Lots of Multiculturalism In SB Ads

That must drive you guys crazy.

No more than it pisses off most black men to see a black woman with a white man.
How would you know this? You`re afraid of black men and have never spoken to one.

Sonny boy, I've known more black men that you can count on your fingers and toes. I've sat with drugged-out black thugs in crack houses at 3 AM in parts of cities that you'd most likely have your lilly-white ass kicked in. I've played music with them and was even the token white boy in a band that was all black, except for myself.

I've slept with more black women than you've even talked to, even came close to marrying one. So are you gonna skin that smokewagon or just stand there with your lips flappin'?
That must drive you guys crazy.
Actually, the agenda was so obvious that I'm sure that people of rational thought just tuned it out in favor of the game.

After all, the biased network made sure that only the progressive ads were booked ahead of time.

Though, I have to admit, I was stunned to see a positive ad about Trump. Damn near dropped my beer.

Damned near.

2 very well done
well placed ads.
I didn't see the SB commercials. But in general, I have to ask how terms such as "multiculturalism" and "American culture" are to be defined. The U.S. has been multicultural since it's inception. Forgetting the history of European interaction with Native Americans for a moment, the English and Dutch settled the northeast. Africans were brought here before the Revolution. The area of the Louisiana purchase was bought from France, with both white and African-descended peoples living on it. A large chunk of U.S. land originally belonged to Mexico. Alaska was purchased from Russia. Then people started arriving from a multitude of countries. Then Hawaii in the Pacific, with its distinct culture, was added.

The term "multicultural" is only a description of what "American culture" is and always has been: a blend, an amalgam.

I can imagine that the SB commercials merely contained depictions of slices of American life.

Yes, a BLEND means folks ASSIMILATED and are all Americans in the American culture which includes many different ethnic traditions. We are NOT old Hawaii, French, Italian, or any other culture. Natives were not Americans and had no contiguous country. They were tribal and fought with each other and held slaves. We are NOT Mexican just because Mexico USED to own part of our geography. Alaska is NOT Russia. Do you understand now?

I understood then and I continue to understand now, fool. Please define what you mean by "assimilated." Are you "assimilated"?
You must be special. The Amish are the Amish and have not assimilated to degree because they choose to live that way and do not infringe on others. They do not infringe on others! Assimilation means we know the culture and it moves a bit here and there. But most Americans are on the same page. That brings more peace and harmony to potential volitle situations. We are a nation of many people from many places in the world. How we act to each other is important. It does not mean ethnic and cultural differences can not be appreciated and celebrated by people and in neighborhoods. One national language...English! A nation with borders! And a nation with a culture that can coexist with most all.

You are bucking the question of what assimilation and the dreaded multiculturalism mean. What distinction are you trying to draw? We have always had ethnic communities. My grandparents, immigrants, settled in a community that had three Catholic churches; one for the Irish, one for the Poles, and one for the Italians. I don't agree that we should adopt an official language, and we've always had borders. Iranian-Americans were stopped and questioned just in the past few weeks. My grandparents always struggled with English.

Here in northern Virginia, we have a variety of ethnic communities without have many "volatile" situations. All of us get out in public and interact with each other.

Moreover, what do you mean by infringing on others?
It means that if you live in a neighborhood that has rules of common sense you do not go against the grain to the point of causing inconvenience and even a health hazard to others living there.

Where does this occur?
I didn't see the Superbowl, but there are nonstop TV ads on all the time showing black and white couples, both ways. This does not match American culture most places, thank God, so I assume it's being done either for shock value or to promote miscegenation for some leftist reason. I never believed in deliberate, plotted cultural pollution as a conspiracy before -- I know there are a lot of people who think that, but it seemed unlikely to me. But now I'm beginning to wonder. Why the constant pushing of sexual race mixing onto us? Who is planning and doing this, and why?

Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
That must drive you guys crazy.

No more than it pisses off most black men to see a black woman with a white man.

Gooo racism! Amirite? Nice to know you never feel the need to take a day off from being a fucking ingrate troll. What a sad existence you must lead.

Sorry your wife ran off with that black guy.. :21:

Or if you're one of those "multicultural" types, sorry your husband ran off with a black guy.

Deflection is your thing, I get it. Keep grasping at those straws. In perpetual cluelessness, you never disappoint. It's a wonder how you dress yourself. Maybe you don't, who knows.

Nawww. We live way out here in the country, so we walk around naked most of the time. Clothes are for city-slickers.

Bumpkin here. Make sure you at least wear your boots. For snakes and such.
I didn't really watch the commercials and I muted the halftime show.

I watch football for the football, the rest is just nonsense.
I didn't see the Superbowl, but there are nonstop TV ads on all the time showing black and white couples, both ways. This does not match American culture most places, thank God, so I assume it's being done either for shock value or to promote miscegenation for some leftist reason. I never believed in deliberate, plotted cultural pollution as a conspiracy before -- I know there are a lot of people who think that, but it seemed unlikely to me. But now I'm beginning to wonder. Why the constant pushing of sexual race mixing onto us? Who is planning and doing this, and why?

Yeah, its a thing.

You can't watch an hour of TV without being bombarded with -

Black white couples are the norm
Same sex couples are the norm.

They definitely want you to believe that thinking otherwise is abnormal and punishable.
Thats true

the advertisers are pushing multiculturalism as much as they can

And society is responding

which in turn provides the excuse for more lefty multiculturalism subliminal messages
I didn't really watch the commercials and I muted the halftime show.

I watch football for the football, the rest is just nonsense.
I think a majority of football fans outside the two cities are happy with the result
I like ads with attractive people in them... I don't care about their culture.
Wanna move you and your daughters to inner city Chicago?

Typical white supremacist blaming minorities for the crime in poor inner city neighborhoods
Say wha? Who lives in poor inner city neighborhoods? Who commits crimes in poor inner city neighborhoods?
So, white people do not live in poor neighborhoods in the inner city?
We do,, you should ask why many moved out,, after all every inner city was white 50 years ago
I didn't really watch the commercials and I muted the halftime show.

I watch football for the football, the rest is just nonsense.
I think a majority of football fans outside the two cities are happy with the result

Didn't seem that exciting to me, but it was a good game. With 6 minutes left, and the Chiefs were down, I thought they'd comeback and win.
Yes, a BLEND means folks ASSIMILATED and are all Americans in the American culture which includes many different ethnic traditions. We are NOT old Hawaii, French, Italian, or any other culture. Natives were not Americans and had no contiguous country. They were tribal and fought with each other and held slaves. We are NOT Mexican just because Mexico USED to own part of our geography. Alaska is NOT Russia. Do you understand now?

I understood then and I continue to understand now, fool. Please define what you mean by "assimilated." Are you "assimilated"?
You must be special. The Amish are the Amish and have not assimilated to degree because they choose to live that way and do not infringe on others. They do not infringe on others! Assimilation means we know the culture and it moves a bit here and there. But most Americans are on the same page. That brings more peace and harmony to potential volitle situations. We are a nation of many people from many places in the world. How we act to each other is important. It does not mean ethnic and cultural differences can not be appreciated and celebrated by people and in neighborhoods. One national language...English! A nation with borders! And a nation with a culture that can coexist with most all.

You are bucking the question of what assimilation and the dreaded multiculturalism mean. What distinction are you trying to draw? We have always had ethnic communities. My grandparents, immigrants, settled in a community that had three Catholic churches; one for the Irish, one for the Poles, and one for the Italians. I don't agree that we should adopt an official language, and we've always had borders. Iranian-Americans were stopped and questioned just in the past few weeks. My grandparents always struggled with English.

Here in northern Virginia, we have a variety of ethnic communities without have many "volatile" situations. All of us get out in public and interact with each other.

Moreover, what do you mean by infringing on others?
It means that if you live in a neighborhood that has rules of common sense you do not go against the grain to the point of causing inconvenience and even a health hazard to others living there.

Where does this occur?
You are the one who has asked the question. I answered it. Now you are asking where does this occur? I am saying that people must speak English as a major language, that we have borders and that our culture is what it is. It can have some differences with customs from the old country. If you as one example want a back to pure nature group living in a city neighborhood it may not work out to well. If the neighborhood as one example is in transition from one to another it may. All the Progs that have left areas to go others because of perhaps concerns that I have wrote this thread on and then spew the constant bullshit to alleviate guilt while promoting it in others.
Was there any specific ad that was so frightening?
Well the one with the tranny might have rankled some...bearded dude in a dress acting femme....LOL! I thought it funny. Then there were a few that had obvious Lesbian couples--bet that startled some of the oldsters! The woman place kicker..and all that focus on female empowerment..probably disgusted some of the incel crowd.

then there was the one featuring a player whose cousin was killed in a bad police shooting..might have struck a nerve, as well.

All in all..i prefer the Budweiser frogs....but hey, they all paid to play..even Trump..with an ad featuring a black woman released from prison because of Trump's Criminal Justice reforms..I'm sure her declaiming, "God Bless Donald J. Trump!", caused more than one beer to hit the floor!
I understood then and I continue to understand now, fool. Please define what you mean by "assimilated." Are you "assimilated"?
You must be special. The Amish are the Amish and have not assimilated to degree because they choose to live that way and do not infringe on others. They do not infringe on others! Assimilation means we know the culture and it moves a bit here and there. But most Americans are on the same page. That brings more peace and harmony to potential volitle situations. We are a nation of many people from many places in the world. How we act to each other is important. It does not mean ethnic and cultural differences can not be appreciated and celebrated by people and in neighborhoods. One national language...English! A nation with borders! And a nation with a culture that can coexist with most all.

You are bucking the question of what assimilation and the dreaded multiculturalism mean. What distinction are you trying to draw? We have always had ethnic communities. My grandparents, immigrants, settled in a community that had three Catholic churches; one for the Irish, one for the Poles, and one for the Italians. I don't agree that we should adopt an official language, and we've always had borders. Iranian-Americans were stopped and questioned just in the past few weeks. My grandparents always struggled with English.

Here in northern Virginia, we have a variety of ethnic communities without have many "volatile" situations. All of us get out in public and interact with each other.

Moreover, what do you mean by infringing on others?
It means that if you live in a neighborhood that has rules of common sense you do not go against the grain to the point of causing inconvenience and even a health hazard to others living there.

Where does this occur?
You are the one who has asked the question. I answered it. Now you are asking where does this occur? I am saying that people must speak English as a major language, that we have borders and that our culture is what it is. It can have some differences with customs from the old country. If you as one example want a back to pure nature group living in a city neighborhood it may not work out to well. If the neighborhood as one example is in transition from one to another it may. All the Progs that have left areas to go others because of perhaps concerns that I have wrote this thread on and then spew the constant bullshit to alleviate guilt while promoting it in others.

You are the one who spoke of "inconvenience" and presenting a "health hazard." This is really vague. Most people do make an effort to speak English with people who don't speak their native language.
I like ads with attractive people in them... I don't care about their culture.
Wanna move you and your daughters to inner city Chicago?

Typical white supremacist blaming minorities for the crime in poor inner city neighborhoods
Say wha? Who lives in poor inner city neighborhoods? Who commits crimes in poor inner city neighborhoods?
So, white people do not live in poor neighborhoods in the inner city?
We do,, you should ask why many moved out,, after all every inner city was white 50 years ago

No they weren’t.

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