Looks like Trump will win again.

He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
He must be a really bad commie, because he’s never done anything communist. He’s a con just like you.
What would "doing something communist" entail? Please give an example.
You’re the one calling him a commie not me. You tell me?
Professor who accurately predicted every election since 1984 says Biden will beat Trump
By Jason Silverstein

August 6, 2020 / 7:15 AM / CBS News

The professor famous for accurately predicting the winner of every presidential election since 1984 has issued his verdict for 2020: Joe Biden will defeat President Trump.

American University Professor Allan Lichtman uses a system he created of 13 "keys" that decide who will win the White House. In 2016, Lichtman was one of the few forecasters who said Mr. Trump would be the next president — and he also predicted that Trump would be impeached. Four years after those calls, he foresees a Biden victory in November.
Professor who accurately predicted every election since 1984 says Biden will beat Trump

He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
He must be a really bad commie, because he’s never done anything communist. He’s a con just like you.
What would "doing something communist" entail? Please give an example.
You’re the one calling him a commie not me. You tell me?
Sorry, turd, I don't know what you imagine commies do. You'll have to tell us or shut the fuck up.

I call him a commie because of what he says.
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
He must be a really bad commie, because he’s never done anything communist. He’s a con just like you.
What would "doing something communist" entail? Please give an example.
You’re the one calling him a commie not me. You tell me?
Sorry, turd, I don't know what you imagine commies do. You'll have to tell us or shut the fuck up.

I call him a commie because of what he says.
You call him a commie, but can’t provide any evidence of actions proving him a commie.

Have you been tested? Are you on the spectrum?
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
He must be a really bad commie, because he’s never done anything communist. He’s a con just like you.
What would "doing something communist" entail? Please give an example.
You’re the one calling him a commie not me. You tell me?
Sorry, turd, I don't know what you imagine commies do. You'll have to tell us or shut the fuck up.

I call him a commie because of what he says.
You call him a commie, but can’t provide any evidence of actions proving him a commie.

Have you been tested? Are you on the spectrum?
What "actions" would prove he's a commie? Please provide examples of commie "actions."
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Please post all the commie acts committed by Biden or Harris. Please.
Would not shock me since Biden is senile and Harris is not well liked (HRC 2.0).
thats an easy counter. Trump is not only senile, he was stooopid to begin with. Not well liked ? Trump can’t even go out in public for his three years without being booed.
Yet he won in 2016. He is polarizing but many like him. Your counter was poor. Try again.

I don't think Trump is polarizing, so much as a reflection of how polarized we already were. I think he tends to get blamed for a situation of which he's really only a symptom.
He is polarizing. He destroyed his opponents in the GOP debates by going for the jugular. It’s his rhetoric that both endears him to many as well as puts many at unease. I like People with courage. Those on the left like men who identify as women.
Attila the Hun had courage Alexander the great had courage Nero had courage all crazy sob's ,,Trump is an asshole and a SOB

Well, you ARE the expert on being an asshole and an SOB, but I think you lack moral standing to accuse others.
I was an expert being a repub all my life until 2020 Now it's real easy to see you

You're an expert on making unsubstantiated claims on the Internet, and then expecting them to be treated as fact.
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.

If he does lose to "the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run", I'd say that says more about the voters than it does about Trump.
We already know what morons supported the most incompetent pos ever to enter our WH You're called republicans and hopefully you pay for your fn racist idiocy

I'm not surprised you want to deflect from any discussion of the candidate you support. If I were in your place, I'd want people to forget about him, too. A bigot like you, voting for Joe "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black" Biden, has every reason for avoiding scrutiny.

Please consider PRESIDENT Trump to be YOUR payment for being the REAL racist around here.
Eddie is a traitor. Don’t waste your time. He sold out his own people to Ilhan Omar. Sad.
Traitor?? I spent time in the Army Trump punked out ,,,,Who's the traitor?

Since I know you attended a leftist-run propaganda factory, aka public school:

Seems like "I was in the Army" doesn't preclude being a traitor.
U of Cincy wasn't leftest run

What the HELL are you babbling about?

Would not shock me since Biden is senile and Harris is not well liked (HRC 2.0).

Who am I to argue with the experts?

"I think polls are very, very squishy right now because of the highly toxic political environment in which we live," Gundlach said. Gundlach said he’s come across data suggesting that about "two-thirds of conservatives or moderate conservatives say that they have lied about their support for Donald Trump either directly or by omission."
Looks like you should have argued with him. Trump lost.
A most interesting thread popped up on Twitter Sunday from a data scientist who wishes to remain anonymous, regarding mail-in ballot data which strongly suggests fraud occurred in the wee hours of election night, when several swing states inexplicably stopped reporting vote counts while President Trump maintained a healthy lead over Joe Biden.

Using time series data 'scraped' from the New York Times website, the data - comparing several states (swing and non-swing) - clearly illustrates what fraud does and does not look like, and how several anomalies in swing states left 'fingerprints of fraud' as Biden pulled ahead of President Trump.

This is based on their proprietary "Edison" data source which would ordinarily be impossible to access for people outside the press. The CSV is available here (updated). And the script to generate it is here. I suggest that everyone back up both of these files, bc this is an extremely important data source, and we cant risk anyone taking it down.

What we are looking at will be time series analysis and you will see that it is extremely difficult to create convincing synthetic times series data. By looking at the times series logs of the ballot counting process for the entire country, we can very easily spot fraud....

Here is a plot of the same Florida voting data, but this time it's the ratio of #Biden to #Trump ballots, versus time. What we see is that the initial ballot reportings are very noisy and "random".

The initial reporting represents in-person voting. These vote reports have such large variation bc in-person voting happens across different geographic areas that have different political alignments. We can see this same pattern of noisy in-person voting, followed by homogeneous mail-in reporting in almost all cases. What we see in almost all examples across the country is that the ratio of mail-in Dem to Rep ballots is very consistent across time, but with the notable drift from Dem to slightly more Rep.

This slight drift from D to R mail-ins occurs again and again, and is likely due to outlying rural areas having more R votes. These outlying areas take longer to ship their ballots to the polling centers.

Now we're getting into the really good stuff. When we see mail-in ballot counting where there isn't relatively stable ratios of D and R ballots that slightly drift R, we have an anomaly! Anomalies themselves are not necessarily fraud, but they can help us spot fraud more easily.

Now let's look at some anomalies:

This is the Wisconsin vote counting history log. Again, on the Y axis we have the ratio of D to R ballots in reporting batch, and on the X axis we have reporting time. Around 4am there, there is a marked shift in the ratio of D to R mail-in ballots. Based on other posts in this thread, this should not happen. This is an anomaly, and while anomalies are not always fraud, often they may point to fraud.

Around 3am Wisconsin time, a fresh batch of 169k new absentee ballots arrived. They were supposed to stop accepting new ballots, but eh, whatever I guess.

By 4am the D to R ratio was all thrown out of whack. That is because these ballots were not sampled from the real Wisconsin voter population, and they were not randomized in the mail sorting system with the other ballots. They inherently have a different D to R signature than the rest of the ballots quite possibly bc additional ballots were added to the batch, either through backdating or ballot manufacturing or software tampering. This of this being kind of analogous to carbon-14 dating, but for ballot batch authenticity....

Now in fairness, VA is the only state out of the 50 that has anomalies but has not had accusations of voter fraud, yet. I think this is the exception that proves the rule. Yet to figure out what causes this anomalous shift, but here it is so no one accuses me of holding it back.

Lets wrap this up: It appears Dems shot themselves in the foot bc making everyone do mail-in ballots actually makes it easier to catch mail-in ballot fraud. Bc all of the ballots go through the postal system, they get shuffled like a deck of cards, so we expect reported ballot return to be extremely UNIFORM in terms of D vs R ratio, but to drift slightly towards R over time bc some of those ballots travel farther. This pattern proves fraud and is a verifiable timestamp of when each fraudulent action occurred.

He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.

Biden supports the second amendment and does not support the Green New Deal

You lose again Finger Boy
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.

Biden supports the second amendment and does not support the Green New Deal

You lose again Finger Boy
Both those claims have been proven to be pure horseshit.
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.

Biden supports the second amendment and does not support the Green New Deal

You lose again Finger Boy

Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.

Say again? From his own website.
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.
If you can’t see though that, I can’t help you.

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