Looks like Trump will win again.

That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
Tax reductions by all republican administration and gop controlled congress has resulted in 10 of the last recessions. ( loss of jobs) Reinstating those reductions in both Clinton and Obama has resulted in the longest economic growth ( increased jobs) under each in the entire history of both.

FACTS NOT FOUND ON FOX NEWS...even Trump admits it.
Sorry, turd, but that's faulty logic. It's called the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy
Does calling someone with the facts a turd make you feel better little man ?
You have never posted a fact since you joined this forum.
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.
Seriously, where is the evidence. Besides, do you know what the “ green new deal“ is ?
what part of creating jobs and providing everyone access to clean air, water and healthy food don’t you like. We have a health crisis because a large percentage of the population does not have easy access to healthy foods. look at Trump. He is a Perfect example of a fast food addict.
"Creating jobs" is the exact opposite of the Green New Deal. It also won't clean our air, water or produce healthy food. Covid wasn't caused by people not eating right.

Your brain is pickled in Kool-aid.
No, not really.

We estimate that the more conservative $25 carbon tax would boost U.S. employment by 1.4 million jobseach year between 2020 and 2030, which is nearly a 1 percent increase above the reference–case forecast of 160 million jobs in 2030. As the economy expands and the tax increases, job growth from the GND would accelerate, creating, on average, 3.4 million new jobs each year between 2040 and 2050—a nearly 2 percent increase above the 182 million jobs forecast for the U.S. in 2050. Overall, it is estimated that 72 million job years would be created over the three decades with a $25 carbon tax. (Note that if one job continues after one year for another 12 months, it represents two job years.)
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
It’s worse...over 100 years. ALL GOP presidents suck ?
No Your pushing pure quackery. Only Dims believe your economic theories.
You mean the ones with references while you have nothing. You deny Bush, Trump, Reagan had recessions and Clinton and Obama had growth ?
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
Tax reductions by all republican administration and gop controlled congress has resulted in 10 of the last recessions. ( loss of jobs) Reinstating those reductions in both Clinton and Obama has resulted in the longest economic growth ( increased jobs) under each in the entire history of both.

FACTS NOT FOUND ON FOX NEWS...even Trump admits it.
Sorry, turd, but that's faulty logic. It's called the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy
Does calling someone with the facts a turd make you feel better little man ?
You have never posted a fact since you joined this forum.
Sounds like someone who just farted.
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
Tax reductions by all republican administration and gop controlled congress has resulted in 10 of the last recessions. ( loss of jobs) Reinstating those reductions in both Clinton and Obama has resulted in the longest economic growth ( increased jobs) under each in the entire history of both.

FACTS NOT FOUND ON FOX NEWS...even Trump admits it.
That's completely absurd.

"2 + 2 = 5" is what you're saying.

Stop lying.
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.
Seriously, where is the evidence. Besides, do you know what the “ green new deal“ is ?
what part of creating jobs and providing everyone access to clean air, water and healthy food don’t you like. We have a health crisis because a large percentage of the population does not have easy access to healthy foods. look at Trump. He is a Perfect example of a fast food addict.
"Creating jobs" is the exact opposite of the Green New Deal. It also won't clean our air, water or produce healthy food. Covid wasn't caused by people not eating right.

Your brain is pickled in Kool-aid.
No, not really.

We estimate that the more conservative $25 carbon tax would boost U.S. employment by 1.4 million jobseach year between 2020 and 2030, which is nearly a 1 percent increase above the reference–case forecast of 160 million jobs in 2030. As the economy expands and the tax increases, job growth from the GND would accelerate, creating, on average, 3.4 million new jobs each year between 2040 and 2050—a nearly 2 percent increase above the 182 million jobs forecast for the U.S. in 2050. Overall, it is estimated that 72 million job years would be created over the three decades with a $25 carbon tax. (Note that if one job continues after one year for another 12 months, it represents two job years.)
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
It’s worse...over 100 years. ALL GOP presidents suck ?
No Your pushing pure quackery. Only Dims believe your economic theories.
You mean the ones with references while you have nothing. You deny Bush, Trump, Reagan had recessions and Clinton and Obama had growth ?
I deny that Republicans caused those recessions. Clinton caused the one at the beginning of Bush's first term.
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
Tax reductions by all republican administration and gop controlled congress has resulted in 10 of the last recessions. ( loss of jobs) Reinstating those reductions in both Clinton and Obama has resulted in the longest economic growth ( increased jobs) under each in the entire history of both.

FACTS NOT FOUND ON FOX NEWS...even Trump admits it.
That's completely absurd.

"2 + 2 = 5" is what you're saying.

Stop lying.
Idiots like Dagosa claim they understand science.
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
Tax reductions by all republican administration and gop controlled congress has resulted in 10 of the last recessions. ( loss of jobs) Reinstating those reductions in both Clinton and Obama has resulted in the longest economic growth ( increased jobs) under each in the entire history of both.

FACTS NOT FOUND ON FOX NEWS...even Trump admits it.
That's completely absurd.

"2 + 2 = 5" is what you're saying.

Stop lying.
I’ve posted references.....you post wishful thinking. We are in a recession, Bush was had a big one, Reagan had two. It’s pretty consistent for 100 years. The GOP sucks.
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.
Seriously, where is the evidence. Besides, do you know what the “ green new deal“ is ?
what part of creating jobs and providing everyone access to clean air, water and healthy food don’t you like. We have a health crisis because a large percentage of the population does not have easy access to healthy foods. look at Trump. He is a Perfect example of a fast food addict.
"Creating jobs" is the exact opposite of the Green New Deal. It also won't clean our air, water or produce healthy food. Covid wasn't caused by people not eating right.

Your brain is pickled in Kool-aid.
No, not really.

We estimate that the more conservative $25 carbon tax would boost U.S. employment by 1.4 million jobseach year between 2020 and 2030, which is nearly a 1 percent increase above the reference–case forecast of 160 million jobs in 2030. As the economy expands and the tax increases, job growth from the GND would accelerate, creating, on average, 3.4 million new jobs each year between 2040 and 2050—a nearly 2 percent increase above the 182 million jobs forecast for the U.S. in 2050. Overall, it is estimated that 72 million job years would be created over the three decades with a $25 carbon tax. (Note that if one job continues after one year for another 12 months, it represents two job years.)
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
It’s worse...over 100 years. ALL GOP presidents suck ?
No Your pushing pure quackery. Only Dims believe your economic theories.
You mean the ones with references while you have nothing. You deny Bush, Trump, Reagan had recessions and Clinton and Obama had growth ?
I deny that Republicans caused those recessions. Clinton caused the one at the beginning of Bush's first term.
The towers fell under Bush’s watch. Then, Bush had the big one, worse since 1929. Every gop president had a fiasco caused by ineptitude.
You guys really Dive into incompetence with gusto.
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
Tax reductions by all republican administration and gop controlled congress has resulted in 10 of the last recessions. ( loss of jobs) Reinstating those reductions in both Clinton and Obama has resulted in the longest economic growth ( increased jobs) under each in the entire history of both.

FACTS NOT FOUND ON FOX NEWS...even Trump admits it.
That's completely absurd.

"2 + 2 = 5" is what you're saying.

Stop lying.
I’ve posted references.....you post wishful thinking. We are in a recession, Bush was had a big one, Reagan had two. It’s pretty consistent for 100 years. The GOP sucks.
Simply posting a link doesn't prove jack shit. I can post a link to the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme . What does that prove?
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.
Seriously, where is the evidence. Besides, do you know what the “ green new deal“ is ?
what part of creating jobs and providing everyone access to clean air, water and healthy food don’t you like. We have a health crisis because a large percentage of the population does not have easy access to healthy foods. look at Trump. He is a Perfect example of a fast food addict.
"Creating jobs" is the exact opposite of the Green New Deal. It also won't clean our air, water or produce healthy food. Covid wasn't caused by people not eating right.

Your brain is pickled in Kool-aid.
No, not really.

We estimate that the more conservative $25 carbon tax would boost U.S. employment by 1.4 million jobseach year between 2020 and 2030, which is nearly a 1 percent increase above the reference–case forecast of 160 million jobs in 2030. As the economy expands and the tax increases, job growth from the GND would accelerate, creating, on average, 3.4 million new jobs each year between 2040 and 2050—a nearly 2 percent increase above the 182 million jobs forecast for the U.S. in 2050. Overall, it is estimated that 72 million job years would be created over the three decades with a $25 carbon tax. (Note that if one job continues after one year for another 12 months, it represents two job years.)
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
It’s worse...over 100 years. ALL GOP presidents suck ?
No Your pushing pure quackery. Only Dims believe your economic theories.
You mean the ones with references while you have nothing. You deny Bush, Trump, Reagan had recessions and Clinton and Obama had growth ?
I deny that Republicans caused those recessions. Clinton caused the one at the beginning of Bush's first term.
The economy boomed till the towers fell under Bush’s watch. Every gop president had a fiasco cause by ineptitude.
Are you actually trying to blame Bush for 9/11?

You just jumped over the shark. You win the award for dumbest post of the month.
No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
That is simply not true. Skimming a small percentage of incomes that dont cause contraction in the economy can expand over all employment.

Several cases of when tax increases spent on these types of programs increased employment.

1) public works

2) national security

3) highways, canals, airports, and railways that make taking goods to market reduces costs, time, and spoilage and thus increases over all wealth that increases employment
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.
If you can’t see though that, I can’t help you.
"See though[sic] that?" Are you claiming Biden is a liar?
Lol. He’s a proven liar and you know it. This doesn’t alleviate you if your stupidity for falling for the liar.

You might do a little historical research into the pronouncements of D presidential candidates. I suspect you can go all the way back to George McGovern to find them claiming they want to eliminate to second amendment, but somehow it’s still in existence.
We know they rarely admit it. However, one did, Beto O'Rourke:

Dems Want To Take Your Guns, Beto Is Just Desperate Enough To Say So
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.
Seriously, where is the evidence. Besides, do you know what the “ green new deal“ is ?
what part of creating jobs and providing everyone access to clean air, water and healthy food don’t you like. We have a health crisis because a large percentage of the population does not have easy access to healthy foods. look at Trump. He is a Perfect example of a fast food addict.
"Creating jobs" is the exact opposite of the Green New Deal. It also won't clean our air, water or produce healthy food. Covid wasn't caused by people not eating right.

Your brain is pickled in Kool-aid.
No, not really.

We estimate that the more conservative $25 carbon tax would boost U.S. employment by 1.4 million jobseach year between 2020 and 2030, which is nearly a 1 percent increase above the reference–case forecast of 160 million jobs in 2030. As the economy expands and the tax increases, job growth from the GND would accelerate, creating, on average, 3.4 million new jobs each year between 2040 and 2050—a nearly 2 percent increase above the 182 million jobs forecast for the U.S. in 2050. Overall, it is estimated that 72 million job years would be created over the three decades with a $25 carbon tax. (Note that if one job continues after one year for another 12 months, it represents two job years.)
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
It’s worse...over 100 years. ALL GOP presidents suck ?
No Your pushing pure quackery. Only Dims believe your economic theories.
You mean the ones with references while you have nothing. You deny Bush, Trump, Reagan had recessions and Clinton and Obama had growth ?
I deny that Republicans caused those recessions. Clinton caused the one at the beginning of Bush's first term.
The towers fell under Bush’s watch. Then, Bush had the big one, worse since 1929. Every gop president had a fiasco caused by ineptitude.
You guys really Dive into incompetence with gusto.
So you are actually blaming Bush for 9/11?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Yet you can list any action he’s taken that can be considered communist. Are you stupid?
The green new deal. His plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment. The rest of his agenda.
Seriously, where is the evidence. Besides, do you know what the “ green new deal“ is ?
what part of creating jobs and providing everyone access to clean air, water and healthy food don’t you like. We have a health crisis because a large percentage of the population does not have easy access to healthy foods. look at Trump. He is a Perfect example of a fast food addict.
"Creating jobs" is the exact opposite of the Green New Deal. It also won't clean our air, water or produce healthy food. Covid wasn't caused by people not eating right.

Your brain is pickled in Kool-aid.
No, not really.

We estimate that the more conservative $25 carbon tax would boost U.S. employment by 1.4 million jobseach year between 2020 and 2030, which is nearly a 1 percent increase above the reference–case forecast of 160 million jobs in 2030. As the economy expands and the tax increases, job growth from the GND would accelerate, creating, on average, 3.4 million new jobs each year between 2040 and 2050—a nearly 2 percent increase above the 182 million jobs forecast for the U.S. in 2050. Overall, it is estimated that 72 million job years would be created over the three decades with a $25 carbon tax. (Note that if one job continues after one year for another 12 months, it represents two job years.)
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
It’s worse...over 100 years. ALL GOP presidents suck ?
No Your pushing pure quackery. Only Dims believe your economic theories.
You mean the ones with references while you have nothing. You deny Bush, Trump, Reagan had recessions and Clinton and Obama had growth ?
I deny that Republicans caused those recessions. Clinton caused the one at the beginning of Bush's first term.
The towers fell under Bush’s watch. Then, Bush had the big one, worse since 1929. Every gop president had a fiasco caused by ineptitude.
You guys really Dive into incompetence with gusto.
You have the IQ of a carrot
That's leftwing propaganda. No tax ever increased employment. Any "scientist" who says so is a quack.
Tax reductions by all republican administration and gop controlled congress has resulted in 10 of the last recessions. ( loss of jobs) Reinstating those reductions in both Clinton and Obama has resulted in the longest economic growth ( increased jobs) under each in the entire history of both.

FACTS NOT FOUND ON FOX NEWS...even Trump admits it.
That's completely absurd.

"2 + 2 = 5" is what you're saying.

Stop lying.
I’ve posted references.....you post wishful thinking. We are in a recession, Bush was had a big one, Reagan had two. It’s pretty consistent for 100 years. The GOP sucks.
You post kindergarten tales for children
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Please post all the commie acts committed by Biden or Harris. Please.

Not communist, but she sucked Willie Brown's dick long enough to get a promotion.

Not sure that's a quality I want in my Vice President...
We got a perv and a ho in the white house.

Ah, yes, the idiot deflection.

So, you think Melania Trump is a whore so it's okay that Kamala Harris fucked her way into a better job?

The profound lack of integrity you display is stunning...

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