Louie Gohmert demonstrates conservative logic, AGAIN.

What is Attack Watch? I had to look it up.

So here it is for anybody who is interested: Obama Truth Team ? Barack Obama

And the guy in your mirror wearing the SA uniform is you. Why would I report a Simple loon like you?
You probably misspelled my username, too.

Deer AttackWatch. Theirs a really really mean nasty conservative on this website who says mean nasty untrue lies that are not true about The Bestest President in the History of the Universe, My Big Buddy Barack. (Isn't he AWESOME!!!] His name is davmane. Please make him shut up, because he makes me sad.

Your faithful minion,

P.S. I have them fooled. They all think I'm a RepubliKKKan!! Ha ha! I'm so smart!!
Keep it. You'll need it to wipe the semen off your monitor later when you watch Obama speeches.

What a homophobic statement. What is wrong with you, my friend? Breathe into the bag and put your head down between your legs. YOUR LEGS, you idiot, not that!!!

Heh. A leftist lecturing somebody about homophobia. That's rich. :lol:

Heh. An idiot reactionary who is one of the more homophobic haters on the board trying to pretend he is not.

You are what you are, and thank God the great majority of us here are not you. What misery that would be.
What a homophobic statement. What is wrong with you, my friend? Breathe into the bag and put your head down between your legs. YOUR LEGS, you idiot, not that!!!

Heh. A leftist lecturing somebody about homophobia. That's rich. :lol:

Heh. An idiot reactionary who is one of the more homophobic haters on the board trying to pretend he is not.

You are what you are, and thank God the great majority of us here are not you. What misery that would be.
There it is, folks, typical progressive hypocrisy.

Fakey suggests I ingest semen, and it's not homophobia.

I suggest he jacks off to Obama's speeches, and it's homophobia.

What a lying little sack of shit you are, boy.
Today's radical left is among the most ignorant and restrictive political factions in history maybe second only to Stalinists and Nazis. You almost gotta laugh that they have a left wing propaganda network dedicated to cherry picking conservative speech and they still can't get it right. If it means supporting Barry Hussein they will support any and every stupid federal program and refuse to address problems in programs that need work. When a republican suggests that some federal programs might be redundant and need refinement the left uses school yard insults like "stuped and poopy" after they look up the word redundant.

Some people ignore the ole' "cause and effect".
The "cause" is flat wages that has been going on for the last few decades and the "effect" is greatly reduced expendable income, thus the need for government assistance.
I don't like the concept of the growing participants on Food Stamps just as much as our conservative posters. Trouble is these folks love to point the finger at the wrong source. The ever growing working poor didn't create their situation. They don't determine wages, they wish they could but they don't.
Some people ignore the effects that excessive regulations, taxes (both overt and hidden) and general bureaucratic bloat have on wages.

Trouble is these folks like to pretend that they're doing the people on the lower end of the earnings scale a big fat favor with their do-goodery, when they're actually kicking them in the nuts.

And then some people tend to over look the fact that the US has one of the highest corporate tax rate in the world, but no other country offers so many tax loopholes and after corporations use those tax loopholes, the final tax rate is quite bit lower and the US corps are paying a moderate tax rate. The loopholes are so generous, that many corporations pay no to little taxes.
More Firms Enjoy Tax-Free Status

The percentage of U.S. corporations organized as nontaxable businesses has grown from about 24% in 1986 to about 69% as of 2008, according to the latest-available Internal Revenue Service data. The percentage of all firms is far higher when partnerships and sole proprietors are included.

Old-line U.S. public companies generally remain taxable, and many complain that they must pay higher effective rates than foreign competitors. They are eagerly seeking a cut in the 35% U.S. corporate-tax rate, now one of the highest in the world. But increasingly they find themselves at odds politically with the growing breed of nontaxable firms.

By some estimates, more than 60% of U.S. businesses with profits of $1 million are structured as pass-throughs, the highest rate among developed countries. Their popularity is one big reason why federal corporate tax collections amounted to just 1.3% of GDP in 2010, well below their mark of 2.7% in 2006 and far beneath their peak of 6.1% in 1952.
Heh. A leftist lecturing somebody about homophobia. That's rich. :lol:

Heh. An idiot reactionary who is one of the more homophobic haters on the board trying to pretend he is not.

You are what you are, and thank God the great majority of us here are not you. What misery that would be.
There it is, folks, typical progressive hypocrisy. Fakey suggests I ingest semen, and it's not homophobia. I suggest he jacks off to Obama's speeches, and it's homophobia.
What a lying little sack of shit you are, boy.

No, I suggested you were autoerotic, you can suck your own dick.

Rather sick, huh?

Your own homophobia is obvious to all.
Heh. An idiot reactionary who is one of the more homophobic haters on the board trying to pretend he is not.

You are what you are, and thank God the great majority of us here are not you. What misery that would be.
There it is, folks, typical progressive hypocrisy. Fakey suggests I ingest semen, and it's not homophobia. I suggest he jacks off to Obama's speeches, and it's homophobia.
What a lying little sack of shit you are, boy.

No, I suggested you were autoerotic, you can suck your own dick.

Rather sick, huh?

Your own homophobia is obvious to all.

Jake, thank you for proving how facile you are. If you need to resort to these kinds of statements to argue someone, you've already lost. The "reactionary" shtick is worn out. Your superficial and deceptive nature is plainly obvious for all of us to see.

It's high time you accepted that. No matter how many names you call me names, or how many times you refer to me as a "reactionary", you're still a washed up, hackneyed partisan hack.
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Heh. An idiot reactionary who is one of the more homophobic haters on the board trying to pretend he is not.

You are what you are, and thank God the great majority of us here are not you. What misery that would be.
There it is, folks, typical progressive hypocrisy. Fakey suggests I ingest semen, and it's not homophobia. I suggest he jacks off to Obama's speeches, and it's homophobia.
What a lying little sack of shit you are, boy.

No, I suggested you were autoerotic, you can suck your own dick.

Rather sick, huh?

Your own homophobia is obvious to all.
To all you progs who fear conservative views and can't respond to them with facts and logic, you mean. :lol:
There it is, folks, typical progressive hypocrisy. Fakey suggests I ingest semen, and it's not homophobia. I suggest he jacks off to Obama's speeches, and it's homophobia.
What a lying little sack of shit you are, boy.

No, I suggested you were autoerotic, you can suck your own dick.

Rather sick, huh?

Your own homophobia is obvious to all.
To all you progs who fear conservative views and can't respond to them with facts and logic, you mean. :lol:

So you don't deny your homophobia. Got it.
No, I suggested you were autoerotic, you can suck your own dick.

Rather sick, huh?

Your own homophobia is obvious to all.
To all you progs who fear conservative views and can't respond to them with facts and logic, you mean. :lol:

So you don't deny your homophobia. Got it.
Unsurprisingly, you failed to understand. But in your defense, I must say it's only because you're stupid.

You lefties use spurious charges of homophobia the same way you use spurious charges of racism...as a means of deflecting an argument you're losing.

So of course my alleged homophobia is obvious to you -- because you're losing the debate.

Now, you're going to pout and screech, "I'M not losing! YOU'RE the loser! YOU!!"

Go ahead, kid. We both know you're going to. It's inevitable. You simply can't help but do it.
Yet, daveman and others are quite willing to use homophobic attacks on their enemies.

When paid back in kind, they cry.

The far reactionary right is get all interested in bestiality and homosexuality and pedophilia. Sick bastards, bunch emotional voyeurs.
Yet, daveman and others are quite willing to use homophobic attacks on their enemies.

When paid back in kind, they cry.

The far reactionary right is get all interested in bestiality and homosexuality and pedophilia. Sick bastards, bunch emotional voyeurs.

More lies from Fakey, the Most Transparent Liar in USMB history.

Obama thanks you for your mindless support, but warns you that if you don't start sounding more credible, he's gonna cut off your checks.
Yet, daveman and others are quite willing to use homophobic attacks on their enemies.

When paid back in kind, they cry.

The far reactionary right is get all interested in bestiality and homosexuality and pedophilia. Sick bastards, bunch emotional voyeurs.

More lies from Fakey, the Most Transparent Liar in USMB history.

Obama thanks you for your mindless support, but warns you that if you don't start sounding more credible, he's gonna cut off your checks.

You were using semen imagery and homophobic slurs today, daveman.

You can ride, bub, but you can't hide.

What an irrelevant asshole you are, getting wider and deeper and darker.

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