Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Wasn't harming anyone when being found in a restricted area ?? That is where she was at right ?? I mean this is what I heard as part reason for the ejection. If have other information, then do share it. Thanks.
It was restricted only in that she passed through security before getting into the venue. She was in the same place as every other attendee.
Doesn’t seem “dirty” to me. Trolling yes. Dirty? No.

You didn't read the article, where the people who did this was admitted doing dirty tricks in Twitter postings.

Try reading the article before making foolish replies.
You didn't read the article, where the people who did this was admitted doing dirty tricks in Twitter postings.

Try reading the article before making foolish replies.
I just want to ask why you think it was a “dirty” trick.
You are capable of thinking for yourself, aren’t you?
Said the mindless sheep crybabying like a little bitch about fake voter fraud, because his cult masters told him to do so...
The only crying you hear is three years of TDS snowflakes like you crying about something fake news lied to you about the president.
In other news President Trump wins big in 2020.
The only crying you hear is three years of TDS snowflakes like you crying about something fake news lied to you about the president.
In other news President Trump wins big in 2020.
After 3 1/2 years of Trump the one and only defense for trump is screeching TDS and scampering away. Do you have anything new or less idiotic for us today?
Trump is a FAILED business man. 7 bankruptcies. 3000+ law suits. $1 billion in losses in the 1980's. He plays a rich successful billionaire on TV. That doesn't mean he is one.

Look at the mess he's made with his trade wars. 7 trade wars all at the same time. How do you fight wars on 7 different fronts at the same time? Badly. His trade war with China was supposed to be "easy to win", but so far the American farmers have lost. Big Time.

2018 saw the highest number of farm bankruptcies in American history because of Trump's trade wars. That record was broken in 2019. It's the small family farms that are going under. The farms where the farmer lives on the land, and is a good environmental steward of the land. These farms are being snapped up by factory farm corporations, many of them foreign owned. They don't live on the land. It's just a balance sheet asset, which produces revenue.

Trump's "interim agreement" with the Chinese requires increase exports to 2017 levels (pre-tarrifs), by 2022. So having destroyed their markets with his tariiffs, Trump gave the Chinese another 2 years to get back to where they started. 5 years of economic pain to get back to where they were 5 years ago. How many small farmers will be left by then?

How much is Trump being paid to destroy the small business in America? McDonalds and Pizza Huts aren't closing. The independent family owned restaurants are the ones who are closing. They don't have the resources to re-open on 25% of capacity. They were netting 15% of sales, with 100% capacity. The rent, utitilities and supplies didn't go down by 75%. Unless they're able to achieve pretty close to 100% of sales via take-out, they're losing money.

When the economy emerges from this pandemic, once again the bailouts will go to big businesses and corporations. The small independent operators will be bankrupt, and the big guys will pick up more business. The small independent retailers were forced to closed. The big chains simply go on.
Not supposed to be about the past, but rather how one has emerged victorious from it. It's supposed to be about right now, and how this nation can move forward for all, and the Democrats show that they have no true plan other than waring with the other party. We don't need this war that the Democrats started, but if it's war they want, then it's war they get.

Anyone who thinks that they can look back and see no mistakes made, and then deny the lessons learned from those mistakes aren't being honest brokers.

Are you one of these perfect accusatory Democrats who made no mistakes in your life, and therefore you look at others with a purity in your heart thinking to yourself that you are better than they are, so you attempt to destroy them from your purity standpoint or positions taken ??? Now if saved and born again, therefore leaving sin in the dust, then of course you should not befriend SIN again in your life, even though you still won't be perfect, but rather to keep moving away from it always. People have their own examples of what sin does in their lives, and to deny that is just crazy or evil.

Not a capitalist eh ?

Any business that doesn't create a rainy day fund or have insurance shouldn't be in business to begin with. It cost the governments way to much of our hard earned tax dollars in a redistribution or money shifting trying to uphold bad risk players for whom begin to become dependent, and ultimately corrupt if not careful.

Hey I know what, how about judging Trump on his current job performance instead of on his past. How about getting your ball in the game, and see what he can do with it for you. Now that's a brilliant idea, ohh wait nevermind. TDS might be terminal.
It is being reported that turnout in Trump's really today was way below expectations.
Sad .

How many people are in Creepy Joe Biden's living room to watch one of his social distancing rambling diatribes?
Meanwhile dirty tricks reports against the Rally, has surfaced:

Pj Media

'Dirty Tricks' Sabotage Trump Tulsa Rally



Tik-Tok and K-Pop users are claiming they reserved hundreds of tickets for Donald Trump’s Tulsa rally, never having any intention of showing up. The result was a half-empty arena in Tulsa for the president’s post-coronavirus restart of his campaign.

In fact, Twitter is alight this morning with reports that dozens of teens reserved thousands of rally tickets to sabotage the optics of Trump’s speech.

Trending on Twitter this morning is #EveryoneLaughingAtYouDonald and #TrumpRallyFail.

It was a lot more than a few dozen teens, lmao! Go Millenials!

It was restricted only in that she passed through security before getting into the venue. She was in the same place as every other attendee.
Hmmm, I thought I saw hecklers and anti-Trumpsters in the crowd when watching. How did they get in or how did they stay in ??? This lady must have been acting up early.. lol

Carma will get cha.

She got ejected ohh well.

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