Low Confidence in Trump Wordwide

America First!!!!
Fuck the rest of the world,they need us more than we need them.

The rest of the world is moving at light speed compared to us technology wise...
The world wants electric cars...

Trump and Rick Perry are big on coal....
Look forward to Perry announcing plans for coal powered cars.
America First!!!!
Fuck the rest of the world,they need us more than we need them.

The rest of the world is moving at light speed compared to us technology wise...
The world wants electric cars...

Trump and Rick Perry are big on coal....
Look forward to Perry announcing plans for coal powered cars

Where did they get Rick Perry to be in charge of energy. The other day he said the law of supply and demand is... if you increase supply it will create demand.

This man shouldn't be trusted with the television remote.
America First!!!!
Fuck the rest of the world,they need us more than we need them.

The rest of the world is moving at light speed compared to us technology wise...
The world wants electric cars...

Trump and Rick Perry are big on coal....
Look forward to Perry announcing plans for coal powered cars.
We have them now, genius. And you have to plug them into an electrical socket to make them go putput. Coal powers some electrical and libtards make nuclear difficult or impossible in many areas.
America First!!!!
Fuck the rest of the world,they need us more than we need them.

The rest of the world is moving at light speed compared to us technology wise...
The world wants electric cars...

Trump and Rick Perry are big on coal....
Look forward to Perry announcing plans for coal powered cars

Where did they get Rick Perry to be in charge of energy. The other day he said the law of supply and demand is... if you increase supply it will create demand.

This man shouldn't be trusted with the television remote.
You shouldn't be trusted with a keyboard. What was the demand for smart phones before they were invented?

How does an American president do in five months what in two terms his predecessors, thankfully, did not? Even widely despised Bush II didn't get to just 22% confidence.

The chart above doesn't tell the whole story.
  • "In terms of personal characteristics, Trump is seen by most publics around the world as arrogant, intolerant and even dangerous. At the same time, he is seen by sizable percentages as a strong leader."
What's especially disconcerting about the survey results is that the lack of confidence comes from our allies. Our most significant adversaries, of course, are thrilled with Trump....and why shouldn't they be? He goes easy on them.
They are not confident they will be able to butt fuck the US under Trump as they were able to do under Obama. The free ride is over.
I have low confidence in Trump but then again I have low confidence in every politician...... in every country...... worldwide....... :eusa_whistle:

Actually most of our significant adversaries were ecstatic under Obama's speak softly but carry a wet noodle policy as it allowed them to make inroads into sphere's of influence that were once exclusively ours.

The drones used to attack command and control were "wet noodles"?

Would you'd have preferred sending our troops into harms way knowing that suicide bombers, IED's and turncoats within our allies forces killed and maimed thousands of our troops in Iraq?
1. The Cold War is actually OVER. The question is should we have another. My answer is FUCK NO.

2. In the absence of the Cold War, and the Soviet Union, Putin's interests in Eastern Europe and Afghanistan and even the ME, is not a problem for US. Russia is a declining nation, a rapidly declining nation and expanding an "empire" would only hasten it's decline.

3. What US interest in Russia?

4. None of his actions are that of a puppet. Stop taking bat shit crazy.

1. Your answer is No but who are you to say no when we have good numbers of US soldiers in Poland and other countries with impressive military gears.
2. Well Putin doesn't think that way. You should ask why his neighbors are scared to death of Putin asking help from US.
3. Very minor except Exxon. But Trump think there is a gold in Russia. Remember Russia is the major adversary of US not the ISIS.
4. If he is not a puppet why is Trump acting like one? Despite with all the evidence shown to him he still keep defending Putin against his own intelligence.

1. During the Cold War, we normally had a quarter millions American troops stationed in West Germany. How many do we have now in POland?

The Cold War is over.

2. Putin does think that way, because he has a good idea of the limits of Russian power.

3.a. Agreed, no major interests.

3b. Trump wants good relations with Russia. Russia is not major adversary.

4. Because the Deep State are a bunch of assholes who don't like having to share the government with an outsider. Fuck them.

1. So why are we sending more troops and heavy military equipment in that region?
2. Nah...... Putin invaded Ukraine that is why his neighbors are nervous.
3. No major interest but Trump think there are like we need more oil.
4. That is sad. Instead of relying his own intelligence----- Instead he is against defending Putin. Who in the world will do that?

1. I asked you how many troops we have in Poland, compared to the quarter million we had in west germany in the cold war. You did not answer.

2. The Ukraine, which he did not conquer, is not rebuilding the soviet union. It could have been a start on rebuilding a slightly Greater Russia, but the Ukraine remains unconquered. The Crimea is not a major shift in the balance of power.

3. Link to support your claim.

4. NOthing in your response addresses my answer to your previous question. THus my point stands as the final point.

Because the Deep State are a bunch of assholes who don't like having to share the government with an outsider. Fuck them.

1. Number of US troops doesn't mean that much because those countries are now better prepared to defend themselves compared to during the Cold War. Before you will expect that US troops will be in the front lines. Not this time. If the Cold War is over then we should not be sending $ billions of arms and thousands soldiers protecting those countries.
A good example is fighting ISIS in Iraq. Iraqis are in the front lines not US troops.
2. Putin invaded Ukraine plain and simple.
3. Really? Trump is asking for exemption from the sanctions for Exxon so he can drill in Russia.
4. I stand the same. It's very loud and clear that Trump insulted his own intelligence by siding with his master Putin. In his speech alone at G20 summit he keep defending Putin. He is a puppet. That's the reality.
Are you talking about Trump/Kobach commission? Of the 50 states 44 rejected Trump request------ they say fuck Trump.

1. Got it. IN your mind, 1000 troops is just as much a sign of commitment and concern as 250,000. Your position is absurd and dismissed. The Cold War is over.

2. Sort of. And he flipped the Crimea and a few hundred square miles on the border. That is not rebuilding the Soviet Union. Your panic mongering is absurd and dismissed.

3. Wow. Nice link btw.

4. NOthing in your response addresses my answer to your previous question. THus my point stands as the final point.

Because the Deep State are a bunch of assholes who don't like having to share the government with an outsider. Fuck them.
America First!!!!
Fuck the rest of the world,they need us more than we need them.

The rest of the world is moving at light speed compared to us technology wise...
The world wants electric cars...

Trump and Rick Perry are big on coal....
Look forward to Perry announcing plans for coal powered cars.

Link for your first wild claim...
I have low confidence in Trump but then again I have low confidence in every politician...... in every country...... worldwide....... :eusa_whistle:

Actually most of our significant adversaries were ecstatic under Obama's speak softly but carry a wet noodle policy as it allowed them to make inroads into sphere's of influence that were once exclusively ours.

The drones used to attack command and control were "wet noodles"?

Would you'd have preferred sending our troops into harms way knowing that suicide bombers, IED's and turncoats within our allies forces killed and maimed thousands of our troops in Iraq?
As usual you find a couple of examples to bolster your fantasy as well as incorrectly assuming I meant he should have sent in troops in a couple of specific areas. You do realize that global politics is global and not confined to the ME? Right? Do you honestly believe that the only show of strength is to send in troops or bomb?
While Obama did have some limited successes even many of his foreign policy apologists state that over all his FP approach was a failure. The surge, the so called Arab Spring, the Crimea, Chinese influence expansion into Africa, Russian expansion into Syria and most importantly his laudable but completely stupid attempt to put a kinder, gentler face on Machiavelian world politics, to change it into something more closely resembling his ideology. The problem with that is everyone else has to play along and that didn't happen, China, Iran and Russia all saw it as weakness and took advantage while our allies who were giving positive lip service to his approach but were deeply concerned behind closed doors.
Stop being an ideologue and look at reality for once in your life.
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His accomplishments whatever that is are overwhelmed by self inflicted wounds, lies, ignorance, thuggery, bullying, hypocrite and more lies and more lies. Like a little kid always doing something dumb.
It's not only the liberals blasting Trump several GOPs are also speaking against Trump immaturity. How difficult is that for you to wake up?

We are also in the brink of war.
I like what he's done so far, your ignorance/denial/stupidity isn't someone else's problem. The manchild Obama was very immature and I didn't like anything he did. Your opinion doesn't steamroll right over reality and what's important to others. Sorry that it needed explaining to you.

You don't care about my opinion? Ask me me if I care.
Trump popularity here and overseas are the lowest and worst ever in history of America. I know you are low class poor citizen but I just want to tell you that.
If he keep going that way he is doing right now dividing America ------He will end up the most hated president in US history.
Remember what I told you he only won 63 millions votes------ that number of supporters are fastly dwindling. So you better brace yourself.
BTW Obama' popularity here and overseas is very impressive. Right not Trump cannot come close to Obama's decency, IQ, leadership style and role model as a president.
Trump? Nah

Wipe the foaming off you mouth and drink more toilet water.

You may want to consider working on your English skills....long before suggesting someone else is low class.

I put 2 assholes on permanent ignore because of insults and I have not seen them since.
This is the problem when assholes like you and your buddy cannot come with honest and good rebuttal -------- followed by insults.
Projection. You say stupid shit, insult people when they call you on it and pretend they couldn't respond. Not only are you the asshole here, you are one of the dumber assholes here.

Lucky you, you may be close to a permanent ignore.
America First!!!!
Fuck the rest of the world,they need us more than we need them.

The rest of the world is moving at light speed compared to us technology wise...
The world wants electric cars...

Trump and Rick Perry are big on coal....
Look forward to Perry announcing plans for coal powered cars.

Great, and where do you think electricity comes from...the electric fairy.
I like what he's done so far, your ignorance/denial/stupidity isn't someone else's problem. The manchild Obama was very immature and I didn't like anything he did. Your opinion doesn't steamroll right over reality and what's important to others. Sorry that it needed explaining to you.

You don't care about my opinion? Ask me me if I care.
Trump popularity here and overseas are the lowest and worst ever in history of America. I know you are low class poor citizen but I just want to tell you that.
If he keep going that way he is doing right now dividing America ------He will end up the most hated president in US history.
Remember what I told you he only won 63 millions votes------ that number of supporters are fastly dwindling. So you better brace yourself.
BTW Obama' popularity here and overseas is very impressive. Right not Trump cannot come close to Obama's decency, IQ, leadership style and role model as a president.
Trump? Nah

Wipe the foaming off you mouth and drink more toilet water.

You may want to consider working on your English skills....long before suggesting someone else is low class.

I put 2 assholes on permanent ignore because of insults and I have not seen them since.
This is the problem when assholes like you and your buddy cannot come with honest and good rebuttal -------- followed by insults.
Projection. You say stupid shit, insult people when they call you on it and pretend they couldn't respond. Not only are you the asshole here, you are one of the dumber assholes here.

Lucky you, you may be close to a permanent ignore.
I'm trying.
America First!!!!
Fuck the rest of the world,they need us more than we need them.

The rest of the world is moving at light speed compared to us technology wise...
The world wants electric cars...

Trump and Rick Perry are big on coal....
Look forward to Perry announcing plans for coal powered cars.

Great, and where do you think electricity comes from...the electric fairy.
From the wall socket, dummy!
America First!!!!
Fuck the rest of the world,they need us more than we need them.

If the rest of the world is afraid Trump is going to stop the US from playing sugar daddy to the rest of the world, why would they have confidence in the guy?

Fuck each and every one of them right up their asses.

I dont give a flying piss in the wind what they try to think.
I have low confidence in Trump but then again I have low confidence in every politician...... in every country...... worldwide....... :eusa_whistle:

Actually most of our significant adversaries were ecstatic under Obama's speak softly but carry a wet noodle policy as it allowed them to make inroads into sphere's of influence that were once exclusively ours.

The drones used to attack command and control were "wet noodles"?

Would you'd have preferred sending our troops into harms way knowing that suicide bombers, IED's and turncoats within our allies forces killed and maimed thousands of our troops in Iraq?
As usual you find a couple of examples to bolster your fantasy as well as incorrectly assuming I meant he should have sent in troops in a couple of specific areas. You do realize that global politics is global and not confined to the ME? Right? Do you honestly believe that the only show of strength is to send in troops or bomb?
While Obama did have some limited successes even many of his foreign policy apologists state that over all his FP approach was a failure. The surge, the so called Arab Spring, the Crimea, Chinese influence expansion into Africa, Russian expansion into Syria and most importantly his laudable but completely stupid attempt to put a kinder, gentler face on Machiavelian world politics, to change it into something more closely resembling his ideology. The problem with that is everyone else has to play along and that didn't happen, China, Iran and Russia all saw it as weakness and took advantage while our allies who were giving positive lip service to his approach but were deeply concerned behind closed doors.
Stop being an ideologue and look at reality for once in your life.

Ah ha, the Realpolitik. First, let's define it:

"a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations."

For the moment can we can agree with this limited but not comprehensive definition?

Given the failures in Vietnam, and in Iraq, is it practical to once again put our treasure and blood on the line in the ME? Or in Korea or Asia in general?

Trump's bombastic, atavistic and inconsistent foreign policy does not reflect the Realpolitik; Obama's did. One more very critical thing - Obama made mistakes and learned from them; Trump makes mistakes and blames others for them.
Trump's speech in Poland and his handling of the G20 Summit were very impressive. It will disappoint the Leftards to see the rest of the world's increasing respect for Trump. And it is so good to have a non-wussified non-wimp President after 8 years of the Feckless Obabble.
Trump's speech in Poland and his handling of the G20 Summit were very impressive. It will disappoint the Leftards to see the rest of the world's increasing respect for Trump. And it is so good to have a non-wussified non-wimp President after 8 years of the Feckless Obabble.

Please post evidence that the world's nation's have respect for Donald Trump. This nation doesn't.

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