Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

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In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
There were about 13k there.
Biden couldnt draw thousand if he gave out free BJs, you stupid moron.

Not even close. 6,200 deluded followers is all there were. The arena holds 19,000 People. Which men the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Pussy Grabbing Coward was looking over 12, 800 vacant seats. That comes out to roughly 32.6% of the arena was being used.

The overflow was as vacant as the space between he Pussy Grabbers ears.
Last edited:
Meanwhile, Joe Biden big event in Philadelphia...

View attachment 353951

Did Mr. Biden give away 1,000,000 tickets?

Did Mr. Biden get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band.

Biden didn't give away 1,000,000 tickets, nor did he get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band because he's smart enough to know a hoax when he sees it.

Trump sees huge numbers and thinks it is because he's so great and the people all love him, so he doesn't bother to check. Especially if it might bruise his ego.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden big event in Philadelphia...

View attachment 353951

Did Mr. Biden give away 1,000,000 tickets?

Did Mr. Biden get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band.

Biden didn't give away 1,000,000 tickets, nor did he get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band because he's smart enough to know a hoax when he sees it.

Trump sees huge numbers and thinks it is because he's so great and the people all love him, so he doesn't bother to check. Especially if it might bruise his ego.

Biden is an Intelligent and Articulate Man. 45 has probably a 5th grade reading level at best. He has limited vocabulary and his use of superfluous language only serves to highlight his limited intellectual abilities.


lying dog face pony soldier
They certainly helped Trump because he's a showman. Most people love a good show with lots of hooping, hollering and one liners. However, people do tire of it as we can see. The Trump show is pretty much the same thing over and over with outrageous statements mixed with obvious lies, threats, and misstatements. I have to admit I did attend a Trump rally in 2016 and found it very entertaining but certainly not very informative because I was very familiar with the Trump spiel.
Biden is a sham artist
Biden hates blacks
Biden said of obama if it was a few years ago obama would be serving him drinks
You attended a trump rally is like saying bull have tits
lol you're so fucking transparent
Biden is not a narcissistic idiot who has spent his entire life worshiping himself, who thinks bravery is consorting with whores without getting AIDS. Biden knows Finland is not part of Russia and knows who the nuclear powers are, understands Russia is not America's friend, doesn't ask why Israel doesn't sign a peace treaty with Palestine, and understands the Bill Rights are part of the Constitution. He also understands why a president should never suggest putting disinfectants in the lungs, who understands Coronvirus testing is critical to stopping the spread of the virus, who understands science has a place in government, who knows why a president does not pose for photo ops with the most brutal dictator since Stalin, who understands unilateral trade deals will never be in the best interest of the US, who doesn't think Global Warming was created by Al Gore and claiming Cornovirus is just the common flu or democratic hoax will not make it go away. In other words, Biden is not Trump.
More jibberish

Hmmm, it seems The Truth you find to be "jibberish". I think you meant gibberish.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden big event in Philadelphia...

View attachment 353951

Did Mr. Biden give away 1,000,000 tickets?

Did Mr. Biden get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band.

Biden didn't give away 1,000,000 tickets, nor did he get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band because he's smart enough to know a hoax when he sees it.

Trump sees huge numbers and thinks it is because he's so great and the people all love him, so he doesn't bother to check. Especially if it might bruise his ego.

Biden is an Intelligent and Articulate Man. 45 has probably a 5th grade reading level at best. He has limited vocabulary and his use of superfluous language only serves to highlight his limited intellectual abilities.
Biden is an Intelligent and Articulate Man? how many times has Biden run for president? why wasn't this seen in him then? what has Biden done for 45 years of public service?
Meanwhile, Joe Biden big event in Philadelphia...

View attachment 353951

Did Mr. Biden give away 1,000,000 tickets?

Did Mr. Biden get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band.

Biden didn't give away 1,000,000 tickets, nor did he get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band because he's smart enough to know a hoax when he sees it.

Trump sees huge numbers and thinks it is because he's so great and the people all love him, so he doesn't bother to check. Especially if it might bruise his ego.

Biden is an Intelligent and Articulate Man. 45 has probably a 5th grade reading level at best. He has limited vocabulary and his use of superfluous language only serves to highlight his limited intellectual abilities.
Biden is an Intelligent and Articulate Man? how many times has Biden run for president? why wasn't this seen in him then? what has Biden done for 45 years of public service?

Q. what has Biden done for 45 years of public service

A. Public Service!

Q. What has Trump done to make America Great Again?

A. Not a damn thing.
They certainly helped Trump because he's a showman. Most people love a good show with lots of hooping, hollering and one liners. However, people do tire of it as we can see. The Trump show is pretty much the same thing over and over with outrageous statements mixed with obvious lies, threats, and misstatements. I have to admit I did attend a Trump rally in 2016 and found it very entertaining but certainly not very informative because I was very familiar with the Trump spiel.
Biden is a sham artist
Biden hates blacks
Biden said of obama if it was a few years ago obama would be serving him drinks
You attended a trump rally is like saying bull have tits
lol you're so fucking transparent
Biden is not a narcissistic idiot who has spent his entire life worshiping himself, who thinks bravery is consorting with whores without getting AIDS. Biden knows Finland is not part of Russia and knows who the nuclear powers are, understands Russia is not America's friend, doesn't ask why Israel doesn't sign a peace treaty with Palestine, and understands the Bill Rights are part of the Constitution. He also understands why a president should never suggest putting disinfectants in the lungs, who understands Coronvirus testing is critical to stopping the spread of the virus, who understands science has a place in government, who knows why a president does not pose for photo ops with the most brutal dictator since Stalin, who understands unilateral trade deals will never be in the best interest of the US, who doesn't think Global Warming was created by Al Gore and claiming Cornovirus is just the common flu or democratic hoax will not make it go away. In other words, Biden is not Trump.
More jibberish

Hmmm, it seems The Truth you find to be "jibberish". I think you meant gibberish.
When you start out with a lie the rest is just jibberish narcissistic idiot that was the first lie the rest is jibberish
Biden is a narcissistic idiot that was the first lie.


Gibberish, alternatively jibber, jabber, jibber-jabber, or gobbledygook, is speech that is (or appears to be) nonsense. It may include speech sounds that are not actual words, or language games and specialized jargon that seems nonsensical to outsiders."Gibberish" is also used as an imprecation to denigrate or tar ideas or opinions the user disagrees with or finds irksome, a rough equivalent of "nonsense", "falderal", or "claptrap". The implication is that the criticized expression or proposition lacks substance or congruence, as opposed to simply being a differing view.

The word gibberish is more commonly applied to informal speech, while gobbledygook (sometimes gobbledegook, gobbledigook or gobbledegoo) is more often applied to writing or language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms. "Officialese", "legalese", or "bureaucratese" are forms of gobbledygook. The related word jibber-jabber refers to rapid talk that is difficult to understand
Meanwhile, Joe Biden big event in Philadelphia...

View attachment 353951

Did Mr. Biden give away 1,000,000 tickets?

Did Mr. Biden get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band.

Biden didn't give away 1,000,000 tickets, nor did he get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band because he's smart enough to know a hoax when he sees it.

Trump sees huge numbers and thinks it is because he's so great and the people all love him, so he doesn't bother to check. Especially if it might bruise his ego.

Biden is an Intelligent and Articulate Man. 45 has probably a 5th grade reading level at best. He has limited vocabulary and his use of superfluous language only serves to highlight his limited intellectual abilities.
Biden is an Intelligent and Articulate Man? how many times has Biden run for president? why wasn't this seen in him then? what has Biden done for 45 years of public service?

At last count the Fuck Wad Lying 5-Deferment Draft Draft Doding, Belly Crawling Yellow Belly Yankee Coward has told over 18,000 Lies.

And you are dead from the neck up stupid enough to believe each and everyone one of them.

Actually I served in the U.S. Army Infantry in Viet Nam, 45 is Lying,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Belly Crawling, Yellow Belly Yankee Coward.

If you were in Vietnam you must hate obama for making John Kerry SOS and hate all leftists such as Jane Fonda

No not really, Secretary Kerry served his country, 45 is Lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Belly Crawling Yellow Belly Yankee Coward.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden big event in Philadelphia...

View attachment 353951

Did Mr. Biden give away 1,000,000 tickets?

Did Mr. Biden get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band.

Biden didn't give away 1,000,000 tickets, nor did he get punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band because he's smart enough to know a hoax when he sees it.

Trump sees huge numbers and thinks it is because he's so great and the people all love him, so he doesn't bother to check. Especially if it might bruise his ego.

Biden is an Intelligent and Articulate Man. 45 has probably a 5th grade reading level at best. He has limited vocabulary and his use of superfluous language only serves to highlight his limited intellectual abilities.
Biden is an Intelligent and Articulate Man? how many times has Biden run for president? why wasn't this seen in him then? what has Biden done for 45 years of public service?

Q. what has Biden done for 45 years of public service

A. Public Service!

Q. What has Trump done to make America Great Again?

A. Not a damn thing.
Question one how did Biden become a millionaire in public service?
How can the President do anything when he's tied up in court over his every move by democrats?
But This president even with the democrats fighting him about everything he's getting things done

Actually I served in the U.S. Army Infantry in Viet Nam, 45 is Lying,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Belly Crawling, Yellow Belly Yankee Coward.

If you were in Vietnam you must hate obama for making John Kerry SOS and hate all leftists such as Jane Fonda

No not really, Secretary Kerry served his country, 45 is Lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Belly Crawling Yellow Belly Yankee Coward.

you have never served
Jan 1 to Nov 5 2018: Polls show Democrats crushing Republicans in House elections

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!

Nov 6 2018: Biggest Republican defeat in the House since Watergate

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!
lol 41 seats in a incumbent year? Lol that’s embarrassing.. republicans took 52 seats the last go around 47 two years before that .. 41 isn’t good
That was then...

Before voters got a good look under the hood and developed Buyer's Remorse...

Things have changed...

Voters are likely to send your boy packing in November...
Jan 1 to Nov 5 2018: Polls show Democrats crushing Republicans in House elections

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!

Nov 6 2018: Biggest Republican defeat in the House since Watergate

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!
lol 41 seats in a incumbent year? Lol that’s embarrassing.. republicans took 52 seats the last go around 47 two years before that .. 41 isn’t good
That was then...

Before voters got a good look under the hood and developed Buyer's Remorse...

Things have changed...

Voters are likely to send your boy packing in November...
Who’s gonna beat Trump?

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