Louisiana Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban

'So where are these "endless studies"?'

There are none.

Indeed, at trial those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples have failed to produce any evidence indicating that children in homes with same-sex parents are at a 'disadvantage.'
I like studies, you have any?
Yes, this article in one of our quality broadsheets is about a study by Cambridge University.
Children in gay adoptions at no disadvantage - Health News - Health Families - The Independent
Actually, that article announced a study that had not been released at the time of the article. Nobody ever posts the studies, why is that, they are everywhere but nobody ever actually links to one.

Very telling, well I guess we can rest assured, that based on the article, everything is fine. Boy I wish I had a good article to counter your article. Damn.
Oh dear, to quote Cambridge University,
A new report published by the Centre for Family Research in the University of Cambridge has found that children adopted by gay couples are at no disadvantage compared to children adopted by heterosexual couple. The research dispels myths that the masculine or feminine tendencies of children are impacted by the sexuality of their parents, confirming the assertions of gay rights campaigners.
Notice the words "report" and "published":badgrin:
A two year study by liberal academia, wow, that's like a mathematical proof. LOL.

As I said before as a product of a single parent home, man/woman is ideal for emotional development. It's how we evolved. I don't see how any two year study of children would show that.

I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.

You claim you're not a bigot but you sure argue like one. Can you counter the study with another study? Anything?

What parenting skill requires either gender?

Role models------------------------------teaching a boy to be a man and a girl to be a woman. Its not complicated, its biological. Can a butch lesbian teach a boy what it means to be a man? Can a gay man teach a girl what it means to be a woman? I think not.

There are endless studies on that. Fathers have a lot to do with the security and confidence of children of both sexes. The mother with a sense of unconditional love and belonging Any parent sees kids who get an owie run to their mother if they have a choice to get a hug. When they want to play and be challenged, the father.

Now in healthy relationships, they go to the other parent when the primary one for that purpose is not there. But the roles are clear and any observant, knowledgeable person would see that not having both would not be ideal. Two mothers or two fathers do not fill both roles. They fill one role twice. It's like having two pitchers or two catchers instead of a pitcher and a catcher.

So where are these "endless studies"?

You also are providing nothing but vague generalities.

What studies actually do show (and have been provided) is that our children are at no disadvantage to the children of heterosexuals.

LOL, you want me to prove that men are different than women and that matters to children? LOL. Pass. How old are you? 12? 8? 4?

You didn't pass, you failed. You said there were endless studies and yet produced not a single link to a single study. That's because you couldn't actually find any. Gender has no bearing on the raising of children. There is only one area where the gender of the parent actually matters and only partially. Can you guess what that area is?

I've even tried to make it easier on ya'll by asking that you only name a parenting skill that requires either gender. Again, epic fail.
no dipshit, its not about stereotypes. In case you haven't noticed, men and women are different in many physical and emotional ways. Those differences are there for the preservation of the human species.

But since you are a metrosexual I guess you just don't understand.

Sorry, man, metrosexuals have a sense of style. I really don't.

The human species survived just fine for hundreds of thousands of years without gender roles. It's only after we turned into "civilized" creatures that a few white dudes managed to start bullying everyone else.

"Oh, my God, that Hispanic Lesbian Chick thinks she can have as much standing as I have!!!!"
The psychologists found very few differences among the children at any of the assessments over the two-year period following placement.

A two year study by liberal academia, wow, that's like a mathematical proof. LOL.

As I said before as a product of a single parent home, man/woman is ideal for emotional development. It's how we evolved. I don't see how any two year study of children would show that.

I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.

You claim you're not a bigot but you sure argue like one. Can you counter the study with another study? Anything?

What parenting skill requires either gender?

Role models------------------------------teaching a boy to be a man and a girl to be a woman. Its not complicated, its biological. Can a butch lesbian teach a boy what it means to be a man? Can a gay man teach a girl what it means to be a woman? I think not.

Name the specific skills. I'm hearing a lot of vague generalities but nothing that requires either gender.

the fact that you would ask that proves my point.

The fact you can't answer it certainly proves mine. I wasn't aware you had a point beyond "I'm better than gays".
Explain again how the majority get what they want over the minority including depriving us of our liberty and property because we are a democracy who believe in mob rule, yet the majority can be overruled by one guy in a robe?
It is in the constitution

The courts protect the rights of the minority

Depends on the subject matter with guys like you.............When your ideology is in agreement to new laws you state Fuck those who disagree and say ISN'T DEMOCRACY GREAT............Then when your ideology is the minority you say to hell with the majority and the Judge says I"M RIGHT............

Your interpretation of the when and where you HONOR the Constitution is ONLY when it suits your agenda.......Nothing more.
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“How are you being deprived of your liberty and property when gay people get married or when a judge rightly rules according to the constitution in favor of gay marriage?”

No one's being 'deprived' of his liberty and property.

14th Amendment jurisprudence concerning the right to due process and equal protection of the law was established, settled, and accepted well before states began to enact measures hostile to gay Americans; the states of their own volition elected to ignore the Constitution and seek to deny same-sex couples their right to access marriage law – and the states have only themselves to blame for these measures being invalidated by the courts pursuant to established, settled, and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence.

The many lawsuits and court decisions could have easily been avoided had the states simply followed the Constitution and its case law.
'So where are these "endless studies"?'

There are none.

Indeed, at trial those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples have failed to produce any evidence indicating that children in homes with same-sex parents are at a 'disadvantage.'
I like studies, you have any?

You like them? Really? Then why haven't YOU posted any? Where is your study that proves that straights make better parents? You don't seem to "like" the study IP Freely provided. You don't "like" the Australian study. You didn't seem to like the Tufts University Study or the University of California San Francisco study. And the Florida State University study that looked at adopted kids? You didn't seem to like that one much.

So what studies do you "like" exactly?
'So where are these "endless studies"?'

There are none.

Indeed, at trial those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples have failed to produce any evidence indicating that children in homes with same-sex parents are at a 'disadvantage.'

Gotcha Skippy, no one studies the affects of fathers and mothers and their roles on children. No one has studied single parent and the effect of the missing parent's sex. It was a bluff. No one ever looks at that, no one ever though of it or that mothers and fathers have different roles.

What a blowhard, you crack me up, Mr. Pompous.
Explain again how the majority get what they want over the minority including depriving us of our liberty and property because we are a democracy who believe in mob rule, yet the majority can be overruled by one guy in a robe?

How are you being deprived of your liberty and property when gay people get married or when a judge rightly rules according to the constitution in favor of gay marriage?

The majority can be over ruled by a judge when the majority votes for a law that's unconstitutional. Almost every judge in almost every case ruled that according to the constitution those laws are unconstitutional.

Courts that make law are a direct threat to my liberty, absolutely. They don't draw that line or any other line. So under W, were you running around chanting "rule of law" like the rest of the liberals? LOL. Liberals, what hypocrites.
'So where are these "endless studies"?'

There are none.

Indeed, at trial those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples have failed to produce any evidence indicating that children in homes with same-sex parents are at a 'disadvantage.'

Gotcha skippy, no one studies the affects of fathers and mothers and their roles on children. It was a bluff. No one ever looks at that, no one ever through of it or that they could be different.

What a blowhard, you crack me up, Mr. Pompous.

He may crack you up, but he's got you cold. You claimed there were "endless" studies but you've not produced one. Probably because you could only find them at FRC and NARTH and you knew those have already been debunked 10 ways to Sunday. Did you note the actual studies I linked to? They all show that gays do just as well as straights in raising our children and one of the studies debunks the idea that gender roles are necessary in any way shape or form. What study after study after study does show is that children do best in two parent homes, not a "mommy and a daddy" home.

What parenting skill do you believe requires either a penis or a vagina?
You claim you're not a bigot but you sure argue like one. Can you counter the study with another study? Anything?

What parenting skill requires either gender?

Role models------------------------------teaching a boy to be a man and a girl to be a woman. Its not complicated, its biological. Can a butch lesbian teach a boy what it means to be a man? Can a gay man teach a girl what it means to be a woman? I think not.

There are endless studies on that. Fathers have a lot to do with the security and confidence of children of both sexes. The mother with a sense of unconditional love and belonging Any parent sees kids who get an owie run to their mother if they have a choice to get a hug. When they want to play and be challenged, the father.

Now in healthy relationships, they go to the other parent when the primary one for that purpose is not there. But the roles are clear and any observant, knowledgeable person would see that not having both would not be ideal. Two mothers or two fathers do not fill both roles. They fill one role twice. It's like having two pitchers or two catchers instead of a pitcher and a catcher.

So where are these "endless studies"?

You also are providing nothing but vague generalities.

What studies actually do show (and have been provided) is that our children are at no disadvantage to the children of heterosexuals.

LOL, you want me to prove that men are different than women and that matters to children? LOL. Pass. How old are you? 12? 8? 4?

You didn't pass, you failed. You said there were endless studies and yet produced not a single link to a single study. That's because you couldn't actually find any. Gender has no bearing on the raising of children. There is only one area where the gender of the parent actually matters and only partially. Can you guess what that area is?

I've even tried to make it easier on ya'll by asking that you only name a parenting skill that requires either gender. Again, epic fail.

So you believe men and women are the same and play the same roles in parenting. You aren't interested in women for any reason other than their sex organs as opposed to guys, other than that, you would be a guy because guys and gals are exactly the same other than our sex organs. You actually believe that.

And LOL, sweetie, there have been endless studies on fathers and mothers and their roles in parenting. That is so blatantly known and obvious I'm not proving that any more than I'm proving water is wet or the earth circles the sun. Grow up and stop with the stupid stuff.

Yeah, men and women are the same personality, same roles, EVERYONE knows that. LOL. You know that's a lie, you just don't want to admit it in this context. But only because you are so logical. Right. Laughing out loud...
A two year study by liberal academia, wow, that's like a mathematical proof. LOL.

As I said before as a product of a single parent home, man/woman is ideal for emotional development. It's how we evolved. I don't see how any two year study of children would show that.

I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.

You claim you're not a bigot but you sure argue like one. Can you counter the study with another study? Anything?

What parenting skill requires either gender?

Role models------------------------------teaching a boy to be a man and a girl to be a woman. Its not complicated, its biological. Can a butch lesbian teach a boy what it means to be a man? Can a gay man teach a girl what it means to be a woman? I think not.

Name the specific skills. I'm hearing a lot of vague generalities but nothing that requires either gender.

the fact that you would ask that proves my point.

The fact you can't answer it certainly proves mine. I wasn't aware you had a point beyond "I'm better than gays".

You said you asked me this. You asked Redfish. No wonder I didn't know what you were talking about.

I talked about their personalities and their roles in parenting. What does that have to do with teaching kids specifically "skills?" You thought if you have a kid with a chick they can't learn bows and arrows or something? They can learn any "skill", that has nothing to do with it? That's completely arbitrary. As for the roles, I have given you examples of both. Start by building on that, not ignoring it, and I'll continue that conversation.
'So where are these "endless studies"?'

There are none.

Indeed, at trial those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples have failed to produce any evidence indicating that children in homes with same-sex parents are at a 'disadvantage.'

Gotcha skippy, no one studies the affects of fathers and mothers and their roles on children. It was a bluff. No one ever looks at that, no one ever through of it or that they could be different.

What a blowhard, you crack me up, Mr. Pompous.

He may crack you up, but he's got you cold. You claimed there were "endless" studies but you've not produced one. Probably because you could only find them at FRC and NARTH and you knew those have already been debunked 10 ways to Sunday. Did you note the actual studies I linked to? They all show that gays do just as well as straights in raising our children and one of the studies debunks the idea that gender roles are necessary in any way shape or form. What study after study after study does show is that children do best in two parent homes, not a "mommy and a daddy" home.

So you're seriously claiming you believe there are not endless studies on families and the roles of mothers and fathers and of single family homes and the effect of the missing parent on the kids. You and BlowHard actually believe that?

What parenting skill do you believe requires either a penis or a vagina?

Again, so in a gay relationship, you only care about the sex organ of your partner? There is no female personality? Other than a vagina, you'd be indifferent to dating a guy?

Not a single lesbian I know would agree with that. None. They make the reverse point, the sex organ is the least of it. Are you actually a lesbian or a 65 year old balding old liberal white male New England elitist who thinks it's cool to pose as a lesbian on message boards?
You claim you're not a bigot but you sure argue like one. Can you counter the study with another study? Anything?

What parenting skill requires either gender?

Role models------------------------------teaching a boy to be a man and a girl to be a woman. Its not complicated, its biological. Can a butch lesbian teach a boy what it means to be a man? Can a gay man teach a girl what it means to be a woman? I think not.

Name the specific skills. I'm hearing a lot of vague generalities but nothing that requires either gender.

the fact that you would ask that proves my point.

The fact you can't answer it certainly proves mine. I wasn't aware you had a point beyond "I'm better than gays".

You said you asked me this. You asked Redfish. No wonder I didn't know what you were talking about.

I talked about their personalities and their roles in parenting. What does that have to do with teaching kids specifically "skills?" You thought if you have a kid with a chick they can't learn bows and arrows or something? They can learn any "skill", that has nothing to do with it? That's completely arbitrary. As for the roles, I have given you examples of both. Start by building on that, not ignoring it, and I'll continue that conversation.

I do believe it was a question asked in general, not just specifically to Fishy.

So parenting does not require gender. That's all you had to say. Roles and personalities? That has nothing to do with raising children to be contributing members of society.
Role models------------------------------teaching a boy to be a man and a girl to be a woman. Its not complicated, its biological. Can a butch lesbian teach a boy what it means to be a man? Can a gay man teach a girl what it means to be a woman? I think not.

There are endless studies on that. Fathers have a lot to do with the security and confidence of children of both sexes. The mother with a sense of unconditional love and belonging Any parent sees kids who get an owie run to their mother if they have a choice to get a hug. When they want to play and be challenged, the father.

Now in healthy relationships, they go to the other parent when the primary one for that purpose is not there. But the roles are clear and any observant, knowledgeable person would see that not having both would not be ideal. Two mothers or two fathers do not fill both roles. They fill one role twice. It's like having two pitchers or two catchers instead of a pitcher and a catcher.

So where are these "endless studies"?

You also are providing nothing but vague generalities.

What studies actually do show (and have been provided) is that our children are at no disadvantage to the children of heterosexuals.

LOL, you want me to prove that men are different than women and that matters to children? LOL. Pass. How old are you? 12? 8? 4?

You didn't pass, you failed. You said there were endless studies and yet produced not a single link to a single study. That's because you couldn't actually find any. Gender has no bearing on the raising of children. There is only one area where the gender of the parent actually matters and only partially. Can you guess what that area is?

I've even tried to make it easier on ya'll by asking that you only name a parenting skill that requires either gender. Again, epic fail.

So you believe men and women are the same and play the same roles in parenting. You aren't interested in women for any reason other than their sex organs as opposed to guys, other than that, you would be a guy because guys and gals are exactly the same other than our sex organs. You actually believe that.

Actually I'm saying that these "roles" you like to play have no bearing on the raising of children. Studies bear this out as well. There is nothing someone with a penis can teach a child that someone without one cannot. (and vice versa)

And LOL, sweetie, there have been endless studies on fathers and mothers and their roles in parenting. That is so blatantly known and obvious I'm not proving that any more than I'm proving water is wet or the earth circles the sun. Grow up and stop with the stupid stuff.

Yeah, men and women are the same personality, same roles, EVERYONE knows that. LOL. You know that's a lie, you just don't want to admit it in this context. But only because you are so logical. Right. Laughing out loud...

Right...there are so many studies that you can't provide a single one. You have no commentary on the study I provided that concluded that there are no gender specific roles that a child "needs"?
'So where are these "endless studies"?'

There are none.

Indeed, at trial those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples have failed to produce any evidence indicating that children in homes with same-sex parents are at a 'disadvantage.'

Gotcha Skippy, no one studies the affects of fathers and mothers and their roles on children. No one has studied single parent and the effect of the missing parent's sex. It was a bluff. No one ever looks at that, no one ever though of it or that mothers and fathers have different roles.

What a blowhard, you crack me up, Mr. Pompous.
Got Studies?
What study after study after study shows is that children do best in two parent households. Two parents. That's it. It takes two. It doesn't matter if it's two men, two women or a man and a woman.
'So where are these "endless studies"?'

There are none.

Indeed, at trial those opposed to equal protection rights for same-sex couples have failed to produce any evidence indicating that children in homes with same-sex parents are at a 'disadvantage.'

Gotcha Skippy, no one studies the affects of fathers and mothers and their roles on children. No one has studied single parent and the effect of the missing parent's sex. It was a bluff. No one ever looks at that, no one ever though of it or that mothers and fathers have different roles.

What a blowhard, you crack me up, Mr. Pompous.
Got Studies?

Endless ones apparently. So endless he can't produce them. I hope he tries for the Regenerus one ;)

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