Low Confidence in Trump Wordwide

We don't live in a vacuum. Like it or not, trade and military alliances are still important. Now, is it necessary that other countries like Trump in order to trade or ally with the U.S.? No, not exactly. Trusting his judgment and wanting to cooperate with the guy, though....if they don't, it could make things harder for him.
People underestimate the power we have economically.
Actually most of our significant adversaries were ecstatic under Obama's speak softly but carry a wet noodle policy as it allowed them to make inroads into sphere's of influence that were once exclusively ours.

Somehow....and as expected.....Trump's fuck-ups regarding his love relationship with Putin, right wingers will "manage" to blame it on Obama or Clinton.....Weak !!

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.
So (in order of appearance on your chart), Russia, Vietnam, Philippines, Israel, and Nigeria like Trump.

Maybe he should move there?

He just needs to decide what he likes the most?

Golden showers?


More rice?


Or jungle fever?

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.
Good! The globalist are worried the US will no longer bend over and take it. Fair trade and fair treaties scare the shit out of them.
.....and the love of Putin is mutual....

Trump will be impeached soon and the vote will be close, same as for Slick Willy.

Then there is a good chance Pence will take over.

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

Is this the same world opinion that gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize?
Little did they know Obama would interfere in free elections across the globe, bomb multiple countries, and build one of the most heinous terrorists groups the world has ever seen.
First he was not elected to be President of the world second in regards to doing the right in world affairs doing the right thing for who? If these other countries don't like what he's doing maybe they should consider taking more responsibilty for doing what they think the right thing is.

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.
Fake news.
Good! The globalist are worried the US will no longer bend over and take it. Fair trade and fair treaties scare the shit out of them.

In your half brain, did you ever wonder that maybe these other countries are NOT talking about losing out on "fair trade" and simply addressing the royal screw up that is Trump sitting in the oval office?
Little did they know Obama would interfere in free elections across the globe, bomb multiple countries, and build one of the most heinous terrorists groups the world has ever seen.

......and the Hannity show will be back after these short commercials.....LOL
Good! The globalist are worried the US will no longer bend over and take it. Fair trade and fair treaties scare the shit out of them.

In your half brain, did you ever wonder that maybe these other countries are NOT talking about losing out on "fair trade" and simply addressing the royal screw up that is Trump sitting in the oval office?
Have you ever considered thinking before posting? Nope!
“Low Confidence in Trump Wordwide”

And of course the usual rightwing nitwits and blind partisan Trump supporters will disparage the polls and exclaim that they don’t give a damn what the rest of the world thinks of the idiot Trump.
And of course the usual rightwing nitwits and blind partisan Trump supporters will disparage the polls and exclaim that they don’t give a damn what the rest of the world thinks of the idiot Trump.

PRECISELY.........while the Chinese cheer at their good fortune that the U.S. has actually "elected" a fuck up that drove our world-wide status into the toilet.
we love our polls, don't we folks?

we have the best polls...

1st - I believe these numbers are skewed; especially in the UK

2nd - even the skewed numbers have Trump well received in Israel & that is really all that matters
2nd - even the skewed numbers have Trump well received in Israel & that is really all that matters

Yeah........the above........with the placing of an Orthodox Jew in charge of bringing peace with the Palestinians, shows "true U.S. leadership." in that region.....LOL
Good! The globalist are worried the US will no longer bend over and take it. Fair trade and fair treaties scare the shit out of them.

In your half brain, did you ever wonder that maybe these other countries are NOT talking about losing out on "fair trade" and simply addressing the royal screw up that is Trump sitting in the oval office?

Considering the vast benefits to them out of screwing US,


Hell, even if there WERE any valid complaints, they lost any right to complain long ago.
And of course the usual rightwing nitwits and blind partisan Trump supporters will disparage the polls and exclaim that they don’t give a damn what the rest of the world thinks of the idiot Trump.

PRECISELY.........while the Chinese cheer at their good fortune that the U.S. has actually "elected" a fuck up that drove our world-wide status into the toilet.

China is utterly terrified that there MIGHT be an US president who might do something about their predatory trade.

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