Looks Like Trump Is Winning Again


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Despite the foreboding of the media and dingbat lefties, it looks like America is re-opening, the stock market is too and Trump's economic rebound will make Obama's anemic recovery all the more amazing!

MAGA, or maybe MAGAA (Make America Great Again Again)?

BTW, I give credit to the governors who helped lead the way on a local level. With a Hillary of Biden administration we would be truly be doomed for a generation.

Let the wining begin.
If a democrook was in office none of this hysteria would have happened in the first place. Nothing would have been shut down, the economy would still be in the shitter regardless, and the media would be hyping up stories about little boys wanting to be girl scouts.

Despite the foreboding of the media and dingbat lefties, it looks like America is re-opening, the stock market is too and Trump's economic rebound will make Obama's anemic recovery all the more amazing!

MAGA, or maybe MAGAA (Make America Great Again Again)?

BTW, I give credit to the governors who helped lead the way on a local level. With a Hillary of Biden administration we would be truly be doomed for a generation.

Let the wining begin.
Obama had no recovery. Any recovery was due to fracking which Obama opposed.
The recovery was from Obama driving the economy over the cliff (by design) with his energy policy.
If a democrook was in office none of this hysteria would have happened in the first place. Nothing would have been shut down, the economy would still be in the shitter regardless, and the media would be hyping up stories about little boys wanting to be girl scouts.

Yeah, the economy was toast already. They simply couldn't keep pushing that lie about things being rainbows and unicorns. Heck, people couldn't pay their rent after one month. Food lines wrapped around the corners, even.

All of the fear mongering did serve as a perfect distraction from the real cuplrit, though. The Fed got away free of any scrutiny.

And they're still gonna keep running the same scam.

25 trillon dollars in debt. And growing...
Despite the foreboding of the media and dingbat lefties, it looks like America is re-opening, the stock market is too and Trump's economic rebound will make Obama's anemic recovery all the more amazing!

MAGA, or maybe MAGAA (Make America Great Again Again)?

BTW, I give credit to the governors who helped lead the way on a local level. With a Hillary of Biden administration we would be truly be doomed for a generation.

Let the wining begin.
Yep, the man just keeps winning and winning and winning and winning! While Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics keep on WHINING and WHINING and WHINING and WHINING..........
Who has dementia?

Well the only thing to do is match him up with Joe in a no holds barred debate before the nation on live TV and see just where the bear shits in the buckwheat. What do ya say? Wanna bring your boy on? Let's do it after sundown to make for a really good and entertaining show.
Be sure to bring a towel to clean the drool off of our boy's chin. It'll make his makeup run.
The election will be based on who do you think is best to lead an economic recovery? One look at Biden and whoever his running mate is will answer that.

Regrettably I believe many voters will cast their votes out of lingering or persisting hatred for our great President no matter how inept, impotent or senile any other candidate obviously is. In effect, I believe that the democrats could run a corpse in the 2020 presidential election and said stiff would still receive tens of millions of votes.

"But he's . . . dead," some democrat voter might say to another.

"Yeah, but at least he's not Trump," the other democrat voter would likely reply.
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.
Then why have most of the major downturns occurred during Republican administrations?
They haven’t. Obama created the most recent one. The housing market issue was a market correction. The economy stayed in the tank after that because of Obama energy policy. He prevented recovery.
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.

If a Democrat is able to raise the economy to the gutter from where Trump has it now, it will be a miracle.

The US economy has already exceeded that 3% contraction.


The second quarter will be worse.

And just so you understand how bad this is: In Canada the GDP declined by 2.6 in the first quarter, in Germany, by 2.2%, versus nearly 4.8% for the USA. Even the worst hit country in Europe, with the badly performing economy going in, Italy, only lost 4.7% of GDP.
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