Louisiana's Newly Elected Congressman Backs Phil Robertsons Comments On Gays/Negroes


All the man said was he didn't understand why you wanted to fuck a man up the ass.

All he said was he found a vagina a better hole to put his dick in.

NOW if you find that offensive. Welcome to Walmart. :lol:

All he said is he didn't understand why a man would want to fuck a guy up the ass?

Let me paraphrase what Robertson said, just to make it clear:

"Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

Gays are full of murder, envy, strife, hatred.

Gays are insolent, arrogant God haters.

Gays are heartless.

Gays are faithless.

Gays are senseless.

Gays are ruthless.

Gays invent ways of doing evil."

Now, get it? Need I make clearer?
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All the man said was he didn't understand why you wanted to fuck a man up the ass.

All he said was he found a vagina a better hole to put his dick in.

NOW if you find that offensive. Welcome to Walmart. :lol:

All he said is he didn't understand why a man would want to fuck a guy up the ass?

Yeah..On planet liberal, not understanding a group of people is now the same as hating them.
These people need to be "checked".
Let me paraphrase what Robertson said, just to make it clear:

"Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

Gays are full of murder, envy, strife, hatred.

Gays are insolent, arrogant God haters.

Gays are heartless.

Gays are faithless.

Gays are senseless.

Gays are ruthless.

Gays invent ways of doing evil."

Now, get it? Need I make clearer?

But we're all with that. Don't you understand? We are all sinners.

Sinners man. We're all fucked up. This is why he died for us. He took the biggest hit. Imagine your dad nuking you off?

He was on that cross for a reason.
It is going well but not well for gays. Also you immaturity is showing for calling Louisiana 'Sleaziana'. Grow up!

I certainly can call it that, since I lived there for a dozen years.

But feel free to make the case that Sleaziana is a haven for ethical fortitude.
Sleaziana -- where the DMV office is closed because it's Good Friday.
Sleaziana - where the Sorrento police department had to be completely disbanded due to rampant corruption.
Sleaziana-- where bumper stickers remind the populace to elect a felon so that they don't elect a Klansman.

Guess you'd rather focus on "Sleaziana" than my point. It figures.

and what is wrong with being closed on Good Friday? :rolleyes:
They might work on the President's Day or any other meaningless holiday

Good Friday is not a holiday, that's what. And I had taken the trip out there.
Of course this isn't quite as bad as my GF (a Jersey girl) who went to the DMV with her birth certificate to have all the proper papers, presented the BC and was told,

"Dat ain't no gut".

"Why not?" she asked.

The clerk said, and I quote, "it's not from here". ....... :eek:

True story. :banghead: Only in Sleaziana.

And I should have added:
Sleaziana -- where a poster goes to a message board, in the 21st century, and deliberately creates a thread title using the word "negroes".
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What's wrong with negroes?

Now you have to jump on me for this. What the hell is wrong with negroes?

You know what then, get off me for being white. I'm Ukrainian/Irish white. I'm going to demand you tell me what white I am.
Elected officials have the right to express their ignorance and hate, just like everyone else; and like everyone else suffer the consequences.

funny 'bout how folks on the left are intolerant 'bout folks who're tolerant of intolerant people...

jes' sayin'... :)
I'm Ukrainian/Irish white and I demand you call me this every time.

I be callin' you Molly O'Ukie, k? :D

"Negroes" refers to the OP, not you. The guy who thinks he's a Hawaii Five-O actor.

Interestingly the actor who played Steve McGarrett, he too would have had ----- all together now ----- a morality clause. Just in case he fucked up.
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I'm Ukrainian/Irish white and I demand you call me this every time.

I be callin' you Molly O'Ukie, k? :D

"Negroes" refers to the OP, not you. The guy who thinks he's a Hawaii Five-O actor.

Interestingly the actor who played Steve McGarrett, he too would have had ----- all together now ----- a morality clause. Just in case he fucked up.

You're such a smart ass.


Molly O'Ukie?

omg.................I have no words. Now that is funny...............
I'm Ukrainian/Irish white and I demand you call me this every time.

I'm a mutt... descended from Irish, Scot, English, French, Alsatian, Spanish/Moorish folks who just wanted to get the fuck away from a bad situation and find a better life anywhere other than the shit-hole where they were from...
You know the suspension of Phil by A&E might actually mean something if they had not been airing a Duck Dynasty marathon all day staring Phil which is still going on as I type this. Doesn't that tell you just how truly upset A&E is over this whole thing? Money trumped outrage.

Not exactly. This was always about money. A&E is a corporation; it doesn't feel "outrage" or any other emotion. It acts for one reason only: the bottom line. And since its income is derived from advertisers, it simply acted to protect that revenue source. If they can get away with announcing "Phil Robertson is suspended" while continuing to run shows that have him in it, and if the advertiser base is satisfied with that move, then they've covered all their bases. Everybody wins.
I'm Ukrainian/Irish white and I demand you call me this every time.

I be callin' you Molly O'Ukie, k? :D

"Negroes" refers to the OP, not you. The guy who thinks he's a Hawaii Five-O actor.

Interestingly the actor who played Steve McGarrett, he too would have had ----- all together now ----- a morality clause. Just in case he fucked up.

You're such a smart ass.


Molly O'Ukie?

omg.................I have no words. Now that is funny...............

Flattery will get you everywhere. :D
All these people pointing at gays and screaming about sins brings to mind a Bible passage;

Matthew 18.

23 “Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up to date with servants who had borrowed money from him. 24 In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him millions of dollars.[c] 25 He couldn’t pay, so his master ordered that he be sold—along with his wife, his children, and everything he owned—to pay the debt.

26 “But the man fell down before his master and begged him, ‘Please, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.’ 27 Then his master was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt.

28 “But when the man left the king, he went to a fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars.[d] He grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment.

29 “His fellow servant fell down before him and begged for a little more time. ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it,’ he pleaded. 30 But his creditor wouldn’t wait. He had the man arrested and put in prison until the debt could be paid in full.

31 “When some of the other servants saw this, they were very upset. They went to the king and told him everything that had happened. 32 Then the king called in the man he had forgiven and said, ‘You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. 33 Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?’ 34 Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt.

35 “That’s what my heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters[e] from your heart.”
I'm Ukrainian/Irish white and I demand you call me this every time.

I'm a mutt... descended from Irish, Scot, English, French, Alsatian, Spanish/Moorish folks who just wanted to get the fuck away from a bad situation and find a better life anywhere other than the shit-hole where they were from...

Great -- I gotta think up a name for you too?

Seamus Alistair Winston Pierre Gilles Pedro/Abdul. Howzat?
You know, I think just a couple of dozen more threads, and the plan to pave over USMB with all-Duck Dynasty threads will be complete.

Thanks for that.


That would be all ducked up!

Well as I said before, Phil Robertson and family should be jealous of these threads, 'cause we sho' have shot us down some canards in the last few.
I'm Ukrainian/Irish white and I demand you call me this every time.

I'm a mutt... descended from Irish, Scot, English, French, Alsatian, Spanish/Moorish folks who just wanted to get the fuck away from a bad situation and find a better life anywhere other than the shit-hole where they were from...

Great -- I gotta think up a name for you too?

Seamus Alistair Winston Pierre Gilles Pedro/Abdul. Howzat?


Bill'll do...

but you can call me Ahmet if you like... :)
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It is going well but not well for gays. Also you immaturity is showing for calling Louisiana 'Sleaziana'. Grow up!

I certainly can call it that, since I lived there for a dozen years.

But feel free to make the case that Sleaziana is a haven for ethical fortitude.
Sleaziana -- where the DMV office is closed because it's Good Friday.
Sleaziana - where the Sorrento police department had to be completely disbanded due to rampant corruption.
Sleaziana-- where bumper stickers remind the populace to elect a felon so that they don't elect a Klansman.

Guess you'd rather focus on "Sleaziana" than my point. It figures.
I think Louisiana is a wonderful place full of rich American history that would make anyone proud to live there. Full of nice southern hospitality, great people, great hunting and fishing as well as LSU and Saints football. Corruption is in every state of the union and especially in the White House run by a non-natural born Citizen never Constitutionally eligible for the presidency. You said the Sorrento PD had to be disbanded do to corruption. How many police did they employ since the population is 1,400 people? As for Edwards and Duke, that was 23 years ago when Duke had not been in the Klan for a decade or more.
Arrest in the Czech Republic and dropping of the charges
On April 24, 2009, Duke, who had arrived in the Czech Republic on invitation by a Czech neo-Nazi Group known as Národní Odpor ("National Resistance")[151] to deliver three lectures in Prague and Brno to promote the translation of his book My Awakening into the Czech language.[151] He was arrested on suspicion of "denying or approving of the Nazi genocide and other Nazi crimes" and "promotion of movements seeking suppression of human rights," which are crimes in the Czech Republic punishable by up to three years' imprisonment. At the time of his arrest, Duke was reportedly guarded by members of the Národní Odpor.[152][153]
The Czech police accused Duke of promoting movements suppressing human rights.[154][155][156] The police released him early on April 25, 2009, on condition that he leave the country by midnight that same day.[157][158]
Duke's first lecture had been scheduled at Charles University in Prague, but it was canceled after university officials learned that neo-Nazis were planning to attend.[159] Some Czech politicians, including Interior Minister Ivan Langer and Human Rights and Minorities Minister Michael Kocáb, had previously expressed opposition to Duke's being allowed into the country.[152]
In September 2009, the office of the District Prosecutor for Prague dropped all charges, explaining that there was no evidence that David Duke had committed any crime.[160]

Expulsion from Italy, 2013
An Italian court ruled to expel Duke from Italy, reported Reuters in December 2013.[161] The 63-year-old Duke was living in a mountain village in Italy. Although Duke had been issued a visa to live in Malta and write, Italian police later found that Switzerland had issued a residence ban against Duke throughout a group of 26 countries including Italy. Duke's attorney said he had not decided, as of December 5, 2013 whether or not to appeal the decision.[161]
Election history

Main article: Electoral history of David Duke
Proposed 2012 presidential campaign

Duke claimed that thousands of Tea Party movement activists had urged him to run for president in 2012[162][163] and he was seriously considering entering the Republican Party primaries.[163] However, Duke ultimately did not contest the primaries or the 2012 presidential election, which was won by Barack Obama.[164]
In 2013, the Louisiana secretary of state does not list Duke as a registered voter in Louisiana on its "Voter Portal" website.[165]

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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