a vaccine, and enough people have the antigen, then hopefully it will go away.

Listen, I spent 20 years of my life in the Navy, and one of the hallmarks of good leadership was for them to tell you exactly what the situation was. Not dressing it up in hopeful bullshit, or scaring the crap out of people with a worst case scenario, but actually what was happening.

People who were overly optimistic in their assessments of situations weren't very good at their jobs.
15 to zero. Trump's words. Do a search and become informed.

My favorite one was when he said that it was going to "go away, like a miracle".
Wow, that is grbbing at straws. What Trump said was an optimistic opinion about what he thinks will happen to the virus one day in the future. But I suppose that to you, it qualifies as a lie. Once we discover a vaccine, and enough people have the antigen, then hopefully it will go away.

Listen, I spent 20 years of my life in the Navy, and one of the hallmarks of good leadership was for them to tell you exactly what the situation was. Not dressing it up in hopeful bullshit, or scaring the crap out of people with a worst case scenario, but actually what was happening.

People who were overly optimistic in their assessments of situations weren't very good at their jobs.
I spent 22 years in the Corps, two of those years aboard a carrier. And do not tell me you did not have to sit thru speeches by captains and admirals where they spoke optimistically about what the ship, or your unit was going to be able to achieve.
Trump was obviously referring to injecting Ultra Violet light, since the doctors were discussing the effects of UV light / sunlight. We already inject UV light into patient's ventilator tubes to kill virus and bacteria.

Really? He was talking about injecting sunlight? How in the hell would you do that? Sunlight is made up of photons and various types of rays, neither of which have mass, so how in the hell are you going to get them in a syringe and inject them?
Not sunlight, UV light. How would you inject sunlight? :26:

Science 101, sunlight contains UV light.
The "mis-information" winner, that is.
It's amazing, he beats social media and the MSM.

And now a new poll from the Knight Foundation reveals that 47 percent of Americans have identified the Trump administration as “the main source” of COVID-19 misinformation, while an additional seven percent identified the White House as the second-largest source of bad pandemic information."

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