Low Confidence in Trump Wordwide

As I pointed out in another thread, no American should give a rats ass what other countries think. They hate us and want to see us knocked down from our high perch and our wealth distributed. Therefor, they loved 0bama because he intended to do both and they would have loved Hillary because she would have continued the destruction that 0bama started.

They hate Trump because he's all about America First, and making America great again. That is not what the socialist globalist assholes want.

No one should give a shit what they think. The more they are pissed, the better for America and Americans.
As I pointed out in another thread, no American should give a rats ass what other countries think.

That attention was no less absurd there as it is here. The only people who rightly enjoy the luxury of insouciance about how their nation and its leader(s) be perceived by others are they who truly can live in complete isolation and independence from others. These days, that is not even possible for Mashco-Piroans, "The Most Isolated Man on Earth," Korowai and others like them.
First, you need to learn to read. Reading isn't just knowing what the collection of letters say, it also means being able to understand the message that whole sentences and paragraphs convey. You need to work on that.

I'm not in any way suggesting isolation. We don't have to care what their think, and we shouldn't. None of their opinions will translate to any real actions, they need us WAY more than we need them and they aren't going to do anything to risk losing that except whine and cry and take polls. You just like what it says so you are willing to defend the absurd.
First, you need to learn to read....I'm not in any way suggesting isolation. We don't have to care what their think, and we shouldn't. None of their opinions will translate to any real actions, they need us WAY more than we need them and they aren't going to do anything to risk losing that except whine and cry and take polls. You just like what it says so you are willing to defend the absurd.

You are the one who needs remedial reading instruction. After receiving it, mastering the skills taught, and rereading what I wrote, you'll realize I didn't state or imply you were suggesting isolation.
That [attestation] was no less absurd there [than] it is here. The only people who rightly enjoy the luxury of insouciance about how their nation and its leader(s) be perceived by others are they who truly can live in complete isolation and independence from others. These days, that is not even possible for Mashco-Piroans, "The Most Isolated Man on Earth," Korowai and others like them.
I realize poor and/or insufficiently trained good readers can, as you did, misconstrue what I wrote. The reasons I am aware of that are (1) you have by your remarks indicated you think I did state/imply you suggested isolation and (2) in the abstract, there's no limit to the ways and means such readers can misinterpret pretty much anything they read. Furthermore, poor reading comprehension and lack of appropriate instruction need not be causal of one's misprision; some people experience that because they have mental issues that effect rather than derive from gaps in their reading comprehension ability. Those issues yet inhibit their ability to accurately interpret what they read. (See this also.) But that sort of thing gets into why one cannot understand what one reads. I don't much care why one cannot, and I'm in no position, for any given individual whom I don't well know, to say why. What I can very aptly attest to, upon seeing one's response to what they read, is that they have or have not misconstrued it.

Now, as for the correct interpretation of what I wrote, I'm not going to provide it because the post is just three sentences long, and they aren't sentences that should challenge anyone who's graduated from high school. [1] [2] If you have not, it's understandable why you misconstrued the passage. Regardless of whether you have graduated from high school, I don't ever here write with the expectation that non-high school graduates comprehend my posts. It is quite likely that little that I post on USMB is easily understood by, say, eighth graders, but as the topic of my posts are primarily political, I'm not writing to eighth graders, so that doesn't bother me. Quite simply, my target audience does not include minors or adults who, as minors, failed to master the reading and cognitive skills taught to them in their K-12 school years.

  1. I don't generally check the readability of my posts, but when someone as grossly misconstrues as you have, I do. To use the tool at the link, simply copy and past the content of my earlier post into the tool. and click the "Process text" button. That site being free doesn't provide much to explain the various indices, so embedded in this sentence is a link to a document that does:
  2. Have you graduated from high school? If you haven't, I understand why you didn't comprehend my post and why you think I've alluded to your saying something you did not.

Wow! Did you copy and paste that? No? Well I might be mistaken. Perhaps you can read, and you just posted without actually reading mine.

So, maybe you will read and understand this then:

No American should care one bit about what polls say in other countries. As I correctly pointed out in another thread, they hate us and want to see us stripped of power and our wealth distributed. They will like anyone who works toward that goal and hate everyone who works against it. That is why they loved 0bama and hate Trump. Is that a little more understandable for you?
No American should care one bit about what polls say in other countries.

Quite simply: you are wrong and my post that you didn't comprehend explained why you are wrong. Period.

No, it did not. Your lies won't change that.
Are we still trying to give a shit what the world thinks? I thought that was over a long time ago.
We've always taken great pride in how the rest of the world views us. The United States was always the shining example on the hill. Now the world wonders what the hell went wrong electing an incompetent, knownothing, disgusting pig of a human being.

We never gave a damn what the world thinks

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Only the polled liberal dogshit hate trump. Anyone with any intellect at all knows he is the best thing this country has had in the last nine years.
First and foremost you're a very sick man.
Anyone with any kind of intellect or awareness knows this pussy grabber is the most despised man on the planet. He's embarrassed the USA more times in 6 months than all the presidents combined.
He's laughed at, mocked and ridiculed thruout the world and you don't even understand why. He's literally incapable of telling the truth.
You live in this perennial artificial bubble where reality never seeps in.
Everything you know is wrong. You have no facts, so all you can do is attack Trump personally.

You're a frikken bonehead.

No it's not wrong. Trump approval worldwide is lower than Putin and Xi. The whole world is laughing at us how smart Americans elected such a leader.
That's a fact.

With Trump showing all these kind of childish violent behavior you will expect Trump will be trash.


Donald Trump, who has always been conscious of ratings, may be about to get some troubling news.

A poll released today by Pew Research Center gauged global perceptions of the U.S. president, and the results aren't favorable for the man in the White House.

"Trump and many of his key policies are broadly unpopular around the globe, and ratings for the U.S. have declined steeply in many nations," according to the poll, an effort that spans 37 nations and has been used by Pew to track global opinion of the U.S. since 2002. In the opinion of most survey participants, the former reality star turned politician is "arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous."

The survey, which reached 40,447 respondents from Feb.16 to May 8, found the U.S. president is less popular than Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who also received low marks.

Trump is also less likable than former U.S. President Barack Obama – by a significant margin. A median of just 22 percent of respondents believe Trump would do the right thing in international affairs, while a median of 64 percent thought the same of Obama during the final years of his presidency. The global confidence in Trump is similar to or worse than that of President George W. Bush in his second term.

Yet Obama didn't do the right thing..


How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

Looks like Trump is doing his job. His job isn't to be popular with a bunch of countries that either hate us or want us to bail them out of their problems (not that the two sentiments are mutually exclusive).
I remember Republicans lied and said the rest of the world didn't respect Obama. Now that the world doesn't respect Trump, they don't care.

You all hold us Democrats up to a much higher standard.

When counties start taking over country's under trump.we can talk.


How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

Looks like Trump is doing his job. His job isn't to be popular with a bunch of countries that either hate us or want us to bail them out of their problems (not that the two sentiments are mutually exclusive).
I remember Republicans lied and said the rest of the world didn't respect Obama. Now that the world doesn't respect Trump, they don't care.

You all hold us Democrats up to a much higher standard.

I don't hold you Dems to any standards cuz you ain't got none.

But it is correct that the rest of the world didn't respect Obabble. They thought he was weak and played him like a fiddle.
They think Trump's stupid. I know you think stupid like a fox.
What that world-wide poll clearly shows, is what should ultimately be embarrassing to both Trump and his acolytes is this.....Russia seems to "love" him more than they loved Obama.....and one HAS to wonder why.......and Israel seem to "like" Trump a bit more than they liked Obama.......and THAT is it......

So, "Make Russia great again" would be a more apropos slogan to place on Trump's Chinese-made baseball caps.....

Because Trump is smart enough to realize that the Cold War is over and he is not living in the past.

THat's what you meant, right?

REALLY? If he is not living in the past and just look at in front of him that will be dumb. Don't you think? Remember it is NOT what he said it is what he do. Meaning he is a LIAR. You may want to read this link to update yourself. He is not a leader, politician a tactician or anything but a business man.
In order to end the Cold War----- Do you honestly believe Putin will give up his interest in Eastern Europe, Middle East, Afghanistan etc etc etc just for the sake of Trump? What happened to him if he did that after Trump is gone?

On the other hand -------- Do you honestly believe Trump will give up US interest to Russia? That is a very big question that I cannot answer because of his actions acting like a puppet of Putin.
That's the difference.

U.S. troops begin deployment across Eastern Europe, despite Donald Trump’s Russian comments | Toronto Star

1. The Cold War is actually OVER. The question is should we have another. My answer is FUCK NO.

2. In the absence of the Cold War, and the Soviet Union, Putin's interests in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan and even the ME, is not a problem for US. Russia is a declining nation, a rapidly declining nation and expanding an "empire" would only hasten it's decline.

3. What US interest in Russia?

4. None of his actions are that of a puppet. Stop taking bat shit crazy.
Trump is also less likable than former U.S. President Barack Obama – by a significant margin.
Not to me. That's what matters most to me, not the opinion of a jackass on the internet. What is it with you libtards anyway? You actually think people will drop their principles to goose step behind your opinion pollings? And no, the world was not polled and even then it doesn't say the whole world.

You have got to be playing games here, no one capable of logging onto a forum is this stupid.
In the absence of the Cold War, and the Soviet Union, Putin's interests in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan and even the ME, is not a problem for US. Russia is a declining nation, a rapidly declining nation and expanding an "empire" would only hasten it's decline.


The richest man in the world......Putin
The city with the most billionaires and millionaires......Moscow
Latest world-wide annexation of a chunk of another country........Ukraine's Crimea

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

Low confidence in ANYONE that CAN'T spell in 5 words a comment title! You know you can correct your headline.
In the absence of the Cold War, and the Soviet Union, Putin's interests in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan and even the ME, is not a problem for US. Russia is a declining nation, a rapidly declining nation and expanding an "empire" would only hasten it's decline.


The richest man in the world......Putin
The city with the most billionaires and millionaires......Moscow
Latest world-wide annexation of a chunk of another country........Ukraine's Crimea

Wow. The Crimea. That really shifts the global balance of power.



Here's where you are making a false assumption: that normal people care about the inside baseball "popularity" polls the elites who despise us conduct in order to justify their positions of power and privilege.

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

Looks like Trump is doing his job. His job isn't to be popular with a bunch of countries that either hate us or want us to bail them out of their problems (not that the two sentiments are mutually exclusive).
I remember Republicans lied and said the rest of the world didn't respect Obama. Now that the world doesn't respect Trump, they don't care.

You all hold us Democrats up to a much higher standard.

I don't hold you Dems to any standards cuz you ain't got none.

But it is correct that the rest of the world didn't respect Obabble. They thought he was weak and played him like a fiddle.
They think Trump's stupid. I know you think stupid like a fox.

He's savvy enough to play you loons like a fine fiddle.

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.

It's so awesome to watch this.
D.C. is no longer ran by spineless cowards afraid to the right thing...the free for all is over...Liberals continue pissing themselves and so do the rest of the dependent piece of shits of the world...hahaha
What that world-wide poll clearly shows, is what should ultimately be embarrassing to both Trump and his acolytes is this.....Russia seems to "love" him more than they loved Obama.....and one HAS to wonder why.......and Israel seem to "like" Trump a bit more than they liked Obama.......and THAT is it......

So, "Make Russia great again" would be a more apropos slogan to place on Trump's Chinese-made baseball caps.....

Because Trump is smart enough to realize that the Cold War is over and he is not living in the past.

THat's what you meant, right?

REALLY? If he is not living in the past and just look at in front of him that will be dumb. Don't you think? Remember it is NOT what he said it is what he do. Meaning he is a LIAR. You may want to read this link to update yourself. He is not a leader, politician a tactician or anything but a business man.
In order to end the Cold War----- Do you honestly believe Putin will give up his interest in Eastern Europe, Middle East, Afghanistan etc etc etc just for the sake of Trump? What happened to him if he did that after Trump is gone?

On the other hand -------- Do you honestly believe Trump will give up US interest to Russia? That is a very big question that I cannot answer because of his actions acting like a puppet of Putin.
That's the difference.

U.S. troops begin deployment across Eastern Europe, despite Donald Trump’s Russian comments | Toronto Star

1. The Cold War is actually OVER. The question is should we have another. My answer is FUCK NO.

2. In the absence of the Cold War, and the Soviet Union, Putin's interests in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan and even the ME, is not a problem for US. Russia is a declining nation, a rapidly declining nation and expanding an "empire" would only hasten it's decline.

3. What US interest in Russia?

4. None of his actions are that of a puppet. Stop taking bat shit crazy.

1. Your answer is No but who are you to say no when we have good numbers of US soldiers in Poland and other countries with impressive military gears.
2. Well Putin doesn't think that way. You should ask why his neighbors are scared to death of Putin asking help from US.
3. Very minor except Exxon. But Trump think there is a gold in Russia. Remember Russia is the major adversary of US not the ISIS.
4. If he is not a puppet why is Trump acting like one? Despite with all the evidence shown to him he still keep defending Putin against his own intelligence.
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Trump is also less likable than former U.S. President Barack Obama – by a significant margin.
Not to me. That's what matters most to me, not the opinion of a jackass on the internet. What is it with you libtards anyway? You actually think people will drop their principles to goose step behind your opinion pollings? And no, the world was not polled and even then it doesn't say the whole world.

You have got to be playing games here, no one capable of logging onto a forum is this stupid.

All you have to do is read the link stupid.
China is utterly terrified that there MIGHT be an US president who might do something about their predatory trade.

Yeah.....Trump's appeal to china to hold back NK's belligerence certainly "worked"....sure, China is "utterly terrified"........LOL

China is heavily dependent on the massive trade surplus with the US to prop up their shitty country.

Of course they are terrified.

Not really... China is safe, Trump is not driving up prices by starting a trade war...

The right is so stupid when it comes to global economics... They truly think for they to win someone else must loose...

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