Louisiana Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban

Wow, an activists speaks, we should all bow and thank him.

Now we can rest peacefully knowing our heterosexual children will be forced into a homosexual relationship.

I wonder how much this man really knows, he has stated an admitted narrow view.
Foster kids do equally well when adopted by gay, lesbian or heterosexual parents

High-risk children adopted from foster care do equally well when placed with gay, lesbian or heterosexual parents, UCLA psychologists report in the first multi-year study of children adopted by these three groups of parents.

The psychologists looked at 82 high-risk children adopted from foster care in Los Angeles County. Of those children, 60 were placed with heterosexual parents and 22 were placed with gay or lesbian parents (15 with gay male parents and seven with lesbian parents).[...]

The psychologists studied the children two months, one year and two years after they were placed with a family. The children underwent a cognitive assessment by a clinical psychologist three times during the course of the study, and the parents completed standard questionnaires about the children's behavior at each of the three assessment periods.

The psychologists found very few differences among the children at any of the assessments over the two-year period following placement. On average, children in heterosexual, gay and lesbian households achieved significant gains in their cognitive development, and their levels of behavior problems remained stable. Their IQ scores increased by an average of 10 points, from about 85 to 95 — a large increase, from low-average to average functioning.[...]

The children had multiple risk factors at the time of adoption, including premature birth, prenatal substance exposure, abuse or neglect, and multiple prior placements. The psychologists acquired information regarding these biological and environmental risk factors from birth records, court reports and Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services records.

The children adopted by gay and lesbian families had more risk factors at the time of their placement; out of nine risk factors, they averaged one additional risk factor, compared with the children adopted by heterosexual parents.

"The children adopted by gay and lesbian parents had more challenges before they were adopted and yet they end up in the same place, which is impressive," said Letitia Anne Peplau, a distinguished research professor of psychology at UCLA and co-author of the study.
Liberals have designed a family, now we will teach all children that family does not mean, mom and dad with children.

A family is any group of people who care about one another. Any Group!

Zach Wahl, unqualified to speak of what he knows nothing of. The Need for a Father. Zach says he is a successful adult. Yet his job is to get paid making a carefully crafted propaganda speech. That is success, at 19. Zach Wahl speaks of how perfect he is, that his life is no different than anyone else.

Well, Does Zach Wahl have the skills to raise children, to get married, to stay married, never get divorced. Has the Activist actually lived life long enough so we could even see if he is as well adjusted as people claim.

Either way.

Liberals want Government to interfere or control life. They have dictated that Children will be Adopted by Homosexuals.

They then use the people educated by the government, the people who work for the government, to support that which the government has dictated.

My points are moot.

All Children will be dictated to in School, a Family is any group of people who care for one another.

The Homosexual Activists with the power of Government, dictate what a family is.
Liberals have designed a family, now we will teach all children that family does not mean, mom and dad with children.

A family is any group of people who care about one another. Any Group!

Zach Wahl, unqualified to speak of what he knows nothing of. The Need for a Father. Zach says he is a successful adult. Yet his job is to get paid making a carefully crafted propaganda speech. That is success, at 19. Zach Wahl speaks of how perfect he is, that his life is no different than anyone else.

Well, Does Zach Wahl have the skills to raise children, to get married, to stay married, never get divorced. Has the Activist actually lived life long enough so we could even see if he is as well adjusted as people claim.

Either way.

Liberals want Government to interfere or control life. They have dictated that Children will be Adopted by Homosexuals.

They then use the people educated by the government, the people who work for the government, to support that which the government has dictated.

My points are moot.

All Children will be dictated to in School, a Family is any group of people who care for one another.

The Homosexual Activists with the power of Government, dictate what a family is.

We are talking about government marriage. I don't equate that with actual marriage. Do you really want that power to go to government? To determine who's married? Don't they have enough power over our lives? I"m not sure I see God beholden to government's determination on that, and I don't see why we would eihter.
Liberals have designed a family, now we will teach all children that family does not mean, mom and dad with children.

A family is any group of people who care about one another. Any Group!

Zach Wahl, unqualified to speak of what he knows nothing of. The Need for a Father. Zach says he is a successful adult. Yet his job is to get paid making a carefully crafted propaganda speech. That is success, at 19. Zach Wahl speaks of how perfect he is, that his life is no different than anyone else.

Well, Does Zach Wahl have the skills to raise children, to get married, to stay married, never get divorced. Has the Activist actually lived life long enough so we could even see if he is as well adjusted as people claim.

Either way.

Liberals want Government to interfere or control life. They have dictated that Children will be Adopted by Homosexuals.

They then use the people educated by the government, the people who work for the government, to support that which the government has dictated.

My points are moot.

All Children will be dictated to in School, a Family is any group of people who care for one another.

The Homosexual Activists with the power of Government, dictate what a family is.

We are talking about government marriage. I don't equate that with actual marriage. Do you really want that power to go to government? To determine who's married? Don't they have enough power over our lives? I"m not sure I see God beholden to government's determination on that, and I don't see why we would eihter.
Yes we must qualify things, but they already have that kind of dictatorial power over lives. I had no idea how widespread homosexual adoption was. Who dictated that while we sit back and simply hope the liberals do not bother our lives.

You do know that right now, their are programs designed to move all these people dependent on the government to your town. So the power of government will move people to where you live, on welfare, illegal aliens, half way houses for people getting out of Jail, and now they will dictate what a family is and once passed across the USA, you will be the silent racist they stopped.

Marriage has a meaning, as does orange and lemon. Lets just call Oranges, Lemons. Lemons sell for more money so you can see how people will profit calling Oranges, Lemons.

Changing the meaning of words so that the Activists and Government do not label us rasist and charge us with a hate crime. You think that is all they want? You think the Homosexual groups will go away, nope they will find a new cause. Most likely Civil Lawsuits against everyone they can imagine are the Racists bigots who denied them their imagined rights.

In the past, the meaning of words meant something, today the meaning is political, and with the hate exhibited by the liberals against simple people, do you really want to simply be a pacifist and not fight them?

My Children at 8-9 years old do not need to know that Men are putting the Penis in the Anus which is the exit for Fecal Matter. If they go to Public School, they learn that now.

This is all about teaching children before they hit puberty, teaching Homosexuality.
The psychologists found very few differences among the children at any of the assessments over the two-year period following placement.

A two year study by liberal academia, wow, that's like a mathematical proof. LOL.

As I said before as a product of a single parent home, man/woman is ideal for emotional development. It's how we evolved. I don't see how any two year study of children would show that.

I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.
I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.

The problem is that many states ban same-sex couples from adopting at all. There are two realms of adoption: (a) government based where children are orphaned and trapped in foster care (especially if older than a "new born"), (b) the realm of private adoption where children come from surragacy, sperm donation, IVF, "step" parents.

Should the state block these adoptions and it isn't a discussion of whether a "qualified man/woman" are available since the same-sex couple will be raising the children anyway?

The psychologists found very few differences among the children at any of the assessments over the two-year period following placement.

A two year study by liberal academia, wow, that's like a mathematical proof. LOL.

As I said before as a product of a single parent home, man/woman is ideal for emotional development. It's how we evolved. I don't see how any two year study of children would show that.

I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.

You claim you're not a bigot but you sure argue like one. Can you counter the study with another study? Anything?

What parenting skill requires either gender?
The psychologists found very few differences among the children at any of the assessments over the two-year period following placement.

A two year study by liberal academia, wow, that's like a mathematical proof. LOL.

As I said before as a product of a single parent home, man/woman is ideal for emotional development. It's how we evolved. I don't see how any two year study of children would show that.

I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.

You claim you're not a bigot but you sure argue like one. Can you counter the study with another study? Anything?

What parenting skill requires either gender?

Role models------------------------------teaching a boy to be a man and a girl to be a woman. Its not complicated, its biological. Can a butch lesbian teach a boy what it means to be a man? Can a gay man teach a girl what it means to be a woman? I think not.
I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.

The problem is that many states ban same-sex couples from adopting at all. There are two realms of adoption: (a) government based where children are orphaned and trapped in foster care (especially if older than a "new born"), (b) the realm of private adoption where children come from surragacy, sperm donation, IVF, "step" parents.

Should the state block these adoptions and it isn't a discussion of whether a "qualified man/woman" are available since the same-sex couple will be raising the children anyway?

I addressed that. I am only referring to government managed adoptions. Private adoptions are NOTFB (none of their business).
I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.

The problem is that many states ban same-sex couples from adopting at all. There are two realms of adoption: (a) government based where children are orphaned and trapped in foster care (especially if older than a "new born"), (b) the realm of private adoption where children come from surragacy, sperm donation, IVF, "step" parents.

Should the state block these adoptions and it isn't a discussion of whether a "qualified man/woman" are available since the same-sex couple will be raising the children anyway?

I addressed that. I am only referring to government managed adoptions. Private adoptions are NOTFB (none of their business).

And yet they discriminate against same-sex couples by blocking even those private adoptions.

The psychologists found very few differences among the children at any of the assessments over the two-year period following placement.

A two year study by liberal academia, wow, that's like a mathematical proof. LOL.

As I said before as a product of a single parent home, man/woman is ideal for emotional development. It's how we evolved. I don't see how any two year study of children would show that.

I don't care about anyone's right to adopt, what's best for the kid is man/woman. So qualified man/woman should get government driven adoptions over single or gay. Once all qualified man/woman are fulfilled, then I don't really care if gays adopt. Gays I have heard have adopted a lot of hard to place children. I can't prove that, it's just what I heard and I'm not interested enough to research.

You claim you're not a bigot but you sure argue like one. Can you counter the study with another study? Anything?

What parenting skill requires either gender?

Did you not know that men and women have different personalities and that's relevant to child development? Seriously? You need a study to tell you that? LOL.

If I"m arguing like a bigot, you should be able to blow holes in my argument, yet you offer nothing.

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