Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

11 Best Zaphod Beeblebrox Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy images ...

Joe Biden's 'Debate' outfit:
1 'Lemon Juice-powered Brain Enhancer'
helmet to help him focus and be smarter
for short periods of time...

11 Best Zaphod Beeblebrox Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy images ...

Joe Biden's 'Debate' outfit:
1 'Lemon Juice-powered Brain Enhancer'
helmet to help him focus and be smarter
for short periods of time...


Panic ^^^ in the words of Easy65; this man-child has soiled his pants as more and more of Trump's former supporters abandoned The President. I think the final straw which made Easy65 order Depends from Amazon Prime was when the Judge told the world that Bolton's Book,

The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir

has been released to the world.

For those who want to buy and read Bolton's Book, they might also want to buy and read this book which supports Mr. Bolton's assessment of trump.

I think it goes like this.

They advise him one way. He believes he knows better and does his own thing.

It blows up on him and he blames the advisors.
You might be right, but the only reason his advisors tell him the way that they want him to adhere to those attempting to destroy him, is because they are telling him the old appeasement way that was used by his formers as the best way to be, and then he ends up looking weak because of it.

No Trump is a bull in the China shop, and that's great in two different ways. MAGA.

So Trump advisors told him to say...

1. Trump said at his Tulsa rally. Slow down CV testing... Today his goons are very busy defending this moron. Even fox & Friends blasted Trump.
2. Trade Wars. US are the biggest losers.

3. Fight via tweets with mayors and governors.
4. Use racist remarks against Asian Americans.... Kung flu.
5. Incite violence against his own people.
6. Etc etc etc etc
You attacking this American President shows that you are an anti-American radical just like the rest of your buddies here. The agendas are well known now, and your constant attacking a U.S. president shows exactly who you all are.

From you...... Attacking this American president. Making me anti American.

That is so silly. This president is nothing but unfit, incompetent, dumb and ignorant president. who doesn’t give a shit except his ego........

Look at handling of the Coronavirus crisis. Does he it look like he cares?

You purposely ignored that he incite violence against his own people, insult and threatened people and lie like hell. Most important he is RACIST moron.

There is an anti racism demonstrations going on all over the country and other countries around the world.... here comes this MORON comfortably using racist insults against Asian Americans ...... Kung Flu.

At the same time we like it because he proved himself that he is a racist DOG SHIT.
11 Best Zaphod Beeblebrox Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy images ...

Joe Biden's 'Debate' outfit:
1 'Lemon Juice-powered Brain Enhancer'
helmet to help him focus and be smarter
for short periods of time...


Panic ^^^ in the words of Easy65; this man-child has soiled his pants as more and more of Trump's former supporters abandoned The President. I think the final straw which made Easy65 order Depends from Amazon Prime was when the Judge told the world that Bolton's Book,

The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir

has been released to the world.

For those who want to buy and read Bolton's Book, they might also want to buy and read this book which supports Mr. Bolton's assessment of trump.

View attachment 354095

Rye, please do not try to talk FOR ME - much like Biden, it is all you can do to try to coherently put 2 sentences together without babbling when trying to speak for yourself.

When you try to talk for me you end up looking more stupid than you usually do.

The main point of this thread is to point out the obvious - that even the MSM has no option but to acknowledge that Biden is not only morally, ethically, and criminally fractured but is mentally unstable as well.

The poor man is treated like Punxsutawney phil, the ground hog from the movie 'Groundhog Day'.

Six more weeks of winter? Punxsutawney Phil makes his Groundhog Day  prediction

They keep him in an underground bunker, they only let him out into the light for a few minutes every now and then, they try not to take him out unless it's absolutely necessary because they are worried he will 'see his shadow'...aka engage in another devastating gaffe ('You ain't black').

His early stage of dementia is unmistakable despite snowflake denial.

It's like trying to push a dead horse across a finish line.

As I said, it is sad that the DNC's best hope for him to win is to keep him hidden away from the world.

This ploy is also damaging. If they only let him out to debate Trump the President will destroy him.

rally was not sabotaged. the campaign however was trolled into crowing about fantastic demand for orange hate fests and fed garbage data. bon appétit, maggots.
Sabotaged then. Good that can be fixed, and it should be fixed. Enough of the corruption already.

According to Pascale you are lying and totally wrong and totally disagree with you........ Sabotage only means Trump highly paid campaign team are inept.... Read what Pascale said about tick tock.

Parscale continued: “Registering for a rally means you’ve RSVPed with a cellphone number and we constantly weed out bogus numbers, as we did with tens of thousands at the Tulsa rally, in calculating our possible attendee pool. These phony ticket requests never factor into our thinking. What makes this lame attempt at hacking our events even more foolish is the fact that every rally is general admission — entry is on a first-come-first-served basis and prior registration is not required.”
Hmmm, interesting, so why the gloating by AOC ??? Is she lying and fabricating bullcrap to hurt Trump or to send people on goose chases ???

AOC fabricating bullcrap. How many times did she do that? COMPARED to Trump fabricating bullcrap tweeting conspiracies GARBAGE. .

He just accused Obama of treason for spying his campaign without any evidence. Trump accused the Clintons killed Jeffrey Epstein. That’s just 2 of so many many that your god fabricated bullcrap.

Why/What do you support a president this bad worst ever that seats in that office? What do you get from it?
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

but he was bigley macho & tremendous like nobody has ever seen when he pitched that glass like a petulant man baby.
11 Best Zaphod Beeblebrox Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy images ...

Joe Biden's 'Debate' outfit:
1 'Lemon Juice-powered Brain Enhancer'
helmet to help him focus and be smarter
for short periods of time...


Panic ^^^ in the words of Easy65; this man-child has soiled his pants as more and more of Trump's former supporters abandoned The President. I think the final straw which made Easy65 order Depends from Amazon Prime was when the Judge told the world that Bolton's Book,

The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir

has been released to the world.

For those who want to buy and read Bolton's Book, they might also want to buy and read this book which supports Mr. Bolton's assessment of trump.

View attachment 354095

Rye, please do not try to talk FOR ME - much like Biden, it is all you can do to try to coherently put 2 sentences together without babbling when trying to speak for yourself.

When you try to talk for me you end up looking more stupid than you usually do.

The main point of this thread is to point out the obvious - that even the MSM has no option but to acknowledge that Biden is not only morally, ethically, and criminally fractured but is mentally unstable as well.

The poor man is treated like Punxsutawney phil, the ground hog from the movie 'Groundhog Day'.

View attachment 354150

They keep him in an underground bunker, they only let him out into the light for a few minutes every now and then, they try not to take him out unless it's absolutely necessary because they are worried he will 'see his shadow'...aka engage in another devastating gaffe ('You ain't black').

His early stage of dementia is unmistakable despite snowflake denial.

It's like trying to push a dead horse across a finish line.

As I said, it is sad that the DNC's best hope for him to win is to keep him hidden away from the world.

This ploy is also damaging. If they only let him out to debate Trump the President will destroy him.


LOL, an enormous amount of words to compose an IDIOT-GRAM wrapped in an ad hominem. You're not bright enough to understand that Donald Trump is a danger to the United States. Not only is he mentally unfit to occupy the office of president***, he should never be trusted to occupy any office of trust. That you attack the Characters of every Democrat, and cannot defend Trump's lies, missteps (how's his love affair with Kim going? Kim is still building a nuclear N. Korea while burning down a connection with S, Korea!) his blatant hypocrisy: his flips and flops on issues; his inabilities as outlined in Bolton's Book, his childish rhetoric embellished with hyperbole and countless lies meant to mislead the public are self evident.

***Books: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President

From the LINK:

In The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, a book published in October 2017, 27 psychiatrists and others point to the dangerousness of this president. They agree that, although a diagnosis should not be made without examination of the patient, dangerousness may be assessed from observed behaviour.

A forensic psychiatrist, who has studied the principles on which the assessment of current and future dangerousness in violent criminals is based, concludes:

‘Trump is now the most powerful head of state in the world, and one of the most impulsive, arrogant, ignorant, disorganised, chaotic, nihilistic, self-contradictory, self-important, and self-serving. He has his finger on the triggers of a thousand or more of the most powerful thermonuclear weapons in the world. That means he could kill more people in a few seconds than any dictator in past history has been able to kill during his entire years in power.’
Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle....



Exclusive: Dozens of Republican former U.S. national security officials to back Biden

Tim Reid
ReutersJune 23, 2020

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Dozens of Republican former U.S. national security officials are forming a group that will back Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, people familiar with the effort said, in a further sign that President Donald Trump has alienated some members of his own party.

The group will publicly endorse Biden in the coming weeks and its members plan to campaign for the former vice president who is challenging Trump in the Nov. 3 election, the sources said. It includes at least two dozen officials who served under Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, with dozens more in talks to join, the sources added.

They will argue that another four years of a Trump presidency would endanger U.S. national security and that Republican voters should view Biden as the better choice despite policy differences, the sources said.

Exclusive: Dozens of Republican former U.S. national security officials to back Biden

Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

I heard those excerpts. I wasn't aware of the ramp act. I would like to see the blob do some push ups though. He'd be more red than orange.
Trump explained he walked down the ramp so slowly because he was tired from saluting so much and had sunburn.

No Lie.

Funny, no other President has had a hard time saluting.

Trump says he had to salute 600 times and it affected his ramp walking ability.

At least he didn't bring up Bone Spurs

Biden "I am running for the senate" "its great to be in Wisconsin" (said in New Hampshire).
Have I ever explained “glass houses“ to you?

George Washington captured airports
We need to investigate injecting disinfectants
Why don’t we try nuking hurricanes?
Windmills cause cancer
Vaccines cause autism
Why don’t I just draw on this map with a Sharpie?

Is Trump senile or just incredibly stupid?

They certainly helped Trump because he's a showman. Most people love a good show with lots of hooping, hollering and one liners. However, people do tire of it as we can see. The Trump show is pretty much the same thing over and over with outrageous statements mixed with obvious lies, threats, and misstatements. I have to admit I did attend a Trump rally in 2016 and found it very entertaining but certainly not very informative because I was very familiar with the Trump spiel.
Biden is a sham artist
Biden hates blacks
Biden said of obama if it was a few years ago obama would be serving him drinks
You attended a trump rally is like saying bull have tits
lol you're so fucking transparent
Biden is not a narcissistic idiot who has spent his entire life worshiping himself, who thinks bravery is consorting with whores without getting AIDS. Biden knows Finland is not part of Russia and knows who the nuclear powers are, understands Russia is not America's friend, doesn't ask why Israel doesn't sign a peace treaty with Palestine, and understands the Bill Rights are part of the Constitution. He also understands why a president should never suggest putting disinfectants in the lungs, who understands Coronvirus testing is critical to stopping the spread of the virus, who understands science has a place in government, who knows why a president does not pose for photo ops with the most brutal dictator since Stalin, who understands unilateral trade deals will never be in the best interest of the US, who doesn't think Global Warming was created by Al Gore or claiming Cornovirus is just the common flu or democratic hoax will make it go away. In other words, Biden is not Trump.
Last edited:
They certainly helped Trump because he's a showman. Most people love a good show with lots of hooping, hollering and one liners. However, people do tire of it as we can see. The Trump show is pretty much the same thing over and over with outrageous statements mixed with obvious lies, threats, and misstatements. I have to admit I did attend a Trump rally in 2016 and found it very entertaining but certainly not very informative because I was very familiar with the Trump spiel.
Biden is a sham artist
Biden hates blacks
Biden said of obama if it was a few years ago obama would be serving him drinks
You attended a trump rally is like saying bull have tits
lol you're so fucking transparent
Biden is not a narcissistic idiot who has spent his entire life worshiping himself, who thinks bravery is consorting with whores without getting AIDS. Biden knows Finland is not part of Russia and knows who the nuclear powers are, understands Russia is not America's friend, doesn't ask why Israel doesn't sign a peace treaty with Palestine, and understands the Bill Rights are part of the Constitution. He also understands why a president should never suggest putting disinfectants in the lungs, who understands Coronvirus testing is critical to stopping the spread of the virus, who understands science has a place in government, who knows why a president does not pose for photo ops with the most brutal dictator since Stalin, who understands unilateral trade deals will never be in the best interest of the US, who doesn't think Global Warming was created by Al Gore and claiming Cornovirus is just the common flu or democratic hoax will not make it go away. In other words, Biden is not Trump.
More jibberish
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

I heard those excerpts. I wasn't aware of the ramp act. I would like to see the blob do some push ups though. He'd be more red than orange.
Trump explained he walked down the ramp so slowly because he was tired from saluting so much and had sunburn.

No Lie.

Funny, no other President has had a hard time saluting.

Trump says he had to salute 600 times and it affected his ramp walking ability.

At least he didn't bring up Bone Spurs

Biden "I am running for the senate" "its great to be in Wisconsin" (said in New Hampshire).
Have I ever explained “glass houses“ to you?

George Washington captured airports
We need to investigate injecting disinfectants
Why don’t we try nuking hurricanes?
Windmills cause cancer
Vaccines cause autism
Why don’t I just draw on this map with a Sharpie?

Is Trump senile or just incredibly stupid?
"Luke 11:22"
"But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor on which the man relied, and then he divides up his plunder."

"It's a beautiful day In The Neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor, Would you be mine? Could you be mine

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(That's what friends are for(?)! (Deut 23: 19-20.)!)
LOL, but you condone the hate and fear rhetoric from the dems and their media butt kissers? Trump is merely responding with the same kind of words. Our country is very divided right now, full of hate and violence. Most stirred up by the left who see their corruption being revealed by Trump, they also fear that this is their last chance to turn this country left, They know that when Trump wins in November, they are done and will never again control the government, that is the reason for their vile rhetoric and condoning of violence.

I do not condone violence, nor do I fear black or brown people. You have been told to believe the MSM (ABC, CBS, NBC; NYT, Wash Post, etc.) are ass kissers? I suppose that appears to those like you who support Donald Trump when exposed to the truth. DJT is corrupt, he is a narcissistic megalomaniac, unfit to be President of the United States.

The evidence to this is enormous, he is:
  • deceitful,
  • a hypocrite,
  • entitled,
  • greedy,
  • corrupt,
  • a racist,
  • slanderous,
  • blaming,
  • manipulative,
  • cruel,
  • lacks integrity,
  • manipulation
  • self serving,
  • secretive,
  • cowardice,
  • childish,
  • predatory,
  • a misogynist
And of course devoid of empathy.

then I suggest that you vote for old senile corrupt incompetent Biden, but remember my vote will cancel yours, so why bother.

Since you don't live in California your vote will not cancel mine. You assassination of Joe Biden's character and mental health is noted. You have no evidence that he is either corrupt or incompetent; unlike Trump, whose Personality Disorders have been illuminated a dozen or more times on this message board, and many more times if you were in touch with reality; his abuse of power is a consequence of megalomania.

Be sure to sign up for Vote Tracker. That will will let know where your ballot every step along the way. We also have same day registration and with Governor signing the legislation sending V.B.M. to registered voters we will have a heavy voter turnout. I will miss not working at the poll this year, but my Doctor says no because of the asthma.

You+2 at the polls.

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