Let Trump try to Run Again??

He ought to drop a little weight first and proceed only under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
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Sounds like you are a paid troll or a very mentally unstable individual, worse than Biden
Isn't it past your bedtime ? Does your mommy know you're doing this stuff, you bad little boy.
Did you ever hear the saying, " Throwing the baby out with the bathwater. " That's what you and your ilk enabled trump to do. More harm, than good..
Your reality may be based on lies, mine isn't. Good luck with that.

You've already been proven to be a fat, stupid, disinformation-parroting Democrat sac-licking troll.

Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
You assume a great deal about someone you've never met, please stop insulting yourself. It's pathetic.And since you brought it up, you most likely are a troll. Good luck with that and good night, if that's even possible for you. Lies are bullshit, so please stop spreading it, that's what manure spreaders are for.
You assume a great deal about someone you've never met, please stop insulting yourself. It's pathetic.And since you brought it up, you most likely are a troll. Good luck with that and good night, if that's even possible for you. Lies are bullshit, so please stop spreading it, that's what manure spreaders are for.

You really need to grow up.
You really need to get professional with your rrality / fact-denying psychosis.

You also need to shove your BS and leave me alone.

You are wasting both our time trying to indoctrinate me.

Go find some other Dem sac-licking snowflake to impress - see which one of you can parrot the most disinformation.
You really need to get professional with your rrality / fact-denying psychosis.

You also need to shove your BS and leave me alone.

You are wasting both our time trying to indoctrinate me.

Go find some other Dem sac-licking snowflake to impress - see which one of you can parrot the most disinformation.
I'm not the one who got conned.Do you actually believe thousands of Republican, independent and democratic election officials all across the country conspired against trump ? That's ludicrous. trump started the lie even before the election started and you people still fell for it. That's pitiful.
Could the best path for America be letting Trump run for president again, because he has no chance at winning??

After the failed Trump presidency lost to Biden in 2020, mainly due to his complete mishandling of covid
After the disgraceful Jan 6th riots
Failed fake claims of election fraud with no evidence
All the courts and GOP election officials shutting down all fake election fraud claims
failed AZ audit
Now new very serious crime of mishandling ultra top secret material

I'm not voting for Trump. But it's not for those leftist BS reasons. He didn't mishandle Covid. Covid was unleashed and brought here by those who didn't know they had it.
Trump didn't tell anyone to invade the capital and act like a bunch morons. They did that on their own.
Trump's a sore loser. His election fraud crap in his speeches is just to keep his uneducated worshippers supporting him.

I'm not voting for Trump because he's a big spending liberal republicans who only identifies as a conservative. He's not anything close to being a conservative.

I don't like the fact that he funded planned parenthood, banned bump stocks, spent trillions on the supposed Covid vaccines and called it the "greatest medical miracle of all time." <<He sold it for big pharma. I don't like that he funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan and signed in all those appropriation bills that we didn't have the money to pay for. $1.4 trillion omnibus. $6.7 trillion in 4 years.
I didn't like that he reauthorized un constitutional legislation that gives too much power over the American people. Like FISA 702. (Warrantless spying on Americans)
I could list my grievances against Trump all day. But my biggest grievance is that he is a lying salesman who uses his proven sales techniques to keep people worshipping him him.

Do I think he's some sort of Hitler? Of course not. He's just another politician with a better line of BS. I'm a little sick of those kind of people. That's why I despise the democrats and 90% of the republicans.

I would support actual conservatives like Chip Roy, Justin Amash, Rand Paul, Thomas Massie and Mike Lee. Those, and a few more, are actual conservatives. They actually care about the US debt and deficit. They care about the the value of our US dollar. Which is getting close and closer to crashing, with every debt ceiling increase, every trillion the government borrows from the fed, with every minimum wage increase and every job that's outsourced because American companies can't afford our labor rates and still remain competitive globally.
Still can't help but keep coming back?!

Careful, snowflake - you've just crossed into 'stalking' territory. 'No' means 'No' - Go away, troll.
My phone dings every time I get a message but it doesn't tell me who's calling. It would be rude not to answer it but in the future if it's you I will be as rude as you are and not answer it because I don't want to give you any more avenues for you to get your jollies off on, you troll. Goodbye.
My phone dings every time I get a message but it doesn't tell me who's calling. It would be rude not to answer it but in the future if it's you I will be as rude as you are and not answer it because I don't want to give you any more avenues for you to get your jollies off on, you troll. Goodbye.

Yeah, I call you, Dem sac-licking snowflake....IN YOUR DREAMS!


Again, I am flattered you keep coming back to hit on me, but don't you have an elementary school parking lot / playground to cruise for 'chicks'?

Go away, troll.
Could the best path for America be letting Trump run for president again, because he has no chance at winning??

After the failed Trump presidency lost to Biden in 2020, mainly due to his complete mishandling of covid
After the disgraceful Jan 6th riots
Failed fake claims of election fraud with no evidence
All the courts and GOP election officials shutting down all fake election fraud claims
failed AZ audit
Now new very serious crime of mishandling ultra top secret material

I think Trump can't win. Despite Biden's bad poll numbers, Trump still loses against Biden.

I think there is the very real possibility that a Trump vs Desantis primary would completely divide the GOP and then turn Trumpers against the party because I think Trump would sabotage the party/election if he doesn't get the nomination. Trump will bring the party down in flames, a fitting end to the MAGA GOP.

If its Desantis, Trump will be so mad that he will try to make sure Desantis doesn't win, this could actually completely split, divide, and blow up the GOP causing them to implode over a lack of character. This could catalyzed the end of the disgraceful MAGA republican wing and save America and democracy in the process.

Let Trump run, he can't win the presidency because only ~25% of the electorate are brainwashed MAGA republicans and the rest of the country would never support Trump at all. He loses to Biden head to head.

Most Americans Fully Support Investigation into Trump for his Crime:

Last time I checked this is still America and Trump doesn’t need your permission to “let” him run again, Simp.

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