Looks like Trump will win again.

I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.

The fact that you're calling a landslide victory by Joe Biden - more than 5 million votes, more than 300 votes in the electoral college an "election theft", make your subsequent comments that you are capable of "thinking for yourself" and you don't have people "spoon feeding" you ideas or thoughts, utterly laughable.

Only an idiot thinks the election was "stolen" from Donald Trump. Trump threw it away, with his hate, his failure to address the corona virus, or any of the problems besetting the country. That you would suggest otherwise, demonstrates that you are a mere tool of those individuals whose primary interest is the destruction of the American Republic.

Would not shock me since Biden is senile and Harris is not well liked (HRC 2.0).

Who am I to argue with the experts?

"I think polls are very, very squishy right now because of the highly toxic political environment in which we live," Gundlach said. Gundlach said he’s come across data suggesting that about "two-thirds of conservatives or moderate conservatives say that they have lied about their support for Donald Trump either directly or by omission."
The Dumbocrats don't understand how the law works here. If Trump wins one lawsuit , the decision becomes a precedent which is considered law for all succeeding lawsuits. Precedents are not always followed, but in 80% of cases, they are.
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.

The fact that you're calling a landslide victory by Joe Biden - more than 5 million votes, more than 300 votes in the electoral college an "election theft", make your subsequent comments that you are capable of "thinking for yourself" and you don't have people "spoon feeding" you ideas or thoughts, utterly laughable.

Only an idiot thinks the election was "stolen" from Donald Trump. Trump threw it away, with his hate, his failure to address the corona virus, or any of the problems besetting the country. That you would suggest otherwise, demonstrates that you are a mere tool of those individuals whose primary interest is the destruction of the American Republic.
Please stop interfering in our elections
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
How did he cheat to get into the Whitehouse?
The gop has cheated for years with voter suppression. 5 million more votes just overwhelmed these crooks. We‘re up to 12 rejections for lack of evidence by Trump......and counting. But hey, his supporters don’t believe in science, why should they believe their own court system.
A fool and his money are soon parted
For Trump, one last fundraising scam before leaving office
Team Trump isn't just lying to supporters about the election results; they're also playing a highly sketchy game with their own financial supporters.

Donald Trump has an unusually ugly record when it comes to separating those he perceived as fools from their money. After all, the outgoing Republican president ran a fraudulent charitable foundation and created a fraudulent "university," which was designed to do little more than rip off its "students."
The Republican never fully abandoned these practices after arriving in the White House. Indeed, this Reuters report yesterday suggested Trump is trying to pull one last fundraising scam before leaving office.
As President Donald Trump seeks to discredit last week's election with baseless claims of voter fraud, his team has bombarded his supporters with requests for money to help pay for legal challenges to the results: "The Left will try to STEAL this election!" reads one text. But any small-dollar donations from Trump's grassroots donors won't be going to legal expenses at all, according to a Reuters review of the legal language in the solicitations.
It's effectively a scam wrapped in a scam. Team Trump starts by falsely telling its followers that there's an election conspiracy -- indeed, the campaign has sent dozens of messages along these lines to donors in recent days -- which it then follows by encouraging supporters to help combat the made-up conspiracy by sending the president's political operation some money.

But those who grab their wallets probably won't realize that their money won't go toward election lawsuits all, despite Team Trump's deceptive pitch. From the Reuters report:
A donor would have to give more than $8,000 before any money goes to the "recount account" established to finance election challenges, including recounts and lawsuits over alleged improprieties, the fundraising disclosures show. The emailed solicitations send supporters to an "Official Election Defense Fund" website that asks them to sign up for recurring donations to "protect the results and keep fighting even after Election Day." The fine print makes clear most of the money will go to other priorities.
For example, if you were inclined to believe the president's ridiculous election conspiracy theories and decided to send his operation $1,000 to help support his "Official Election Defense Fund," $600 of your contribution would go toward Trump's new political action committee, called "Save America." The Republican National Committee would get the other $400.
How much would go toward the so-called "recount account"? Not one penny, unless you contributed several thousand dollars.
Paul S. Ryan, the vice president of policy and litigation at Common Cause, told the Washington Post, "It's a straight-up bait and switch." Dana Milbank added:
[The money from small donors] will be used to extend Trump's influence over the RNC during the Biden presidency and to build up his leadership PAC, which amounts to a "slush fund" for Trump's personal use. "There is no limit to how much Donald Trump can pay himself or any member of his family under 'Save America,'" Ryan notes.
In other words, the president and his allies aren't just lying to their supporters about the election results; they're also playing a highly sketchy game with those who've made the mistake of trusting Trump with their own money.
Making matters just a little worse, it creates a perverse set of incentives: Trump could honor his own country's democracy enough to respect this year's election results, but the moment he acknowledges his defeat, prospective donors will no longer feel the need to contribute to the "Official Election Defense Fund" or pump money into the "recount account."
The longer the president keeps the anti-election charade going, the more opportunities he'll have to bring in more cash.
In an unfortunate way, it's a fitting end to a difficult 2020 for conservative donors. This was the year several prominent figures on the right -- the NRA, Steve Bannon, et al. -- were accused of misusing funds raised by unsuspecting contributors.
It was seven years ago when MSNBC's Chris Hayes wrote, "Much of movement conservatism is a con and the base are the marks." The observation was true at the time, but it's even more important now.
The Washington Post's Paul Waldman recently added, "Conservative operatives ... have always viewed the right's rank-and-file with utter contempt, as little more than a collection of fools to be taken advantage of."
It's something Republican donors probably ought to keep in mind the next time they receive a hysterical appeal about Donald Trump's "Official Election Defense Fund."
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
How did he cheat to get into the Whitehouse?
The gop has cheated for years with voter suppression. 5 million more votes just overwhelmed these crooks. We‘re up to 12 rejections for lack of evidence by Trump......and counting. But hey, his supporters don’t believe in science, why should they believe their own court system.
ROFL! "Voter suppression" is a myth designed to justify voter fraud. "12 rejections" of what?

Apparently you're having a debate with the voices in your head.
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.

Neither side is exactly the best behaved! Both sides cry crocodile tears and show poor sportsmanship, but nothing's like conservatives and their conspiracy theories trying to undermine every institution we hold dear! They're so punitive and vengeful! Look at your boy in the WH; sitting behind closed doors while his minions fuel his delusions! The country has a power vacuum with a raging pandemic going on and a president that doesn't even want to acknowledge it exists! Grassley is proceeding with an investigation into Hunter Biden according to FNC! Who you going to point fingers at, Dems for being happy the Nat'l nightmare of Trump is close to being over or watching the current president pout and stew like a petulant child? I think I can deal with your slings and arrows, but how many have to die for you to get more enraged by conservative leadership in this country? Texas just hit 1M CV-19 cases with the morgues overflowing! Trump said after the election we wouldn't be talking about this! I think he meant he wouldn't be talking about it! END RANT! :dunno:

When WE start rioting and looting and burning buildings and killing people because we don't get our way, you can talk about "Well, both sides . . ." Until then, piss off.

And for the record, I didn't read past your first sentence, because you haven't earned the right to have any other sentences.
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.

The fact that you're calling a landslide victory by Joe Biden - more than 5 million votes, more than 300 votes in the electoral college an "election theft", make your subsequent comments that you are capable of "thinking for yourself" and you don't have people "spoon feeding" you ideas or thoughts, utterly laughable.

Only an idiot thinks the election was "stolen" from Donald Trump. Trump threw it away, with his hate, his failure to address the corona virus, or any of the problems besetting the country. That you would suggest otherwise, demonstrates that you are a mere tool of those individuals whose primary interest is the destruction of the American Republic.

You're still talking. This is a serious flaw that you should really have fixed.

Didn't read, don't care, not your country or your business.
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time!!! Watching conservatives cry sweet tears like this is just so rewarding. The fake stories they tell themselves as witnesses recant and judges kick them out of court. Ha ha ha. Best is every time I read “Trump will win” or “Trump has won” I pee a little. God, thank you. You are a liberal God.

All I heard was, "I'm enjoying the results of our election theft so much! I love causing misery with my evil behavior!"

I hope you're having as much fun when the rest of the election results filter into the vacuum between your ears.

The fact that you're calling a landslide victory by Joe Biden - more than 5 million votes, more than 300 votes in the electoral college an "election theft", make your subsequent comments that you are capable of "thinking for yourself" and you don't have people "spoon feeding" you ideas or thoughts, utterly laughable.

Only an idiot thinks the election was "stolen" from Donald Trump. Trump threw it away, with his hate, his failure to address the corona virus, or any of the problems besetting the country. That you would suggest otherwise, demonstrates that you are a mere tool of those individuals whose primary interest is the destruction of the American Republic.
Please stop interfering in our elections

If we want foreign election meddling, we'll ask the Chinese. At least THEY give us money for tolerating their evil, mindless twaddle.
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
How did he cheat to get into the Whitehouse?
The gop has cheated for years with voter suppression. 5 million more votes just overwhelmed these crooks. We‘re up to 12 rejections for lack of evidence by Trump......and counting. But hey, his supporters don’t believe in science, why should they believe their own court system.
ROFL! "Voter suppression" is a myth designed to justify voter fraud. "12 rejections" of what?

Apparently you're having a debate with the voices in your head.
Yeah Bri appointing that scumbag post master general to fk up the mail wasn't suppression of our voting system
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
How did he cheat to get into the Whitehouse?
The gop has cheated for years with voter suppression. 5 million more votes just overwhelmed these crooks. We‘re up to 12 rejections for lack of evidence by Trump......and counting. But hey, his supporters don’t believe in science, why should they believe their own court system.
ROFL! "Voter suppression" is a myth designed to justify voter fraud. "12 rejections" of what?

Apparently you're having a debate with the voices in your head.
Yeah Bri appointing that scumbag post master general to fk up the mail wasn't suppression of our voting system

Liberal Dictionary:
Voter suppression - preventing election fraud.

Another TDS fantasy. No one "fucked up the mail," moron
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
How did he cheat to get into the Whitehouse?
The gop has cheated for years with voter suppression. 5 million more votes just overwhelmed these crooks. We‘re up to 12 rejections for lack of evidence by Trump......and counting. But hey, his supporters don’t believe in science, why should they believe their own court system.
ROFL! "Voter suppression" is a myth designed to justify voter fraud. "12 rejections" of what?

Apparently you're having a debate with the voices in your head.
Yeah Bri appointing that scumbag post master general to fk up the mail wasn't suppression of our voting system

Liberal Dictionary:
Voter suppression - preventing election fraud.

Another TDS fantasy. No one "fucked up the mail," moron
1 place to vote for population of 10's of 1000's ,,Cut post office working hours ?? Take the fn blinders off bri
Bri azog a trump special
That is all he knows is to cheat!
Cheated to get into the White House in the first place !! Cheat appears to be his middle name
Image may contain: 1 person, suit, text that says 'YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff''YES SHE CAN So let me get this straight: The guy who cheated to get into college and cheated to get out of Vietnam and cheated on wives and cheated on his taxes and cheated students at his scam university and cheated donors is trying to cheat his way out out of an election loss? JeffTiedrich Jeff'

Don't forget his family charity foundation isn't allowed to operate because of the fraud and theft, his children also are prohibited from being involved in charity
How did he cheat to get into the Whitehouse?
The gop has cheated for years with voter suppression. 5 million more votes just overwhelmed these crooks. We‘re up to 12 rejections for lack of evidence by Trump......and counting. But hey, his supporters don’t believe in science, why should they believe their own court system.
ROFL! "Voter suppression" is a myth designed to justify voter fraud. "12 rejections" of what?

Apparently you're having a debate with the voices in your head.
Yeah Bri appointing that scumbag post master general to fk up the mail wasn't suppression of our voting system

Liberal Dictionary:
Voter suppression - preventing election fraud.

Another TDS fantasy. No one "fucked up the mail," moron
1 place to vote for population of 10's of 1000's ,,Cut post office working hours ?? Take the fn blinders off bri
Trump cut post office worker hours?

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