Low Blow to Trucker Caravan

  • "Blocking the roads and hurting Canada's economy is the most powerful weapon they have, and thusly they used it.
  • ..........using free speech to hinder free speech is not free speech. It is an active attempt to supplant their ideas with one's own. I will not tolerate that behavior.
  • But I'd sooner be branded a hypocrite than to watch as innocent people have their freedoms stripped from them.
  • It is not free speech to organize methods to undermine or disrupt others' ability to organize their own forms of free expression."
    (emphasis added)
Here's the deal, good poster Kormac: Arithmetic matters. Math can measure.

Millions of people on the east side of the Detroit and St. Clair rivers ---- Canadians.
Millions of people on the west side of the Detroit and St. Clair rivers ---- Americans.
All needing, egress in and out of their cities; access to food, parts, supplies, hospitals, their jobs. Millions of people stripped of their freedom to use the infrastructure they paid for.

Versus......a handful of drivers who don't want to get a vaccine shot.

Personally, being that I am middling comfortable with numbers-wonkery ......I'm gonna side with the weight of numbers: Meaning, millions of people's 'freedoms' outweigh the 'freedoms' of a handful.


have done so with bouncy castles, cookouts and no violence.
Ah, well.
If ONLY they would've just used bouncy-castles, and Weber grills to block the Ambassador and Blue Water bridges. Instead of, 40' rigs weighing near 80,000 lbs.

Tip: It woulda made a difference. Trust me.

That’s right! Prevent people’s freedom of speech!Stalin, Hitler, and Mao would be proud!
Would Stalin, Hitler, or Mao prevented people from entering or exiting a city? Would a handful of their people disrupted milllions in order to establish their will?
HINT: The answer is --- Yupper. Duh!
Here's the deal, good poster Kormac: Arithmetic matters. Math can measure.

Millions of people on the east side of the Detroit and St. Clair rivers ---- Canadians.
Millions of people on the west side of the Detroit and St. Clair rivers ---- Americans.
All needing, egress in and out of their cities; access to food, parts, supplies, hospitals, their jobs. Millions of people stripped of their freedom to use the infrastructure they paid for.

Versus......a handful of drivers who don't want to get a vaccine shot.

Personally, being that I am middling comfortable with numbers-wonkery ......I'm gonna side with the weight of numbers: Meaning, millions of people's 'freedoms' outweigh the 'freedoms' of a handful.


Ah, well.
If ONLY they would've just used bouncy-castles, and Weber grills to block the Ambassador and Blue Water bridges. Instead of, 40' rigs weighing near 80,000 lbs.

Tip: It woulda made a difference. Trust me.

Would Stalin, Hitler, or Mao prevented people from entering or exiting a city? Would a handful of their people disrupted milllions in order to establish their will?
HINT: The answer is --- Yupper. Duh!

So where was your math when cities were being vandalized, businesses burned and looted, and people's lives disrupted during the George Floyd "protests"?

CHAZ/CHOP actually took over several square blocks, and your math calculates that how?
So where was your math when cities were being vandalized, businesses burned and looted, and people's lives disrupted during the George Floyd "protests"?

Free Advice to the good poster 'Began':

Start a thread on the multiple incidents of vandalism arising from the 2020 protests/disturbances arising from the publicly filmed murder of a black man on a Minneapolis street.

That way you can focus and explore a little more intently on a topic that seems important to you.

And, importantly, would perhaps be a bit more relevant to the story of a handful of drivers in Canada who blocked the freedoms of millions simply because they don't want to get a shot in their arm.

Good luck.
A "morale low blow" said one of the truckers about how their communications online was thwarted.

"The protesters were forced to abandon their first method of communication, the app Zello, after counterprotesters flooded their channels "with the gay cowboy anthem Ram Ranch," a song with incredibly explicit homoerotic lyrics.
But the problem was that the person moderating the channel they jumped ship to turned out to be a double agent who disrupted their communications to help police catch them."

Raw story is a questionable source, the truckers need to realize that they can get arrested for protesting and it is part of the price to pay for a cause you believe in. The truckers are winning the PR and the .Canadian government seems to be bullies here.

I am all fpr peaceful protesting, yet it can be illegal. This group doesn’t seem violent and are getting their point across..

Lib twats should be happy, they have someone to blame besides Biden.

Free Advice to the good poster 'Began':

Start a thread on the multiple incidents of vandalism arising from the 2020 protests/disturbances arising from the publicly filmed murder of a black man on a Minneapolis street.

That way you can focus and explore a little more intently on a topic that seems important to you.

And, importantly, would perhaps be a bit more relevant to the story of a handful of drivers in Canada who blocked the freedoms of millions simply because they don't want to get a shot in their arm.

Good luck.

Deflect all you want, the comparison is apt and makes mockery of your case of the vapors over this peaceful example of civil disobedience.
Counter protesting isn't using subversion to prevent the organization of someone else's protest.
Sure it is. The truckers strategy is to block the most important highway arteries and cause the most pain to the most people. Well those who suffer damage from this fight back. In our country you gotta apply for a permit to protest. Break the rules for protesting ya get the night stick, rubber bullets and tear gas.
Sure it is. The truckers strategy is to block the most important highway arteries and cause the most pain to the most people. Well those who suffer damage from this fight back. In our country you gotta apply for a permit to protest. Break the rules for protesting ya get the night stick, rubber bullets and tear gas.

Yet government disrupting supply lines and storefronts was for the good of the country, right?

Civil Disobedience isn't just protesting, it's disrupting the system to change the system.

The whole purpose when fighting laws and rules you think are wrong is to get arrested for BREAKING those rules, or proxies of those rules, then go out there and do it again.
Yet government disrupting supply lines and storefronts was for the good of the country, right?

Civil Disobedience isn't just protesting, it's disrupting the system to change the system.

The whole purpose when fighting laws and rules you think are wrong is to get arrested for BREAKING those rules, or proxies of those rules, then go out there and do it again.
Lol, the system fights back. That's the way things work. They could be getting rubber bullets and nightsticks.
the comparison is apt
Oh, l suppose a facile one could say the comparison works.
But, in truth, it comes across as sort of a 'trying-too-hard' exercise....when there are no more arguments to be made.

And I don't mean that disrespectfully; however, while the good poster ''MartyB' may wish to assert that the groups --- the Anti-Police Brutality's milllions, and the handful of Canadian commercial drivers ----each has the same aversion to "being shot".

I would argue....and give right of legitimacy....to the black folks who get rather fatally "shot" by police too frequently....... vs .......that handful of drivers who object to a mere vaccine "shot" in the arm.

Marty, they are NOT the same.

Trust me.
A "morale low blow" said one of the truckers about how their communications online was thwarted.

"The protesters were forced to abandon their first method of communication, the app Zello, after counterprotesters flooded their channels "with the gay cowboy anthem Ram Ranch," a song with incredibly explicit homoerotic lyrics.
But the problem was that the person moderating the channel they jumped ship to turned out to be a double agent who disrupted their communications to help police catch them."

Why do you hate liberal principles so much as you do?

Is it just your obvious stupidity or is there something more to it?
Lol, the system fights back. That's the way things work. They could be getting rubber bullets and nightsticks.

They didn't because they knew that unlike the summer of 2020 this protest wasn't violent.

The idea is to make the system choke on itself.
Oh, l suppose a facile one could say the comparison works.
But, in truth, it comes across as sort of a 'trying-too-hard' exercise....when there are no more arguments to be made.

And I don't mean that disrespectfully; however, while the good poster ''MartyB' may wish to assert that the groups --- the Anti-Police Brutality's milllions, and the handful of Canadian commercial drivers ----each has the same aversion to "being shot".

I would argue....and give right of legitimacy....to the black folks who get rather fatally "shot" by police too frequently....... vs .......that handful of drivers who object to a mere vaccine "shot" in the arm.

Marty, they are NOT the same.

Trust me.

It's not just "a shot". it's the whole mandate/government power thing.

This one was peaceful, the others were not.
Lol, the system fights back. That's the way things work. They could be getting rubber bullets and nightsticks.
How has your flow been this month, 1969?

Why do you support an all-powerful totalitarian state forcing people to inject unproven substances into their body and why do you absolutely despise liberalism?

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