Looks like Trump will win again.

Hell even Tucker Carson has come to grips with reality and now believes Biden won. Ya think that will convince the crazies on here to admit it too...nope. We are going to have to learn to put up with their incessant whining for the next four years..

At some point, it's going to dawn on you that slavishly worshipping every word someone says because they're famous is YOUR fetish, not ours. I don't give a shit what Tucker Carlson says, and I certainly don't feel beholden to mimic him. Unlike you, I have a functioning brain which creates its own original thoughts. Try it sometime.

As for "put up with whining for the next four years", Hillary Clinton is still out there claiming she won 2016. Stacy Abrams still claims to be the governor of Georgia. #Notmypresident is still a going thing on social media, as is endless repetition of "illegitimate". We were forced to endure a pointless, sham impeachment, and keep hearing about how the Constitution needs to be rewritten because it's "not fair" that you have to appeal to anyone outside of a mega-city.

In the words of Whoopi Goldberg, "Suck it up the way we sucked it up." And be grateful that, unlike you, we don't serve up our "incessant whining" with a side order of rioting, looting, burning, and killing. Strap on a pair and buckle up, buttercup.
Hell even Tucker Carson has come to grips with reality and now believes Biden won. Ya think that will convince the crazies on here to admit it too...nope. We are going to have to learn to put up with their incessant whining for the next four years..
Quote Tucker saying he believes Biden won.
"At this stage, the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election result. We should be honest and tell you that. Of course, that could change," = T. Carlson...Even Tucker Carlson says Trump’s ‘fraud’ claims won’t change the result of the election
What part of "Quote Tucker saying he believes Biden won" didn't you understand?
"At this stage, the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election result". = which gives Biden the necessary electoral votes to claim victory...can't break it down anymore than that..of your still not satisfied get your mommy or daddy to explain it to you.

Many criminal investigations last alot longer than a week, chump.

Almost all of them do, in fact.
Hell even Tucker Carson has come to grips with reality and now believes Biden won. Ya think that will convince the crazies on here to admit it too...nope. We are going to have to learn to put up with their incessant whining for the next four years..

At some point, it's going to dawn on you that slavishly worshipping every word someone says because they're famous is YOUR fetish, not ours. I don't give a shit what Tucker Carlson says, and I certainly don't feel beholden to mimic him. Unlike you, I have a functioning brain which creates its own original thoughts. Try it sometime.

As for "put up with whining for the next four years", Hillary Clinton is still out there claiming she won 2016. Stacy Abrams still claims to be the governor of Georgia. #Notmypresident is still a going thing on social media, as is endless repetition of "illegitimate". We were forced to endure a pointless, sham impeachment, and keep hearing about how the Constitution needs to be rewritten because it's "not fair" that you have to appeal to anyone outside of a mega-city.

In the words of Whoopi Goldberg, "Suck it up the way we sucked it up." And be grateful that, unlike you, we don't serve up our "incessant whining" with a side order of rioting, looting, burning, and killing. Strap on a pair and buckle up, buttercup.
Are you implying I'm worshiping every word Carlson says?...boy are you way off ..
Hell even Tucker Carson has come to grips with reality and now believes Biden won. Ya think that will convince the crazies on here to admit it too...nope. We are going to have to learn to put up with their incessant whining for the next four years..

At some point, it's going to dawn on you that slavishly worshipping every word someone says because they're famous is YOUR fetish, not ours. I don't give a shit what Tucker Carlson says, and I certainly don't feel beholden to mimic him. Unlike you, I have a functioning brain which creates its own original thoughts. Try it sometime.

As for "put up with whining for the next four years", Hillary Clinton is still out there claiming she won 2016. Stacy Abrams still claims to be the governor of Georgia. #Notmypresident is still a going thing on social media, as is endless repetition of "illegitimate". We were forced to endure a pointless, sham impeachment, and keep hearing about how the Constitution needs to be rewritten because it's "not fair" that you have to appeal to anyone outside of a mega-city.

In the words of Whoopi Goldberg, "Suck it up the way we sucked it up." And be grateful that, unlike you, we don't serve up our "incessant whining" with a side order of rioting, looting, burning, and killing. Strap on a pair and buckle up, buttercup.
Are you implying I'm worshiping every word Carlson says?...boy are you way off ..

No, Illiteracy Lad. I'm stating outright that you expect ME to worship every word Carlson says, because you slavishly parrot anything said by media figures on the left. For some reason, you can't fathom the fact that right-wingers don't have their thoughts told to them by the media; we create our own thoughts in our own heads.

I don't watch Tucker Carlson. I don't listen to Tucker Carlson. I probably wouldn't recognize Tucker Carlson if he fell on me. And what he does or doesn't accept is nothing to me.
No, Illiteracy Lad. I'm stating outright that you expect ME to worship every word Carlson says, because you slavishly parrot anything said by media figures on the left. For some reason, you can't fathom the fact that right-wingers don't have their thoughts told to them by the media; we create our own thoughts in our own heads.

I don't watch Tucker Carlson. I don't listen to Tucker Carlson. I probably wouldn't recognize Tucker Carlson if he fell on me. And what he does or doesn't accept is nothing to me.
Tucker Carlson is one of the better talking heads on right now.

But he never claims to be authoritative, and challenges assumptions and 'common knowledge' type claims.
Hell even Tucker Carson has come to grips with reality and now believes Biden won. Ya think that will convince the crazies on here to admit it too...nope. We are going to have to learn to put up with their incessant whining for the next four years..

At some point, it's going to dawn on you that slavishly worshipping every word someone says because they're famous is YOUR fetish, not ours. I don't give a shit what Tucker Carlson says, and I certainly don't feel beholden to mimic him. Unlike you, I have a functioning brain which creates its own original thoughts. Try it sometime.

As for "put up with whining for the next four years", Hillary Clinton is still out there claiming she won 2016. Stacy Abrams still claims to be the governor of Georgia. #Notmypresident is still a going thing on social media, as is endless repetition of "illegitimate". We were forced to endure a pointless, sham impeachment, and keep hearing about how the Constitution needs to be rewritten because it's "not fair" that you have to appeal to anyone outside of a mega-city.

In the words of Whoopi Goldberg, "Suck it up the way we sucked it up." And be grateful that, unlike you, we don't serve up our "incessant whining" with a side order of rioting, looting, burning, and killing. Strap on a pair and buckle up, buttercup.
Are you implying I'm worshiping every word Carlson says?...boy are you way off ..

No, Illiteracy Lad. I'm stating outright that you expect ME to worship every word Carlson says, because you slavishly parrot anything said by media figures on the left. For some reason, you can't fathom the fact that right-wingers don't have their thoughts told to them by the media; we create our own thoughts in our own heads.

I don't watch Tucker Carlson. I don't listen to Tucker Carlson. I probably wouldn't recognize Tucker Carlson if he fell on me. And what he does or doesn't accept is nothing to me.
'the fact that right-wingers don't have their thoughts told to them by the media; we create our own thoughts in our own heads.'..LOL!!..Then why even have Hannity, Limbaugh and Carlson around then
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.
Look it’s not the misery of disappointment that I’m enjoying. I get the sting of loss. It’s the irrational everyone cheated reaction from the right that is entertaining.

No, Illiteracy Lad. I'm stating outright that you expect ME to worship every word Carlson says, because you slavishly parrot anything said by media figures on the left. For some reason, you can't fathom the fact that right-wingers don't have their thoughts told to them by the media; we create our own thoughts in our own heads.

I don't watch Tucker Carlson. I don't listen to Tucker Carlson. I probably wouldn't recognize Tucker Carlson if he fell on me. And what he does or doesn't accept is nothing to me.
Tucker Carlson is one of the better talking heads on right now.

But he never claims to be authoritative, and challenges assumptions and 'common knowledge' type claims.

That's nice. Still don't care, and certainly don't let what he says decide what I'm going to think. Unlike leftists, I have a functioning brain stem, and I will continue to formulate my own thoughts.
Hell even Tucker Carson has come to grips with reality and now believes Biden won. Ya think that will convince the crazies on here to admit it too...nope. We are going to have to learn to put up with their incessant whining for the next four years..

At some point, it's going to dawn on you that slavishly worshipping every word someone says because they're famous is YOUR fetish, not ours. I don't give a shit what Tucker Carlson says, and I certainly don't feel beholden to mimic him. Unlike you, I have a functioning brain which creates its own original thoughts. Try it sometime.

As for "put up with whining for the next four years", Hillary Clinton is still out there claiming she won 2016. Stacy Abrams still claims to be the governor of Georgia. #Notmypresident is still a going thing on social media, as is endless repetition of "illegitimate". We were forced to endure a pointless, sham impeachment, and keep hearing about how the Constitution needs to be rewritten because it's "not fair" that you have to appeal to anyone outside of a mega-city.

In the words of Whoopi Goldberg, "Suck it up the way we sucked it up." And be grateful that, unlike you, we don't serve up our "incessant whining" with a side order of rioting, looting, burning, and killing. Strap on a pair and buckle up, buttercup.
Are you implying I'm worshiping every word Carlson says?...boy are you way off ..

No, Illiteracy Lad. I'm stating outright that you expect ME to worship every word Carlson says, because you slavishly parrot anything said by media figures on the left. For some reason, you can't fathom the fact that right-wingers don't have their thoughts told to them by the media; we create our own thoughts in our own heads.

I don't watch Tucker Carlson. I don't listen to Tucker Carlson. I probably wouldn't recognize Tucker Carlson if he fell on me. And what he does or doesn't accept is nothing to me.
'the fact that right-wingers don't have their thoughts told to them by the media; we create our own thoughts in our own heads.'..LOL!!..Then why even have Hannity, Limbaugh and Carlson around then

Did you really just tell me that you can't imagine any reason for people to be on TV other than telling you what to think?

I didn't think I could have more pity and disdain for you than I did prior to reading this post. I stand corrected.
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.
Look it’s not the misery of disappointment that I’m enjoying. I get the sting of loss. It’s the irrational everyone cheated reaction from the right that is entertaining.

View attachment 414803

All I just heard was, "I find it funny that we cheated for everyone to see."
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
How did he cheat to get into the Whitehouse?
Did you read that article of him cheating?? There is no cheating on his winning the WH That he lied his fat ass off is another matter
Only imbecile scumbags claim Hillary is honest.
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
Has he been charged with fraud and theft?
I agree. Telling some random person you don't know that you support Trump could be dangerous.

I mean literally dangerous. That person might attempt to attack you violently.
Despite all your garbage fear mongering propaganda, the only spike in violence since Trump has been right wingers against Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Chinese. Brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
You're obviously suffering brain damage

I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.
Look it’s not the misery of disappointment that I’m enjoying. I get the sting of loss. It’s the irrational everyone cheated reaction from the right that is entertaining.

View attachment 414803
Not everyone. Just you and your komrade scumbags.
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.

Neither side is exactly the best behaved! Both sides cry crocodile tears and show poor sportsmanship, but nothing's like conservatives and their conspiracy theories trying to undermine every institution we hold dear! They're so punitive and vengeful! Look at your boy in the WH; sitting behind closed doors while his minions fuel his delusions! The country has a power vacuum with a raging pandemic going on and a president that doesn't even want to acknowledge it exists! Grassley is proceeding with an investigation into Hunter Biden according to FNC! Who you going to point fingers at, Dems for being happy the Nat'l nightmare of Trump is close to being over or watching the current president pout and stew like a petulant child? I think I can deal with your slings and arrows, but how many have to die for you to get more enraged by conservative leadership in this country? Texas just hit 1M CV-19 cases with the morgues overflowing! Trump said after the election we wouldn't be talking about this! I think he meant he wouldn't be talking about it! END RANT! :dunno:
Last edited:
I agree. Telling some random person you don't know that you support Trump could be dangerous.

I mean literally dangerous. That person might attempt to attack you violently.
Despite all your garbage fear mongering propaganda, the only spike in violence since Trump has been right wingers against Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Chinese. Brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
You're obviously suffering brain damage

sorry FBI statistics don't agree with your babbling propagandists on your one channel dingbat LOL.... In the entire world SMH
I agree. Telling some random person you don't know that you support Trump could be dangerous.

I mean literally dangerous. That person might attempt to attack you violently.
Despite all your garbage fear mongering propaganda, the only spike in violence since Trump has been right wingers against Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Chinese. Brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
You're obviously suffering brain damage

sorry FBI statistics don't agree with your babbling propagandists on your one channel dingbat LOL.... In the entire world SMH
People can seee with their own eyes who the thugs are.
I agree. Telling some random person you don't know that you support Trump could be dangerous.

I mean literally dangerous. That person might attempt to attack you violently.
Despite all your garbage fear mongering propaganda, the only spike in violence since Trump has been right wingers against Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Chinese. Brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
You're obviously suffering brain damage

sorry FBI statistics don't agree with your babbling propagandists on your one channel dingbat LOL.... In the entire world SMH
People can seee with their own eyes who the thugs are.
If they're baffled by b******* like you, yes. no respected journalists or law enforcement agrees with your insane Outlook, brain washed functional etc etc.
I agree. Telling some random person you don't know that you support Trump could be dangerous.

I mean literally dangerous. That person might attempt to attack you violently.
Despite all your garbage fear mongering propaganda, the only spike in violence since Trump has been right wingers against Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Chinese. Brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
You're obviously suffering brain damage

sorry FBI statistics don't agree with your babbling propagandists on your one channel dingbat LOL.... In the entire world SMH
People can seee with their own eyes who the thugs are.
And in no way am I defending looters who are not BLM by the way, just criminals and people who are out of money thanks to the covid-19 and of course the insane GOP. Thanks Rupert Murdoch
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.
Look it’s not the misery of disappointment that I’m enjoying. I get the sting of loss. It’s the irrational everyone cheated reaction from the right that is entertaining.

View attachment 414803
Not everyone. Just you and your komrade scumbags.
Suck it up like Hillary voters have for crying out loud period that was a closer election than this and she never complained about imaginary shenanigans.. the only ones rigging the election is scumbag Republicans so now you have to win by 5 million votes to make it close if you're a Democrat period and you bet the House of Representatives is gerrymandered to the hilt to do the same. They got like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in house voting and lost seats in 2016. Now it's worse period sort of like the inequality and crap upward mobility. Only propaganda and silly dupes like you make this possible...

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