Love It: Lawsuit Filed On Democratic Party For Them To Define If Obama Is Qualified


May 29, 2010
What a brilliant serious tactic by the Liberty Legal Foundation and Presidential Candidate John Dummett filing these multiple suits and they will have to be answered. This is a maneuver designed not to go directly at Obama by name but instead the National Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee for them to confirm what a natural born Citizen is before they put a candidate on the Presidential ballot for 2012. The lawsuits were both filed in Arizona at the State and Federal Level. This is to make sure the candidate is indeed a natural born Citizen and not a Citizen and qualified to meet Article 2 Section 1. I remember that Alan Keyes filed suit directly against Obama but it was after the election and it was dismissed because the Judge stated that if he had filed it during the campaign as a candidate, then he would have had standing to challenge Obama's eligibility. You see, it was discovered after Obama was sworn in that the Official Certification Of Nomination Forms by the Democratic National Committe and the Democratic National Party of Hawaii failed to explicitly include the language required by law in HRS 11-113(c)(1)(B) stating that Obama was legally qualified as a natural born Citizen under the Constitution. The legal wording was included in Clinton, Gore and Kerry's forms when they ran for president.

Lawsuits seeking to stop Democrats from certifying candidate's qualified
Obama's 2012 run to be non-starter?

Just when the White House probably thought those pesky lawsuits seeking a court determination that Barack Obama fails to meet the Constitution's eligibility requirements for a president were finished, something new has appeared on the horizon.

Or in this case, the court docket.

The Liberty Legal Foundation has filed a pair of lawsuits in state and federal courts that don't ask anything about Obama's birth or for any determination from the court about his eligibility. Or his birth certificate, for that matter.

Instead, they name the national Democratic Party as a defendant, and ask the court to enjoin officials there from certifying that Obama is eligible for the office for the 2012 election.

"This complaint does not request or require this court to find that President Obama is not qualified to hold the office of president of the United States. Instead, this complaint is directed toward defining the term 'natural-born citizen' under the Constitution of the United States, and toward negligence or intentional misrepresentations of the Democratic Party.

Another Article Here:

Breaking: Liberty Legal Foundation and Presidential Candidate John Dummett File Multiple Eligibility Lawsuits Against Barack Hussein Obama| The Post & Email

Important Points:
■Lawsuit asks court to enjoin National Democratic Party from certifying Obama as Constitutionally qualified to hold the office of President

■Lack of certification by Democratic Party would prevent Obama from appearing on the ballot in the 2012 general election

■Lawsuit asks court to confirm Supreme Court’s definition of “natural-born citizen” as having two parents that are BOTH U.S. citizens at time of birth. See Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875).

■Obama’s place of birth and birth certificate are irrelevant and not discussed

Exerpt of Text:

lawsuit simply points out that the Supreme Court has defined “natural-born citizen” as a person born to two parents who were both U.S. citizens at the time of the natural-born citizen’s birth. Obama’s father was never a U.S. citizen. Therefore, Obama can never be a natural-born citizen. His place of birth is irrelevant.

Despite numerous legal challenges, no lawsuit to date has been able to get a hearing on the merits related to Obama’s natural-born status. LLF has studied all of these cases in order learn from the rulings and avoid the pitfalls that stopped those lawsuits. LLF has learned that all states rely upon the truthfulness of representations made by the political parties, that their candidates are qualified to hold the federal office for which they are nominated. By naming the National Democratic Party as the defendant LLF not only targets the entity responsible for vetting the Democratic candidate, LLF also avoids taking on any state or federal government. The Democratic Party is a private entity, without any government immunities or government procedural advantages.

LLF also learned that Presidential candidates that are registered with the Federal Election Commission have standing to ask a court to keep another candidate off the ballot. Consequently LLF partnered with FEC-registered Presidential Candidate John Dummett. Mr. Dummett is a conservative Republican who believes that the Constitution should be followed.

Because LLF has a lead plaintiff that is a Presidential Candidate, and because that plaintiff is also a Liberty Legal member, Liberty Legal has standing to sue as well. If one plaintiff has standing to sue, all plaintiffs have standing to sue.

Copies of the filed complaints are attached to this release.

Dated: 10/26/11
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This will happen the same way you thought Palin would be president. You're pathetic.
Well everyone knows Obama isn't qualified to be President but that doesn't mean hes not a natural born citizen. The fact that the media stood idly by without questioning his qualifications and inexperience or vetting him one bit says a lot about journalism in America today. There will never be a situation again where we as a country can say that a person is not qualified or experienced enough to be President. It's pretty sad.
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It's clearly amazing that the liberals on this board lack the intellectual capacity to discuss this situation about the Democratic Party and Legal Foundation. It is truly a sign that liberals have no insight into how to discuss anything of importance in a rational logical manner. Michael Savage is right, Liberalism is indeed a disease of the brain.
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It's clearly amazing that the liberals on this board lacks the intelletual capacity to discuss this situation about the Democratic Party and Legal Foundation. It is truly a sign that liberals have no insight into how to discuss anything of importance in a rational logical manner. Michael Savage is right, Liberalism is indeed a disease of the brain.


That's funny coming from a racist retard like you.
It's clearly amazing that the liberals on this board lacks the intelletual capacity to discuss this situation about the Democratic Party and Legal Foundation. It is truly a sign that liberals have no insight into how to discuss anything of importance in a rational logical manner. Michael Savage is right, Liberalism is indeed a disease of the brain.


That's funny coming from a racist retard like you.
Racism is irrelevant in this Legal Foundation case. Discuss the case. Tell me about how the democratic party will handle it and why?
Well everyone knows Obama isn't qualified to be President but that doesn't mean hes not a natural born citizen. The fact that the media stood idly by without questioning his qualifications and inexperience or vetting him one bit says a lot about journalism in America today. There will never be a situation again where we as a country can say that a person is not qualified or experienced enough to be President. It's pretty sad.

What's sad is that you think it's up to the media to vet presidential candidates. It's up to you. Obama won by a clear majority. Apparently, the millions who voted for him think he's qualified. Better luck next time, sore loser.

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