Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

After 3 1/2 years of Trump the one and only defense for trump is screeching TDS and scampering away. Do you have anything new or less idiotic for us today?
It's the way to explain the unhinged leftists in America. Or are you saying their actions are intentional and terrorist wanting to destroy the country?
Hmmm, I thought I saw hecklers and anti-Trumpsters in the crowd when watching. How did they get in or how did they stay in ??? This lady must have been acting up early.. lol

Carma will get cha.

She got ejected ohh well.
Nope. They saw her shirt and didn’t want her there. Can’t have any fragile Trump supporters around that kind of speech.
So let me get this straight, because of Trump’s abysmal rally numbers, he and his supporters would like us to believe that a handful of protesters stopped almost a million attendees from getting in.

Do I have that right?!
Meanwhile dirty tricks reports against the Rally, has surfaced:

Pj Media

'Dirty Tricks' Sabotage Trump Tulsa Rally



Tik-Tok and K-Pop users are claiming they reserved hundreds of tickets for Donald Trump’s Tulsa rally, never having any intention of showing up. The result was a half-empty arena in Tulsa for the president’s post-coronavirus restart of his campaign.

In fact, Twitter is alight this morning with reports that dozens of teens reserved thousands of rally tickets to sabotage the optics of Trump’s speech.

Trending on Twitter this morning is #EveryoneLaughingAtYouDonald and #TrumpRallyFail.

Is someone claiming they have found a secret way for reserving "tickets?? Did an army of teenage ninja techs defeat Donald Dork?
It's the way to explain the unhinged leftists in America. Or are you saying their actions are intentional and terrorist wanting to destroy the country?
So let me get this straight, because of Trump’s abysmal rally numbers, he and his supporters would like us to believe that a handful of protesters stopped almost a million attendees from getting in.

Do I have that right?!
See you in 2020 LOL
"A spokesperson for the Tulsa Fire Department told Fox News on Sunday that fire marshal records show just under 6,200 scanned tickets were logged for the rally at the BOK Center. The figure doesn't include Trump team staff members or private suites, which were fully booked. The president and his campaign had touted 1 million ticket requests; the arena's capacity is 19,000."
That was my point about Biden and Hillary's crowd.
2020 election is a referendum on Trump. He is losing support and the anti-Trump faction is growing support. The anti-Trump support is growing with every dumb decision, dumb statement, dumb call for an indoor rally in the middle of the pandemic he does.
There is no doubt Trump and his minions are going down. They will be a shit stain on the history of the US. Everyone who supported Trump will be known as a piece of sh#t.
So many Trump cultists are pointing out that DearLeader allowed himself to get humiliated by teenage K-Pop fans as if that's a good thing. It's not. It illustrates why Trump always fails so spectacularly at foreign policy. America's opponents don't play fair either, so they can always roll over the hapless Trump.

It was funny that DearLeader only brought in a tenth of what he promised. That makes him look like a big loser, which is a catastrophe for a guy who runs on using his supposed "winner" status to appeal to angry betas who crave a daddy figure.

Even funnier? Whining for 10 minutes about Watergait. Getting cheers for managing to drink a glass of water with one hand. Even though he still had to put his pinky underneath to steady it. The man is not well.

But the funniest thing? Watching Trump's pajama boi brigades here going into tantrum mode. The cult propaganda isn't working on them any more. They're starting to realize just how bad of catastrophe they're facing, hence their tearful meltdowns.

Image is VITAL

^^^ image ain't working for donny & critical thinkers know & understand why biden doesn't ' need ' rallies. he really doesn't really hafta say much at all at this point, 'cause donny is burying himself.
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2020 election is a referendum on Trump. He is losing support and the anti-Trump faction is growing support. The anti-Trump support is growing with every dumb decision, dumb statement, dumb call for an indoor rally in the middle of the pandemic he does.
There is no doubt Trump and his minions are going down. They will be a shit stain on the history of the US. Everyone who supported Trump will be known as a piece of sh#t.

^^^ THAT ^^^
masks don't work, winger. the very best masks have a .3 micron filter, the virus is .0125 microns, even you should be able to understand why that doesn't work.

But old senile Joe sleeps with his mask on and re-cycles his CO2. Might be why his brain no longer functions.

masks alone, no. but combine wearing one WITH distancing & WITH washing yer hands sure is helping. until there's a vaccine, WITHOUT clorox & sunshine, then that's the way to deal with it & not be stuuuuuuuuupid in thinking you're safer without all that.
The only crying you hear is three years of TDS snowflakes like you crying about something fake news lied to you about the president.
In other news President Trump wins big in 2020.
Fake news?

Record attendance, are you serious?
only armed were trump supporters.
"A spokesperson for the Tulsa Fire Department told Fox News on Sunday that fire marshal records show just under 6,200 scanned tickets were logged for the rally at the BOK Center. The figure doesn't include Trump team staff members or private suites, which were fully booked. The president and his campaign had touted 1 million ticket requests; the arena's capacity is 19,000."
Trump rally was tricked by a bunch of kids on Tik Tok to expect more. attendees And apparently a few hundred peaceful protesters scared away a bunch of Trump supporters. The protesters said nasty things to the Trump supporters and hurt their feelings so they went home.
2020 election is a referendum on Trump. He is losing support and the anti-Trump faction is growing support. The anti-Trump support is growing with every dumb decision, dumb statement, dumb call for an indoor rally in the middle of the pandemic he does.
There is no doubt Trump and his minions are going down. They will be a shit stain on the history of the US. Everyone who supported Trump will be known as a piece of sh#t.
What will these self-proclaimed conservatives tell themselves when Biden beats the snot out of Trump in November?
It is being reported that turnout in Trump's really today was way below expectations.
Sad .

This is walk of tired, worn out, loser of an old man.


The Fucking 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Pussy Grabbing Coward got punked by a bunch fucking teenagers and Fucking Korean Boy Band.

No Fucking Overflow.

No hundreds of thousands of Seig Heil GroppenFuhrer Followers.

Fucking Losers.
Photo taken three hours before the rally started ASSHOLE!

Breaking|Jun 21, 2020,02:16am EDT
Turnout At Trump’s Tulsa Rally Was Just Under 6,200–A Fraction Of The Venue’s 19,200 Capacity
Andrew SolenderForbes Staff
Turnout At Trump’s Tulsa Rally Was Just Under 6,200–A Fraction Of The Venue’s 19,200 Capacity

now.... follow the bouncing ball:

19,200 (seat capacity) - 6,200 (actual attendees) = 13,000 (empty seats).

13,000 (empty seats) vs 6,200 (actual bodies) = >than 1/2 of donny's deplorables showed up.

> than 1/2 of donny's deplorables showing up = FAIL.

get it? got it?


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