Looks like Trump will win again.

Where are you going with this? I don't think you're a troll. So what's your point?
My point is Dagosa posts troll junk nonstop but never responds to my rebuttals. I do not believe he has me on ignore so I wanted you to ask him to gauge if he would respond. Many leftists have me on ignore. Quite the thorn in their side I am. Well was. I have decided to be unifying going forward like our future president desires.
My point is Dagosa posts troll junk nonstop but never responds to my rebuttals. I do not believe he has me on ignore so I wanted you to ask him to gauge if he would respond. Many leftists have me on ignore. Quite the thorn in their side I am. Well was. I have decided to be unifying going forward like our future president desires.

I'm not interested. Take your issues up with him.
My point is Dagosa posts troll junk nonstop but never responds to my rebuttals. I do not believe he has me on ignore so I wanted you to ask him to gauge if he would respond. Many leftists have me on ignore. Quite the thorn in their side I am. Well was. I have decided to be unifying going forward like our future president desires.

I'm not interested. Take your issues up with him.

Would not shock me since Biden is senile and Harris is not well liked (HRC 2.0).

Who am I to argue with the experts?

"I think polls are very, very squishy right now because of the highly toxic political environment in which we live," Gundlach said. Gundlach said he’s come across data suggesting that about "two-thirds of conservatives or moderate conservatives say that they have lied about their support for Donald Trump either directly or by omission."
Thread fail. LOL.
I agree. Telling some random person you don't know that you support Trump could be dangerous.

I mean literally dangerous. That person might attempt to attack you violently.
Despite all your garbage fear mongering propaganda, the only spike in violence since Trump has been right wingers against Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Chinese. Brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
Hell even Tucker Carson has come to grips with reality and now believes Biden won. Ya think that will convince the crazies on here to admit it too...nope. We are going to have to learn to put up with their incessant whining for the next four years..

I don't think people realize we dodged a bullet! Even with the inept handling of the pandemic, it took every single person with a pen to vote to defeat him in the end! He outdid himself for his 2nd campaign and probably saved the Senate for McConnell! Records were broken all over the place concerning this election which Trump loves to be a part of; too bad for him he's on the negative end of it! The "blue wave" never swelled even with all the push done with over a $$billion$$ blown trying to inform knuckleheads! Collins, Graham, Tillis, Ernst, & Cornyn all survived! I will never give another quarter to the Dem. party who just aren't smart enough to change their rhetoric to incorporate 'yahoos' out there that have grievances with what's going on in the country! It's not enough to run against these a-holes, you have to gain incite to understand why they keep surviving! It was funny how some stats showed Trump supporters tended to have more "Cracker Barrels" in their counties while Dems have tons of "Whole Foods!" The populations have systematically "ghetto-ized" itself around the country it seems with like "speak" and "thought!"

With little cooperation or compromise, it's "Mortal Kombat" between the parties and the states! My old bestie can't ever explain to me how he can support "a Trump" in this lifetime or the next? I just won't even listen because it's BS! Conservatives love to group all Dems as "liberal, Gawd-less, commie, socialist" PC A-holes, but get all bent out of shape when we call Republicans "bigots, racists, or conspiracy nuts" when they accept or make excuses for the ideas and beliefs of "hate groups!" It can't be justified IMB! :dunno:
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Would not shock me since Biden is senile and Harris is not well liked (HRC 2.0).

Who am I to argue with the experts?

"I think polls are very, very squishy right now because of the highly toxic political environment in which we live," Gundlach said. Gundlach said he’s come across data suggesting that about "two-thirds of conservatives or moderate conservatives say that they have lied about their support for Donald Trump either directly or by omission."
Thread fail. LOL.
Hell even Tucker Carson has come to grips with reality and now believes Biden won. Ya think that will convince the crazies on here to admit it too...nope. We are going to have to learn to put up with their incessant whining for the next four years..
Quote Tucker saying he believes Biden won.
"At this stage, the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election result. We should be honest and tell you that. Of course, that could change," = T. Carlson...Even Tucker Carlson says Trump’s ‘fraud’ claims won’t change the result of the election
What part of "Quote Tucker saying he believes Biden won" didn't you understand?
"At this stage, the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election result". = which gives Biden the necessary electoral votes to claim victory...can't break it down anymore than that..of your still not satisfied get your mommy or daddy to explain it to you.
In PA, alone, there are about 450,000 votes that will be thrown out. Please quit repeating this fake news.
Who’s throwing them out ? The wizard of Oz ?
Hell even Tucker Carson has come to grips with reality and now believes Biden won. Ya think that will convince the crazies on here to admit it too...nope. We are going to have to learn to put up with their incessant whining for the next four years..
Quote Tucker saying he believes Biden won.
"At this stage, the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election result. We should be honest and tell you that. Of course, that could change," = T. Carlson...Even Tucker Carlson says Trump’s ‘fraud’ claims won’t change the result of the election
What part of "Quote Tucker saying he believes Biden won" didn't you understand?
"At this stage, the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election result". = which gives Biden the necessary electoral votes to claim victory...can't break it down anymore than that..of your still not satisfied get your mommy or daddy to explain it to you.
In PA, alone, there are about 450,000 votes that will be thrown out. Please quit repeating this fake news.
Who’s throwing them out ? The wizard of Oz ?
The USSC will throw them out.
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
How did he cheat to get into the Whitehouse?
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
How did he cheat to get into the Whitehouse?
Did you read that article of him cheating?? There is no cheating on his winning the WH That he lied his fat ass off is another matter
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.
He just might lose to the weakest and most demented candidate ever to run for Potus.

But cons shouldn’t worry. Joe is more conservative than Don.
Joe is a fucking commie.
Dumbest post of the whole year. You win the booby prize. Congrats!
Wrong, moron. Claiming Biden doesn't "act" like a commie is the dumbest post of the year.
Please post all the commie acts committed by Biden or Harris. Please.

Not communist, but she sucked Willie Brown's dick long enough to get a promotion.

Not sure that's a quality I want in my Vice President...
We got a perv and a ho in the white house.

Ah, yes, the idiot deflection.

So, you think Melania Trump is a whore so it's okay that Kamala Harris fucked her way into a better job?

The profound lack of integrity you display is stunning...

Ah, yes, the idiot deflection. "I didn't understand a word you say, and I think it's a brilliant debate tactic to show everyone how illiterate I am!"

Learn to write in English. It is, presumably, your mother tongue.

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