Loving Your Children Versus Loving Your Stuff


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
An actual choice.

1.In the big picture, what stuff of yours is so valuable to you, that it is worth raising kids who believe that the only things that count are race, class and gender?

“Teacher union leader says ‘white supremacy’ fuels reopening efforts, concerns over lockdown suicides are ‘white privilege’” Teacher union leader says 'white supremacy' fuels reopening efforts, concerns over lockdown suicides are 'white privilege' - Conservative News Outlet

If the government school system is your choice, you are bequeathing to your kids that mantra, ‘race, class, and gender,’ over knowledge, the ability to reason, and the exceptionalism of America.

2. The basis of the thread title is that many have come to accept that two earners are necessary to succeed. And, the economics of modern life may indicate that. But consider the reason: government is your partner in fully half of what you earn: taxes, fees, licenses, fines, ….add ‘em all up: it’s the half of your income that you’d have if only one parent went to work, and the other raised the kids: not the school system.

You wouldn’t have to give up those material things that you are choosing over raising and educating your children if half of your income wasn't being stolen in the vote-buying scheme.

3. Who to blame? Which is the ‘tax and spend’ party?

“But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” Education of a President (Published 2010)

Sometimes, they let on:

"Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off."
"Showdown At Gucci Gulch," Jeffrey H. Birnbaum And Alan S. Murray, page 35

4. Shouldn’t it be the parent’s choice, nay, obligation, to determine what sort of outlook, worldview, their progeny have? Or is it the prerogative of government…. ‘experts’ on your children.

What if the stark choice is between these two poles:

“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

I tend toward this view
On Wednesday, June 6, 1928 the Oxford English Dictionary was completed. In The Meaning of Everything, Simon Winchester discusses the English of the time as follows:

“The English establishment of the day might be rightly derided at this remove as having been class-ridden and imperialist, bombastic and blimpish, racist and insouciant- but it was marked undeniably also by a sweeping erudition and confidence, and it was peopled by men and women who felt they were able to know all, to understand much, and in consequence to radiate the wisdom of deep learning.”

5. Are there material possession that are more valuable to you than the investment in your children?
Bet you can't name any.

So why are you behaving as though there were?
Yer just bull shittin us right? Unless you missed the comedy board...lol

Good lord these kids can't even add.
two earners are necessary to succeed. And, the economics of modern life may indicate that. But consider the reason: government is your partner in fully half of what you earn: taxes, fees, licenses, fines, ….add ‘em all up: it’s the half of your income that you’d have if only one parent went to work, and the other raised the kids: not the school system.

The government took more from us in teh 50's when women strayed in the kitchen.

So that blows up your narrative pretty badly.

Try something else, maybe you will have better sucess.

There are still single-wage earner families in America, of course.
two earners are necessary to succeed. And, the economics of modern life may indicate that. But consider the reason: government is your partner in fully half of what you earn: taxes, fees, licenses, fines, ….add ‘em all up: it’s the half of your income that you’d have if only one parent went to work, and the other raised the kids: not the school system.

The government took more from us in teh 50's when women strayed in the kitchen.

So that blows up your narrative pretty badly.

Try something else, maybe you will have better sucess.


Watch me destroy your post and reveal your ignorance.

"The Progressive Tax Myth
The 1950s weren't the golden era of tax fairness.

For example, in 1960 the statutory top marginal rate on filers reporting over $1 million in income sat at 91 percent. The actual effective tax rate paid for the same million-dollar bracket was just 46 percent due to the use of deductions and other legal techniques to reduce one's overall tax burden. Second, top marginal rates tell us very little about where the locus of the actual tax burden sits across all income earners."

"Taxes on the Rich Were Not That Much Higher in the 1950s

"The data shows that, between 1950 and 1959, the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid an average of 42.0 percent of their income in federal, state, and local taxes. "

Federal, state, local, license fees, hidden taxes of all sorts......half your income at least.

So you're a government school grad, huh?
Watch me destroy your post and reveal your ignorance.

Well, I am waiting.

So far, nada.

color me shocked.

As you ignored the other dispositive post, I'm sure you will ignore this one.....it's what your sort does:

According to Americans for Tax Reform, Americans must work more than half the year on average to finance the total cost of government, including regulatory, paperwork, and other costs. See http://www.atr.org/.

As I said.....Democrat governance steals half the American worker's earnings.
Without that theft, one parent would be able to stay home and raise the children.
6. “For a while, I've been wondering if it's parental malpractice to put your kids in public schools. More and more, it's gone beyond wondering.

When Horace Mann first campaigned to introduce compulsory public schooling, the model he chose was based on the schools in Prussia. Some of his critics objected: The Prussian system, they said, was based on the presumption that the government was smarter than the people. In America, presumption was precisely the reverse. Mann won out, but the result raises some questions about who's smarter.

The people running these schools are providing considerable evidence that they are not especially bright. Or, at any rate, that they have little respect for American culture.” Fighting education fanatics: Column

7. Are you certain you want your children to grow up believing that this is perfectly normal?

"Rose McGowan’s Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Maced in a Women’s Bathroom


Rain Dove, a gender fluid model who’s currently dating actress Rose McGowan was maced by a woman in a woman bathroom after being mistaken for a man.
“This person peppersprayed me in a ‘women’s restroom’ a little bit ago. I didn’t get to converse with this being because this person just sprayed me and ran past with their kids in terror, asking the security guard to come in and confront me. I wasn’t even able to get the humans name because of the chaos and the washing,” Rain Dove said."
Rose McGowan's Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Maced in a Women's Bathroom
Watch me destroy your post and reveal your ignorance.

Well, I am waiting.

So far, nada.

color me shocked.

As you ignored the other dispositive post, I'm sure you will ignore this one.....it's what your sort does:

According to Americans for Tax Reform, Americans must work more than half the year on average to finance the total cost of government, including regulatory, paperwork, and other costs. See http://www.atr.org/.

As I said.....Democrat governance steals half the American worker's earnings.
Without that theft, one parent would be able to stay home and raise the children.

You say different things every time you post.

When one cannot support their contention, this is common.

One cannot support a contention that has been fabricated. Just an FYI

7. Are you certain you want your children to grow up believing that this is perfectly normal?

"Rose McGowan’s Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Maced in a Women’s Bathroom

I think we found something we can agree on. Macing someone for using a bathroom is totally unacceptable. Of course we don't want kids to think it's OK.
An actual choice.

1.In the big picture, what stuff of yours is so valuable to you, that it is worth raising kids who believe that the only things that count are race, class and gender?

“Teacher union leader says ‘white supremacy’ fuels reopening efforts, concerns over lockdown suicides are ‘white privilege’” Teacher union leader says 'white supremacy' fuels reopening efforts, concerns over lockdown suicides are 'white privilege' - Conservative News Outlet

If the government school system is your choice, you are bequeathing to your kids that mantra, ‘race, class, and gender,’ over knowledge, the ability to reason, and the exceptionalism of America.

2. The basis of the thread title is that many have come to accept that two earners are necessary to succeed. And, the economics of modern life may indicate that. But consider the reason: government is your partner in fully half of what you earn: taxes, fees, licenses, fines, ….add ‘em all up: it’s the half of your income that you’d have if only one parent went to work, and the other raised the kids: not the school system.

You wouldn’t have to give up those material things that you are choosing over raising and educating your children if half of your income wasn't being stolen in the vote-buying scheme.

3. Who to blame? Which is the ‘tax and spend’ party?

“But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” Education of a President (Published 2010)

Sometimes, they let on:

"Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off."
"Showdown At Gucci Gulch," Jeffrey H. Birnbaum And Alan S. Murray, page 35

4. Shouldn’t it be the parent’s choice, nay, obligation, to determine what sort of outlook, worldview, their progeny have? Or is it the prerogative of government…. ‘experts’ on your children.

What if the stark choice is between these two poles:

“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

I tend toward this view
On Wednesday, June 6, 1928 the Oxford English Dictionary was completed. In The Meaning of Everything, Simon Winchester discusses the English of the time as follows:

“The English establishment of the day might be rightly derided at this remove as having been class-ridden and imperialist, bombastic and blimpish, racist and insouciant- but it was marked undeniably also by a sweeping erudition and confidence, and it was peopled by men and women who felt they were able to know all, to understand much, and in consequence to radiate the wisdom of deep learning.”

5. Are there material possession that are more valuable to you than the investment in your children?
Bet you can't name any.

So why are you behaving as though there were?

Something for you from our neck of the woods. A travesty ongoing.

Harford parents, students demand schools reopen; superintendent stresses need to follow state guidance
8. At one time America had the finest schools in the world. No longer. Our students do abysmally on tests with students of other nations.

“U.S. Students Show No Improvement in Math, Reading, Science on International Exam
Most troubling among the results was that an international performance gap in education is widening.

After those results were released, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, who has long bemoaned the U.S. performance on the exam, slammed the K-12 education establishment for allowing students to fall behind in math and reading without fully taking advantage of the types of "education freedom" at the heart of the Trump administration's agenda.

She did the same Tuesday in reacting to the PISA scores.

"The bottom line is there has not been a single study that shows American education is improving enough," DeVos said in a statement. "Scores have flatlined for a decade. Worse yet, scores for our most vulnerable students continue to decline. We are being outpaced not only by our global competitors like China and Russia, but also by countries like Estonia, Finland and Canada."

Something has replaced education in government schools.

The cult of race and gender victimology, otherwise known as “diversity.” Heather MacDonald
Watch me destroy your post and reveal your ignorance.

Well, I am waiting.

So far, nada.

color me shocked.

As you ignored the other dispositive post, I'm sure you will ignore this one.....it's what your sort does:

According to Americans for Tax Reform, Americans must work more than half the year on average to finance the total cost of government, including regulatory, paperwork, and other costs. See http://www.atr.org/.

As I said.....Democrat governance steals half the American worker's earnings.
Without that theft, one parent would be able to stay home and raise the children.

You say different things every time you post.

When one cannot support their contention, this is common.

One cannot support a contention that has been fabricated. Just an FYI


2. The basis of the thread title is that many have come to accept that two earners are necessary to succeed. And, the economics of modern life may indicate that. But consider the reason: government is your partner in fully half of what you earn: taxes, fees, licenses, fines, ….add ‘em all up: it’s the half of your income that you’d have if only one parent went to work, and the other raised the kids: not the school system.

You wouldn’t have to give up those material things that you are choosing over raising and educating your children if half of your income wasn't being stolen in the vote-buying scheme.

3. Who to blame? Which is the ‘tax and spend’ party?

“But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” Education of a President (Published 2010)

Sometimes, they let on:

"Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off."
"Showdown At Gucci Gulch," Jeffrey H. Birnbaum And Alan S. Murray, page 35

"Americans Will Work More than 6 Months to Pay Cost of Gov't in 2012

(CNSNews.com) – This year, Americans have to work until July 15 to pay for the burden of government, more than six months.
In a new report, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) has calculated that Americans will spend a total of 197 days toiling to pay for the cost of government.
"Cost of Government Day is the date of the calendar year on which the average American worker has earned enough gross income to pay off his or her share of the spending and regulatory burden imposed by government at the federal, state and local levels," reads the report.
The report, Cost of Government Day, shows that Americans will work 88 days to pay for federal spending; 40 days for state and local spending; and 69 days for total regulatory costs.
"From a different perspective, the cost of government makes up 54.0 percent of annual gross domestic product (GDP)," reads the report. "What's more, the largest tax hike in the nation's history is scheduled to take place at the end of 2012 unless Congress acts to protect taxpayers. If this tax increase is allowed to hit, COGD [Cost of Government Day] could permanently be pushed back into August and beyond."
7. Are you certain you want your children to grow up believing that this is perfectly normal?

"Rose McGowan’s Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Maced in a Women’s Bathroom

I think we found something we can agree on. Macing someone for using a bathroom is totally unacceptable. Of course we don't want kids to think it's OK.

Are you certain you want your children to grow up believing that this is perfectly normal?

"Rose McGowan’s Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Maced in a Women’s Bathroom


Wait.......is that your picture?????
I got a kick out of the Babylon Bee highlighting that home schooling involves actual teaching of subject matter, rclather than the race-class-gender nonsense.......

"Study: Majority Of Homeschoolers Arrive At College Woefully Unprepared For Gender Studies


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Education experts and policymakers are sounding the alarm today after a newly released study revealed that homeschoolers are eleventy-billion percent more likely to start their college careers shockingly unprepared for gender studies. According to teachers union officials familiar with the situation, homeschooling parents are neglecting to teach their children even the most basic principles of gender identity.

"An unprecedented number of poorly educated kids arrive at college actually identifying with their biological sex," said Dr. Xindri Pavlovix. "It's a concerning trend. These kids aren't learning the basic difference between biological sex and gender expression or identity. I asked one of my male students what his gender identity and preferred pronouns were, and he just stared at me with a dumb look on his face. Unbelievable!"
To ensure this disturbing trend is reversed, educators have suggested banning homeschooling entirely. Others have suggested going even further and just banning parents altogether. "Parents are an outdated relic of a patriarchal society," said Dr. Pavlovix. "They are endangering our kids and need to be removed from the home immediately."
When reached for comment on the situation, one local dad simply shrugged and continued his "Rifle Marksmanship and Constitutional Law" lesson to his 14 kids."
9. Something has replaced education in government schools.

The cult of race and gender victimology,
otherwise known as “diversity.” Heather MacDonald

“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.”
Caldron Pool

Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view, and this view has taken hold, even if only subconsciously. (Prager)

When the question is presented…the title of this thread…most parents will deny that the new car, golf clubs, McMansion….is more important than the future of their children…..but they have been tricked into making that very decision: they trust their prized possession to government schooling.

And when those indoctrinated children become adults, and vote Democrat, they get this pat on the head from the Leftists:

“More openly lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people were elected Tuesday night than in any previous election, signaling a shift in cultural attitudes…”
In ‘Rainbow Wave,’ L.G.B.T. Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbers (Published 2018)

And this is the ‘pride’ of America????
10. Parents feel that they don’t have the expertise to choose a curriculum, and teach same…but there are numerous excellent computer based home-school subscriptions. We chose K12.com, courses for every level, regular testing, and allow parents to monitor the education.

“But how do I teach an intense subject like science?”

Wait….you imagine that this is science that is being taught in schools? Where do you suppose kids ‘learn’ that there are 56 genders, and that men can have babies???

Do not expect government school to produce students who recognize this: real science.

“Human sex “is a binary, biologically determined, and immutable trait from conception forward.”
… there is no “spectrum” of sex along which human beings can be found. Biological sex is binary. According to University of California–Santa Barbara evolutionary biologist Dr. Colin Wright, “The claim that classifying people’s sex upon anatomy and genetics ‘has no basis in science’ has itself no basis in reality, as any method exhibiting a predictive accuracy of over 99.98 percent would place it among the most precise methods in all the life sciences.”

By contrast, “gender identity” is a psychological phenomenon, not an immutable characteristic, and not found anywhere in the body, brain, or DNA. There is no medical test that can detect it. …. the condition clearly is not genetic. Nor is there any evidence to support the common claim that a patient has a “girl’s brain in a boy’s body,” or vice versa, as repeated in media sensations such as I Am Jazz.

To the contrary, every cell of a male’s brain has a Y chromosome and every cell of a female’s brain has two X chromosomes, which is true regardless of whether the individual “feels like” the opposite sex.

Any “evidence” of an innate gender identity is utterly fictitious; to the contrary, there is much unrefuted evidence that various psychological and environmental factors are determinative.”
Will transgenderism be swept away by history?
11. In addition to the political bias of government schools, there is the question about how educated those educators actually are.

“At many large universities with an undergraduate college of education, the education school is regarded by students and faculty alike as the weak link, sometimes something of an embarrassment. None of the top dozen or so universities in rankings compiled by magazines like US News or Forbes typically even has an undergraduate ed school, in contrast to lots of institutions among the lowest ranked universities that were originally "normal schools" that even now have large education colleges.

An important new study of literally thousands of teacher prep programs from the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) suggests the campus indictments of education schools are very justified.

The students majoring in education are below average academically, with relatively low test scores and high school rank. They often have so-so preparation in the subject matter they are going to teach.

Relatively weak students are given a non-rigorous course of study but earn very high grades. The Alarming Truth About Education Majors


…why are you turning your children over to these folks????
Since teachers salaries are low did you expect the best and the brightest to go into a profession where half the nation hates you? Why do people do a job ike that when they can make 5x that in the private sector? America is all about materialism and $$$ first and foremost. People want their things. The more money the more things.
Since teachers salaries are low did you expect the best and the brightest to go into a profession where half the nation hates you? Why do people do a job ike that when they can make 5x that in the private sector? ...


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