Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

I think it goes like this.

They advise him one way. He believes he knows better and does his own thing.

It blows up on him and he blames the advisors.
You might be right, but the only reason his advisors tell him the way that they want him to adhere to those attempting to destroy him, is because they are telling him the old appeasement way that was used by his formers as the best way to be, and then he ends up looking weak because of it.

No Trump is a bull in the China shop, and that's great in two different ways. MAGA.

So Trump advisors told him to say...

1. Trump said at his Tulsa rally. Slow down CV testing... Today his goons are very busy defending this moron. Even fox & Friends blasted Trump.
2. Trade Wars. US are the biggest losers.

3. Fight via tweets with mayors and governors.
4. Use racist remarks against Asian Americans.... Kung flu.
5. Incite violence against his own people.
6. Etc etc etc etc
You attacking this American President shows that you are an anti-American radical just like the rest of your buddies here. The agendas are well known now, and your constant attacking a U.S. president shows exactly who you all are.

From you...... Attacking this American president. Making me anti American.

That is so silly. This president is nothing but unfit, incompetent, dumb and ignorant president. who doesn’t give a shit except his ego........

Look at handling of the Coronavirus crisis. Does he it look like he cares?

You purposely ignored that he incite violence against his own people, insult and threatened people and lie like hell. Most important he is RACIST moron.

There is an anti racism demonstrations going on all over the country and other countries around the world.... here comes this MORON comfortably using racist insults against Asian Americans ...... Kung Flu.

At the same time we like it because he proved himself that he is a racist DOG SHIT.
It is your anti-American agenda that is in play here, and you echoe the talking points just like a good little cratzi does... You think the leftist give a crap about you ?????? Rotflmbo.
rally was not sabotaged. the campaign however was trolled into crowing about fantastic demand for orange hate fests and fed garbage data. bon appétit, maggots.
Sabotaged then. Good that can be fixed, and it should be fixed. Enough of the corruption already.

According to Pascale you are lying and totally wrong and totally disagree with you........ Sabotage only means Trump highly paid campaign team are inept.... Read what Pascale said about tick tock.

Parscale continued: “Registering for a rally means you’ve RSVPed with a cellphone number and we constantly weed out bogus numbers, as we did with tens of thousands at the Tulsa rally, in calculating our possible attendee pool. These phony ticket requests never factor into our thinking. What makes this lame attempt at hacking our events even more foolish is the fact that every rally is general admission — entry is on a first-come-first-served basis and prior registration is not required.”
Hmmm, interesting, so why the gloating by AOC ??? Is she lying and fabricating bullcrap to hurt Trump or to send people on goose chases ???

AOC fabricating bullcrap. How many times did she do that? COMPARED to Trump fabricating bullcrap tweeting conspiracies GARBAGE. .

He just accused Obama of treason for spying his campaign without any evidence. Trump accused the Clintons killed Jeffrey Epstein. That’s just 2 of so many many that your god fabricated bullcrap.

Why/What do you support a president this bad worst ever that seats in that office? What do you get from it?
Keeping score eh ???? The only thing that is hilarious, is that you will never admit to losing no matter what the scores are, just like you got duped during the fake "Hillary is going to win the 2016 presidential election" bullcrap, before she ever had any proof of it. Good grief.
IF that's winning, losing is going to look really bad.

You're right, it does.

View attachment 353261

One more time.

Did Mr. Biden boast that his campaign had given away. "1,000,000" Tickets?

Did Mr. Biden hold his event in an arena with 19,000 seats of which 6,200 seat were taken. That mean 32.6% of the arena was occupied.

Did Mr. Biden boast of an "Overflow" to handle the people who would not have been able to get into the arena where one 32.6% of available seats were being used?

Was Mr. Biden punked by TicToc and a South Korean Boy Band?

Did Mr. Biden walk into his home like a broke dick loser?
More than the Fire Department said?
I have not seen what the fire department said. I am saying that there were more people there then what CNN and other liberal news sites say. I was there and inside the bok was full.
Well that's a lie.
No, you lie.

That was easy.

This from the idiot who refused to proof of tacit intent of Voter Fraud when 83-Ballots (that were never cast) were sent to an address in San Pedro. I'm still waiting for your proof.
So, the Phoenix rally apparently is going well.

3,000 people.

When did they say they would have a rally in Phoenix?

Anyhoo.......................that would be 2,998 more people than showed up at Crazy Joe's rally. :abgg2q.jpg:

Did Mr. Biden invite 2,998 people to his event? Short answer is no. He deliberately kept his opening limited, with social distancing and people wearing masks.
More than the Fire Department said?
I have not seen what the fire department said. I am saying that there were more people there then what CNN and other liberal news sites say. I was there and inside the bok was full.
Well that's a lie.
No, you lie.

That was easy.

This from the idiot who refused to proof of tacit intent of Voter Fraud when 83-Ballots (that were never cast) were sent to an address in San Pedro. I'm still waiting for your proof.
You lie.

That was easy.
So, the Phoenix rally apparently is going well.

3,000 people.

When did they say they would have a rally in Phoenix?

Anyhoo.......................that would be 2,998 more people than showed up at Crazy Joe's rally. :abgg2q.jpg:

Did Mr. Biden invite 2,998 people to his event? Short answer is no. He deliberately kept his opening limited, with social distancing and people wearing masks.
Apparently, he invited 4 and had 2 show up. :iyfyus.jpg:

I think all of this winning is having an adverse affect on the blob.

IF that's winning, losing is going to look really bad.

You're right, it does.

View attachment 353261

One more time.

Did Mr. Biden boast that his campaign had given away. "1,000,000" Tickets?

Did Mr. Biden hold his event in an arena with 19,000 seats of which 6,200 seat were taken. That mean 32.6% of the arena was occupied.

Did Mr. Biden boast of an "Overflow" to handle the people who would not have been able to get into the arena where one 32.6% of available seats were being used?

Was Mr. Biden punked by TicToc and a South Korean Boy Band?

Did Mr. Biden walk into his home like a broke dick loser?

Speaking of Biden. Where is that creepy dude? Trump may have to get a search warrant to find him for the debates. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes I do they are chickenshit leftist who can't get laid

been married & still married for 35 years ... that's a lotta getting laid.

While the Orange Shit is a Serial Adulterer who cheated of his wives, including Melania. 45 boasted of "Moving On" on a Married Woman, "Like A Bitch". He boasted of grabbing Women "By The Pussy".

I've been married to same Woman for 27-Years. We lived to for 6-Years and dated for 1-Year.

45 is an amoral asshole and misogynist.
IF that's winning, losing is going to look really bad.

You're right, it does.

View attachment 353261

One more time.

Did Mr. Biden boast that his campaign had given away. "1,000,000" Tickets?

Did Mr. Biden hold his event in an arena with 19,000 seats of which 6,200 seat were taken. That mean 32.6% of the arena was occupied.

Did Mr. Biden boast of an "Overflow" to handle the people who would not have been able to get into the arena where one 32.6% of available seats were being used?

Was Mr. Biden punked by TicToc and a South Korean Boy Band?

Did Mr. Biden walk into his home like a broke dick loser?

Speaking of Biden. Where is that creepy dude? Trump may have to get a search warrant to find him for the debates. :auiqs.jpg:
So, the Phoenix rally apparently is going well.

3,000 people.

When did they say they would have a rally in Phoenix?

Anyhoo.......................that would be 2,998 more people than showed up at Crazy Joe's rally. :abgg2q.jpg:

Did Mr. Biden invite 2,998 people to his event? Short answer is no. He deliberately kept his opening limited, with social distancing and people wearing masks.
Apparently, he invited 4 and had 2 show up. :iyfyus.jpg:

and the Orange Shit Gibbon got 32.6% as opposed Mr. Biden 50%.
So, the Phoenix rally apparently is going well.

3,000 people.

When did they say they would have a rally in Phoenix?

Anyhoo.......................that would be 2,998 more people than showed up at Crazy Joe's rally. :abgg2q.jpg:

Did Mr. Biden invite 2,998 people to his event? Short answer is no. He deliberately kept his opening limited, with social distancing and people wearing masks.
Apparently, he invited 4 and had 2 show up. :iyfyus.jpg:

and the Orange Shit Gibbon got 32.6% as opposed Mr. Biden 50%.
6500 > 2

:iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
IF that's winning, losing is going to look really bad.

You're right, it does.

View attachment 353261

One more time.

Did Mr. Biden boast that his campaign had given away. "1,000,000" Tickets?

Did Mr. Biden hold his event in an arena with 19,000 seats of which 6,200 seat were taken. That mean 32.6% of the arena was occupied.

Did Mr. Biden boast of an "Overflow" to handle the people who would not have been able to get into the arena where one 32.6% of available seats were being used?

Was Mr. Biden punked by TicToc and a South Korean Boy Band?

Did Mr. Biden walk into his home like a broke dick loser?

Speaking of Biden. Where is that creepy dude? Trump may have to get a search warrant to find him for the debates. :auiqs.jpg:

Mr. Biden has agreed to a total of 3-Debates.

IF that's winning, losing is going to look really bad.

You're right, it does.

View attachment 353261

One more time.

Did Mr. Biden boast that his campaign had given away. "1,000,000" Tickets?

Did Mr. Biden hold his event in an arena with 19,000 seats of which 6,200 seat were taken. That mean 32.6% of the arena was occupied.

Did Mr. Biden boast of an "Overflow" to handle the people who would not have been able to get into the arena where one 32.6% of available seats were being used?

Was Mr. Biden punked by TicToc and a South Korean Boy Band?

Did Mr. Biden walk into his home like a broke dick loser?

Speaking of Biden. Where is that creepy dude? Trump may have to get a search warrant to find him for the debates. :auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 354279

Dude, that's the meme of the year!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
IF that's winning, losing is going to look really bad.

You're right, it does.

View attachment 353261

One more time.

Did Mr. Biden boast that his campaign had given away. "1,000,000" Tickets?

Did Mr. Biden hold his event in an arena with 19,000 seats of which 6,200 seat were taken. That mean 32.6% of the arena was occupied.

Did Mr. Biden boast of an "Overflow" to handle the people who would not have been able to get into the arena where one 32.6% of available seats were being used?

Was Mr. Biden punked by TicToc and a South Korean Boy Band?

Did Mr. Biden walk into his home like a broke dick loser?

Speaking of Biden. Where is that creepy dude? Trump may have to get a search warrant to find him for the debates. :auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 354279


So, the Phoenix rally apparently is going well.

3,000 people.

When did they say they would have a rally in Phoenix?

Anyhoo.......................that would be 2,998 more people than showed up at Crazy Joe's rally. :abgg2q.jpg:

Did Mr. Biden invite 2,998 people to his event? Short answer is no. He deliberately kept his opening limited, with social distancing and people wearing masks.
Apparently, he invited 4 and had 2 show up. :iyfyus.jpg:

and the Orange Shit Gibbon got 32.6% as opposed Mr. Biden 50%.
6500 > 2

:iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:%

6,200. 19,000 seating capacity 32.6% capacity used.

"1,000,000" tickets given away. 6,200 used.

Fuck Wad 45 got punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band.


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