Louisiana Republican Flees Interview When Asked About Obama's Birthplace

If she has stated that global warming is a hoax and that Obama was not born in the US, she marginalized herself.
She never said Obama was not born in the US. Never................kind of like Palin never stated that she could see Russia from her house.

"She replied that it was a matter of some controversy".

Obama's birthplace is only a "matter of some controversy" to retards.

She didn't say to her......

Great that you contribute to the low-end discussion you claim to despise.

What is her position on Federal Spending....or don't we care ?
If retards like this candidate are the best you can do, don't complain when they are mocked and ridiculed.


Yeah, we need more people like Barbara "Bulllshit" Boxer.
If retards like this candidate are the best you can do, don't complain when they are mocked and ridiculed.


Yeah, we need more people like Barbara "Bulllshit" Boxer.

Tu quoque fallacy.

But if you want to go there, then yes, I am more than happy to agree the Left needs to raise its standards as well.

Sorry to disappoint you like that!

I just happen to believe we on the Right need to take out our own trash. The retards and bigots and psychopaths need to be taken to the curb for trash pickup. It is far past time to do so.
They attempted to set her up and marginalize her like they did with Palin.

If she has stated that global warming is a hoax and that Obama was not born in the US, she marginalized herself.

See how that works?

She never said she did not believe Obama was born in the US......but the left wing media is well aware that morons like you would take it that way.
If retards like this candidate are the best you can do, don't complain when they are mocked and ridiculed.


Yeah, we need more people like Barbara "Bulllshit" Boxer.

Tu quoque fallacy.

But if you want to go there, then yes, I am more than happy to agree the Left needs to raise its standards as well.

Sorry to disappoint you like that!

I just happen to believe we on the Right need to take out our own trash. The retards and bigots and psychopaths need to be taken to the curb for trash pickup. It is far past time to do so.

"we on the right...."

That ship sailed for you by your third post on here.
Yeah, we need more people like Barbara "Bulllshit" Boxer.

Tu quoque fallacy.

But if you want to go there, then yes, I am more than happy to agree the Left needs to raise its standards as well.

Sorry to disappoint you like that!

I just happen to believe we on the Right need to take out our own trash. The retards and bigots and psychopaths need to be taken to the curb for trash pickup. It is far past time to do so.

"we on the right...."

That ship sailed for you by your third post on here.

Are you suggesting that no one "on the right" is allowed to disagree with you?
They attempted to set her up and marginalize her like they did with Palin.

If she has stated that global warming is a hoax and that Obama was not born in the US, she marginalized herself.

See how that works?

She never said she did not believe Obama was born in the US......but the left wing media is well aware that morons like you would take it that way.

She demonstrated cowardice. Rather than plainly say Obama was born in the US when asked, she equivocated like a chickenshit demagogue pandering to the more retarded element of her party.

Gosh, if I plainly say he was born in the US, I will piss off the retards. I better go with the coward's way out and say it is a "matter of some controversy".

She marginalized herself.
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If retards like this candidate are the best you can do, don't complain when they are mocked and ridiculed.


Yeah, we need more people like Barbara "Bulllshit" Boxer.

Tu quoque fallacy.

But if you want to go there, then yes, I am more than happy to agree the Left needs to raise its standards as well.

Sorry to disappoint you like that!

I just happen to believe we on the Right need to take out our own trash. The retards and bigots and psychopaths need to be taken to the curb for trash pickup. It is far past time to do so.

If this is all you know about this woman, it seems like a snap judgement to me.

What about her positions on other things.

If she has a well articulated position on spending, judges, the role of government, foreign policy....etc., then I am prone to give her the benefit of the doubt.

If not....I'd wait to see more.
And it is a matter of controversy. Whitney is right. The birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 was investigated by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office and found to be a 100% forgery.

And yet when asked to verify the birth certificate, Obama's place of birth, and Obama's eligiblity to be president by the Secretary of State of Arizona the State of Hawaii affirmed them all.

"Arizona's secretary of state says Hawaii's verification of President Barack Obama's birth records meets necessary requirements and that the president's name will appear on Arizona's ballot in the fall....

....Bennett said Wednesday that Hawaii has officially confirmed the information on a copy of Obama's birth certificate as accurate."

Obama birth certificate OK by Arizona official | Fox News

Just as they did years ago when Director of the Department of Health of Hawaii Dr. Chiyome Fukino held a press conference to confirm that she'd personally inspected Obama's birth certificate and confirmed that the State has it, that Obama was born in Hawaii and that he was a natural born citizen of the United States.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen.

Hawaii: Obama Birth Certificate is Real - ABC News

Hawaiian officials referring to their own documents trump any 'posse' in Arizona. They are the world's leading authority on the topic. And the COLB they issued in 2007 is more than adequate to establish Obama's eligibility to be president in any court of law, as its contents are prima facie evidence.

All reasonable doubts were answered in 2008 with Obama's release of his COLB. What's left are unreasonable doubts....which obligate no one to do anything.
They attempted to set her up and marginalize her like they did with Palin.

If she has stated that global warming is a hoax and that Obama was not born in the US, she marginalized herself.

See how that works?

She never said she did not believe Obama was born in the US......but the left wing media is well aware that morons like you would take it that way.

LOL. She said it was a matter of controversy. It's only a controversy for birthers.
If she has stated that global warming is a hoax and that Obama was not born in the US, she marginalized herself.

See how that works?

She never said she did not believe Obama was born in the US......but the left wing media is well aware that morons like you would take it that way.

She demonstrated cowardice. Rather than plainly say Obama was born in the US when asked, she equivocated like a chickenshit demagogue pandering to the more retarded element of her party.

Gosh, if I plainly say he was born in the US, I will piss off the retards. I better go with the coward's way out and say it is a "matter of some controversy".

She marginalized herself.

She was asked why she believed that Global Warming was a hoax and the planet was instead cooling. She literally froze, unable to reply.

The interviewer followed up with questions on her claims about Obama's place of birth. Her handlers then pulled her from the room and accused the interviewer of conducting a 'Palin style interview'.

Apparently asking a candidate to explain their *own* positions is now considered an ambush by conservative standards. But then, this is the same group that lamented about how unfair it was to ask a candidate 'what do you read'.
If she has stated that global warming is a hoax and that Obama was not born in the US, she marginalized herself.

See how that works?

She never said she did not believe Obama was born in the US......but the left wing media is well aware that morons like you would take it that way.

LOL. She said it was a matter of controversy. It's only a controversy for birthers.

The Birther conspiracy is the gift that just keeps on giving. As it demonstrates the depths of hopeless, willful ignorance some conservatives are willing to descend to cling to a debunked conspiracy.

And it hurts the GOP everytime its mentioned.
See how that works?

She never said she did not believe Obama was born in the US......but the left wing media is well aware that morons like you would take it that way.

LOL. She said it was a matter of controversy. It's only a controversy for birthers.

The Birther conspiracy is the gift that just keeps on giving. As it demonstrates the depths of hopeless, willful ignorance some conservatives are willing to descend to cling to a debunked conspiracy.

And it hurts the GOP everytime its mentioned.

And I believe that Obama knew what he was doing when he let the birthers get so loud BEFORE he released the birth certificate. He wanted as many as possible to hop onto the "ruin my credibility" bandwagon before he pulled the rug out from under them.
If she has stated that global warming is a hoax and that Obama was not born in the US, she marginalized herself.

See how that works?

She never said she did not believe Obama was born in the US......but the left wing media is well aware that morons like you would take it that way.

She demonstrated cowardice. Rather than plainly say Obama was born in the US when asked, she equivocated like a chickenshit demagogue pandering to the more retarded element of her party.

Gosh, if I plainly say he was born in the US, I will piss off the retards. I better go with the coward's way out and say it is a "matter of some controversy".

She marginalized herself.

Does she know he was born in the U.S.

My answer would have been....there are better things to worry about.
See how that works?

She never said she did not believe Obama was born in the US......but the left wing media is well aware that morons like you would take it that way.

She demonstrated cowardice. Rather than plainly say Obama was born in the US when asked, she equivocated like a chickenshit demagogue pandering to the more retarded element of her party.

Gosh, if I plainly say he was born in the US, I will piss off the retards. I better go with the coward's way out and say it is a "matter of some controversy".

She marginalized herself.

Does she know he was born in the U.S.

All intelligent people know he was. She demonstrated her lack of intelligence by not plainly answering the question with, "He was born in America, silly!"

My answer would have been....there are better things to worry about.

Why do the retards spend so much energy trying to "prove" he wasn't then?
Hawaii Court Recognized
What is "Hawaii Court Recognized"?:doubt::lol::doubt::lol:
She made herself fair game for the global warming questions when she approved an ad about global warming being a hoax.

When you approve an ad about global warming being a hoax, and then are asked about it by a reporter, do you really expect us to buy into your whining that you were ambushed? Really?

"I'm Dipshit McFee and I approve this message. Just don't be askin' me about it."
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She demonstrated cowardice. Rather than plainly say Obama was born in the US when asked, she equivocated like a chickenshit demagogue pandering to the more retarded element of her party.

Gosh, if I plainly say he was born in the US, I will piss off the retards. I better go with the coward's way out and say it is a "matter of some controversy".

She marginalized herself.

Does she know he was born in the U.S.

All intelligent people know he was. She demonstrated her lack of intelligence by not plainly answering the question with, "He was born in America, silly!"

My answer would have been....there are better things to worry about.

Why do the retards spend so much energy trying to "prove" he wasn't then?

You'll have to ask them. I've never thought twice about it.

Given Obama's track record for lying, it would not surprise me at all.

Even if it were true, you can't prove it and you certainly would have a good time doing anything about it.

All intelligent people know....?

Sorry, but I wasn't there. I suspect it to be the case....but given my lack of first hand information (and lack of interest)....I don't know.
Kewl, a Sarah of the South!!!

The most frightening candidate I?ve met in seven years interviewing congressional hopefuls - The Washington Post
She clearly relishes poking Democrats in the eye, cites Minnesota’s Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) as a political role model, and takes kindly to the nickname “Palin of the South.”

At least she's only a Congressional hopeful. Hell's bells anyone on the left has a lot of freaking nerve to bitch about a stupid Congress critter when they have Sheila Jackson Lee for crying out loud who has been re-elected numerous times.


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