Zone1 Losing their religion: why US churches are on the decline

Oh, I promise you, they never talked about Jephthah, or Elijah's bears, or any of the other fun verses in the bible. Maybe my bible should have come with one of these.
You forget, I too went to Catholic school, actually listened at Mass. Of course we talked about them. They were favorites among middle school boys. Extraordinary that you missed them. Almost unbelievable.
Learn from the Psalm. The Hebrews were doing the evil they hated when it came from the Amalekites. The Amalekites were as great an enemy to the Hebrews as the Holocaust. They had been tormented by the Amalekites for years, and the Amalekite warfare was to attack from behind; attack the women and children and elderly instead of engaging the warriors who were in the front.

With the Amalekites, the Hebrews were determined to rid the world of the evil coming from the Amalekites. We have been through this before.

Um, sorry, this is you fan-ficcing the bible again.

The Amalekites were also descendants of Abraham (Through Isaac and Esau) and the only thing they were guilty of was owning the land the Israelites wanted. Hmmm... rationalizing genocide because you want someone else's stuff. Totally endorsed by the Bible. I'm sure that will never set a bad example down the road.



Yet, they are a life, living in their mother's womb.
Except what is she doesn't want to be a mother and doesn't want a parasite in her womb?
The problem with the anti-abortion fanatics is they want to give a glob of tissue more rights than the woman it is inside.
You forget, I too went to Catholic school, actually listened at Mass. Of course we talked about them. They were favorites among middle school boys. Extraordinary that you missed them. Almost unbelievable.

So you say. My school, they didn't even let us look at the Old Testament. They did give us all little pocket versions of the New Testament, of course... but those fun stories about genocide, rape, mauling by bears, human sacrifice... they avoided those.

When they did tell us a really bad story, they Disneyfied it. So the focus of Samson (the only story from the contemptable Book of Judges we were taught) was how a woman cut his hair, and not how he killed 2000 people in a terrorist attack. Samson was the Bin Laden of his day.
The Amalekites were also descendants of Abraham (Through Isaac and Esau) and the only thing they were guilty of was owning the land the Israelites wanted. Hmmm... rationalizing genocide because you want someone else's stuff. Totally endorsed by the Bible. I'm sure that will never set a bad example down the road.
The Israelites did not want Amalekite land. Their goal was Canaan, and they were passing through on their way to Canaan. This tribe appears to have been an offshoot (or rogue tribe) of the Edomites. The Book of Numbers records the promise of the Israelites to the Edomites:

“Please let us pass through your land. We will not pass through field or vineyard, or drink water from a well. We will go along the King’s Highway. We will not turn aside to the right hand or to the left until we have passed through your territory.”

Remember, God had commanded the Jews to get along with the Edomites even though they though they were different tribes.

Outside of the Bible, no archaeological evidence has been left behind by this tribe. Even after the genocide, their name continues to crop up in the Bible for hundreds of years. Some suggest the possibility that 'Amalekites' are those who are totally ruthless to the point of evil towards Jews. For example, Jews often refer to Nazis as Amalekites.

Joe, I know you prefer a genocidal God. From the Jewish perspective it appears the Amalekites were a tribe of villains who did not observe any of the ways or treaties regarding travelers that we in play. To Amalekites, travelers were prey and therefore fair game. They played by their own rules.
Except what is she doesn't want to be a mother and doesn't want a parasite in her womb?
First, she might look up what qualifies as a parasite. A parasite attaches to the body of its host for life, or until its host dies. Something that routinely leaves the hosts body in less than a year is not a parasite.

However, I understand thinking "parasite" in place of "baby" completes the dehumanization process and therefore, in your eyes, excuses getting rid of a human life.
The problem with the anti-abortion fanatics is they want to give a glob of tissue more rights than the woman it is inside.
We refuse to dehumanizing a life. Notice, in one post, you have used the dehumanizing technique twice. It is a human life, Joe. You just went on a rant against genocide and how bad that is, and then turn around and cheer on a world that has killed/destroyed millions of lives. It is as if you see the unborn as Amalekites.
My school, they didn't even let us look at the Old Testament. They did give us all little pocket versions of the New Testament, of course... but those fun stories about genocide, rape, mauling by bears, human sacrifice... they avoided those.
I doubt even your church/school changed Mass readings. I have no idea why a Catholic school wouldn't study the Old Testament, but my earlier statement about you not paying attention in Church, stands.
My school, they didn't even let us look at the Old Testament.
If it was a Catholic school that's doubtful.

The readings are the same everywhere, but a parish could celebrate a special feast day and use those prescribed readings. Following the readings their is a homily. The homily is the sermon portion of the mass given by the Priest or Deacon.
Outside of the Bible, no archaeological evidence has been left behind by this tribe. Even after the genocide, their name continues to crop up in the Bible for hundreds of years. Some suggest the possibility that 'Amalekites' are those who are totally ruthless to the point of evil towards Jews. For example, Jews often refer to Nazis as Amalekites.

yes, it's funny that. The Jews committed genocide and justified it in their bible. Then the Nazis did the same thing to them. And now they do the same thing to the Palestinians. Some people never learn.

Joe, I know you prefer a genocidal God. From the Jewish perspective it appears the Amalekites were a tribe of villains who did not observe any of the ways or treaties regarding travelers that we in play. To Amalekites, travelers were prey and therefore fair game. They played by their own rules.

Again, the bible called for killing every last Amalekite man, woman and child. Something that if I did when I was a soldier, I would be brought up on war crimes charges. Heck, Saul was cursed for not killing their cattle! I mean, seriously, what did the cattle do?

First, she might look up what qualifies as a parasite. A parasite attaches to the body of its host for life, or until its host dies. Something that routinely leaves the hosts body in less than a year is not a parasite.

However, I understand thinking "parasite" in place of "baby" completes the dehumanization process and therefore, in your eyes, excuses getting rid of a human life.

Actually, most parasites never kill the host. Secondly, a fetus isn't a human because it isn't viable. The whacky Catholic interpretation of life beginning at conception has all sorts of implications that would be really bad for Gyno-Americans. Every miscarriage should be treated like a potential homicide investigation. In Vitro fertilization should be treated as a crime, because those embryos are being held without benefit of habeus corpus. Women could be charged with assault for eating the wrong food, having a smoke or a sip of wine during pregnancy.

Me. I Like Freedom.

We refuse to dehumanizing a life. Notice, in one post, you have used the dehumanizing technique twice. It is a human life, Joe. You just went on a rant against genocide and how bad that is, and then turn around and cheer on a world that has killed/destroyed millions of lives. It is as if you see the unborn as Amalekites.

Quite the contrary. In Joe's ideal world, we'd have no abortions because women would only sleep with men who are good father material and contraception would work well every time because people would know how to use it.

We don't live in an ideal world.

Now, when I was in the service, I knew a young lady who was a devout Catholic, and came from a very strict Asian-American family. She was college educated, so not a stupid woman. She was dating one of my fellow NCO's who was pretty much a cad. Well, he wasn't making good on his promise to marry her, So she stopped taking her birth control pills, got pregnant, and had an abortion when he refused to marry her. Oh, but it gets better. You think that one kick of the mule would be enough.. Nope. She got back together with him a year later and it happened again.

Abortion is needed in a world because people are basically stupid.

I doubt even your church/school changed Mass readings. I have no idea why a Catholic school wouldn't study the Old Testament, but my earlier statement about you not paying attention in Church, stands.
Oh, they taught the old testament, but only the parts that filled in with their philosophy.

So nothing about Jephthah butchering his daughter as a burnt offering.
Nothing about Elijah siccing bears on children.
Nothing about Samuel telling Saul to murder all the Amalekites.

A couple of the really awful stories they couldn't avoid, like the flood, but then they would rationalize God killing every baby (and FETUS!) in the world as them being "wicked". Because God gave them free will, he killed them all for making choices he didn't like, and after the few survivors continued to engage in evil, God just said, 'Meh, I'll just selectively murder people for that."
This sounds more like a description of our public school system than an indictment of Christianity. Do you dispute that a man named Jesus lived 2,000 years ago and was crucified by the Romans?

P.S. I won't bother to ask you the source of morality other than religion, because you have no answer.

You mean like the Egyptian Book of the Dead or the Code of Hammurabi?
You mean like the Egyptian Book of the Dead or the Code of Hammurabi?
The Code of Hammurabi sometimes demands the removal of the guilty party’s tongue, hands, breasts, eye or ear.

The Egyption Book of dead is a collection of funerary spells.

The laws established by Hebrews were heads and shoulders above their contemporaries. And that is according to Huston Smith.
The Code of Hammurabi sometimes demands the removal of the guilty party’s tongue, hands, breasts, eye or ear.

The Egyption Book of dead is a collection of funerary spells.

The laws established by Hebrews were heads and shoulders above their contemporaries. And that is according to Huston Smith.

Have you read either of them? The funerary spells say things like I have not cheated orphans.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead is 42 negative confessions... Like, "I have not...".. context in the link.

Thus proving man innately knows right from wrong and not proving that Judaism was borrowed from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

The religion of Ancient Egypt was a polytheistic (many gods) religion with one short period of monotheism (one god). Their religion hosted about 700 different gods and goddesses. In addition, it was not uncommon for deities to be combined to form a new deity. the pharaohs.

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