Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Be specific now and tell us what the Navy would do if a sailor did that?

This photo has always puzzled me. It was staged, it was a joke, just like when Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant.
Sure it was dumb, but even the military wouldn't kick somebody out over a selfie that didn't even involve physical contact. In the photo the shadows under his hands means he wasn't even touching the vest, which goes along with her staying asleep.

Here's her statement:

The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:
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Dude, they had a 19,000 seat arena and the registered almost a million folks, real or imaginary. If they were gonna limit tickets they woulda stopped at capacity.

So your "reasoning" is bullshit.
So your saying that your queen AOC is full of it ???? Of course you are.

Is every tRumpling on the planet retarded?

Of course they are.
AOC congratulated the Zoomers for reserving tickets, and then not making good on them in order to disrupt the thing, so did it work or not ???? If it did, then is she gloating about it when she saw the empty seats in connection to her congrats ???
It worked in that the tRumplings thought they were popular.

They weren't.
In order to get tickets to the rally, one had to register. Whether or not they actually attended their information is now owned by the Trump campaign. Whatever they use that information for, it's still relevant. Also, the seats were held open even if that party did not show up.

It was first come, first seated.

Only 6200 came.
Be specific now and tell us what the Navy would do if a sailor did that?
View attachment 353833

This photo has always puzzled me. It was staged, it was a joke, just like when Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant.
Sure it was dumb, but even the military wouldn't kick somebody out over a selfie that didn't even involve physical contact. In the photo the shadows under his hands means he wasn't even touching the vest, which goes along with her staying asleep.

Here's her statement:

The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:
The shadows show what!!!!????
He is clearly touching her breasts!
Be specific now and tell us what the Navy would do if a sailor did that?
View attachment 353833

This photo has always puzzled me. It was staged, it was a joke, just like when Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant.
Sure it was dumb, but even the military wouldn't kick somebody out over a selfie that didn't even involve physical contact. In the photo the shadows under his hands means he wasn't even touching the vest, which goes along with her staying asleep.

Here's her statement:

The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:
The shadows show what!!!!????
He is clearly touching her breasts!
If he were touching her breasts, there wouldn't be shadows under his fingertips. It was still inappropriate, but he's not physically touching her there. It was just a goofy pose for the camera.
rally was not sabotaged. the campaign however was trolled into crowing about fantastic demand for orange hate fests and fed garbage data. bon appétit, maggots.
Sabotaged then. Good that can be fixed, and it should be fixed. Enough of the corruption already.

According to Pascale you are lying and totally wrong and totally disagree with you........ Sabotage only means Trump highly paid campaign team are inept.... Read what Pascale said about tick tock.

Parscale continued: “Registering for a rally means you’ve RSVPed with a cellphone number and we constantly weed out bogus numbers, as we did with tens of thousands at the Tulsa rally, in calculating our possible attendee pool. These phony ticket requests never factor into our thinking. What makes this lame attempt at hacking our events even more foolish is the fact that every rally is general admission — entry is on a first-come-first-served basis and prior registration is not required.”
But it's OKAY for Trump to do things like this all the time?

Seems like a double standard to me.

Be specific now and tell us what the Navy would do if a sailor did that?
View attachment 353833

This photo has always puzzled me. It was staged, it was a joke, just like when Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant.
Sure it was dumb, but even the military wouldn't kick somebody out over a selfie that didn't even involve physical contact. In the photo the shadows under his hands means he wasn't even touching the vest, which goes along with her staying asleep.

Here's her statement:

The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:
The shadows show what!!!!????
He is clearly touching her breasts!
If he were touching her breasts, there wouldn't be shadows under his fingertips. It was still inappropriate, but he's not physically touching her there. It was just a goofy pose for the camera.
The shadows are partially under his fingers.
His right fingers are definitely touching her.
I suggest you visit your optometrist or psychiatrist.
Pretty desperate move by the left. You wonder how low politics will sink to, each day we seem to sink a little further.

The democrats have not yet begun to debase themselves in their attempts to wreck this country.....their Chinese allies will be front and center in that effort.

Chinese allies? You are talking about Trump asking Xi to get himself reelected. It was well documented and did he bring his products back to be made in USA or still China?
Be specific now and tell us what the Navy would do if a sailor did that?
View attachment 353833

This photo has always puzzled me. It was staged, it was a joke, just like when Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant.
Sure it was dumb, but even the military wouldn't kick somebody out over a selfie that didn't even involve physical contact. In the photo the shadows under his hands means he wasn't even touching the vest, which goes along with her staying asleep.

Here's her statement:

The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:
The shadows show what!!!!????
He is clearly touching her breasts!
If he were touching her breasts, there wouldn't be shadows under his fingertips. It was still inappropriate, but he's not physically touching her there. It was just a goofy pose for the camera.
The shadows are partially under his fingers.
His right fingers are definitely touching her.
I suggest you visit your optometrist or psychiatrist.
Take your own advice; his fingers aren't touching her...

Pretty desperate move by the left. You wonder how low politics will sink to, each day we seem to sink a little further.

The democrats have not yet begun to debase themselves in their attempts to wreck this country.....their Chinese allies will be front and center in that effort.

Chinese allies? You are talking about Trump asking Xi to get himself reelected. It was well documented and did he bring his products back to be made in USA or still China?

You do realize that the biden family made a fortune from the Chinese Government when biden's kid went to China, flying on Air Force 2 with his father, and came back with a 1.2 billion dollar deal...right? The Chinese own joe biden and his family.

And going back to the 1990s, bill and hilary clinton sold classified technology to China for campaign donations.....that technology has now given them the weapons they are using to threaten the U.S. and our allies in the region....

Pretending Trump has the Chinese problem is all you have.......the truth, reality and facts show that the democrat party is now colluding with China.....openly even as they claim they worked with the Chinese government controlled Tik-Tok to attack the republican party this weekend....
Be specific now and tell us what the Navy would do if a sailor did that?
View attachment 353833

This photo has always puzzled me. It was staged, it was a joke, just like when Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant.
Sure it was dumb, but even the military wouldn't kick somebody out over a selfie that didn't even involve physical contact. In the photo the shadows under his hands means he wasn't even touching the vest, which goes along with her staying asleep.

Here's her statement:

The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:
The shadows show what!!!!????
He is clearly touching her breasts!
If he were touching her breasts, there wouldn't be shadows under his fingertips. It was still inappropriate, but he's not physically touching her there. It was just a goofy pose for the camera.
The shadows are partially under his fingers.
His right fingers are definitely touching her.
I suggest you visit your optometrist or psychiatrist.
Take your own advice; his fingers aren't touching her...

You are either retarded or blind.
I just put my 5 fingers on my desk and formed the same shadows.
I know I needed a really high IQ to do that, but give it a shot.
I think it goes like this.

They advise him one way. He believes he knows better and does his own thing.

It blows up on him and he blames the advisors.
You might be right, but the only reason his advisors tell him the way that they want him to adhere to those attempting to destroy him, is because they are telling him the old appeasement way that was used by his formers as the best way to be, and then he ends up looking weak because of it.

No Trump is a bull in the China shop, and that's great in two different ways. MAGA.

So Trump advisors told him to say...

1. Trump said at his Tulsa rally. Slow down CV testing... Today his goons are very busy defending this moron. Even fox & Friends blasted Trump.
2. Trade Wars. US are the biggest losers.

3. Fight via tweets with mayors and governors.
4. Use racist remarks against Asian Americans.... Kung flu.
5. Incite violence against his own people.
6. Etc etc etc etc
Pretty desperate move by the left. You wonder how low politics will sink to, each day we seem to sink a little further.

The democrats have not yet begun to debase themselves in their attempts to wreck this country.....their Chinese allies will be front and center in that effort.

Chinese allies? You are talking about Trump asking Xi to get himself reelected. It was well documented and did he bring his products back to be made in USA or still China?

You do realize that the biden family made a fortune from the Chinese Government when biden's kid went to China, flying on Air Force 2 with his father, and came back with a 1.2 billion dollar deal...right? The Chinese own joe biden and his family.

And going back to the 1990s, bill and hilary clinton sold classified technology to China for campaign donations.....that technology has now given them the weapons they are using to threaten the U.S. and our allies in the region....

Pretending Trump has the Chinese problem is all you have.......the truth, reality and facts show that the democrat party is now colluding with China.....openly even as they claim they worked with the Chinese government controlled Tik-Tok to attack the republican party this weekend....

Oh! the China Biden connection. My friend 2aguy. If you are talking to beagle, Nostra, Morrison, jgalt or jc .... etc etc etc That is very believable. You are talking to charwin

Lots of you gullibles even posted on several threads Biden stole or laundered $billions from Ukraine... so far not a single iota of proof has been provided....

Kindly show me a link where you got that information. Biden family earned fortune from China $1.2 billion.

1990 Bill and Hillary sold classified information to China for campaign donations. Link??

You have no proof that democrats are colluding with a China and tick tock... Read my previous post with link that Pascale totally disagreed with you and you are lying.

We have proof that Trump has Chinese connection to help him get re-elected. We also have proof Trump is licking Putin boots his lover. Bring home jobs when hypocrites Trump are made overseas..... Supporters like you all of those are disgustingly acceptable .
The democrat party claims to have used Tik-Tok to sabotage Trump.....

Tik-Tok is a Chinese based group....right?

The democrat party is owned by china...since their Presidential candidate and his family are up to their necks in Chinese money. Don't forget, the clintons sold China our high tech secrets in the 1990s and today, the Chinese have weapons based on that tech pointed at the United States and our allies......

The democrat madness has to be stopped.

These topic has nothing to do with Trump crowd.
Pretty desperate move by the left. You wonder how low politics will sink to, each day we seem to sink a little further.

The democrats have not yet begun to debase themselves in their attempts to wreck this country.....their Chinese allies will be front and center in that effort.

After seeing the crowd yesterday at Tulsa rally... I understand trump supporters are getting scared.
Coming out with all these excuses and blames tick tock..... NAH!
Corrupt? Lol

It was trolling. Something Trump thinks is presidential.

Nobody was denied access. They just didn't come.
Anyone say denied access ???? Nope.

Didn't come because the tickets weren't available, now why was this again ??? Wait let's go ask AOC.

Beagle.... BOK arena capacity is 19,199 they could have stop issuing ticket at that number. If there are people still outside they could have taken them in with or without tickets....... You are saying 980,801 was issued to saboteurs without the knowledge of Pascale. That’s very silly.

There was no record they received one million reserved tickets. That was just the expected, estimates and bragged by Trump campaign team.
People just didn’t showed up. Period.

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