Lord Ashdown Attacks The Tea Party

# 5 on the platform is why Disir will always hate and fight the Tea Party,
We'll probably never see her/it again in this thread...not addressing the facts, anyway..

You haven't produced any. Half these clowns are on ignore. So, if you want me to respond to something then you will need to address me specifically.

You made ridiculous, uninformed comments about the tea party, so I posted the tea party platform...can you explain your opposition to the ideas in their platform?

Try not to evade, dodge or change the subject ....if you possibly can.

Sure, no problem. I'll hit it tonight.
Here's more on why you are a laughing stock:
Not-So-Steeped in History US Tea Party Should Keep Its Hands Off Hitler - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Another distraction as this far left poster shows that they are ruled by programmed talking points..

Can you dispute any of the points made or are you going cite far left propaganda?

Then again the far left in 2001 - 2009 made Nazi and Hitler references, guess that history has been omitted from the far left database.

Another far left post fail!!!
# 5 on the platform is why Disir will always hate and fight the Tea Party,
We'll probably never see her/it again in this thread...not addressing the facts, anyway..

You haven't produced any. Half these clowns are on ignore. So, if you want me to respond to something then you will need to address me specifically.

You made ridiculous, uninformed comments about the tea party, so I posted the tea party platform...can you explain your opposition to the ideas in their platform?

Try not to evade, dodge or change the subject ....if you possibly can.

Sure, no problem. I'll hit it tonight.
Here's more on why you are a laughing stock:
Not-So-Steeped in History US Tea Party Should Keep Its Hands Off Hitler - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Let's address one issue at a time before you start trying to change the subject to distract people.

Let's go over the reasons you disagree with the actual tea party platform (point by point ...not what you "think" or heard) first, ok?
The TPM want local elites to make decisions for everyone.

Never going to happen.
Keep trying to beat the drum that the real citizens of this country have their voices heard by the group you try to promote.
Given the evidence of who is running the so-called tea party it might shock you to realize your voice is nothing while the aristocratic segment feeds you their drivel and you are so keen to accept it.
Beat that drum and their propaganda it makes you look so much more clever, maybe.:2up:

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

Quite open-ended now isn't it, to comply to whose interpretation.


The majority, probably. People like to vote and participate rather than being dictated to by "lawmakers".
Life is dynamic, not static. There isn't a handbook for every possible combination of events, so keep looking for bizarre outliers to misinterpret or distort. It'll make you look real clever. :rolleyes:
It might be nice if it did work that well. You have to look to the real power brokers that lead the TP.

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

Quite open-ended now isn't it, to comply to whose interpretation.
Now you're getting it. That's the way a republic works.
Keep trying to beat the drum that the real citizens of this country have their voices heard by the group you try to promote.
Given the evidence of who is running the so-called tea party it might shock you to realize your voice is nothing while the aristocratic segment feeds you their drivel and you are so keen to accept it.
Beat that drum and their propaganda it makes you look so much more clever, maybe.:2up:

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

Quite open-ended now isn't it, to comply to whose interpretation.


The majority, probably. People like to vote and participate rather than being dictated to by "lawmakers".
Life is dynamic, not static. There isn't a handbook for every possible combination of events, so keep looking for bizarre outliers to misinterpret or distort. It'll make you look real clever. :rolleyes:
Keep trying to beat the drum that the real citizens of this country have their voices heard by the group you try to promote.
Given the evidence of who is running the so-called tea party it might shock you to realize your voice is nothing while the aristocratic segment feeds you their drivel and you are so keen to accept it.
Beat that drum and their propaganda it makes you look so much more clever, maybe.:2up:

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

Quite open-ended now isn't it, to comply to whose interpretation.


The majority, probably. People like to vote and participate rather than being dictated to by "lawmakers".
Life is dynamic, not static. There isn't a handbook for every possible combination of events, so keep looking for bizarre outliers to misinterpret or distort. It'll make you look real clever. :rolleyes:

So you're against "citizen involvement at the grassroots level to direct the political behavior of their politicians so they can be effective"...LMAO..Ok comrade..whatever you say.
# 5 on the platform is why Disir will always hate and fight the Tea Party,
We'll probably never see her/it again in this thread...not addressing the facts, anyway..

You haven't produced any. Half these clowns are on ignore. So, if you want me to respond to something then you will need to address me specifically.

You made ridiculous, uninformed comments about the tea party, so I posted the tea party platform...can you explain your opposition to the ideas in their platform?

Try not to evade, dodge or change the subject ....if you possibly can.

Sure, no problem. I'll hit it tonight.
Here's more on why you are a laughing stock:
Not-So-Steeped in History US Tea Party Should Keep Its Hands Off Hitler - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Side bet for a coke.....you never come back and if you do you won't address the points in the tea party platform.
Just look at the tea party platform! The HORROR!

No wonder statists and socialists hate the tea party.

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes -
Excessively high taxes are a burden for those exercising their personal liberty to work hard and prosper as afforded by the Constitution. A fiscally responsible government protects the freedom of its citizens to enjoy the fruits of their own labor without interference from a government that has exceeded its necessary size, scope and reach into the lives of its citizens.

2. Eliminate the National Debt - By implementing fiscally conservative policies at all levels of government, progress can be made toward eliminating the U.S. National Debt. Massive increases in the National Debt have created and continue to create a huge burden for the next generation of Americans, thus imperiling the country’s short-term and long-term economic health and prosperity.

3. Eliminate Deficit Spending - All deficit spending must be eliminated immediately. We insist that government representatives at all levels maintain a fiscally responsible budget and balance the books as would be expected of any American business.

4. Protect Free Markets - America’s free enterprise system allows businesses to thrive as they compete in the open marketplace and strive toward ever better services and products. Allowing free markets to prosper unfettered by government interference is what propelled this country to greatness with an enduring belief in the industriousness and innovations of the populace.

5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States - The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and must be adhered to without exception at all levels of government. This includes the Bill of Rights and other Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and their provisions designed to protect states’ rights and individual liberties.

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government - A bloated bureaucracy creates wasteful spending that plagues our government. Reducing the overall size, scope and reach of government at both local and national levels will help to eliminate inefficiencies that result in deficit spending which adds to our country’s debt.

8. Believe in the People - The American people, given their guaranteed freedoms, will thrive in a democratic, capitalist environment which allows individuals to strive toward ever greater achievements, innovations and the efficient production of needed and valued goods and services.

9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics - American politics is burdened by big money from lobbyists and special interests with an undue influence on the peoples’ representatives. The Tea Party movement is seen as a threat to the entrenched political parties and thus is the continual target of smear campaigns and misrepresentation of its ideals. We choose not to respond to these attacks except to strongly and explicitly disavow any and all hate speech, any and all violence as well as insinuations of violence, and any and all extreme and fringe elements that bring discredit to the Tea Party Movement. We are a peaceful movement and respect other's opinions and views even though they do not agree with our own. We stand by the Tea Party beliefs and goals and choose to focus our energies on ensuring that our government representatives do the same.

10. Maintain Local Independence - The strength and resilience of a grassroots movement is the ability of citizens at the local level to determine their own platforms, agendas and priorities free of an overriding central leadership. Exercising the clearly stated message of the Tea Party movement by its nature involves discourse about which policies and candidates best hold to our stated principles, and these various opinions should flourish and evolve at the local level.

Not bad goals. Too bad they only fall apart when well meaning imbeciles try to put them into action.
Just look at the tea party platform! The HORROR!

No wonder statists and socialists hate the tea party.

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes -
Excessively high taxes are a burden for those exercising their personal liberty to work hard and prosper as afforded by the Constitution. A fiscally responsible government protects the freedom of its citizens to enjoy the fruits of their own labor without interference from a government that has exceeded its necessary size, scope and reach into the lives of its citizens.

2. Eliminate the National Debt - By implementing fiscally conservative policies at all levels of government, progress can be made toward eliminating the U.S. National Debt. Massive increases in the National Debt have created and continue to create a huge burden for the next generation of Americans, thus imperiling the country’s short-term and long-term economic health and prosperity.

3. Eliminate Deficit Spending - All deficit spending must be eliminated immediately. We insist that government representatives at all levels maintain a fiscally responsible budget and balance the books as would be expected of any American business.

4. Protect Free Markets - America’s free enterprise system allows businesses to thrive as they compete in the open marketplace and strive toward ever better services and products. Allowing free markets to prosper unfettered by government interference is what propelled this country to greatness with an enduring belief in the industriousness and innovations of the populace.

5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States - The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and must be adhered to without exception at all levels of government. This includes the Bill of Rights and other Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and their provisions designed to protect states’ rights and individual liberties.

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government - A bloated bureaucracy creates wasteful spending that plagues our government. Reducing the overall size, scope and reach of government at both local and national levels will help to eliminate inefficiencies that result in deficit spending which adds to our country’s debt.

8. Believe in the People - The American people, given their guaranteed freedoms, will thrive in a democratic, capitalist environment which allows individuals to strive toward ever greater achievements, innovations and the efficient production of needed and valued goods and services.

9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics - American politics is burdened by big money from lobbyists and special interests with an undue influence on the peoples’ representatives. The Tea Party movement is seen as a threat to the entrenched political parties and thus is the continual target of smear campaigns and misrepresentation of its ideals. We choose not to respond to these attacks except to strongly and explicitly disavow any and all hate speech, any and all violence as well as insinuations of violence, and any and all extreme and fringe elements that bring discredit to the Tea Party Movement. We are a peaceful movement and respect other's opinions and views even though they do not agree with our own. We stand by the Tea Party beliefs and goals and choose to focus our energies on ensuring that our government representatives do the same.

10. Maintain Local Independence - The strength and resilience of a grassroots movement is the ability of citizens at the local level to determine their own platforms, agendas and priorities free of an overriding central leadership. Exercising the clearly stated message of the Tea Party movement by its nature involves discourse about which policies and candidates best hold to our stated principles, and these various opinions should flourish and evolve at the local level.

Not bad goals. Too bad they only fall apart when well meaning imbeciles try to put them into action.

Really? Which ones specifically are you referring to?

Post "your" party's platform and let's look it over...
# 5 on the platform is why Disir will always hate and fight the Tea Party,
We'll probably never see her/it again in this thread...not addressing the facts, anyway..

You haven't produced any. Half these clowns are on ignore. So, if you want me to respond to something then you will need to address me specifically.

You made ridiculous, uninformed comments about the tea party, so I posted the tea party platform...can you explain your opposition to the ideas in their platform?

Try not to evade, dodge or change the subject ....if you possibly can.

Sure, no problem. I'll hit it tonight.
Here's more on why you are a laughing stock:
Not-So-Steeped in History US Tea Party Should Keep Its Hands Off Hitler - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Let's address one issue at a time before you start trying to change the subject to distract people.

Let's go over the reasons you disagree with the actual tea party platform (point by point ...not what you "think" or heard) first, ok?

Here let us go back to what I said:
Well, the Tea Party is ridiculed world wide and has aided and abetted to making the US the laughingstock of the world. This should not come as a surprise. He didn't attack the Tea Party. He made comparisons to the Tea Party.
Nothing in that is a lie. The Tea Party is ridiculed world wide and has aided and abetted to making the US the laughing stock of the world. Nothing in that is a lie. He didn't attack the Tea Party. He made comparisons to the Tea Party. Nothing in that is a lie. In fact, this right here is a comparison:
“You look at SNP, you look at (Nigel) Farage, you look at Marine Le Pen, you look at the right of Austria and Germany, you look at the Tea Party in America who have these powerful arguments that reach the erogenous zones of the public to whom they are talking and around which they can generate the mass movements that used to be generated for unity and they’re being generated for division.”
As far as being ridiculed world wide, you can see where that is in places like Germany and why. Note: Democrats have used that rather recently as well.

It was you that attempted to deflect from the article (which is in full campaign mode) and decided that you wanted to discuss the platform. So, we will be doing that my way Mr. Use-Any-Opportunity-to-Push-TP-Propaganda.
Platforms are meaningless drivel. Really. I feel the same way with all parties so don't feel like it's just the Tea Party. Tell me what you can do, tell me what you can't do, tell me what your limitations are, tell me what your obstacles are and if it is feasible to circumvent them. I have maintained this stance since I joined. The Tea Party is no different. All quite vague fluff. It's not necessary for us to go over each one line by line.

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes - Excessively high taxes are a burden for those exercising their personal liberty to work hard and prosper as afforded by the Constitution. A fiscally responsible government protects the freedom of its citizens to enjoy the fruits of their own labor without interference from a government that has exceeded its necessary size, scope and reach into the lives of its citizens.

Note there is no definition of excessive taxes. There are cutesy propaganda phrases for feel good measures rendering it meaningless.

2. Eliminate the National Debt - By implementing fiscally conservative policies at all levels of government, progress can be made toward eliminating the U.S. National Debt. Massive increases in the National Debt have created and continue to create a huge burden for the next generation of Americans, thus imperiling the country’s short-term and long-term economic health and prosperity.

Do it for the children and shut down the government. This is how it translates into action.

3. Eliminate Deficit Spending - All deficit spending must be eliminated immediately. We insist that government representatives at all levels maintain a fiscally responsible budget and balance the books as would be expected of any American business.

See the above.

4. Protect Free Markets - America’s free enterprise system allows businesses to thrive as they compete in the open marketplace and strive toward ever better services and products. Allowing free markets to prosper unfettered by government interference is what propelled this country to greatness with an enduring belief in the industriousness and innovations of the populace.

The US has always had what is called a mixed economy. The free market is not free and has failed where and when implemented. Furthermore, what this translates into is continued deregulation.

5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States - The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and must be adhered to without exception at all levels of government. This includes the Bill of Rights and other Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and their provisions designed to protect states’ rights and individual liberties.

This is another feel good propaganda message. It is all achieved via the Constitution rendering this meaningless.

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

Another meaningless point that essentially says nothing.

7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government - A bloated bureaucracy creates wasteful spending that plagues our government. Reducing the overall size, scope and reach of government at both local and national levels will help to eliminate inefficiencies that result in deficit spending which adds to our country’s debt.
This should have been included with the points above as it translates into deregulation, free market philosophy etc. Here is where that whole vague thing comes into play. Bloated, wasteful, and plagues are key propaganda words.

8. Believe in the People - The American people, given their guaranteed freedoms, will thrive in a democratic, capitalist environment which allows individuals to strive toward ever greater achievements, innovations and the efficient production of needed and valued goods and services.
Another meaningless point that essentially says nothing.

9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics - American politics is burdened by big money from lobbyists and special interests with an undue influence on the peoples’ representatives. The Tea Party movement is seen as a threat to the entrenched political parties and thus is the continual target of smear campaigns and misrepresentation of its ideals. We choose not to respond to these attacks except to strongly and explicitly disavow any and all hate speech, any and all violence as well as insinuations of violence, and any and all extreme and fringe elements that bring discredit to the Tea Party Movement. We are a peaceful movement and respect other's opinions and views even though they do not agree with our own. We stand by the Tea Party beliefs and goals and choose to focus our energies on ensuring that our government representatives do the same.

Sure thing. You can get back to me on this one:
To quarterback behind the scenes third-party efforts the tobacco industry and the Tea Party -- Fallin et al. -- Tobacco Control

10. Maintain Local Independence - The strength and resilience of a grassroots movement is the ability of citizens at the local level to determine their own platforms, agendas and priorities free of an overriding central leadership. Exercising the clearly stated message of the Tea Party movement by its nature involves discourse about which policies and candidates best hold to our stated principles, and these various opinions should flourish and evolve at the local level.

How this effects people is highly dependent on if you live in a decentralized state or centralized state. Otherwise, it should have been combined with the states right note above.
# 5 on the platform is why Disir will always hate and fight the Tea Party,
We'll probably never see her/it again in this thread...not addressing the facts, anyway..

You haven't produced any. Half these clowns are on ignore. So, if you want me to respond to something then you will need to address me specifically.

You made ridiculous, uninformed comments about the tea party, so I posted the tea party platform...can you explain your opposition to the ideas in their platform?

Try not to evade, dodge or change the subject ....if you possibly can.

Sure, no problem. I'll hit it tonight.
Here's more on why you are a laughing stock:
Not-So-Steeped in History US Tea Party Should Keep Its Hands Off Hitler - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Another distraction as this far left poster shows that they are ruled by programmed talking points..

Can you dispute any of the points made or are you going cite far left propaganda?

Then again the far left in 2001 - 2009 made Nazi and Hitler references, guess that history has been omitted from the far left database.

Another far left post fail!!!

The distraction is made by you. Are you denying that you are using the Holocaust propaganda as your own and taking it out of context or are you saying that this is acceptable because some one else does it?
# 5 on the platform is why Disir will always hate and fight the Tea Party,
We'll probably never see her/it again in this thread...not addressing the facts, anyway..

You haven't produced any. Half these clowns are on ignore. So, if you want me to respond to something then you will need to address me specifically.

You made ridiculous, uninformed comments about the tea party, so I posted the tea party platform...can you explain your opposition to the ideas in their platform?

Try not to evade, dodge or change the subject ....if you possibly can.

Sure, no problem. I'll hit it tonight.
Here's more on why you are a laughing stock:
Not-So-Steeped in History US Tea Party Should Keep Its Hands Off Hitler - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Side bet for a coke.....you never come back and if you do you won't address the points in the tea party platform.

Blow it out your ass, Chump.
Just look at the tea party platform! The HORROR!

No wonder statists and socialists hate the tea party.

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes -
Excessively high taxes are a burden for those exercising their personal liberty to work hard and prosper as afforded by the Constitution. A fiscally responsible government protects the freedom of its citizens to enjoy the fruits of their own labor without interference from a government that has exceeded its necessary size, scope and reach into the lives of its citizens.

2. Eliminate the National Debt - By implementing fiscally conservative policies at all levels of government, progress can be made toward eliminating the U.S. National Debt. Massive increases in the National Debt have created and continue to create a huge burden for the next generation of Americans, thus imperiling the country’s short-term and long-term economic health and prosperity.

3. Eliminate Deficit Spending - All deficit spending must be eliminated immediately. We insist that government representatives at all levels maintain a fiscally responsible budget and balance the books as would be expected of any American business.

4. Protect Free Markets - America’s free enterprise system allows businesses to thrive as they compete in the open marketplace and strive toward ever better services and products. Allowing free markets to prosper unfettered by government interference is what propelled this country to greatness with an enduring belief in the industriousness and innovations of the populace.

5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States - The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and must be adhered to without exception at all levels of government. This includes the Bill of Rights and other Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and their provisions designed to protect states’ rights and individual liberties.

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government - A bloated bureaucracy creates wasteful spending that plagues our government. Reducing the overall size, scope and reach of government at both local and national levels will help to eliminate inefficiencies that result in deficit spending which adds to our country’s debt.

8. Believe in the People - The American people, given their guaranteed freedoms, will thrive in a democratic, capitalist environment which allows individuals to strive toward ever greater achievements, innovations and the efficient production of needed and valued goods and services.

9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics - American politics is burdened by big money from lobbyists and special interests with an undue influence on the peoples’ representatives. The Tea Party movement is seen as a threat to the entrenched political parties and thus is the continual target of smear campaigns and misrepresentation of its ideals. We choose not to respond to these attacks except to strongly and explicitly disavow any and all hate speech, any and all violence as well as insinuations of violence, and any and all extreme and fringe elements that bring discredit to the Tea Party Movement. We are a peaceful movement and respect other's opinions and views even though they do not agree with our own. We stand by the Tea Party beliefs and goals and choose to focus our energies on ensuring that our government representatives do the same.

10. Maintain Local Independence - The strength and resilience of a grassroots movement is the ability of citizens at the local level to determine their own platforms, agendas and priorities free of an overriding central leadership. Exercising the clearly stated message of the Tea Party movement by its nature involves discourse about which policies and candidates best hold to our stated principles, and these various opinions should flourish and evolve at the local level.

Not bad goals. Too bad they only fall apart when well meaning imbeciles try to put them into action.

Really? Which ones specifically are you referring to?

Post "your" party's platform and let's look it over...

Look what happened when a critical mass of these buffoons went to Congress. Hopeless gridlock for apparently time and eternity.
We'll probably never see her/it again in this thread...not addressing the facts, anyway..

You haven't produced any. Half these clowns are on ignore. So, if you want me to respond to something then you will need to address me specifically.

You made ridiculous, uninformed comments about the tea party, so I posted the tea party platform...can you explain your opposition to the ideas in their platform?

Try not to evade, dodge or change the subject ....if you possibly can.

Sure, no problem. I'll hit it tonight.
Here's more on why you are a laughing stock:
Not-So-Steeped in History US Tea Party Should Keep Its Hands Off Hitler - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Side bet for a coke.....you never come back and if you do you won't address the points in the tea party platform.

Blow it out your ass, Chump.

Just like I said you would....You owe me a coke. :laugh2:
You haven't produced any. Half these clowns are on ignore. So, if you want me to respond to something then you will need to address me specifically.

You made ridiculous, uninformed comments about the tea party, so I posted the tea party platform...can you explain your opposition to the ideas in their platform?

Try not to evade, dodge or change the subject ....if you possibly can.

Sure, no problem. I'll hit it tonight.
Here's more on why you are a laughing stock:
Not-So-Steeped in History US Tea Party Should Keep Its Hands Off Hitler - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Side bet for a coke.....you never come back and if you do you won't address the points in the tea party platform.

Blow it out your ass, Chump.

Just like I said you would....You owe me a coke. :laugh2:

I don't owe you jack. I dealt with your chump platform.
Just look at the tea party platform! The HORROR!

No wonder statists and socialists hate the tea party.

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes -
Excessively high taxes are a burden for those exercising their personal liberty to work hard and prosper as afforded by the Constitution. A fiscally responsible government protects the freedom of its citizens to enjoy the fruits of their own labor without interference from a government that has exceeded its necessary size, scope and reach into the lives of its citizens.

2. Eliminate the National Debt - By implementing fiscally conservative policies at all levels of government, progress can be made toward eliminating the U.S. National Debt. Massive increases in the National Debt have created and continue to create a huge burden for the next generation of Americans, thus imperiling the country’s short-term and long-term economic health and prosperity.

3. Eliminate Deficit Spending - All deficit spending must be eliminated immediately. We insist that government representatives at all levels maintain a fiscally responsible budget and balance the books as would be expected of any American business.

4. Protect Free Markets - America’s free enterprise system allows businesses to thrive as they compete in the open marketplace and strive toward ever better services and products. Allowing free markets to prosper unfettered by government interference is what propelled this country to greatness with an enduring belief in the industriousness and innovations of the populace.

5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States - The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and must be adhered to without exception at all levels of government. This includes the Bill of Rights and other Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and their provisions designed to protect states’ rights and individual liberties.

6. Promote Civic Responsibility - Citizen involvement at the grassroots level allows the voice of the American people to be heard and directs the political behaviors of our representatives at both the local and national level so they, in turn, may be most effective in working to preserve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of this country’s citizens.

7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government - A bloated bureaucracy creates wasteful spending that plagues our government. Reducing the overall size, scope and reach of government at both local and national levels will help to eliminate inefficiencies that result in deficit spending which adds to our country’s debt.

8. Believe in the People - The American people, given their guaranteed freedoms, will thrive in a democratic, capitalist environment which allows individuals to strive toward ever greater achievements, innovations and the efficient production of needed and valued goods and services.

9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics - American politics is burdened by big money from lobbyists and special interests with an undue influence on the peoples’ representatives. The Tea Party movement is seen as a threat to the entrenched political parties and thus is the continual target of smear campaigns and misrepresentation of its ideals. We choose not to respond to these attacks except to strongly and explicitly disavow any and all hate speech, any and all violence as well as insinuations of violence, and any and all extreme and fringe elements that bring discredit to the Tea Party Movement. We are a peaceful movement and respect other's opinions and views even though they do not agree with our own. We stand by the Tea Party beliefs and goals and choose to focus our energies on ensuring that our government representatives do the same.

10. Maintain Local Independence - The strength and resilience of a grassroots movement is the ability of citizens at the local level to determine their own platforms, agendas and priorities free of an overriding central leadership. Exercising the clearly stated message of the Tea Party movement by its nature involves discourse about which policies and candidates best hold to our stated principles, and these various opinions should flourish and evolve at the local level.

Not bad goals. Too bad they only fall apart when well meaning imbeciles try to put them into action.

Really? Which ones specifically are you referring to?

Post "your" party's platform and let's look it over...

Look what happened when a critical mass of these buffoons went to Congress. Hopeless gridlock for apparently time and eternity.

LMAO...in other words, you're a democrat, right?

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