Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

first of all COPD is not "A" disease, it is a category of diseases including emphysema, lung cancer, bronchitis, and several other lung diseases. Secondly it has many causes, smoking, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, et. al.

the point is that a mask will not prevent it or prevent you from spreading it. Remember the best masks have a .3 micron filter, a virus cell is .0125 microns, it can only be seen using an electron microscope. Cloth masks and bandanas are worthless and in fact may cause lung bacterial infections.

I am sorry that you have just enough education on that topic to be a moron!

everything I said has also been said by OSHA safety experts. Facts are facts, like them or not. But if rebreathing your own CO2 makes you feel safe, by all means do it.
If a significant number of Trump supporters stayed away because they believed the pandemic is real – and not a ‘hoax’ – then what other Trump lies are they not buying into.
You know, based on the conversations here, I thought all Trump supporters were with him that Covid is an overblown "hoax," nothing to worry about, etc., meaning that Trump's response to the pandemic would not bother them in the least.
But I think last night proved they do take Covid seriously, and that therefore some of them MAY have actually been displeased with Trump's management of the Germ.
There is hope for them yet.

LOL, you know who else takes is seriously? The Chinese, thats why they released it on the world to save their own economy, which was crashing because the USA finally has a president who understands how to put this country first.

But you are free to self quarantine for the rest of your life, I choose not to. Its called freedom.
LOL, but you condone the hate and fear rhetoric from the dems and their media butt kissers? Trump is merely responding with the same kind of words. Our country is very divided right now, full of hate and violence. Most stirred up by the left who see their corruption being revealed by Trump, they also fear that this is their last chance to turn this country left, They know that when Trump wins in November, they are done and will never again control the government, that is the reason for their vile rhetoric and condoning of violence.

I do not condone violence, nor do I fear black or brown people. You have been told to believe the MSM (ABC, CBS, NBC; NYT, Wash Post, etc.) are ass kissers? I suppose that appears to those like you who support Donald Trump when exposed to the truth. DJT is corrupt, he is a narcissistic megalomaniac, unfit to be President of the United States.

The evidence to this is enormous, he is:
  • deceitful,
  • a hypocrite,
  • entitled,
  • greedy,
  • corrupt,
  • a racist,
  • slanderous,
  • blaming,
  • manipulative,
  • cruel,
  • lacks integrity,
  • manipulation
  • self serving,
  • secretive,
  • cowardice,
  • childish,
  • predatory,
  • a misogynist
And of course devoid of empathy.

then I suggest that you vote for old senile corrupt incompetent Biden, but remember my vote will cancel yours, so why bother.
masks don't work, winger. the very best masks have a .3 micron filter, the virus is .0125 microns, even you should be able to understand why that doesn't work.

But old senile Joe sleeps with his mask on and re-cycles his CO2. Might be why his brain no longer functions.

masks alone, no. but combine wearing one WITH distancing & WITH washing yer hands sure is helping. until there's a vaccine, WITHOUT clorox & sunshine, then that's the way to deal with it & not be stuuuuuuuuupid in thinking you're safer without all that.

bullshit. If masks work, why social distance? If social distance works, why masks? Washing hands is always good and helps keep you from catching anything. this virus is running its course, it is almost history already. But you are free to hibernate and rebreath your own CO2 if it makes you feel safe. I intend to live my life with caution but not fear.
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

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In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

He had to refute the stupid media pukes who accused him of having multiple diseases. He made a joke out of them (which they are). the turn out was thousands of times greater than sleepy Joe can ever produce, he is lucky to get 100 people out to listen to him ramble and stumble about nothing and then forget where he is. Biden is a dem joke. If you vote for him you are voting for his running mate to be president because if he were to win, the dems would declare him unfit on the second day and put his black female VP in charge. Do you really want Harris or Warren, or Abrams running this country? Wake the fuck up.
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

I heard those excerpts. I wasn't aware of the ramp act. I would like to see the blob do some push ups though. He'd be more red than orange.
Trump explained he walked down the ramp so slowly because he was tired from saluting so much and had sunburn.

No Lie.

Funny, no other President has had a hard time saluting.

Trump says he had to salute 600 times and it affected his ramp walking ability.

At least he didn't bring up Bone Spurs
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

He had to refute the stupid media pukes who accused him of having multiple diseases. He made a joke out of them (which they are). the turn out was thousands of times greater than sleepy Joe can ever produce, he is lucky to get 100 people out to listen to him ramble and stumble about nothing and then forget where he is. Biden is a dem joke. If you vote for him you are voting for his running mate to be president because if he were to win, the dems would declare him unfit on the second day and put his black female VP in charge. Do you really want Harris or Warren, or Abrams running this country? Wake the fuck up.

Joke was on him
He came across as an over sensitive cry baby.
Who spends 15 minutes talking about a ramp?
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

He had to refute the stupid media pukes who accused him of having multiple diseases. He made a joke out of them (which they are). the turn out was thousands of times greater than sleepy Joe can ever produce, he is lucky to get 100 people out to listen to him ramble and stumble about nothing and then forget where he is. Biden is a dem joke. If you vote for him you are voting for his running mate to be president because if he were to win, the dems would declare him unfit on the second day and put his black female VP in charge. Do you really want Harris or Warren, or Abrams running this country? Wake the fuck up.

Joke was on him
He came across as an over sensitive cry baby.
Who spends 15 minutes talking about a ramp?

the media spent hours talking about it, WTF is wrong with you? I get it that you will vote for corrupt old senile Biden and thereby put some incompetent far left woman in the whitehouse. Your motives are glaringly obvious and extremely stupid.
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

I heard those excerpts. I wasn't aware of the ramp act. I would like to see the blob do some push ups though. He'd be more red than orange.
Trump explained he walked down the ramp so slowly because he was tired from saluting so much and had sunburn.

No Lie.

Funny, no other President has had a hard time saluting.

Trump says he had to salute 600 times and it affected his ramp walking ability.

At least he didn't bring up Bone Spurs

Biden "I am running for the senate" "its great to be in Wisconsin" (said in New Hampshire).
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

He had to refute the stupid media pukes who accused him of having multiple diseases. He made a joke out of them (which they are). the turn out was thousands of times greater than sleepy Joe can ever produce, he is lucky to get 100 people out to listen to him ramble and stumble about nothing and then forget where he is. Biden is a dem joke. If you vote for him you are voting for his running mate to be president because if he were to win, the dems would declare him unfit on the second day and put his black female VP in charge. Do you really want Harris or Warren, or Abrams running this country? Wake the fuck up.

Joke was on him
He came across as an over sensitive cry baby.
Who spends 15 minutes talking about a ramp?

the media spent hours talking about it, WTF is wrong with you? I get it that you will vote for corrupt old senile Biden and thereby put some incompetent far left woman in the whitehouse. Your motives are glaringly obvious and extremely stupid.
Boy, Trump can dish it out but he sure can’t take it

Look at Biden! He is old and senile

<sob>. But, but.....I had trouble walking down a ramp because I salute too much, I had sunburn, I had on my slippery shoes, the ramp was wet.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle....

Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

I heard those excerpts. I wasn't aware of the ramp act. I would like to see the blob do some push ups though. He'd be more red than orange.
Trump explained he walked down the ramp so slowly because he was tired from saluting so much and had sunburn.

No Lie.

Funny, no other President has had a hard time saluting.

Trump says he had to salute 600 times and it affected his ramp walking ability.

At least he didn't bring up Bone Spurs

Biden "I am running for the senate" "its great to be in Wisconsin" (said in New Hampshire).
Have I ever explained “glass houses“ to you?

George Washington captured airports
We need to investigate injecting disinfectants
Why don’t we try nuking hurricanes?
Windmills cause cancer
Vaccines cause autism
Why don’t I just draw on this map with a Sharpie?

Is Trump senile or just incredibly stupid?
Why would anybody take the time to Google the date? When I sign up for event I want to attend, I don't do an Internet search on the date to see what else is happening. Do you?
It is a core requirement of any politician's handlers to make sure these kind of embarrassments don't happen.

The Trump Administration is a never-ending circus with a feeble orange clown directing the show.

Trump's staff knew the day/date - he has issued Juneteenth proclamations more than once as President.
LOL, but you condone the hate and fear rhetoric from the dems and their media butt kissers? Trump is merely responding with the same kind of words. Our country is very divided right now, full of hate and violence. Most stirred up by the left who see their corruption being revealed by Trump, they also fear that this is their last chance to turn this country left, They know that when Trump wins in November, they are done and will never again control the government, that is the reason for their vile rhetoric and condoning of violence.

I do not condone violence, nor do I fear black or brown people. You have been told to believe the MSM (ABC, CBS, NBC; NYT, Wash Post, etc.) are ass kissers? I suppose that appears to those like you who support Donald Trump when exposed to the truth. DJT is corrupt, he is a narcissistic megalomaniac, unfit to be President of the United States.

The evidence to this is enormous, he is:
  • deceitful,
  • a hypocrite,
  • entitled,
  • greedy,
  • corrupt,
  • a racist,
  • slanderous,
  • blaming,
  • manipulative,
  • cruel,
  • lacks integrity,
  • manipulation
  • self serving,
  • secretive,
  • cowardice,
  • childish,
  • predatory,
  • a misogynist
And of course devoid of empathy.

then I suggest that you vote for old senile corrupt incompetent Biden, but remember my vote will cancel yours, so why bother.

Since you don't live in California your vote will not cancel mine. You assassination of Joe Biden's character and mental health is noted. You have no evidence that he is either corrupt or incompetent; unlike Trump, whose Personality Disorders have been illuminated a dozen or more times on this message board, and many more times if you were in touch with reality; his abuse of power is a consequence of megalomania.
The 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Orange Shit at best drew 32.6% of the expected 19,000 that would filled the arena.

As much another member is desperate to try laugh. Mr. Biden's meager turn out, he is in fact failing.

According to lying Orange Shit Stain "We gave away 1,000,000 Tickets".

Of those "1,000,000 Tickets", only 6,200 were ever used.

Fuck Wad 45 was punked, gut punched by a TicToc and a South Korean Boy Band.

Fuck the Fucking Fuck Wad 45.

Fuck the Fucking Fuck Wad Follower of 45.
Why would anybody take the time to Google the date? When I sign up for event I want to attend, I don't do an Internet search on the date to see what else is happening. Do you?
It is a core requirement of any politician's handlers to make sure these kind of embarrassments don't happen.

The Trump Administration is a never-ending circus with a feeble orange clown directing the show.

Trump's staff knew the day/date - he has issued Juneteenth proclamations more than once as President.
He has issued Juneteenth proclamations every year of his presidency. :lol:
The 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Orange Shit at best drew 32.6% of the expected 19,000 that would filled the arena.

As much another member is desperate to try laugh. Mr. Biden's meager turn out, he is in fact failing.

According to lying Orange Shit Stain "We gave away 1,000,000 Tickets".

Of those "1,000,000 Tickets", only 6,200 were ever used.

Fuck Wad 45 was punked, gut punched by a TicToc and a South Korean Boy Band.

Fuck the Fucking Fuck Wad 45.

Fuck the Fucking Fuck Wad Follower of 45.
He drew at least 1,000% more than Joe could fit in his basement bunker.
It is beyond comical that the DNC's best option for Biden to have a chance at beating president Trump is to stash him in the basement of his house....KEEP him there...DON'T let him speak to anyone / address the public except to prove to people he is still alive, then walk him up to a debate stage like 'Weekend At Bernies', and pray to God he somehow makes it through those without having a campaign-ending self-inflicted gaffe-incident...


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