Louisiana tax dollars now go to teach that the Earth was made in 6 day! PROGRESS!

Just think how the state of louisiana wins. Everyone knows they aint that bright. Theres lots of cheap labor awaiting.
Yep, and the fat cats have got the less well off carrying their bags. There'll be plenty of cheap labor in the US so they won't have to move overseas for it.
What's it to you anyway?

Oh, you're a typical liberal busybody telling everyone else how to live... here's an idea... why don't you tend to your affairs and leave the rest of us alone. Personally, I don't give a shit what these people do with their voiuchers. If they choose to send their kids to a Christian school then that's none of my business, or yours for that matter.

You should tell all right wingers that part about when personal decisions are made, they are none of your business or my business. May not like the decision.

Why would you not care about the quality of the education. That's just fuking stupid to think kids should be taught that the world was made in 6 days. And to encourage that teaching is worse.

I do not want my Federal tax dollars going to waste on a voucher that will have a kid being taught those Biblical stories. ESPECIALLY when the other math and science is not being presented.

Kind of old fashioned that way. Wanting kids to be taught REAL math and science.

Do you have a problem with believing that God made the world, that God made it in 6 days, or both?

You do know the reference to Him making the world in 6 days COULD literally NOT mean 6 days? Yes, the Bible says it was 6 days, and the 7th He rested. But Gods "days" are not the same as our days. 1 day in could be 2 weeks, 1 year, 10 years, 100 years. You can't think of His days the same as ours....
God will return one day...he said it would be "soon". His "soon" and our "soon" are not the same.

So actually, the earth could have been made in the time span you unbelievers think. It just wasn't a Big Blast like you believe.

And nobody will be making you send your kids to a school you don't want them to go to...if you don't want your kids to learn about possibly ALL aspects of life and make their own decisions, that's your right. It's our right to let our kids learn everything and come to their own conclusion as to what they believe.

Creationism, with a capital C, means more than the world being made in 6 days. It frequently means a belief the Earth is only 6,000 years old and that Man walked with the dinosaurs.

I believe in God. I'm just not stupid. Our brains are bigger than is needed for survival. We are supposed to use them. We should be using our minds to discover scientific truths, not running away from them.
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"God created the Universe" is not science. It cannot be tested through experimentation or substantiated with empirical evidence. It has to be taken on faith.

That puts it in the Religion category, along with all other religious claims.

The Big Bang theory has scads of empirical evidence milling about. The religious mistake the constant refinements that come about as scientific theories are tested as evidence that completely unverifiable claims of faith are on the same plane as science. This is a belief which comes from ignorance of what science is.

As soon as a religion makes a claim which can be tested, and that claim IS tested and found to be false, then the claim isn't even religion any more. It is ignorance. Saying "God created the world" is fine. A matter of faith. Saying "the Earth is 6,000 years old" is a claim which can be tested, and it has been, and it is completely false.

So Creationism is a mixed bag of faith and ignorance. But in no case is it science.

Now, if someone hypothesizes "the Big Bang occured 15 billion years ago", that can be tested. And if it was found to be false, that does not mean there was no Big Bang. It means it did not occur 15 billion years ago, but some other number of billions of years ago.

There is absolutely no educational equality between Creationism and the Big Bang theory.
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The one question at the very core of the Big Bang theory which may never be answered is the singularity. If you extrapolate the Universe all the way back to the moment of the Big Bang, you have to ask where that singularity came from. What caused it?

The scientific answer is, "I don't know." It is the only answer science can give right now, and maybe forevermore. That does not mean in any way the Big Bang did not occur. We just don't know what caused it.

Knowing what happened and not knowing the cause does not mean what happened did not happen.

Knowing a creature evolved but not completely understanding the evolutionary process does not mean the creature did not evolve.

Science is a process. As humans, we like an ending to the story, and many of us will create an ending or an explanation to fill the vacuum.

Religion provides that luxury, science does not. Religion is certainty, science is uncertainty. They are in separate rooms.
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"God created the Universe" is not science. It cannot be tested through experimentation or substantiated with empirical evidence. It has to be taken on faith.

That puts it in the Religion category, along with all other religious claims.

The Big Bang theory has scads of empirical evidence milling about. The religious mistake the constant refinements that come about as scientific theories are tested as evidence that completely unverifiable claims of faith are on the same plane as science. This is a belief which comes from ignorance of what science is.

As soon as a religion makes a claim which can be tested, and that claim IS tested and found to be false, then the claim isn't even religion any more. It is ignorance. Saying "God created the world" is fine. A matter of faith. Saying "the Earth is 6,000 years old" is a claim which can be tested, and it has been, and it is completely false.

So Creationism is a mixed bag of faith and ignorance. But in no case is it science.

Now, if someone hypothesizes "the Big Bang occured 15 billion years ago", that can be tested. And if it was found to be false, that does not mean there was no Big Bang. It means it did not occur 15 billion years ago, but some other number of billions of years ago.

There is absolutely no educational equality between Creationism and the Big Bang theory.

So how do we know that Creationism and the big bang are not one in the same?. the 6000 year distortion so relied upon by so many to discredit peoples Faith is just that, a huge distortion and taken out of context.

It your choice have, faith or not,but just because you don't labeling people ignorant,is fairly ignorant unto itself.
"God created the Universe" is not science. It cannot be tested through experimentation or substantiated with empirical evidence. It has to be taken on faith.

That puts it in the Religion category, along with all other religious claims.

The Big Bang theory has scads of empirical evidence milling about. The religious mistake the constant refinements that come about as scientific theories are tested as evidence that completely unverifiable claims of faith are on the same plane as science. This is a belief which comes from ignorance of what science is.

As soon as a religion makes a claim which can be tested, and that claim IS tested and found to be false, then the claim isn't even religion any more. It is ignorance. Saying "God created the world" is fine. A matter of faith. Saying "the Earth is 6,000 years old" is a claim which can be tested, and it has been, and it is completely false.

So Creationism is a mixed bag of faith and ignorance. But in no case is it science.

Now, if someone hypothesizes "the Big Bang occured 15 billion years ago", that can be tested. And if it was found to be false, that does not mean there was no Big Bang. It means it did not occur 15 billion years ago, but some other number of billions of years ago.

There is absolutely no educational equality between Creationism and the Big Bang theory.

So how do we know that Creationism and the big bang are not one in the same?. the 6000 year distortion so relied upon by so many to discredit peoples Faith is just that, a huge distortion and taken out of context.

It your choice have, faith or not,but just because you don't labeling people ignorant,is fairly ignorant unto itself.
That's not what they're teaching kids in Louisiana.
It amazes me every day how "conservatives" don't give two shits about kids.

Hi, you have received -732 reputation points from Dr.House.
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you\'re a fucking idiot...

How so?

You don't want to pay for better schools for them.
You don't want to pay for more police and firemen to keep them safe.
You don't want to pay for better health care for them.
You don't want to pay to fix the economy so they have better jobs.
You don't want to clean up the environment for them.

The ONLY time I see "conservatives" talk about doing something for the betterment of kids is when they talk about debt. Oh, and making sure they don't see boobies.

Everything else can be as shitty as possible, apparently.
You should tell all right wingers that part about when personal decisions are made, they are none of your business or my business. May not like the decision.

Why would you not care about the quality of the education. That's just fuking stupid to think kids should be taught that the world was made in 6 days. And to encourage that teaching is worse.

I do not want my Federal tax dollars going to waste on a voucher that will have a kid being taught those Biblical stories. ESPECIALLY when the other math and science is not being presented.

Kind of old fashioned that way. Wanting kids to be taught REAL math and science.

Do you have a problem with believing that God made the world, that God made it in 6 days, or both?

You do know the reference to Him making the world in 6 days COULD literally NOT mean 6 days? Yes, the Bible says it was 6 days, and the 7th He rested. But Gods "days" are not the same as our days. 1 day in could be 2 weeks, 1 year, 10 years, 100 years. You can't think of His days the same as ours....
God will return one day...he said it would be "soon". His "soon" and our "soon" are not the same.

So actually, the earth could have been made in the time span you unbelievers think. It just wasn't a Big Blast like you believe.

And nobody will be making you send your kids to a school you don't want them to go to...if you don't want your kids to learn about possibly ALL aspects of life and make their own decisions, that's your right. It's our right to let our kids learn everything and come to their own conclusion as to what they believe.

Creationism, with a capital C, means more than the world being made in 6 days. It frequently means a belief the Earth is only 6,000 years old and that Man walked with the dinosaurs.

I believe in God. I'm just not stupid. Our brains are bigger than is needed for survival. We are supposed to use them. We should be using our minds to discover scientific truths, not running away from them.

There are probably many things that there are no scientific answer for. These things we probably won't know for sure until we're with our creator.
There are probably many things that there are no scientific answer for. These things we probably won't know for sure until we're with our creator.

We know for sure the Earth is not 6000 years old.
"God created the Universe" is not science. It cannot be tested through experimentation or substantiated with empirical evidence. It has to be taken on faith.

That puts it in the Religion category, along with all other religious claims.

The Big Bang theory has scads of empirical evidence milling about. The religious mistake the constant refinements that come about as scientific theories are tested as evidence that completely unverifiable claims of faith are on the same plane as science. This is a belief which comes from ignorance of what science is.

As soon as a religion makes a claim which can be tested, and that claim IS tested and found to be false, then the claim isn't even religion any more. It is ignorance. Saying "God created the world" is fine. A matter of faith. Saying "the Earth is 6,000 years old" is a claim which can be tested, and it has been, and it is completely false.

So Creationism is a mixed bag of faith and ignorance. But in no case is it science.

Now, if someone hypothesizes "the Big Bang occured 15 billion years ago", that can be tested. And if it was found to be false, that does not mean there was no Big Bang. It means it did not occur 15 billion years ago, but some other number of billions of years ago.

There is absolutely no educational equality between Creationism and the Big Bang theory.

So how do we know that Creationism and the big bang are not one in the same?

Because there is a very clear dividing line.
Awesome. So my tax dollars will now pay for children to be taught that the Earth was made in 6 days. They won't be "exposed" to the theory of evolution, because it might 'confuse' them. This is quite a step forward! F^&K YOU VERY MUCH BOBBY JINDAL!

At Eternity Christian Academy in Westlake, pastor-turned-principal Marie Carrier hopes to secure extra space to enroll 135 voucher students, though she now has room for just a few dozen. Her first- through eighth-grade students sit in cubicles for much of the day and move at their own pace through Christian workbooks, such as a beginning science text that explains "what God made" on each of the six days of creation. They are not exposed to the theory of evolution.

"We try to stay away from all those things that might confuse our children,"
Carrier said.

Other schools approved for state-funded vouchers use social studies texts warning that liberals threaten global prosperity; Bible-based math books that don't cover modern concepts such as set theory; and biology texts built around refuting evolution.

Louisiana's bold bid to privatize schools | Reuters

Well which theory can you prove?

The Earth was created in 6 days


Big Bang

Hint: You can't prove either one.

The Big Bang is much more logical. And there is tons of supporting evidence.

Other than that we have the bible, which was written by MAN and MAN wasn't around when the earth was formed.

For the record, I believe this is a dumb thread that serves no purpose other than to mock Christians.

There is NOT tons of evidence, the basic theory can not even be tested much less proven it revolves around the fact that in this tiny piece of space we see movement.
Awesome. So my tax dollars will now pay for children to be taught that the Earth was made in 6 days. They won't be "exposed" to the theory of evolution, because it might 'confuse' them. This is quite a step forward! F^&K YOU VERY MUCH BOBBY JINDAL!

At Eternity Christian Academy in Westlake, pastor-turned-principal Marie Carrier hopes to secure extra space to enroll 135 voucher students, though she now has room for just a few dozen. Her first- through eighth-grade students sit in cubicles for much of the day and move at their own pace through Christian workbooks, such as a beginning science text that explains "what God made" on each of the six days of creation. They are not exposed to the theory of evolution.

"We try to stay away from all those things that might confuse our children,"
Carrier said.

Other schools approved for state-funded vouchers use social studies texts warning that liberals threaten global prosperity; Bible-based math books that don't cover modern concepts such as set theory; and biology texts built around refuting evolution.


You do realize that the people using the vouchers are taxpayers and more to the point, are going to this school voluntarily, don't you? They are taking the tax money they have already paid and have chosen to not waste it on failed public schools... and anyway, the courses you cite are probably not mandatory.

Another PooPoo fail thread.

So if you don't use the public schools you shouldn't have to pay school tax?
You do realize that the people using the vouchers are taxpayers and more to the point, are going to this school voluntarily, don't you?

If they paid any significant amount of tax they'd be able to afford to send their kids to private school without a voucher or they'd already live in a decent school district. Its funny how the right loves to portray the poor as non-taxpaying leaches - until they get taxpayer funded vouchers to send their kids to Bible school.

So the solution is to teach them "Bible based math" - where I suppose they use cubits instead of meters or feet?

and anyway, the courses you cite are probably not mandatory.
You probably didn't read the article. But why bother do read, when you can just supposed reality as you wish?

Evolution is not taught at Eternity Christian because it might "confuse" the students. Actually not much teaching at all gets done there, as apparently the kids spend most of the day in cubicles going through Bible work books.


What better way to prepare a child to go to college than ignoring over 100+ years of biology?

What's it to you anyway?

Oh, you're a typical liberal busybody telling everyone else how to live... here's an idea... why don't you tend to your affairs and leave the rest of us alone. Personally, I don't give a shit what these people do with their voiuchers. If they choose to send their kids to a Christian school then that's none of my business, or yours for that matter.

I'm sure if they sent their kids to the Karl Marx Academy where it was taught that capitalism and religion are for retards, you'd be all in.

When they start using tax dollars to fund a private school, it becomes a public school, and that makes it the public's business.
Well which theory can you prove?

The Earth was created in 6 days


Big Bang

Hint: You can't prove either one.

You can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Earth is billions of years old. It's been proven.

Maybe God made the earth billions of years ago....but didn't make man until much later.

The Bible doesn't say how long it was between making Earth and making man...there could be YEARS missing there.
Well which theory can you prove?

The Earth was created in 6 days


Big Bang

Hint: You can't prove either one.

You can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Earth is billions of years old. It's been proven.

Maybe God made the earth billions of years ago....but didn't make man until much later.

The Bible doesn't say how long it was between making Earth and making man...there could be YEARS missing there.

Maybe God is just a human who evolved over millions of years from a prior Earth-like planet that began as ours did,

only 100's of billions of years ago.
Well which theory can you prove?

The Earth was created in 6 days


Big Bang

Hint: You can't prove either one.

You can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Earth is billions of years old. It's been proven.

Maybe God made the earth billions of years ago....but didn't make man until much later.

The Bible doesn't say how long it was between making Earth and making man...there could be YEARS missing there.

Actually it does. Day 3 is Earth. Day 6 is Man.

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