Looters take advantage of Hurricane Irma

Do you honestly think blacks are peaceful and prosperous people outside of the US, or are they grossly over represented in crime and the justice systems elsewhere?
Are you asking someone else to research your racist hunch for you.
You can call it "racist" and a " hunch" if you wish. It changes nothing.

Blacks are indeed grossly over-represented in the jails, prisons and court systems wherever they are found. They consistently form the dregs of societies in those places. Go to places like Brazil or the UK. There are few exceptions, if any.

Your deranged shouting doesn't mesh with reality. Your wishful thinking dissipates as rapidly as your receding hairline once it is aired to the real world.
Kiss my ass. If I someday gain more respect for you, you can kiss my feet. someday perhaps, you could be a simple servant.
We will never meet...and that is fortunate for you.
Shucks. Well, I doubt you'd be much good. You'd just steal, do nothing and expect to be fed anyway.
Are you asking someone else to research your racist hunch for you.
You can call it "racist" and a " hunch" if you wish. It changes nothing.

Blacks are indeed grossly over-represented in the jails, prisons and court systems wherever they are found. They consistently form the dregs of societies in those places. Go to places like Brazil or the UK. There are few exceptions, if any.

Your deranged shouting doesn't mesh with reality. Your wishful thinking dissipates as rapidly as your receding hairline once it is aired to the real world.
Kiss my ass. If I someday gain more respect for you, you can kiss my feet. someday perhaps, you could be a simple servant.
We will never meet...and that is fortunate for you.
Shucks. Well, I doubt you'd be much good. You'd just steal, do nothing and expect to be fed anyway.
You lost your manhood in a Greek bath house. I think a good left hook or bitch slap in the face ought to be a great attitude adjuster for you. And if you would prefer a hardware solution...i'm yer huckleberry. :lol:
That wasn't war...it was wholesale slaughter
by demonic invaders come to steal, plunder, rape and pillage. The Indians had no choice but to fight for their survival. But the White man was unified in his diabolical goals and exploited the divisions among the various indian tribes... You're good at that....But beware...The same divide and conquer strategy is used to divide the races in maintaining the status quo for the wealthy.

So the indians raiding settlers homes and killing them was playing nice?
Sounds like the actions of terrorists to me.
The indians got what they had coming.
The indians would have been much better off if they had joined forces and protected their shores from European invaders. But with their primitive naivete...they just didn't know.
Japan did what the indians should have done... They resisted the painted smiles and
Pulled up the welcome mat when Europeans came to test their weaknesses.
Japan got theirs too, so the lesson is, never fuck with a superior culture.
I wish you would have told the Viet Cong that before they sent 19 year old Americans to Vietnam to fight a losing battle.

That would be the fault of the politicians and their ROE.
Now you want to change the narrative. I gotcha suka. The Viet Cong messed with a
"superior " force and won...twice...remember France invaded and got their asses handed to them too...before we did.
That wasn't war...it was wholesale slaughter
by demonic invaders come to steal, plunder, rape and pillage. The Indians had no choice but to fight for their survival. But the White man was unified in his diabolical goals and exploited the divisions among the various indian tribes... You're good at that....But beware...The same divide and conquer strategy is used to divide the races in maintaining the status quo for the wealthy.

So the indians raiding settlers homes and killing them was playing nice?
Sounds like the actions of terrorists to me.
The indians got what they had coming.
The indians would have been much better off if they had joined forces and protected their shores from European invaders. But with their primitive naivete...they just didn't know.
Japan did what the indians should have done... They resisted the painted smiles and
Pulled up the welcome mat when Europeans came to test their weaknesses.
Japan got theirs too, so the lesson is, never fuck with a superior culture.
I wish you would have told the Viet Cong that before they sent 19 year old Americans to Vietnam to fight a losing battle.

That would be the fault of the politicians and their ROE.
Oh...i almost forgot the first guy who messed with our superior forces and won. Can you guess who it was?


Everyone Shut Up Already About "Looting" in Miami After Hurricane Irma
If you steal three pairs of shoes from Foot Locker, a worldwide retail chain that made a $664 million profit in 2016, Florida's news stations will broadcast images of you stealing things on TV, Fox News will call you a menace to society, and people will tweet about how you ought to be shot to death.

If you run a company that steals billions in Medicaid funds from sick, defenseless people, Florida will elect you governor.

As Hurricane Irma's outer bands lashed South Florida, a few small groups of Miamians were videotaped breaking into sneaker stores and carrying out boxes of shoes. Professionals filmed some of the clips: Local 10 filmed a group of thieves in Fort Lauderdale, which led to the arrests of a few suspects. In all, local authorities said 37 people — total, in a county of 2.7 million had been arrested for "looting" in Miami post-Irma as of Wednesday morning. WSVN also filmed thieves breaking into a different shoe store in Miami, which City of Miami police then used to arrest suspects.

These are crimes, yes, and it should go without saying that you shouldn't smash windows and steal Jordans from Foot Locker.

But in the grand scheme of things, these are minor crimes. Yet local TV stations and Fox News have teamed up to blow the alleged Hurricane Irma "looting" epidemic out of proportion, just like they always do after natural disasters. (Many of these same criticisms about overhyping minor crimes by minorities while ignoring massive white-collar crimes such as Gov. Rick Scott's firm's Medicaid heist, of course, can be launched at local news channels year-round. But the media's breathless, round-the-clock updates on a tiny group of looters in Miami is ridiculous even in that context.)

Everyone Shut Up Already About "Looting" in Miami After Hurricane Irma
jesus christ wake up to reality ....whites are not the only evil race, as the MSM has brainwashed you to believe

'''3. Shaka Zulu Killed More Zulus Than Any Of His Enemies Did Although a lot of sympathizers have come on to cast doubts on many of the accounts regarding Shaka, there is no doubt that Shaka was a ruthless man, who killed more of his people than any other king.'''

9. Shaka Zulu Killed Many Zulus To Mourn His Mother’s Death When his mother died, he declared a mourning period of more than a year. During this time, crops were not planted and any woman who became pregnant was killed, together with her husband. All the cows that gave birth were killed, so that their calves could know how it felt like to lose a mother'''

Shaka Zulu Facts That Will Shock You

killed 2 million people
Shaka Zulu
I saw the tv series that was eponomously named "Shaka Zulu." However, I saw nothing Shaka did that could compare to the murderous European and Russian killing fields of the early 20th century. And nowhere have I seen any evidence that Shaka killed or was responsible for the deaths of 2 million people. Unfortunately... The legacy of Shaka, like so much of Africa's historical record, has been filtered through the lens of White historians...spawns of the greatest liars on earth. You can rest assured that their version of Shaka's exploits would be tainted..with falsehoids and negative inuendo to prove Africas greatest conquering hero was just as evil and diabolical of character as Hitler or Stalin. I don't think so.
you REFUSE to believe facts
you really think there is only one person like hitler?? there is only one person like Ted Bundy? there is only one person like Charles Manson? only one Pol Pot?
sure, no Africans could be evil.!!!??!! no, you are either a troll, or do not know ANY history
and don't forget Idi Amin ..he was an African, so he wouldn't kill anyone
people have been brainwashed to be afraid to tell facts--truth !!
we can't give facts and truth without RACIST screamed at us
it is undeniable that blacks have culture problems that breed much higher murder/crime/low graduation...the sooner they realize that, the sooner they can get better.....but they are not realizing it.....it has to be whitey causing the problem
Down with the looters and why are they always black. In the meantime, a couple of white republican thieves beat going to jail for stealing oil off of government land. They got off with a fine, then appealed the fine until they got it knocked down to 10% of the original judgement. Then they were allowed to use the fine as a write off on their taxes. These two white thieves fund major republican candidates. Steal a t.v., go to jail if you don't get shot first. Steal a few million, be allowed to buy an honorable, God fearing republican politician. Not that demorats wouldn't stoop so low either.

Koch And Native-American Reservation Oil Theft
Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire - Rolling Stone
And retard looters come in ALL colors and political leanings apparently.....
I'd give $1 to know who these morons voted for.

Tattooed, shirtless looters arrested for stealing power pole as police turn up the heat


The prison population must be exploding!
Time to start doing like China and executing some of these drags on society....given absolute proof of their crimes and a fair trail of course.
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Down with the looters and why are they always black. In the meantime, a couple of white republican thieves beat going to jail for stealing oil off of government land. They got off with a fine, then appealed the fine until they got it knocked down to 10% of the original judgement. Then they were allowed to use the fine as a write off on their taxes. These two white thieves fund major republican candidates. Steal a t.v., go to jail if you don't get shot first. Steal a few million, be allowed to buy an honorable, God fearing republican politician. Not that demorats wouldn't stoop so low either.

Koch And Native-American Reservation Oil Theft
Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire - Rolling Stone

Maybe, but these two have NOTHING on the Clintons. Not even comparable so why don't you mention the Clintons instead?
So the indians raiding settlers homes and killing them was playing nice?
Sounds like the actions of terrorists to me.
The indians got what they had coming.
The indians would have been much better off if they had joined forces and protected their shores from European invaders. But with their primitive naivete...they just didn't know.
Japan did what the indians should have done... They resisted the painted smiles and
Pulled up the welcome mat when Europeans came to test their weaknesses.
Japan got theirs too, so the lesson is, never fuck with a superior culture.
I wish you would have told the Viet Cong that before they sent 19 year old Americans to Vietnam to fight a losing battle.

That would be the fault of the politicians and their ROE.
Now you want to change the narrative. I gotcha suka. The Viet Cong messed with a
"superior " force and won...twice...remember France invaded and got their asses handed to them too...before we did.

Changed the narrative?
I was responding to your post halfwit.
jesus christ wake up to reality ....whites are not the only evil race, as the MSM has brainwashed you to believe

'''3. Shaka Zulu Killed More Zulus Than Any Of His Enemies Did Although a lot of sympathizers have come on to cast doubts on many of the accounts regarding Shaka, there is no doubt that Shaka was a ruthless man, who killed more of his people than any other king.'''

9. Shaka Zulu Killed Many Zulus To Mourn His Mother’s Death When his mother died, he declared a mourning period of more than a year. During this time, crops were not planted and any woman who became pregnant was killed, together with her husband. All the cows that gave birth were killed, so that their calves could know how it felt like to lose a mother'''

Shaka Zulu Facts That Will Shock You

killed 2 million people
Shaka Zulu
I saw the tv series that was eponomously named "Shaka Zulu." However, I saw nothing Shaka did that could compare to the murderous European and Russian killing fields of the early 20th century. And nowhere have I seen any evidence that Shaka killed or was responsible for the deaths of 2 million people. Unfortunately... The legacy of Shaka, like so much of Africa's historical record, has been filtered through the lens of White historians...spawns of the greatest liars on earth. You can rest assured that their version of Shaka's exploits would be tainted..with falsehoids and negative inuendo to prove Africas greatest conquering hero was just as evil and diabolical of character as Hitler or Stalin. I don't think so.
you REFUSE to believe facts
you really think there is only one person like hitler?? there is only one person like Ted Bundy? there is only one person like Charles Manson? only one Pol Pot?
sure, no Africans could be evil.!!!??!! no, you are either a troll, or do not know ANY history
and don't forget Idi Amin ..he was an African, so he wouldn't kill anyone
The only facts on the table are those i have presented...undeniable facts. Those allegations you dropped concerning the number of deaths caused by Shaka Zulu never made it to the table because there is no proof. But you did not stop there... Idi Amin. is another character you point to for alleged atrocities. But just how much can be belived about him when the narrative is filtered through the lens of western bias? From personal experience I have seen how White Americans have invented strategies to
project the criminality of a few criminals over the entire black community...and then turn around and blame decent God fearing Blacks for something they had nothing to do with.
I know history all too well...and I know that frequently, it is written with an agenda by the greatest liars on earth...and...They are White.
The indians would have been much better off if they had joined forces and protected their shores from European invaders. But with their primitive naivete...they just didn't know.
Japan did what the indians should have done... They resisted the painted smiles and
Pulled up the welcome mat when Europeans came to test their weaknesses.
Japan got theirs too, so the lesson is, never fuck with a superior culture.
I wish you would have told the Viet Cong that before they sent 19 year old Americans to Vietnam to fight a losing battle.

That would be the fault of the politicians and their ROE.
Now you want to change the narrative. I gotcha suka. The Viet Cong messed with a
"superior " force and won...twice...remember France invaded and got their asses handed to them too...before we did.

Changed the narrative?
I was responding to your post halfwit.
You were diverting from the fact that you are a damn liar.
jesus christ wake up to reality ....whites are not the only evil race, as the MSM has brainwashed you to believe

'''3. Shaka Zulu Killed More Zulus Than Any Of His Enemies Did Although a lot of sympathizers have come on to cast doubts on many of the accounts regarding Shaka, there is no doubt that Shaka was a ruthless man, who killed more of his people than any other king.'''

9. Shaka Zulu Killed Many Zulus To Mourn His Mother’s Death When his mother died, he declared a mourning period of more than a year. During this time, crops were not planted and any woman who became pregnant was killed, together with her husband. All the cows that gave birth were killed, so that their calves could know how it felt like to lose a mother'''

Shaka Zulu Facts That Will Shock You

killed 2 million people
Shaka Zulu
I saw the tv series that was eponomously named "Shaka Zulu." However, I saw nothing Shaka did that could compare to the murderous European and Russian killing fields of the early 20th century. And nowhere have I seen any evidence that Shaka killed or was responsible for the deaths of 2 million people. Unfortunately... The legacy of Shaka, like so much of Africa's historical record, has been filtered through the lens of White historians...spawns of the greatest liars on earth. You can rest assured that their version of Shaka's exploits would be tainted..with falsehoids and negative inuendo to prove Africas greatest conquering hero was just as evil and diabolical of character as Hitler or Stalin. I don't think so.
you REFUSE to believe facts
you really think there is only one person like hitler?? there is only one person like Ted Bundy? there is only one person like Charles Manson? only one Pol Pot?
sure, no Africans could be evil.!!!??!! no, you are either a troll, or do not know ANY history
and don't forget Idi Amin ..he was an African, so he wouldn't kill anyone
The only facts on the table are those i have presented...undeniable facts. Those allegations you dropped concerning the number of deaths caused by Shaka Zulu never made it to the table because there is no proof. But you did not stop there... Idi Amin. is another character you point to for alleged atrocities. But just how much can be belived about him when the narrative is filtered through the lens of western bias? From personal experience I have seen how White Americans have invented strategies to
project the criminality of a few criminals over the entire black community...and then turn around and blame decent God fearing Blacks for something they had nothing to do with.
I know history all too well...and I know that frequently, it is written with an agenda by the greatest liars on earth...and...They are White.
you just proved you are a hater and racist of whites
Japan got theirs too, so the lesson is, never fuck with a superior culture.
I wish you would have told the Viet Cong that before they sent 19 year old Americans to Vietnam to fight a losing battle.

That would be the fault of the politicians and their ROE.
Now you want to change the narrative. I gotcha suka. The Viet Cong messed with a
"superior " force and won...twice...remember France invaded and got their asses handed to them too...before we did.

Changed the narrative?
I was responding to your post halfwit.
You were diverting from the fact that you are a damn liar.

Where's the lie?

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