Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

So, the Phoenix rally apparently is going well.

3,000 people.

When did they say they would have a rally in Phoenix?

Anyhoo.......................that would be 2,998 more people than showed up at Crazy Joe's rally. :abgg2q.jpg:

Did Mr. Biden invite 2,998 people to his event? Short answer is no. He deliberately kept his opening limited, with social distancing and people wearing masks.
Apparently, he invited 4 and had 2 show up. :iyfyus.jpg:

and the Orange Shit Gibbon got 32.6% as opposed Mr. Biden 50%.
6500 > 2

:iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:%

6,200. 19,000 seating capacity 32.6% capacity used.

"1,000,000" tickets given away. 6,200 used.

Fuck Wad 45 got punked by TicToc and South Korean Boy Band.

6500 > 2


lying dog face pony soldier

Actually I served in the U.S. Army Infantry in Viet Nam, 45 is Lying,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Belly Crawling, Yellow Belly Yankee Coward.

You may have served in Vietnam, but Trump knew more than the Generals
Anyone else notice that even though they handed out masks and hand sanitizer when they entered, very few of those inside are wearing masks?

Enclosed area, no wind circulation, lots of people chanting and screaming, spreading droplets and very few are wearing masks. What could possibly go wrong?

Then, in order to spread the virus as far as possible, they turned on misters and big fans.
Trump's Oklahoma rally that allegedly had "almost a million" requests for tickets drew about 6,200 people to a 19,000 seat arena on Saturday. It doesn't seem to have elicited much of a reaction on this board, for some reason. But don't worry! Trump has lots of excuses for what happened. As you might expect, it wasn't his fault. You can read some of the excuses here:

Oh, and by the way: apparently, the reason that the Trump campaign thought they had so many people coming was because they got punked...
rally was not sabotaged. the campaign however was trolled into crowing about fantastic demand for orange hate fests and fed garbage data. bon appétit, maggots.
Sabotaged then. Good that can be fixed, and it should be fixed. Enough of the corruption already.

According to Pascale you are lying and totally wrong and totally disagree with you........ Sabotage only means Trump highly paid campaign team are inept.... Read what Pascale said about tick tock.

Parscale continued: “Registering for a rally means you’ve RSVPed with a cellphone number and we constantly weed out bogus numbers, as we did with tens of thousands at the Tulsa rally, in calculating our possible attendee pool. These phony ticket requests never factor into our thinking. What makes this lame attempt at hacking our events even more foolish is the fact that every rally is general admission — entry is on a first-come-first-served basis and prior registration is not required.”
Hmmm, interesting, so why the gloating by AOC ??? Is she lying and fabricating bullcrap to hurt Trump or to send people on goose chases ???
this is what AOC posted:

"Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok who flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID"

she gloats about tricking the trump campaign into believing a million people wanted to come.

this is not hard to understand. why can't you? it has been explained to you multiple times.

no one who wanted to go to the rally was kept from doing that. derp
Ok, then what is AOC gloating about, and cheering about ??? Interpret her message for me. Exactly what did she mean by her message ??? Tiktok, Tiktok, Tiktok, I'll be waiting.
the answer to your question is in the post you quoted. have someone read it to you, you imbecile.
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Actually I served in the U.S. Army Infantry in Viet Nam, 45 is Lying,
5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Belly Crawling, Yellow Belly Yankee Coward.

If you were in Vietnam you must hate obama for making John Kerry SOS and hate all leftists such as Jane Fonda

' STDs was my vietnam ' ~ donald trump, man whore of NYC
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Jan 1 to Nov 5 2018: Polls show Democrats crushing Republicans in House elections

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!

Nov 6 2018: Biggest Republican defeat in the House since Watergate

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!
lol 41 seats in a incumbent year? Lol that’s embarrassing.. republicans took 52 seats the last go around 47 two years before that .. 41 isn’t good
That was then...

Before voters got a good look under the hood and developed Buyer's Remorse...

Things have changed...

Voters are likely to send your boy packing in November...
Who’s gonna beat Trump?

both heavily rw biased rasmussen AND fox have biden beating donny.
Jan 1 to Nov 5 2018: Polls show Democrats crushing Republicans in House elections

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!

Nov 6 2018: Biggest Republican defeat in the House since Watergate

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!
lol 41 seats in a incumbent year? Lol that’s embarrassing.. republicans took 52 seats the last go around 47 two years before that .. 41 isn’t good
That was then...

Before voters got a good look under the hood and developed Buyer's Remorse...

Things have changed...

Voters are likely to send your boy packing in November...
Who’s gonna beat Trump?

both heavily rw biased rasmussen AND fox have biden beating donny.
Both are run. By democrats, and most republicans don’t participate in opinion polls so the ones being used are like mitt Romney lol
Yes I do they are chickenshit leftist who can't get laid

been married & still married for 35 years ... that's a lotta getting laid.

While the Orange Shit is a Serial Adulterer who cheated of his wives, including Melania. 45 boasted of "Moving On" on a Married Woman, "Like A Bitch". He boasted of grabbing Women "By The Pussy".

I've been married to same Woman for 27-Years. We lived to for 6-Years and dated for 1-Year.

45 is an amoral asshole and misogynist.

i remember him bragging on stern about the time he brought current wife #1 AND soon to be whore/wife #2 on an aspen ski vacation, at the same time; & they crossed paths on the slope.

they got into it right there & made a spectacle of themselves, while he stood & watched.

Last edited:
Jan 1 to Nov 5 2018: Polls show Democrats crushing Republicans in House elections

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!

Nov 6 2018: Biggest Republican defeat in the House since Watergate

Trump worshippers: Polls don't matter! Remember 2016! Fake news! We're going to win! Trump is my Messiah!
lol 41 seats in a incumbent year? Lol that’s embarrassing.. republicans took 52 seats the last go around 47 two years before that .. 41 isn’t good
That was then...

Before voters got a good look under the hood and developed Buyer's Remorse...

Things have changed...

Voters are likely to send your boy packing in November...
Who’s gonna beat Trump?

both heavily rw biased rasmussen AND fox have biden beating donny.
Both are run. By democrats, and most republicans don’t participate in opinion polls so the ones being used are like mitt Romney lol

cool story, bro.
Three years of a great economy killed by democrat governors and you think people will look favorably on those democrats
You are Delusional! Obama handed Trump the great economy he built & Trump Destroyed It!
Dumbass the delusion is all yours. Even mainstream media had to admit the economy was great. Just about the time they were pushing the argument that no one cared about a great economy
Three years of a great economy killed by democrat governors and you think people will look favorably on those democrats
You are Delusional! Obama handed Trump the great economy he built & Trump Destroyed It!
Dumbass the delusion is all yours. Even mainstream media had to admit the economy was great. Just about the time they were pushing the argument that no one cared about a great economy
Of course it was. It was the tail end of a 10 year expansion.
Yes I do they are chickenshit leftist who can't get laid

been married & still married for 35 years ... that's a lotta getting laid.

While the Orange Shit is a Serial Adulterer who cheated of his wives, including Melania. 45 boasted of "Moving On" on a Married Woman, "Like A Bitch". He boasted of grabbing Women "By The Pussy".

I've been married to same Woman for 27-Years. We lived to for 6-Years and dated for 1-Year.

45 is an amoral asshole and misogynist.

i remember him bragging on stern about the time he brought current wife #1 AND soon to be whore/wife #2 on an aspen ski vacation, at the same time; & they crossed paths on the slope.

they got into it right there & made a spectacle of themselves, while he stood & watched.

Incels can't comprehend what men do and a thing called locker room talk
Funny watching Trump throw a tantrum because nobody showed up

View attachment 353834

In all sincerity...its sad. His family didn't travel with him. Wow...it was a fairly important day for dear old blobther and neither one of his kids could show up? Nor his wife. ouch.
To me, it was not who showed up, but how weak a performance it was. No mention of 2021 and beyond. No mention of events related to George Floyd. No mention of Juneteenth. No mention of people needing to be safe. No call for unity.

Instead, there was an “in your face” flaunting of social distancing. Kung Flu taunt. Endless airing of grievances. You are lucky I am your president and a bizarre 15 min explanation of walking down a ramp and demo that he is capable of drinking with one hand.

I heard those excerpts. I wasn't aware of the ramp act. I would like to see the blob do some push ups though. He'd be more red than orange.
Trump explained he walked down the ramp so slowly because he was tired from saluting so much and had sunburn.

No Lie.

Funny, no other President has had a hard time saluting.

Trump says he had to salute 600 times and it affected his ramp walking ability.

At least he didn't bring up Bone Spurs

Biden "I am running for the senate" "its great to be in Wisconsin" (said in New Hampshire).
Have I ever explained “glass houses“ to you?

George Washington captured airports
We need to investigate injecting disinfectants
Why don’t we try nuking hurricanes?
Windmills cause cancer
Vaccines cause autism
Why don’t I just draw on this map with a Sharpie?

Is Trump senile or just incredibly stupid?

out of context comments or jokes. But I understand that you are too dumb to understand.

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