Low Confidence in Trump Wordwide

Another full of shit cobbled up thread by the leftist bullshit pump. When are you people going to get the IDEA >>>> TRUMP is here to stay, or you are all in serious trouble if anything happens to remove him HELL is going to look good to the stupid piles of shit who do it and all who support them. The world is trying to push this country down to their level. The last shit in a suit did a pretty good job of helping them drag us much lower. Fortunately they are watching themselves be lowered much faster and further than all of the dragging down they and shit in a suit could accomplish. I don't expect them to shout hoorraahhh for the USA, they NEVER have!! they just took as much as they could graft from us and laughed at how stupid the shit in a suit was. I would hazard a guess that Israel is much more satisfied with Trump, and probably is investigating every aspect of the dimshit scum.
Keep making cuts to bullshit programs and globalist assholes. Fuck what other people think. You think they care what we think about them?
So for the first time in history we don't care what the rest of the world thinks?
That's your standard meme when everybody hates Trump.

Only the polled liberal dogshit hate trump. Anyone with any intellect at all knows he is the best thing this country has had in the last nine years.
His base would stand by him if he was caught on video Sanduskying a 15 year old boy.
The rest of our country and the world has seen up close and personal how he's totally unfit for this job.
Are we still trying to give a shit what the world thinks? I thought that was over a long time ago.
Only the polled liberal dogshit hate trump. Anyone with any intellect at all knows he is the best thing this country has had in the last nine years.
First and foremost you're a very sick man.
Anyone with any kind of intellect or awareness knows this pussy grabber is the most despised man on the planet. He's embarrassed the USA more times in 6 months than all the presidents combined.
He's laughed at, mocked and ridiculed thruout the world and you don't even understand why. He's literally incapable of telling the truth.
You live in this perennial artificial bubble where reality never seeps in.
With Orange Jesus tweeting him beating up a photoshopped gif of CNN, who can understand why the rest of the world - and America other than his poorly educated base - has low confidence in Orange Jesus?
Are we still trying to give a shit what the world thinks? I thought that was over a long time ago.
We've always taken great pride in how the rest of the world views us. The United States was always the shining example on the hill. Now the world wonders what the hell went wrong electing an incompetent, knownothing, disgusting pig of a human being.
How exactly was this "poll" carried out? Door to door? Phone calls using the global phone book? Oh, maybe the internet, always reliable all the time.
2nd - even the skewed numbers have Trump well received in Israel & that is really all that matters

Yeah........the above........with the placing of an Orthodox Jew in charge of bringing peace with the Palestinians, shows "true U.S. leadership." in that region.....LOL
don't forget Jarred was also given the responsibility of ending the opioid crisis among 8 other duties.
Shows the wonderful judgement of DT.
How exactly was this "poll" carried out? Door to door? Phone calls using the global phone book? Oh, maybe the internet, always reliable all the time.

They only had to call world leaders, like Britain, France, Germany, China, Australia, etc.
don't forget Jarred was also given the responsibility of ending the opioid crisis among 8 other duties.
Shows the wonderful judgement of DT.

....and how could "poor Jarred" do all these things while begging for millions from Russian bankers......Oh, the travesty of it all......
Are we still trying to give a shit what the world thinks? I thought that was over a long time ago.

diplomacy withered and fell off the vine with 43, and became dipshitery.
Diplomacy has always been a joke, and it always will be. There's no such thing as successful diplomacy without a fleet of B52's to encourage the other party to settle.
How exactly was this "poll" carried out? Door to door? Phone calls using the global phone book? Oh, maybe the internet, always reliable all the time.

They only had to call world leaders, like Britain, France, Germany, China, Australia, etc.
How does that work? They called Putin and he approved 53%?

That's the problem. Trump is alienating our long held allies.

What's the downside of that? Nothing.
Are we still trying to give a shit what the world thinks? I thought that was over a long time ago.
We've always taken great pride in how the rest of the world views us. The United States was always the shining example on the hill. Now the world wonders what the hell went wrong electing an incompetent, knownothing, disgusting pig of a human being.
Under Obama America was a perfect example of a sucker.

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