Loretta Lynch video: Need More 'Marching, Blood, Death On Streets'

Since Trump has taken over you have seen your rights taken away as Lynch suggests

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Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Read more at Loretta Lynch: Need more ā€˜marching, blood, death on streetsā€™

WASHINGTON ā€“ The Obama administrationā€™s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch has made an impassioned video plea for more ā€œbloodā€ and ā€œdeathā€ on the streets ā€“ a video that was later posted on the Facebook page of Senate Democrats as ā€œwords of inspiration.ā€

The video is less than a minute long and begins by stating that people are experiencing ā€œgreat fear and uncertainty,ā€ with the unstated implication it is due to Donald Trumpā€™s takeover of the White House.

ColonelAngus -- Please don't use ALL CAPS in titles.

Read more at Loretta Lynch: Need more ā€˜marching, blood, death on streetsā€™
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Stop with the bullshit already, she didn't say anything close to what you're implying. There's no need to be making shit up.
That's a rather wild interpretation of her words.

Here words are a living and breathing document subject to personal interpretation and transformation.

At least, that is the Prog way.
4 words: She needs to swing. I thought all that could be all done with with the electric chair and all.

No, she needs publicly hanged, by the neck until dead. you wanna be corrupt like that? ok. Game on. I bet she's in prison before 2018, probably will never swing but I can dream, right?

I have a serious desire to see these traitors swinging from gallows.
Most libturds aren't willing to sacrifice and wake up before 10 am.

They prefer letting Soros and other "Philanthropists" fund "protests" where their dependency plantation victims make all the "sacrifices".

Real commies from the early 1900 era actually had nothing to lose but their lives. It's amazing how many of them were willing to do so for "the soviet", and died by the millions, and KILLED innocent people by the tens of millions in order to appease the great leader.

God for the Second Amendment.

well OKTexas why don't you explain your interpretation? What was her intent?

Since I don't claim to be a mind reader, all I can go by is what she said. Asking like minded people to join together is no more an incitement to violence than Tea Party recruiting. Saying it means anymore than what she said is acting like the regressives and their unsubstantiated Russia conspiracy. I simply refuse to stoop to their level, feel free to do so if you're so inclined.
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The left are the ones taking rights from Americans, yet the criminal Lynch claims Trump is taking rights away. Same old bullshit different day.
Someone please tell me the reaction if this were a right winger during the Obama debacle. If this isn't words of insurrection what are?

Lynch, who is scheduled to receive the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal of Law from the University of Virginia, goes on to say: ā€œIt has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. Theyā€™ve marched, theyā€™ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.ā€
Read more at Loretta Lynch: Need more marching, blood, death on streets

Loretta Lynch: Need more marching, blood, death on streets

Before condemning site, there is a video.
WND ... no credibility, video or not.

And you've taken what she said out of context...
Someone please tell me the reaction if this were a right winger during the Obama debacle. If this isn't words of insurrection what are?

Lynch, who is scheduled to receive the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal of Law from the University of Virginia, goes on to say: ā€œIt has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. Theyā€™ve marched, theyā€™ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.ā€
Read more at Loretta Lynch: Need more marching, blood, death on streets

Loretta Lynch: Need more marching, blood, death on streets

Before condemning site, there is a video.

This seems to be the official far left stance now.

People with different opinions or awareness to facts over narratives need to be punched in the face.
well OKTexas why don't you explain your interpretation? What was her intent?

Since I don't claim to be a mind reader, all I can go by is what she said. Asking like minded people to join together is no more an incitement to violence than Tea Party recruiting. Saying it means anymore than what she said is acting like the regressives and their unsubstantiated Russia conspiracy. I simply refuse to stoop to their level, feel free to do so if you're so inclined.

She is no different than Obama when Obama implied time and again that the police force and the court systems were racist. Then he steps back and wonders why police officers are being assassinated by BLM, as if he had nothing to do with it.

What these people really want is anarchy that will lead to utter tyranny.
The left are the ones taking rights from Americans, yet the criminal Lynch claims Trump is taking rights away. Same old bullshit different day.
Well said and agreed. OTOH, riots, blood and death make "Must See TV".

Stop with the bullshit already, she didn't say anything close to what you're implying. There's no need to be making shit up.

Wow. I'm impressed. A conservative with the integrity to call out the bullshitters on his own side.

I sincerely mean that.
WND is not credible, anymore than most of the Alt Right media.

Get a credible source for her actual words.

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