Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Anyone else notice that even though they handed out masks and hand sanitizer when they entered, very few of those inside are wearing masks?

Enclosed area, no wind circulation, lots of people chanting and screaming, spreading droplets and very few are wearing masks. What could possibly go wrong?
What could possibly go wrong? hmmmm, nothing and people will want to know why?
my BP right now according to my smartwatch is 121 over 82
Pulse is 70 BPM it averages daily from 115 over 75 to 122 over 86
temp. 97.8 average 5 too 6 hours of sleep every night
And come Jan. 22 2021 President Trump will be starting his second term

Are you retarded?
Did you watch the snippet?
It was a stupid macho brag; you see, I think it was stupid.
The sad part is that there's a plethora of women who are anxious to be felt up by celebrities..just ask Mick Jagger.

And he's MAGA!

40 years of watching donny & hearing him on stern. hearing him admit how he would go into the dressing rooms unannounced to 'inspect' teen girls from his pageant days - in various stages of undress - putting his finger in their mouths & some of the contestants verified he did that.

so save it, groucho.
I saw a news story last night...BLMers were there blocking the gate.
And if you touch one of them after they hit you, you go to jail, not them.

i believe the cops that said nobody was denied entry - that there was no blocking for any length of time. i also believe the 3 AP journalists saying the same thing who were reporting on the ground
If he was a private citizen, no one would of cared.

He had to step down, remember?

that's the rub & a lot of senators regret demanding his resignation. he was a private citizen on a friggin USO tour doing stand up.
40 years of watching donny & hearing him on stern. hearing him admit how he would go into the dressing rooms unannounced to 'inspect' teen girls from his pageant days - in various stages of undress - putting his finger in their mouths & some of the contestants verified he did that.

so save it, groucho.
You mean like all of the divorced celebrities on America's Got Talent or all of the other "Talent" shows?
Ever wonder why most Hollywood marriages last less than 5 years?
Ever think about all of the Representatives who are away from their spouses for months at a time?
Like The Bachelor where 1 guy overtly has sex with 20 women?
Like The Bachelorette where 1 girl overtly has sex with 20 men?

Are you that naive?
You mean like all of the divorced celebrities on America's Got Talent or all of the other "Talent" shows?
Ever wonder why most Hollywood marriages last less than 5 years?
Ever think about all of the Representatives who are away from their spouses for months at a time?
Like The Bachelor where 1 guy overtly has sex with 20 women?
Like The Bachelorette where 1 girl overtly has sex with 20 men?

Are you that naive?

lol... you're flailing.

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