Looks Like Trump Is Winning Again

A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.

If a Democrat is able to raise the economy to the gutter from where Trump has it now, it will be a miracle.

The US economy has already exceeded that 3% contraction.

View attachment 337843

The second quarter will be worse.

And just so you understand how bad this is: In Canada the GDP declined by 2.6 in the first quarter, in Germany, by 2.2%, versus nearly 4.8% for the USA. Even the worst hit country in Europe, with the badly performing economy going in, Italy, only lost 4.7% of GDP.
Still AGAIN, please refer to post #9 in this thread. Thank you VERY much.
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.
Then why have most of the major downturns occurred during Republican administrations?

Sorry, they haven't.....the Republicans inherit the destruction of the last democrat, like bill clinton finally ending the Reagan boom by increasing taxes....he almost got out of office before it crashed but missed it by "this much...." and then having allowed al queda to grow, Bush had to clean up his mess......then you have Trump....after the democrats crashed the home mortgage industry, obama didn't want the economy to grow, so did nothing to make it grow...giving us the weakest recovery from a democrat party created recession in history.....then Trump comes along and gives us 3 years of booming growth.....only to have democrat party members of the press....pushing fake numbers, crash it because of a Chinese Flu the democrats helped to spread by killing old people in nursing homes.....
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.

If a Democrat is able to raise the economy to the gutter from where Trump has it now, it will be a miracle.

The US economy has already exceeded that 3% contraction.

View attachment 337843

The second quarter will be worse.

And just so you understand how bad this is: In Canada the GDP declined by 2.6 in the first quarter, in Germany, by 2.2%, versus nearly 4.8% for the USA. Even the worst hit country in Europe, with the badly performing economy going in, Italy, only lost 4.7% of GDP.

There's this thing called a pandemic,maybe you've heard of em?
Oh...and the countries you mentioned dont have a party actively trying to destroy their economy for political purposes.
Lock down everything indefinitely right?
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.

If a Democrat is able to raise the economy to the gutter from where Trump has it now, it will be a miracle.

The US economy has already exceeded that 3% contraction.

View attachment 337843

The second quarter will be worse.

And just so you understand how bad this is: In Canada the GDP declined by 2.6 in the first quarter, in Germany, by 2.2%, versus nearly 4.8% for the USA. Even the worst hit country in Europe, with the badly performing economy going in, Italy, only lost 4.7% of GDP.
It’s the virus you creepy dishonest liar.
This economy is like a bike that came to a sinkhole in the road. Once you get across the sinkhole it will get moving again. What dems do with their AGW agenda, etc, is remove the drive chain from the bike.
Despite the foreboding of the media and dingbat lefties, it looks like America is re-opening, the stock market is too and Trump's economic rebound will make Obama's anemic recovery all the more amazing!

MAGA, or maybe MAGAA (Make America Great Again Again)?

BTW, I give credit to the governors who helped lead the way on a local level. With a Hillary of Biden administration we would be truly be doomed for a generation.

Let the wining begin.
While re-opening and a re-bounding stock market is good, unless the millions who lost their jobs, get their jobs back before the November election, I see a potential for significant republican losses ahead.
Think back to 1929 and the Great Depression. Millions of Americans were out of work and needing relief. Along comes the Democrats "Golden Boy," Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His platform was to put millions to work by offering the "New Deal" (sound familiar?). This would put people to work, for government projects, giving them paychecks. He won big.
This is what the (former Democratic party) Socialist party, is hoping for. They are trying to keep the economy broken and people out of work until they offer their "New Green Deal," as a solution for unemployment and no doubt offer paychecks to the public via working on government projects related to the same. It's how FDR won the presidency three times. The problem is that we're not talking the Democrat party of that bygone era. We're talking Marxist/Leninists and their disdain for the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
Despite the foreboding of the media and dingbat lefties, it looks like America is re-opening, the stock market is too and Trump's economic rebound will make Obama's anemic recovery all the more amazing!

MAGA, or maybe MAGAA (Make America Great Again Again)?

BTW, I give credit to the governors who helped lead the way on a local level. With a Hillary of Biden administration we would be truly be doomed for a generation.

Let the wining begin.
While re-opening and a re-bounding stock market is good, unless the millions who lost their jobs, get their jobs back before the November election, I see a potential for significant republican losses ahead.
Think back to 1929 and the Great Depression. Millions of Americans were out of work and needing relief. Along comes the Democrats "Golden Boy," Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His platform was to put millions to work by offering the "New Deal" (sound familiar?). This would put people to work, for government projects, giving them paychecks. He won big.
This is what the (former Democratic party) Socialist party, is hoping for. They are trying to keep the economy broken and people out of work until they offer their "New Green Deal," as a solution for unemployment and no doubt offer paychecks to the public via working on government projects related to the same. It's how FDR won the presidency three times. The problem is that we're not talking the Democrat party of that bygone era. We're talking Marxist/Leninists and their disdain for the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
The Great Depression was a completely different dynamic. That was systemic. This one is caused by an impediment. An impediment democrats want to maintain until November. Democrats are anti-American.
Despite the foreboding of the media and dingbat lefties, it looks like America is re-opening, the stock market is too and Trump's economic rebound will make Obama's anemic recovery all the more amazing!

MAGA, or maybe MAGAA (Make America Great Again Again)?

BTW, I give credit to the governors who helped lead the way on a local level. With a Hillary of Biden administration we would be truly be doomed for a generation.

Let the wining begin.
While re-opening and a re-bounding stock market is good, unless the millions who lost their jobs, get their jobs back before the November election, I see a potential for significant republican losses ahead.
Think back to 1929 and the Great Depression. Millions of Americans were out of work and needing relief. Along comes the Democrats "Golden Boy," Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His platform was to put millions to work by offering the "New Deal" (sound familiar?). This would put people to work, for government projects, giving them paychecks. He won big.
This is what the (former Democratic party) Socialist party, is hoping for. They are trying to keep the economy broken and people out of work until they offer their "New Green Deal," as a solution for unemployment and no doubt offer paychecks to the public via working on government projects related to the same. It's how FDR won the presidency three times. The problem is that we're not talking the Democrat party of that bygone era. We're talking Marxist/Leninists and their disdain for the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
The Great Depression was a completely different dynamic. That was systemic. This one is caused by an impediment.
Yes. I agree. However, this doesn't negate the fact that Democrat party politicians have publicly stated that "if the US economy were to break down, the Democrats could use the situation to win votes." So, along those lines, keeping people from earning their livelihood, would render them unemployed and looking for handouts from the government. Democratic (actually Socialist party now) politicians have now advocated for permanent $2,000 monthly checks for not only Americans, but illegal migrants.
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.

If a Democrat is able to raise the economy to the gutter from where Trump has it now, it will be a miracle.

The US economy has already exceeded that 3% contraction.

View attachment 337843

The second quarter will be worse.

And just so you understand how bad this is: In Canada the GDP declined by 2.6 in the first quarter, in Germany, by 2.2%, versus nearly 4.8% for the USA. Even the worst hit country in Europe, with the badly performing economy going in, Italy, only lost 4.7% of GDP.

So, 3 old ladies quit knitting sweaters in Canada...... eh?

Sorry to hear that..... eh?

Did they get the Kung Flu.... or die of agonizing boredom.... eh?
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.
Then why have most of the major downturns occurred during Republican administrations?
They haven’t. Obama created the most recent one. The housing market issue was a market correction. The economy stayed in the tank after that because of Obama energy policy. He prevented recovery.
Apparently some people just can't handle the truth. What I was talking about extends long before Obama. Do some research.
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.
You do realize that republicans have started all of the recent recessions, right?

It's taken a Democratic hand on the wheel to set things right every single time.

Get your facts straight before claiming bullshit.
They haven’t. Obama created the most recent one. The housing market issue was a market correction. The economy stayed in the tank after that because of Obama energy policy. He prevented recovery.

Then how to you account for this graph:


Notice how production of crude oil, which was less around 12% of total energy production when he took office, under W, has increased to nearly 20% of total energy production under Obama. Natural gas, liquid natural gas, and crude oil production all increased markedly. Only coal fell, and the increases in other sectors, especially renewables mor than made up for it.

Once again, you're parrotting the lies Trump tells about the Obama Administration, while taking credit for the energy independece being achieved during his administration. Trump continues to lie and say he that saved the energy industry, but that this wouldn't have happened without Obama's energy policies and the growth in production he achieved.
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.
Then why have most of the major downturns occurred during Republican administrations?
They haven’t. Obama created the most recent one. The housing market issue was a market correction. The economy stayed in the tank after that because of Obama energy policy. He prevented recovery.
Apparently some people just can't handle the truth. What I was talking about extends long before Obama. Do some research.
But what you referred to included Obama and you were wrong.
What’s more, the economic downturn that Carter assumed was a result of the Arab oil embargo, beyond US control. Carter made things worse with his Iran situation. By the time Clinton took office, the recession caused by saddam’s Kuwait fiasco had corrected itself and Clinton assumed an economy on the upswing. Your entire premise is dem propaganda.
A democrat will run the economy into gutter, no virus necessary.
You do realize that republicans have started all of the recent recessions, right?

It's taken a Democratic hand on the wheel to set things right every single time.

Get your facts straight before claiming bullshit.
You are a sucker to dem propaganda, too.
They haven’t. Obama created the most recent one. The housing market issue was a market correction. The economy stayed in the tank after that because of Obama energy policy. He prevented recovery.

Then how to you account for this graph:

View attachment 337892

Notice how production of crude oil, which was less around 12% of total energy production when he took office, under W, has increased to nearly 20% of total energy production under Obama. Natural gas, liquid natural gas, and crude oil production all increased markedly. Only coal fell, and the increases in other sectors, especially renewables mor than made up for it.

Once again, you're parrotting the lies Trump tells about the Obama Administration, while taking credit for the energy independece being achieved during his administration. Trump continues to lie and say he that saved the energy industry, but that this wouldn't have happened without Obama's energy policies and the growth in production he achieved.
Oil stagnated as a result of dem congressional resistance to increased drilling.
That problem was in correction mode at the end of W’s term as Congress allowed drilling restrictions to be lifted. The reason no increase in production was realized was because Obama immediately reimposed those restrictions. Production spike toward the end of Obama’s term was because of fracking — which he opposed. That’s why production rose beginning 2014. The economy improved along with it. Funny how that works.
Despite the foreboding of the media and dingbat lefties, it looks like America is re-opening, the stock market is too and Trump's economic rebound will make Obama's anemic recovery all the more amazing!

MAGA, or maybe MAGAA (Make America Great Again Again)?

BTW, I give credit to the governors who helped lead the way on a local level. With a Hillary of Biden administration we would be truly be doomed for a generation.

Let the wining begin.
Stock Market crash.

401(K)s decimated.

Supply-chain breakdown.


Economic collapse.

Dozens-of-millions of jobs lost.

Highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.

1.5 million Americans infected so far.

90,000 dead and no end in sight.

Complete failure of leadership in a national crisis.


Stick a fork in your boy.

He's done.
Despite the foreboding of the media and dingbat lefties, it looks like America is re-opening, the stock market is too and Trump's economic rebound will make Obama's anemic recovery all the more amazing!

MAGA, or maybe MAGAA (Make America Great Again Again)?

BTW, I give credit to the governors who helped lead the way on a local level. With a Hillary of Biden administration we would be truly be doomed for a generation.

Let the wining begin.
Stock Market crash.

401(K)s decimated.

Supply-chain breakdown.


Economic collapse.

Dozens-of-millions of jobs lost.

Highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.

1.5 million Americans infected so far.

90,000 dead.


Stick a fork in your boy.

He's done.
That’s caused by a Chinese virus WMD.
Yep, the man just keeps winning and winning and winning and winning! While Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics keep on WHINING and WHINING and WHINING and WHINING..........

He has done absolutely nothing. He is Neville Nobody. He will go down one of the dumbest celebrities to walk this Earth. There will be history lessons on how not to run a country. How he fooled the White Trash Deplorables. There will be whole university papers as part of psychiatric and psychology degrees about the cult of personality - he will be mentioned in the same breath as Jim Jones and David Koresh. There will other papers in similar degrees about narcissism and egocentric behaviour where he will be the study subject of classic examples of such mind-bending self love. Professors and lecturers in business schools will talk about how his lack of business acumen caused him to file for chapter 11 no less than six times. Then there be studies done on the "Fake News" phenomenon whereby a person - who is one of the most incurious, vacuous people in the world - shouted something is "Fake News!" and his acolytes followed him like little sheeple, even when he was wrong 99.9 per cent of the time.

Oh what a legacy the Orange Buffoon will be leaving. Lots of lessons will be learned on not what to do.
Yep, the man just keeps winning and winning and winning and winning! While Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics keep on WHINING and WHINING and WHINING and WHINING..........

He has done absolutely nothing. He is Neville Nobody. He will go down one of the dumbest celebrities to walk this Earth. There will be history lessons on how not to run a country. How he fooled the White Trash Deplorables. There will be whole university papers as part of psychiatric and psychology degrees about the cult of personality - he will be mentioned in the same breath as Jim Jones and David Koresh. There will other papers in similar degrees about narcissism and egocentric behaviour where he will be the study subject of classic examples of such mind-bending self love. Professors and lecturers in business schools will talk about how his lack of business acumen caused him to file for chapter 11 no less than six times. Then there be studies done on the "Fake News" phenomenon whereby a person - who is one of the most incurious, vacuous people in the world - shouted something is "Fake News!" and his acolytes followed him like little sheeple, even when he was wrong 99.9 per cent of the time.

Oh what a legacy the Orange Buffoon will be leaving. Lots of lessons will be learned on not what to do.
One MORE time, please refer to post #9 in this thread. Thanks SO much!

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