Louie Gohmert demonstrates conservative logic, AGAIN.

daveman just davemans along: he thinks everyone to the other side of Goldwater is a lefty.

That is why reactionaries have lost creditability with the rest of mainstream America: they cannot recognize the world as it is.

You are a lefty masquerading as a moderate.

And you aren't the only one trying to play that game at USMB. You're caught out.

Deal with it.

he is a full blown rabid liberal...his game was exposed a long time ago..

Answered in #59. You reactionaries are losing ground daily.

Deal with it.
I see no one even attempted to address my post #41 which clearly shows there is a good reason for the ever increasing Food Stamp participants. There should be concern for those posters who care about their children's future instead of caring just about themselves. If the 40 year trend continues, your kids will be competing with illegals for all the low paying jobs because that's all there will be for most workers.
I remember when there was consistent wage growth after inflation, being on Food Stamps was a rarity and Corporate America actually cared about investing in themselves and their workforce. The future looked bright then.
Today's radical left is among the most ignorant and restrictive political factions in history maybe second only to Stalinists and Nazis. You almost gotta laugh that they have a left wing propaganda network dedicated to cherry picking conservative speech and they still can't get it right. If it means supporting Barry Hussein they will support any and every stupid federal program and refuse to address problems in programs that need work. When a republican suggests that some federal programs might be redundant and need refinement the left uses school yard insults like "stuped and poopy" after they look up the word redundant.
Today's radical left is among the most ignorant and restrictive political factions in history maybe second only to Stalinists and Nazis. You almost gotta laugh that they have a left wing propaganda network dedicated to cherry picking conservative speech and they still can't get it right. If it means supporting Barry Hussein they will support any and every stupid federal program and refuse to address problems in programs that need work. When a republican suggests that some federal programs might be redundant and need refinement the left uses school yard insults like "stuped and poopy" after they look up the word redundant.

Some people ignore the ole' "cause and effect".
The "cause" is flat wages that has been going on for the last few decades and the "effect" is greatly reduced expendable income, thus the need for government assistance.
I don't like the concept of the growing participants on Food Stamps just as much as our conservative posters. Trouble is these folks love to point the finger at the wrong source. The ever growing working poor didn't create their situation. They don't determine wages, they wish they could but they don't.
Today's radical reactionary far right defines ignorance and restrictive attack on the principles of democracy. The rank with the communists, militarists, and the facists.

Not only to these enemies of American democracy attack their political oppoents in the center and the left, their propaganda effort attacks responsible mainstream Republican candidates and supporters.

Their hatred of any principles except their own reactionary illness undermines America and her future.
Gohmert is a born again fundamentalist who could not find his ass with the help of an ass sniffing dog.

I know Judge Louie, and told him in his first run for office that his campaign for Congress was as sleazy as they came. He has not talked to me since. He is a fucking embarrassment to Tyler and East Texas. He was an incredibly poor judge and has been a worse congressman.
stop casting aspersions on my asparagus!!! :mad:
What you call "corporate subsidies" are also referred to as tax breaks and incentives. If you insist that they are subsidies and must be ended, so be it. In fact, with already the highest corporate tax rates in the world, increased regulation, more legal liability, see what happens when you take away what you deem as "subsidies".
how many corps pay that tax-rate?
daveman just davemans along: he thinks everyone to the other side of Goldwater is a lefty.

That is why reactionaries have lost creditability with the rest of mainstream America: they cannot recognize the world as it is.
:rofl: Now I remember. daveman is the reason the verb "daveing" was created. It means "not honoring a wager" for any of you n00bs unfamiliar w/ the etymology ;)
What about the people who work jobs yet still need food stamps?They pay into the system but are still in need of help.

its because the majority of the wealth has gone to the top 5-10%. That is one reason why #OWS was started.
Today's radical left is among the most ignorant and restrictive political factions in history maybe second only to Stalinists and Nazis. You almost gotta laugh that they have a left wing propaganda network dedicated to cherry picking conservative speech and they still can't get it right. If it means supporting Barry Hussein they will support any and every stupid federal program and refuse to address problems in programs that need work. When a republican suggests that some federal programs might be redundant and need refinement the left uses school yard insults like "stuped and poopy" after they look up the word redundant.

Some people ignore the ole' "cause and effect".
The "cause" is flat wages that has been going on for the last few decades and the "effect" is greatly reduced expendable income, thus the need for government assistance.
I don't like the concept of the growing participants on Food Stamps just as much as our conservative posters. Trouble is these folks love to point the finger at the wrong source. The ever growing working poor didn't create their situation. They don't determine wages, they wish they could but they don't.
Some people ignore the effects that excessive regulations, taxes (both overt and hidden) and general bureaucratic bloat have on wages.

Trouble is these folks like to pretend that they're doing the people on the lower end of the earnings scale a big fat favor with their do-goodery, when they're actually kicking them in the nuts.
daveman just davemans along: he thinks everyone to the other side of Goldwater is a lefty.

That is why reactionaries have lost creditability with the rest of mainstream America: they cannot recognize the world as it is.

You are a lefty masquerading as a moderate.

And you aren't the only one trying to play that game at USMB. You're caught out.

Deal with it.

I am a Republican mainstreamer who kicks reactionary ass.

Deal with it.
You're a lying liar who lies.

True story.
I keep seeing you post about the libertarian and far right types in the GOP and how they are hurting it. . . . The only people hurting the GOP are Karl Rove, . . . McShame, Jeff is a Flake, Lyndsey "Benedict Arnold" Gramnesty, the Kleenex man John Boehner and other such liars and turncoats.

Your post shows why the Gohmerts and their despicable mini me minions are the shame of America.

You make-believe Americans are the ones who will give America to the Democratic Party.

However, when Christie wins the nomination in 2016 and then the election, he is going to tell your wing to shut the fuck up and play nice or get your asses out the door.

It's too late for someone like Christie. He'll never win the nomination with the loons on the right controlling the party.
The leftist neoconservatives control the party, as evidenced by their two past losing leftist necon presidential candidates.

But you are right in one respect...They are loons.
You are a lefty masquerading as a moderate.

And you aren't the only one trying to play that game at USMB. You're caught out.

Deal with it.

I am a Republican mainstreamer who kicks reactionary ass.

Deal with it.
You're a lying liar who lies. True story.

I am a truth teller who tells the truth, and who kicks your rhetorical butt regularly.

You are nothing but a pathetic libertarian, and all folks know what that means. True story.
What about the people who work jobs yet still need food stamps?They pay into the system but are still in need of help.

what? it used to be someone worked two jobs if one didn't support them..now it's hey go to the taxpayers and just work at a job that doesn't support your lifestyle..

that is what is lost in this country..honor and self respect of not using others
What about the people who work jobs yet still need food stamps?They pay into the system but are still in need of help.

what? it used to be someone worked two jobs if one didn't support them..now it's hey go to the taxpayers and just work at a job that doesn't support your lifestyle..

that is what is lost in this country..honor and self respect of not using others

LOL...I bring in money at a non traditional job,my wife works a regular job yet we still need foodstamps...give me a f'ing break.
What about the people who work jobs yet still need food stamps?They pay into the system but are still in need of help.

what? it used to be someone worked two jobs if one didn't support them..now it's hey go to the taxpayers and just work at a job that doesn't support your lifestyle..

that is what is lost in this country..honor and self respect of not using others

LOL...I bring in money at a non traditional job,my wife works a regular job yet we still need foodstamps...give me a f'ing break.

amazing you brag about it and sad that's all I can say
Today's radical reactionary far right defines ignorance and restrictive attack on the principles of democracy. The rank with the communists, militarists, and the facists.

Not only to these enemies of American democracy attack their political oppoents in the center and the left, their propaganda effort attacks responsible mainstream Republican candidates and supporters.

Their hatred of any principles except their own reactionary illness undermines America and her future.


:rofl: Now I remember. daveman is the reason the verb "daveing" was created. It means "not honoring a wager" for any of you n00bs unfamiliar w/ the etymology ;)

...except I honored the wager. Only butthurt simpletons claim I didn't.

Are you a butthurt simpleton?

Looks like.
daveman just davemans along: he thinks everyone to the other side of Goldwater is a lefty.

That is why reactionaries have lost creditability with the rest of mainstream America: they cannot recognize the world as it is.

You are a lefty masquerading as a moderate.

And you aren't the only one trying to play that game at USMB. You're caught out.

Deal with it.

I am a Republican mainstreamer who kicks reactionary ass.

Deal with it.

You misspelled "fawning prog sycophant who licks Obama's".

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