Lots of Multiculturalism In SB Ads

Wanna move you and your daughters to inner city Chicago?

Typical white supremacist blaming minorities for the crime in poor inner city neighborhoods
Say wha? Who lives in poor inner city neighborhoods? Who commits crimes in poor inner city neighborhoods?
So, white people do not live in poor neighborhoods in the inner city?
We do,, you should ask why many moved out,, after all every inner city was white 50 years ago

No they weren’t.
Umm ok
Typical white supremacist blaming minorities for the crime in poor inner city neighborhoods
Say wha? Who lives in poor inner city neighborhoods? Who commits crimes in poor inner city neighborhoods?
So, white people do not live in poor neighborhoods in the inner city?
We do,, you should ask why many moved out,, after all every inner city was white 50 years ago

No they weren’t.
Umm ok
ya kinda stepped in it there Jitts----50 years ago..1970....most inner cities were solidly Brown/black--with a smattering of poor whites and old folks to stubborn to move...especially on the East Coast. A few exceptions..but not many. Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Newark--to name but a few. White flight to the suburbs was well underway..and had been for the previous 20 years.
Those filthy ass Libtards that do advertising have convinced corporate America that they will get more business if they show "diversity".

Just another example of the damage done by Liberal brainwashing.

I don't pay attention to commercials that have queers or Neggras in it. If you do then you are a weak minded asshole. Or maybe a queer or Neggra yourself. Possibly a weak minded White guilt pussy.
That must drive you guys crazy.

They were already incensed that most NFL players are black..... what a warped sense of reality you have. Most people really don't give a damn about all that, plus your making tremendous assumptions... what guys? This is a really crazy thread.
Say wha? Who lives in poor inner city neighborhoods? Who commits crimes in poor inner city neighborhoods?
So, white people do not live in poor neighborhoods in the inner city?
We do,, you should ask why many moved out,, after all every inner city was white 50 years ago

No they weren’t.
Umm ok
ya kinda stepped in it there Jitts----50 years ago..1970....most inner cities were solidly Brown/black--with a smattering of poor whites and old folks to stubborn to move...especially on the East Coast. A few exceptions..but not many. Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Newark--to name but a few. White flight to the suburbs was well underway..and had been for the previous 20 years.
Many of those blue cities had the early local progs induce blacks/browns to come up from the South. Making promises.....Promises that did not last. And damn did blacks/browns become pizzed off when things did not pan out. A saying started.....last hired, first fired in that era. Whewn the jobs started to go overseas and we did not pay attention as the WW 2 nations rebuilt.
Those filthy ass Libtards that do advertising have convinced corporate America that they will get more business if they show "diversity".

Just another example of the damage done by Liberal brainwashing.

I don't pay attention to commercials that have queers or Neggras in it. If you do then you are a weak minded asshole. Or maybe a queer or Neggra yourself. Possibly a weak minded White guilt pussy.
If you don't sell beer, jacked up 4x4 trucks, guns, porn, or rebel flags, you have nothing to offer Trumpettes.
Those filthy ass Libtards that do advertising have convinced corporate America that they will get more business if they show "diversity".

Just another example of the damage done by Liberal brainwashing.

I don't pay attention to commercials that have queers or Neggras in it. If you do then you are a weak minded asshole. Or maybe a queer or Neggra yourself. Possibly a weak minded White guilt pussy.
If you don't sell beer, jacked up 4x4 trucks, guns, porn, or rebel flags, you have nothing to offer Trumpettes.
You’re not a major democrat donor if you haven’t been arrested for pedophilia
Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.
Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.
The advertisers are part of the LA-NY liberal media culture

In my opinion they do what they do because they are liberals
Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.
They get market share..that's what they get. The numerical majority in this country either support...or pretend to support...Gay Rights. Just the openly gay people constitute a large market share--and the 'woke' community..or those who wish to be seen as 'woke'..a larger share still. It's one of the better rubrics for measuring where we are as a culture..the ad people crunch the numbers..and are usually correct..since their living depends on the truth..and not the spin.
The advertisers are part of the LA-NY liberal media culture

In my opinion they do what they do because they are liberals

I think it's a plot of some kind ---- there is so MUCH of it. Who is behind it? What is their point?

Behavioral mod, to persuade us all to mate with blacks or go homosexual? I can't see how that would benefit anyone, especially advertisers of insurance and such.
They get market share..that's what they get. The numerical majority in this country either support...or pretend to support...Gay Rights. Just the openly gay people constitute a large market share--and the 'woke' community..or those who wish to be seen as 'woke'..a larger share still. It's one of the better rubrics for measuring where we are as a culture..the ad people crunch the numbers..and are usually correct..since their living depends on the truth..and not the spin.

Maybe...…….I'm not persuaded, but it is a creative explanation.
Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages

But why are the advertisers pushing it so hard? Yeah, it's not just blacks with whites, it's also a lot, a LOT of homosexual couples on ads of all kinds. I can't think what the advertisers get out of pushing all this so hard.
They get market share..that's what they get. The numerical majority in this country either support...or pretend to support...Gay Rights. Just the openly gay people constitute a large market share--and the 'woke' community..or those who wish to be seen as 'woke'..a larger share still. It's one of the better rubrics for measuring where we are as a culture..the ad people crunch the numbers..and are usually correct..since their living depends on the truth..and not the spin.

You're completley off ..look to the london billboard guys and chick fila before they caved into left wing tranny antifa activisim ...more and more people are being turned off by it

Actually thier was a poll a week or 2 ago

People are sick of being lectured to and the corporate virtue signaling
The majority of respondents thought businesses should stick to businesses......

I'm sure you could find it
Cause those advertisers sure havent

I mean besides being completely out of touch and not giving a rats ass leftwingers cant even do math ...

Democrats In Chaos After Being Forced To Do Math For First Time
"For the next state primary, votes will be tallied based on heart, passion, and love, rather than confusing concepts like digits, sums, and adding 2 and 2 together."

Hell some claim math is wacist,
Which is the point ...the proletariat is sick n tired of it
Hey, did you guys know that they show commercials on TV before and after the Super Bowl too?

Which tells me your outrage over commercials is as full of shit as your outrage usually is...

I saw a carpet cleaning commercial and the carpet cleaning guy was a white guy and the house he was going to clean was an Asian woman....WTF??

I was outraged....exactly what agenda is this carpet cleaning company trying to ram down our throats!!!

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