Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Trump said the filth BLAMING HIM for the virus was a hoax.

But he didnā€™t say that

Democrats were saying that Coronavirus was a major threat and he was not doing enough.

Trump claimed that was the New Democratic Hoax
Dems werenā€™t the ones arresting people because they wore a T-shirt they didnā€™t like.
Oh and being in a restricted area meant nothing eh ? Oh that's right we are talking about the specially treated privileged leftist now. My bad
Oh and being in a restricted area meant nothing eh ? Oh that's right we are talking about the specially treated privileged leftist now. My bad
It does indeed mean nothing. She passed through security just like everyone else and wasnā€™t harming anyone.

Donā€™t tell me the right respects freedom of speech and then does this.
False. It's a direct quote. And it's exactly why mindless cultist sheep like you have been trying to downplay the pandemic ever since he said it.

Ha ha you are determined to lie: here is the actual quote, and expose by SNOPES

Did President Trump Refer to the Coronavirus as a ā€˜Hoaxā€™?


"Here are Trumpā€™s exact words on the topic at the South Carolina rally:

Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. Theyā€™re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ā€˜Howā€™s President Trump doing?ā€™ They go, ā€˜Oh, not good, not good.ā€™ They have no clue. They donā€™t have any clue. They canā€™t even count their votes in Iowa, they canā€™t even count. No they canā€™t. They canā€™t count their votes.
One of my people came up to me and said, ā€˜Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didnā€™t work out too well. They couldnā€™t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, theyā€™ve been doing it since you got in. Itā€™s all turning, they lost, itā€™s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But you know, we did something thatā€™s been pretty amazing. Weā€™re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that."

bolding mine



This was so easy!
It does indeed mean nothing. She passed through security just like everyone else and wasnā€™t harming anyone.

Donā€™t tell me the right respects freedom of speech and then does this.
Thank for letting us know how you support criminals.
anti-Trump activists who allegedly reserved scores of tickets for the Tulsa event online ā€“ then failed to show up, thus preventing others from being able to attend.

Plus a barrage of virus fear mongering from the MSM
Plus Threats of violence
Plus BLM blocking one of the entrances
Trump has nothing to offer the voter in the world you leftist are attempting to create is true, otherwise if they fall to the leftist.... So yes you might be right that he looked frustrated in a sense, but Trump isn't wanting to take American's down that road so he should looked concerned about what the left is up to, and what the left is doing. Let's just hope that the voters are not as frustrated as he is, and that they continue to see the big picture the left is painting for the country, and then it being used as evidence enough to choose Trump again big time. Trump is a business man, and a boss, so he is one to want his company/country to prosper while in charge of it as it has been proven. The left is eat up with idealism and radicalism, and what it wants is forced compliance. So beware people, beware.

Trump is a FAILED business man. 7 bankruptcies. 3000+ law suits. $1 billion in losses in the 1980's. He plays a rich successful billionaire on TV. That doesn't mean he is one.

Look at the mess he's made with his trade wars. 7 trade wars all at the same time. How do you fight wars on 7 different fronts at the same time? Badly. His trade war with China was supposed to be "easy to win", but so far the American farmers have lost. Big Time.

2018 saw the highest number of farm bankruptcies in American history because of Trump's trade wars. That record was broken in 2019. It's the small family farms that are going under. The farms where the farmer lives on the land, and is a good environmental steward of the land. These farms are being snapped up by factory farm corporations, many of them foreign owned. They don't live on the land. It's just a balance sheet asset, which produces revenue.

Trump's "interim agreement" with the Chinese requires increase exports to 2017 levels (pre-tarrifs), by 2022. So having destroyed their markets with his tariiffs, Trump gave the Chinese another 2 years to get back to where they started. 5 years of economic pain to get back to where they were 5 years ago. How many small farmers will be left by then?

How much is Trump being paid to destroy the small business in America? McDonalds and Pizza Huts aren't closing. The independent family owned restaurants are the ones who are closing. They don't have the resources to re-open on 25% of capacity. They were netting 15% of sales, with 100% capacity. The rent, utitilities and supplies didn't go down by 75%. Unless they're able to achieve pretty close to 100% of sales via take-out, they're losing money.

When the economy emerges from this pandemic, once again the bailouts will go to big businesses and corporations. The small independent operators will be bankrupt, and the big guys will pick up more business. The small independent retailers were forced to closed. The big chains simply go on.
Ha ha you are determined to lie: here is the actual quote, and expose by SNOPES

Did President Trump Refer to the Coronavirus as a ā€˜Hoaxā€™?


"Here are Trumpā€™s exact words on the topic at the South Carolina rally:

bolding mine



This was so easy!
Yep, exactly. Called the coronavirus their new hoax. Also said the cases would be down to zero. Also said it was completely under control. yes, he fooled you morons into downplaying it for months, because you are mindless, cultish sheep without integrity, education, class, ethics, or morals, when it comes to anything trump.. And this is what Trump has done to your brains.
Meanwhile dirty tricks reports against the Rally, has surfaced:

Pj Media

'Dirty Tricks' Sabotage Trump Tulsa Rally



Tik-Tok and K-Pop users are claiming they reserved hundreds of tickets for Donald Trumpā€™s Tulsa rally, never having any intention of showing up. The result was a half-empty arena in Tulsa for the presidentā€™s post-coronavirus restart of his campaign.

In fact, Twitter is alight this morning with reports that dozens of teens reserved thousands of rally tickets to sabotage the optics of Trumpā€™s speech.

Trending on Twitter this morning is #EveryoneLaughingAtYouDonald and #TrumpRallyFail.

Meanwhile dirty tricks reports against the Rally, has surfaced:

Pj Media

'Dirty Tricks' Sabotage Trump Tulsa Rally



Tik-Tok and K-Pop users are claiming they reserved hundreds of tickets for Donald Trumpā€™s Tulsa rally, never having any intention of showing up. The result was a half-empty arena in Tulsa for the presidentā€™s post-coronavirus restart of his campaign.

In fact, Twitter is alight this morning with reports that dozens of teens reserved thousands of rally tickets to sabotage the optics of Trumpā€™s speech.

Trending on Twitter this morning is #EveryoneLaughingAtYouDonald and #TrumpRallyFail.

Whatā€™s dirty about it?
Yep, exactly. Called the coronavirus their new hoax. Also said the cases would be down to zero. Also said it was completely under control. yes, he fooled you morons into downplaying it for months, because you are mindless, cultish sheep without integrity, education, class, ethics, or morals, when it comes to anything trump.. And this is what Trump has done to your brains.

You confirm over and over your stupidity, here is the last line of his quote you manage to miss:

"Weā€™re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that."

He isn't thinking the Virus itself is a hoax, he says his early actions reduced the numbers of the viral infection, it is real to him.
It does indeed mean nothing. She passed through security just like everyone else and wasnā€™t harming anyone.

Donā€™t tell me the right respects freedom of speech and then does this.
Wasn't harming anyone when being found in a restricted area ?? That is where she was at right ?? I mean this is what I heard as part reason for the ejection. If have other information, then do share it. Thanks.
The only political rally I can remember with a worse showing than Donnie in Tulsa last night?
Mittens Romney 2012 Ford Stadium in Detroit ...
Holds 65,000 - Drew 1200! :auiqs.jpg:


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