Louisiana tax dollars now go to teach that the Earth was made in 6 day! PROGRESS!

Keep 'em stupid.

Less competition for the smart kids for the jobs of the future.
If I had my way, schools would be fully funded and be staffed with the best teachers money could buy to educate our kids and prepare them for an economy that was overflowing with jobs.

But hey, that's just me.

Both of my kids went to Episcopal schools.. I PROMISE you they were far better prepared than most public school kids. They were both taught creationism, but I doubt either one believes that magically two people appeared with fig leaves covering their junk....

You're missing the point.

I was taught Creationism as well when I was growing up, but I was taught it by my parents and by our Church. Not in a Science class with someone telling me "This is how the world works". Teaching it is fine. Teaching it THAT way is horribly wrong.

Personal opinions are just that ,personal. Its a Church based school and categorically NON on YOUR business.

The Left, my way or else!,scratch a liberal/progressive,you find,bigots racists and just plan nosy busy bodies that jsut can't mind there own business.
If they paid any significant amount of tax they'd be able to afford to send their kids to private school without a voucher or they'd already live in a decent school district.

How do you know? Even most middle class people can't afford to send their kids to private school.

Its funny how the right loves to portray the poor as non-taxpaying leaches - until they get taxpayer funded vouchers to send their kids to Bible school.

Funny how the socialists profess to give a shit about the poor, but then fight tooth and nail every effort to get them out of the failed public school system.

Unless you live in Louisiana this is none of your business so stick it up your ass.
I do not want my Federal tax dollars going to waste on a voucher that will have a kid being taught those Biblical stories.

Well we have something in common being I don't want federal tax dollars going to education period seeing how it's not mandated in the Constitution.
Prove beyond a shadow of a doubt--of course neither one.

Which seems more reflective of the actual reality?
The Big Bang Theory.

Who cares?

In a free country, parents have the right to decide what the curriculum of their child meets their goals.

It's called "choice."

Leftists are anti-choice - being pro-abortion doesn't change this fact.
Do you think parents have a right to beat their children and lock them in the basement?

Its like talking with a two year old,how is this relevant ?
Do you think parents have a right to beat their children and lock them in the basement?

Do you think Obama has the right to beat their children and lock them in the basement?

Do you think at all?

I'm just asking. It seems you think mentally abusing kids is fine. Just wanted to see where you draw the line.

NO mentally abusing kids is teachers telling 15-year-olds they're "retarded racists" for supporting anyone but Obama, or holding any conservative point of view. Which is quite common these days among these greedy little unionized teachers...

I just saw a video the other day of some teacher telling a kid "you can go to jail if you speak ill of the president" while she attempted to debate a student which was obviously way more intelligent and knowledgeable than she was - and she was the teacher... Hell this teacher went into a rage mode when the student started owning her with facts..... Typical progressive response I suppose.
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OMG...It's a Christian School! If parents want their children to learn about creationism, they have every right to. If they don't want it, don't send your kids there! see? That's easy! Lol!
I've always believed that both evolution AND Creationism should be taught. If a school is already teaching evolution, they need to teach creationism too. Neither have been "proven", but everyone should have the chance to study it and make their own decision.

It seems the left only care about "choice" if it's THEIR choice.
Everyone knows the earth rides on the back of a giant turtle.

Old Stephen King used a whole lot of drugs, didn't he?

Anyone else feel like he was a bit of a pedophile? She was 12...

Standard Disclaimer: His reference is to "It," where King actually did claim the world rode on the back of a Giant turtle. Then 12 year old Beverly Marsh is fucked (consensually) by 7 boys - which saves the world.
Everyone knows the earth rides on the back of a giant turtle.

Old Stephen King used a whole lot of drugs, didn't he?

Anyone else feel like he was a bit of a pedophile? She was 12...

Standard Disclaimer: His reference is to "It," where King actually did claim the world rode on the back of a Giant turtle. Then 12 year old Beverly Marsh is fucked (consensually) by 7 boys - which saves the world.
Never read King's version, I was referring to the teachings of an ancient people.
Both of my kids went to Episcopal schools.. I PROMISE you they were far better prepared than most public school kids. They were both taught creationism, but I doubt either one believes that magically two people appeared with fig leaves covering their junk....

You're missing the point.

I was taught Creationism as well when I was growing up, but I was taught it by my parents and by our Church. Not in a Science class with someone telling me "This is how the world works". Teaching it is fine. Teaching it THAT way is horribly wrong.

Personal opinions are just that ,personal. Its a Church based school and categorically NON on YOUR business.

The Left, my way or else!,scratch a liberal/progressive,you find,bigots racists and just plan nosy busy bodies that jsut can't mind there own business.

Except it IS my business when MY tax dollars are being used to teach kids incorrectly.

You guys should understand that! You get all bent out of shape when your tax dollars aren't being spent correctly. Why can't we react the same way?
Hell, I'm into science, geology and anthropology and I can tell you I have plenty of questions about evolution, and in my mind the theory of evolution is FAR from fact....

Then you also know that it is much closer to fact than creationism. Much, much, much, much, much closer.

Shit, for all we know aliens came to earth abducted a Neanderthal, mixed its juices with ours in a test tube and then set present day man on Earth to procreate. Yeah we could be nothing more than an experiment.

See, now you have shot your cliam to being into science with this claptrap.

There are all sorts of theories out there, and creationism is one of them - and it should be taught to kids as an alternate theory.

In Religion class, not science class. Creationism has none of the elements of science.
You're missing the point.

I was taught Creationism as well when I was growing up, but I was taught it by my parents and by our Church. Not in a Science class with someone telling me "This is how the world works". Teaching it is fine. Teaching it THAT way is horribly wrong.

Personal opinions are just that ,personal. Its a Church based school and categorically NON on YOUR business.

The Left, my way or else!,scratch a liberal/progressive,you find,bigots racists and just plan nosy busy bodies that jsut can't mind there own business.

Except it IS my business when MY tax dollars are being used to teach kids incorrectly.

You guys should understand that! You get all bent out of shape when your tax dollars aren't being spent correctly. Why can't we react the same way?
Is it any wonder that the US ranks so low among world nations in education?
In Religion class, not science class. Creationism has none of the elements of science.

Neither does anthropogenic global warming, but plenty of morons are still demanding that it be taught.

You of the anti-liberty left sure fear choice. (You LOVE abortion, but detest choice.)

You assume I am of the anti-liberty left, but you could not be further from the truth. I very much support the voucher system and liberty. So strike one on that count.

It is also a fact that creationism is religion, not science. That the only retort you could think of was to throw in a non-sequitur about AGW is not very bright.

AGW, right or wrong, does have elements of science. The scientific method can be applied to it. And one day it will be proven to be either complete bunk or it will be tweaked closer to the the truth through predictions and experimentation and reproducability.

That is how science works.

Now, if a parent wants to take their kid out of the public school system, fine. But if they are going to take their kids out of the frying pan of public education and throw them into the fire of Religion-As-Science, then their kids and our nation are the ones who will pay the ultimate cost of that stupidity.

This is not an Either/Or false dilemma. There are better alternative educational opportunities than Creationist mumbo jumbo factories. There are charter Montessori schools which have a stellar record.

I am a product of private schools. And Creationism was a part of the Religion class. They weren't stupid enough to teach it as science.

I was not kidding about the parents being rewarded by raising their kids in ignorance. They will have to care and feed their children for the next 40+ years since they will grow up stupid and unable to support themselves with a real job.
Just think how the state of louisiana wins. Everyone knows they aint that bright. Theres lots of cheap labor awaiting.
What's it to you anyway?

Oh, you're a typical liberal busybody telling everyone else how to live... here's an idea... why don't you tend to your affairs and leave the rest of us alone. Personally, I don't give a shit what these people do with their voiuchers. If they choose to send their kids to a Christian school then that's none of my business, or yours for that matter.

You should tell all right wingers that part about when personal decisions are made, they are none of your business or my business. May not like the decision.

Why would you not care about the quality of the education. That's just fuking stupid to think kids should be taught that the world was made in 6 days. And to encourage that teaching is worse.

I do not want my Federal tax dollars going to waste on a voucher that will have a kid being taught those Biblical stories. ESPECIALLY when the other math and science is not being presented.

Kind of old fashioned that way. Wanting kids to be taught REAL math and science.

Do you have a problem with believing that God made the world, that God made it in 6 days, or both?

You do know the reference to Him making the world in 6 days COULD literally NOT mean 6 days? Yes, the Bible says it was 6 days, and the 7th He rested. But Gods "days" are not the same as our days. 1 day in could be 2 weeks, 1 year, 10 years, 100 years. You can't think of His days the same as ours....
God will return one day...he said it would be "soon". His "soon" and our "soon" are not the same.

So actually, the earth could have been made in the time span you unbelievers think. It just wasn't a Big Blast like you believe.

And nobody will be making you send your kids to a school you don't want them to go to...if you don't want your kids to learn about possibly ALL aspects of life and make their own decisions, that's your right. It's our right to let our kids learn everything and come to their own conclusion as to what they believe.

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