Lots of Multiculturalism In SB Ads

Most neighborhoods are not multicultural so it's odd to continually see the world they want to make instead of the one that is.
On that I solely agree....it urks me to no end to see all the friendly neighbor bullshit, when the blacks in the real world live over there and the whites live over there on the other side.

Yet still too close for comfort
I don't give a fuck where you move, white trash will always find them some sorry ass n*ggers, n*ggers will find you if you work hard to rob and make your life miserable and illegals will just find a hole and hide there until its safe.
Damn, you really ARE miserable. PLEASE get some help.
Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.

Are you scared?
Pushing homosexuality is no threat to me personally but young children are a different story

I feel sorry for them

Define “pushing” as you use it above?
Presenting it as normal and healthy when its anything but that

I know you dont see it that way but 10s of millions of Americans do
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.

Are you scared?
Pushing homosexuality is no threat to me personally but young children are a different story

I feel sorry for them

Define “pushing” as you use it above?

Trying to make them believe that its statistically normal.

You might be trying to read too much into it.
Most neighborhoods are not multicultural so it's odd to continually see the world they want to make instead of the one that is.
On that I solely agree....it urks me to no end to see all the friendly neighbor bullshit, when the blacks in the real world live over there and the whites live over there on the other side.

Yet still too close for comfort
I don't give a fuck where you move, white trash will always find them some sorry ass n*ggers, n*ggers will find you if you work hard to rob and make your life miserable and illegals will just find a hole and hide there until its safe.
Damn, you really ARE miserable. PLEASE get some help.
Mental or financial, doc?
There's a reason shows that show bi racial couples don't last long on tv. There's a reason so much white male rage is so apparent these days and there's a reason TRump is so popular and it ain't all about the fuckin stock market.
Trumps Space force dog whistle for his white brothers!


We must elect a democratic socialist who cares !

We need more black women to stand around mayor pete when the cameras are rolling
I like ads with attractive people in them... I don't care about their culture.
Wanna move you and your daughters to inner city Chicago?
You really ARE miserable. Please try to enjoy life. Oh wait, you're a liberal lunatic with severe TDS. I don't think you CAN enjoy life. But don't worry, you have only another ALMOST FIVE YEARS with Trump as your president. Thank you.
I'm retiring next year, with my home, car and bills all paid off...Trump can't do a damn thing to me but kiss my big shinney hinney and then some.

I believe the big part.
But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.

Are you scared?
Pushing homosexuality is no threat to me personally but young children are a different story

I feel sorry for them

Define “pushing” as you use it above?

Trying to make them believe that its statistically normal.

You might be trying to read too much into it.

That must drive you guys crazy.
Nope. Diversity makes us stronger. In fact, what we need is more wheelchair bound transsexual blind albino left handed Eskimos as players in the NFL, that would make everything much better.

This reminds me of a great subversive cartoon I saw years ago --- two native Americans looking out at the ocean, where three Spanish ships were incoming. One says to the other --- "Don't worry -- Diversity makes us stronger."
Yet still too close for comfort
I don't give a fuck where you move, white trash will always find them some sorry ass n*ggers, n*ggers will find you if you work hard to rob and make your life miserable and illegals will just find a hole and hide there until its safe.

What are you TALKING about? Incoherent.
Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.

Are you scared?
Are you afraid to promote American culture? Lol
Yet still too close for comfort
I don't give a fuck where you move, white trash will always find them some sorry ass n*ggers, n*ggers will find you if you work hard to rob and make your life miserable and illegals will just find a hole and hide there until its safe.

What are you TALKING about? Incoherent.

She is a self hating negro.
That must drive you guys crazy.
Nope. Diversity makes us stronger. In fact, what we need is more wheelchair bound transsexual blind albino left handed Eskimos as players in the NFL, that would make everything much better.

This reminds me of a great subversive cartoon I saw years ago --- two native Americans looking out at the ocean, where three Spanish ships were incoming. One says to the other --- "Don't worry -- Diversity makes us stronger."
Fine analogy for a mentality from the 1400’s—very blob like
Sorry, I thought this was about the Manchurian candidate, brain washing. Easily confused with multiculturalism. I don't know how I got the two confused.
Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.

Are you scared?
Are you afraid to promote American culture? Lol

I do every day. You never have.
Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.

Are you scared?
Are you afraid to promote American culture? Lol

I do every day. You never have.
Well America is mostly white congrats
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.

Are you scared?
Are you afraid to promote American culture? Lol

I do every day. You never have.
Well America is mostly white congrats

A color is not a culture, dumbass.
But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.

Are you scared?
Are you afraid to promote American culture? Lol

I do every day. You never have.
Well America is mostly white congrats

A color is not a culture, dumbass.
Can you show me any color besides white that signed the constitution sons of liberty!! ??
Are you scared?
Are you afraid to promote American culture? Lol

I do every day. You never have.
Well America is mostly white congrats

A color is not a culture, dumbass.
Can you show me any color besides white that signed the constitution sons of liberty!! ??
Signed the Constitution no. All were white. Sons of Liberty certainly had black patriots. Crispus Attucks was the first to die in defense of liberty and he was black.
Are you afraid to promote American culture? Lol

I do every day. You never have.
Well America is mostly white congrats

A color is not a culture, dumbass.
Can you show me any color besides white that signed the constitution sons of liberty!! ??
Signed the Constitution no. All were white. Sons of Liberty certainly had black patriots. Crispus Attucks was the first to die in defense of liberty and he was black.
Did I say no blacks? I said America
Was white.. should I call Africa white because some whites live there? Stop wasting my fucking time are your stupidness

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